Hello bloggers,
Well, this old girl has gone and done it. I handed in my membership application and my cheque! Now its up to them if I am up to their standards!
There were a few more ppl here today, more than last week when the snow was still thick and crunchy on the ground. The coach explained who was taking the leads in each group and the leaders all said where they were going, how far and how fast they would be running. I was waiting patiently for the coach to say that he will be taking the newly enlisted on a 13.30 min miles over such and such a distance. Boy was I pleased when I head that he was still going to do that!
Not only that but they will again split and the slower group with go with yet another group leader while those who feel they can go that little bit faster (and further) can go with the coach!
I did try to keep up with the other group. I did my usual thing of starting up with the coach and then falling back. But this time the group was only small, because some of the newbies had already gone up to group 1, so I was running not in the middle of the pack but with the slower starters! But when we got to the place where there were two groups I was already behind anyway. But from there on, it was just the two of us, the leader of the slow group and me!
I really did try very hard to just keep moving, and we were chatting on parts of the run so I knew, I knew I could keep running, but the doubts crept into my mind, 'Old girl, have you noticed your the only one in this slowest of the slowest group in this running club?' This really did play on my mind, and another thought popped into my mind 'Will they want a slow slow runner like you bringing them down old girl?' I was feeling slightly demoralised by my thoughts today. I am desperate to join this club, I need to keep running with people especially in the winter months. 'They won't want an old slow couch potato like you'
That's it! Got to keep running, keep chatting to the group leader or I should be saying running buddy as there are only the two of us here! I just tried to keep on running, I think I may have stopped a couple of more times on route. I am so glad she stayed with me, I hadn't a clue where I was! I kept seeing places that I recognised and then turning off and going somewhere else!
The fastest of the slower group had gone from our sight now, they were also going to go on a slightly longer run than me and running club buddy were going. We carried on chatting, and she was telling me that next week they will be meeting up earlier because they will all be meeting up for drinks after in the near by wine bar. Not only because its Christmas but because they also have prize giving and also to draw who will be running in the next London Marathon! Apparently all affiliated clubs get so many places for so club members, and those who want a chance to run in it have to put their names down for a draw (as long as other criteria is met) Now that does sound like fun (the drinkies not the marathon draw) and it will be a great way to meet all the other running members and to put my face out there, in the light so to speak.
I digress again! So it was just the two of us, running at my pace, not pushing my self. And the I noticed where were were, we were nearly back at the rec. Not far now, just cross over the road and we are nearly there. The church was just behind us now. I had no idea of the route we took, I don't even think I can remember even I tried to plot it out on Map My Run! We had gone one way out of the rec, and turned some corners, and came on to a road I recognised, and then we did this circle and carried on running back from where we had just come from, 'in a lollipop' shape so my running buddy said. But then we ran past the road when we had come from, the beginning of the 'stick' part of the lollipop. I had no idea where I had just ran, but right then, when I saw the church I knew were we were and had a renewed bit of energy to run even better that I had been doing.
It was here that I told my new running buddy that had I been running with my friend she would have nagged me something stupid! I can just hear her now 'No stopping, come on, move, only a couple of minutes and we will be there' New running buddy said "Ah, so that's what I should have been doing!" Why did I have to tell her that!
But seeing the sign for the recreation ground helped me to put a slight speed on, I didn't know if the other group would be back by now, or indeed the other groups, if they would be back, but running buddy said that we need to run now, but I was already on my toes! We turned into the drive of the grounds and of course I slowed down! Its so darn dark! I cant see where I am treading! But as we approached the building where we all meet up we notice that we are the first group back!
Not long after that another group came in behind, I believe it was group 1, with the newbies who had 'gone up' a group, and then the other half of the group that I was in came in next!
All in all everyone had a great run, although there was one accident, one lady had tripped on what was probably wire packaging, she had managed to get both feet into a circle of this wire and and tripped up and came crashing down on her face! Now most people (including me) would be sitting around waiting for ambulances and the air ambulance to fly to the nearest hospital, but after only a short rest and a short walk, she RAN BACK TO THE REC WHERE SHE HAD PARKED HER CAR Now there is dedication for you! A true runner!
I had a great run today, not the fastest, and about 3.5 miles in distance, and I think around about 44 to 45 minutes run. I handed in my application to the coach. Now, just sit back and wait, wait to find out if I am fit enough to carry on running with these guys.
I am loving running. I can say that with almost true conviction. After all, if I didn't love it, then I wouldn't still be writing this blog, right? So dive in, enjoy the ramblings of my open diary.
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Sunday, 12 December 2010
The Big Melt!
Hi blogges!
I know the kids now days have 'nicked' the word 'melt' as a cuss for their homies, and my husband thinks its a name for a tasty cheeseburger, but I am pleased with the big melt. It means I could go on a longer run ,now that there is no snow on the paths, that I have done in while!!
It felt good (well of course I mean after I have done the run i felt good) to get out and run again. The pavements were clear, the sun was trying to break through, and I had set my alarm to get me up early enough before church, to get out and have a cobweb blasting run this morning.
It was nice and warm in my big bed, the alarm 'yelling' at me to get out, and my head saying to me "Why are you doing this?" But I know my heart and every fibre in my body is saying, "Go on old girl get out there, run, its good for you"
So with my head still telling me its bloomin crazy going out running during winter, I reluctantly searched my wardrobe for some running clothes. All ready now, I check on the time just before I leave. My IPOD still not charged up and I am not bothering with that silly stopwatch thing the old boy gave me, I want to know how much 'damage' not running as done to this old girls fitness level.
It was quite chilly out, but I knew, once I got warmed up I wouldn't even notice it. I set off, and again old couch potato head telling me that is ludicrous to be out here running at 8:49 on a Sunday morning in the chilly air! And I was even thinking that maybe because I haven't been out properly for a while then I should just do the very short run again.
I tried to put thoughts like that behind me, and just concentrate on good things. Things like, well at least I am out here doing something, and I can do this, anyone can run, but not everyone keeps it up! At lease I am keeping it up, and I can do this if I put my mind to it!
As I was running I got to as far as the first mile and then slowed to a walking pace, I heard voices behind me and I turned around and saw two runners on the other side of the road. Well, I just had to run again. And I was quite pleased that I was running because in the opposite direction was another runner heading towards me. A quick nod to each other and onwards.
I managed to get as far as Turp before I slowed down to a walking pace again. And I decided to walk a little further. Walk for about 3 or 4 minutes. And then tackle the second half of the run and try and run for as long as possible.
As I was heading back up Southborough Lane I started to 'enjoy' the run! I know its strange, but I felt a smile on my face as I was heading towards the last mile. And I also saw the runner that I passed earlier, he was on the other side of the road now, and he was walking! I was quite pleased that when I say him I was still running! Again we nodded and I ran on.
The run went quite quickly, but I do remember telling myself off for walking yet again when I was down Oxhawth, but once I got onto Faringdon I had my 'no stopping head' on. But that's when old couch potato head raised her lazy head again. "Old girl, slow down, no one will be up this time on a Sunday, walk for goodness sake" Just because I haven't been out for a run for a long time I am not going to slow to a walking pace now, not while I am on my manor!
On and on, turn the corner and on to my road. I didn't have enough left to finish in style well, maybe I had just a tad left, and I bolted up my path to my house.
Fumble for the key to go and check on the time. 09:33, oh wow, I wished I was good at maths, so, I started off at 08:49, add that to that, take off that, borrow that and the leaves...........erm..... 44 mins?? yeah, I think that's right
Well, not the best, but I am very happy that I am getting out there still!
I know the kids now days have 'nicked' the word 'melt' as a cuss for their homies, and my husband thinks its a name for a tasty cheeseburger, but I am pleased with the big melt. It means I could go on a longer run ,now that there is no snow on the paths, that I have done in while!!
It felt good (well of course I mean after I have done the run i felt good) to get out and run again. The pavements were clear, the sun was trying to break through, and I had set my alarm to get me up early enough before church, to get out and have a cobweb blasting run this morning.
It was nice and warm in my big bed, the alarm 'yelling' at me to get out, and my head saying to me "Why are you doing this?" But I know my heart and every fibre in my body is saying, "Go on old girl get out there, run, its good for you"
So with my head still telling me its bloomin crazy going out running during winter, I reluctantly searched my wardrobe for some running clothes. All ready now, I check on the time just before I leave. My IPOD still not charged up and I am not bothering with that silly stopwatch thing the old boy gave me, I want to know how much 'damage' not running as done to this old girls fitness level.
It was quite chilly out, but I knew, once I got warmed up I wouldn't even notice it. I set off, and again old couch potato head telling me that is ludicrous to be out here running at 8:49 on a Sunday morning in the chilly air! And I was even thinking that maybe because I haven't been out properly for a while then I should just do the very short run again.
I tried to put thoughts like that behind me, and just concentrate on good things. Things like, well at least I am out here doing something, and I can do this, anyone can run, but not everyone keeps it up! At lease I am keeping it up, and I can do this if I put my mind to it!
As I was running I got to as far as the first mile and then slowed to a walking pace, I heard voices behind me and I turned around and saw two runners on the other side of the road. Well, I just had to run again. And I was quite pleased that I was running because in the opposite direction was another runner heading towards me. A quick nod to each other and onwards.
I managed to get as far as Turp before I slowed down to a walking pace again. And I decided to walk a little further. Walk for about 3 or 4 minutes. And then tackle the second half of the run and try and run for as long as possible.
As I was heading back up Southborough Lane I started to 'enjoy' the run! I know its strange, but I felt a smile on my face as I was heading towards the last mile. And I also saw the runner that I passed earlier, he was on the other side of the road now, and he was walking! I was quite pleased that when I say him I was still running! Again we nodded and I ran on.
The run went quite quickly, but I do remember telling myself off for walking yet again when I was down Oxhawth, but once I got onto Faringdon I had my 'no stopping head' on. But that's when old couch potato head raised her lazy head again. "Old girl, slow down, no one will be up this time on a Sunday, walk for goodness sake" Just because I haven't been out for a run for a long time I am not going to slow to a walking pace now, not while I am on my manor!
On and on, turn the corner and on to my road. I didn't have enough left to finish in style well, maybe I had just a tad left, and I bolted up my path to my house.
Fumble for the key to go and check on the time. 09:33, oh wow, I wished I was good at maths, so, I started off at 08:49, add that to that, take off that, borrow that and the leaves...........erm..... 44 mins?? yeah, I think that's right
Well, not the best, but I am very happy that I am getting out there still!
Friday, 10 December 2010
A Solo Run!
Hi bloggers.
Yes I nice sedate calm, slippery solo jog for this old girl today. All my parcels have been delivered so no excuse to sit in and wait! New running buddy I think is doing her own thing, maybe the gentle walk she had with me a couple of weeks ago was just not enough to get the blood pumping through her veins.
I was going to do my usual run of about 3.4 miles, but the pavements are just still at least two to three inch thick packed ice and snow. I managed to run on the roads around my estate, but when it came to the main road of course I had to use the pavements, car drivers seem to tolerate old girls running and walking on the little side roads, but I don't think they will be quite as tolerant if I were to run up the main roads!
I set the stop watch that the old boy had given me and set off. Do you know, it don't feel as cold as it looks at there. All that snow and ice, you would think it would feel like the inside of your freezer wouldn't you! I thought I would do a good time. And I really did think the the pavements on the main roads would be clear!
On the roads then, they are not to bad, no ice, just snow drifts that had fallen in the road and had gotten squished by the cars, so I had to detour around them. My calve still aching from the Tuesday run with the PWR, and all that snow running! But once I had warmed up I didn't notice it at all.
Its amazing how long it takes and how hard it is to be able to run a certain distance, and how quickly it is to lose some of your fitness if you don't continue to run! Just looking at my run or training, on Tuesday. The distance wasn't a great distance, but the fact that I had maybe just once run in two weeks it really did show! But today, I had that in mind. I thought "Old girl, you are not going to break any records today, and hopefully you wont break any bones out here on the ice, so just be thankful that you're out here doing this and just running for a short while"........ I really do think these things! I didn't bring my ipod with me, I needed to concentrate on traffic behind me as I was running in the middle of the road.
I get to the main road, and so therefore had to use the pavements. Now some parts of the pavements were clear, (Kind conscientious householders keeping them clear) and some were like I had said, two or three inch packed ice and snow! So I was running then walking, then running then walking. I ran a little two fast at one point and ran on to the ice and slid across for about a foot! It was probably the fast I had traveled today!
I managed to get as far as the pub using this walking on the ice and running on the clear, but I looked ahead where I need to run and I just knew that it was just impossible to run in these conditions. I chose to run down through the park, at least I can run on the grass, crunch my way through the snow, reminiscence of Tuesdays paarluufs relay. Then I remembered how my calves were aching after running in the snow. But, strangely I was looking forward to more aches as then I know that I have worked out!.
Turn down Parkfield Way and trying to find a clear bit of path down here is impossible. So back on to the road! But this is a very quite road. The gritter ignores places like this, not many travel down here so the ice is packed on the road as well. I gingerly picked my way around the ice, 'Ooops-ing' with each slip I had. I finally made it to the park and crunchy 'safer' snow. It was going to be a slow time, but who worries about that in conditions like this. The fact that I am out should be reward enough.
Finally through the park and back on to the clear road. Thank goodness I live on a bus route! Only then do I check the stop watch. ARRGGHH!! Stupid stopwatch. I was concentrating so much on staying up right and not landing flat on my backside that at some point I had pushed the set and reset buttons. ARRRGGGHH But, like I said, just being out running is reward enough.
So on down the road. Parallel to 'The road that I don't stop on' so this too has be the same. On and on. I am feeling good, well I should do really, well rested legs, and less that a two mile run, I should get back and look like all those girls that go running in full makeup!!
Turning down my road now, hello to the neighbours as I run past, they are looking at me as if I am totally crazy to be out running, and then crunch my way up the path to my house. Of course I don't look like those made up ladies, I look a complete mess again, sweaty, but not as bad as some days, and my hair still stuck to my forehead! But a huge smile on my face.
Oh yes, this girl is a proper runner!! Slow, yes, I will give you that, but no other hobby runner goes out in ice and snow just to run!!
Yes I nice sedate calm, slippery solo jog for this old girl today. All my parcels have been delivered so no excuse to sit in and wait! New running buddy I think is doing her own thing, maybe the gentle walk she had with me a couple of weeks ago was just not enough to get the blood pumping through her veins.
I was going to do my usual run of about 3.4 miles, but the pavements are just still at least two to three inch thick packed ice and snow. I managed to run on the roads around my estate, but when it came to the main road of course I had to use the pavements, car drivers seem to tolerate old girls running and walking on the little side roads, but I don't think they will be quite as tolerant if I were to run up the main roads!
I set the stop watch that the old boy had given me and set off. Do you know, it don't feel as cold as it looks at there. All that snow and ice, you would think it would feel like the inside of your freezer wouldn't you! I thought I would do a good time. And I really did think the the pavements on the main roads would be clear!
On the roads then, they are not to bad, no ice, just snow drifts that had fallen in the road and had gotten squished by the cars, so I had to detour around them. My calve still aching from the Tuesday run with the PWR, and all that snow running! But once I had warmed up I didn't notice it at all.
Its amazing how long it takes and how hard it is to be able to run a certain distance, and how quickly it is to lose some of your fitness if you don't continue to run! Just looking at my run or training, on Tuesday. The distance wasn't a great distance, but the fact that I had maybe just once run in two weeks it really did show! But today, I had that in mind. I thought "Old girl, you are not going to break any records today, and hopefully you wont break any bones out here on the ice, so just be thankful that you're out here doing this and just running for a short while"........ I really do think these things! I didn't bring my ipod with me, I needed to concentrate on traffic behind me as I was running in the middle of the road.
I get to the main road, and so therefore had to use the pavements. Now some parts of the pavements were clear, (Kind conscientious householders keeping them clear) and some were like I had said, two or three inch packed ice and snow! So I was running then walking, then running then walking. I ran a little two fast at one point and ran on to the ice and slid across for about a foot! It was probably the fast I had traveled today!
I managed to get as far as the pub using this walking on the ice and running on the clear, but I looked ahead where I need to run and I just knew that it was just impossible to run in these conditions. I chose to run down through the park, at least I can run on the grass, crunch my way through the snow, reminiscence of Tuesdays paarluufs relay. Then I remembered how my calves were aching after running in the snow. But, strangely I was looking forward to more aches as then I know that I have worked out!.
Turn down Parkfield Way and trying to find a clear bit of path down here is impossible. So back on to the road! But this is a very quite road. The gritter ignores places like this, not many travel down here so the ice is packed on the road as well. I gingerly picked my way around the ice, 'Ooops-ing' with each slip I had. I finally made it to the park and crunchy 'safer' snow. It was going to be a slow time, but who worries about that in conditions like this. The fact that I am out should be reward enough.
Finally through the park and back on to the clear road. Thank goodness I live on a bus route! Only then do I check the stop watch. ARRGGHH!! Stupid stopwatch. I was concentrating so much on staying up right and not landing flat on my backside that at some point I had pushed the set and reset buttons. ARRRGGGHH But, like I said, just being out running is reward enough.
So on down the road. Parallel to 'The road that I don't stop on' so this too has be the same. On and on. I am feeling good, well I should do really, well rested legs, and less that a two mile run, I should get back and look like all those girls that go running in full makeup!!
Turning down my road now, hello to the neighbours as I run past, they are looking at me as if I am totally crazy to be out running, and then crunch my way up the path to my house. Of course I don't look like those made up ladies, I look a complete mess again, sweaty, but not as bad as some days, and my hair still stuck to my forehead! But a huge smile on my face.
Oh yes, this girl is a proper runner!! Slow, yes, I will give you that, but no other hobby runner goes out in ice and snow just to run!!
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Am I Totally Mad..... YES!!!
Bloggees, hello, how are you all?
Well its been I while, I bet you all though that I had gone into hibernation. Well, I could quite have easily gone into the loony bin! I was just about stir crazy stuck in doors!
Today I went running with the running club, well I shall use the word 'running' loosely when I talk about me, but the other members all done brilliantly!
Its the first time I have been out, ever, running in icy snowy freezing conditions as it was tonight. I was desperate to get out and run, and if couldn't have got my car out, I would have walked! But I did manage to get it out!
I arrived at the recreation ground in plenty of time, and mingled about until the coach explained what was going to happen this evening. He said that we shall do two laps of the rec for a warm up and then we were going to do 'paarluufs relay X 200 metres.'....... I bet your expression is the same as mine was, when I read that on the clubs web page "What in the running world is that" I was all ears as coach explained.
We were to get into groups of 3, each group shall have number 1, 2 and 3. Number 2 shall walk half way round the 400 meters rec and then wait there until number 1 runs there, then number 2 shall run the rest of the way to the beginning to let number 3 run around and then let number 1 run to the beginning, etc etc, and we will be doing this for 40 mins, that's right, 40 mins!
Of course being the newbie and not knowing anyone and turning up by myself, I didn't have a group, so coach kindly put me with some not so fast runners! (So he said!)
So as soon as the number 2's were in position coach said "right now off you go", I was an additional no.1 so I just kept an eye of the young lad that I had to run alongside. Well, I tried! He took off, I just stumbled along the snow covered green, crunching my way round, desperately trying to stay upright! The young lad was a blurr. Not only because it was fairly dark, the tennis club obviously not open today, so no lights from their courts, but because I was fairly warmed up from the two previous laps my glasses kept steaming up! But I managed not to embarrass my self, by falling over!, but I did notice that it all went quiet whenever I reached the cones and the number 1's. I can only imagine they were having a giggle at my pathetic attempts to stay upright, and the silly 'girly' running style I was doing!
First lap completed, half way through the second lap, and I was exhausted! Running on snow and ice is a completely different animal all together!! My calves were hurting, my ankles were hurting, (I kept twisting both of them trying to run) but I was loving it. "I'm knackered" I thought, the coach said "I hope nope, we only been doing it for 6 mins" My goodness did I say that out loud! Blimey it didn't feel like only 6 mins. And the the young lad who was the other no.1 said "I got 7 mins" Oh yes, that makes it a whole lot better!!
Oh, but bloggees, it didn't matter, I was out running (ish) and thats all I cared about. I am going to download the membership form and become a member of the 'Petts Wood Runners!' I love running, I need to run!
Well its been I while, I bet you all though that I had gone into hibernation. Well, I could quite have easily gone into the loony bin! I was just about stir crazy stuck in doors!
Today I went running with the running club, well I shall use the word 'running' loosely when I talk about me, but the other members all done brilliantly!
Its the first time I have been out, ever, running in icy snowy freezing conditions as it was tonight. I was desperate to get out and run, and if couldn't have got my car out, I would have walked! But I did manage to get it out!
I arrived at the recreation ground in plenty of time, and mingled about until the coach explained what was going to happen this evening. He said that we shall do two laps of the rec for a warm up and then we were going to do 'paarluufs relay X 200 metres.'....... I bet your expression is the same as mine was, when I read that on the clubs web page "What in the running world is that" I was all ears as coach explained.
We were to get into groups of 3, each group shall have number 1, 2 and 3. Number 2 shall walk half way round the 400 meters rec and then wait there until number 1 runs there, then number 2 shall run the rest of the way to the beginning to let number 3 run around and then let number 1 run to the beginning, etc etc, and we will be doing this for 40 mins, that's right, 40 mins!
Of course being the newbie and not knowing anyone and turning up by myself, I didn't have a group, so coach kindly put me with some not so fast runners! (So he said!)
So as soon as the number 2's were in position coach said "right now off you go", I was an additional no.1 so I just kept an eye of the young lad that I had to run alongside. Well, I tried! He took off, I just stumbled along the snow covered green, crunching my way round, desperately trying to stay upright! The young lad was a blurr. Not only because it was fairly dark, the tennis club obviously not open today, so no lights from their courts, but because I was fairly warmed up from the two previous laps my glasses kept steaming up! But I managed not to embarrass my self, by falling over!, but I did notice that it all went quiet whenever I reached the cones and the number 1's. I can only imagine they were having a giggle at my pathetic attempts to stay upright, and the silly 'girly' running style I was doing!
First lap completed, half way through the second lap, and I was exhausted! Running on snow and ice is a completely different animal all together!! My calves were hurting, my ankles were hurting, (I kept twisting both of them trying to run) but I was loving it. "I'm knackered" I thought, the coach said "I hope nope, we only been doing it for 6 mins" My goodness did I say that out loud! Blimey it didn't feel like only 6 mins. And the the young lad who was the other no.1 said "I got 7 mins" Oh yes, that makes it a whole lot better!!
Oh, but bloggees, it didn't matter, I was out running (ish) and thats all I cared about. I am going to download the membership form and become a member of the 'Petts Wood Runners!' I love running, I need to run!
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Snow Bound!
Hi blogees.
Ok, maybe a slight exageration, but I am snowbound when it comes to jogging in the stuff. But my enthusiasm has not gone!
So just for fun, and to remind us all of the snow (not that we need that right now) here are some lovely snow pictures. Just to show how wonderful His creation can be even with the snow covering it. And how much fun we all used to have when we were kids, and played in the snow. Mind you I always remember it being a lot colder that it is, kids nowdays dont know the meaning of cold winter snow play days!
Any one else have some lovely snow scenes, send them over to me and I can add them on to here

I bet you all wondering why I got the picture of my garden twice, well as you will notice from the first one, at the back on the garden no tree trunk, but the last picture you can see, HALF MY TREE ON THE FLOOR Oh well, it happens I guess.

These pictures is from today 2nd Of December, I thought it would be a good idea to clear the path, Why I dont know, I was bored!! So I traipsed down to the shed to get a shovel, in the deep snow almost knee high (And no comments about me being a shortie) only to find that I need a shovel to open the shed!!
Ok, maybe a slight exageration, but I am snowbound when it comes to jogging in the stuff. But my enthusiasm has not gone!
So just for fun, and to remind us all of the snow (not that we need that right now) here are some lovely snow pictures. Just to show how wonderful His creation can be even with the snow covering it. And how much fun we all used to have when we were kids, and played in the snow. Mind you I always remember it being a lot colder that it is, kids nowdays dont know the meaning of cold winter snow play days!
Any one else have some lovely snow scenes, send them over to me and I can add them on to here

I bet you all wondering why I got the picture of my garden twice, well as you will notice from the first one, at the back on the garden no tree trunk, but the last picture you can see, HALF MY TREE ON THE FLOOR Oh well, it happens I guess.
These pictures is from today 2nd Of December, I thought it would be a good idea to clear the path, Why I dont know, I was bored!! So I traipsed down to the shed to get a shovel, in the deep snow almost knee high (And no comments about me being a shortie) only to find that I need a shovel to open the shed!!
Friday, 26 November 2010
A Birthday Blog!
Hi bloggees,
Its my birthday today, and what better way to start the day than running! Right! But today I was running with another friend who is into running, and needs company especially in the winter months during the evenings.
Now this new friend I have decided to call the whippet! She is fast, she has run 5 marathons so far and is bouncy and energetic.
She came to my door bearing gifts, which I thought was really lovely, and she was looking good. Proper running gear on, she left her garmin in doors. This girl is a proper runner, like naggy is. Why do I do it to myself! "I will run at your pace" she says, I was thinking that is the only pace I can run at. Now its pretty cold out there today, it feels even colder than last night at 8, but I'm sure that's because I just walked out my nice warm house! So no standing around discussing which way we are running, its just run and discuss on the way.
You can tell that Whippet is a running, she is keen to get going, and I was already in my out of my pace zone trying to keep up with her, and had to admit, "I am a slow runner" "Oh so am I" she said with all seriousness! So I thought I would just let the run explain to her as we jogged on.
She was chatting away to me, in her hat and gloves, and not sounding out of breath in this cold air, and I was just about answering her. The chill really has affected me! But I slowly reel her in and she is running at my pace. She almost looks as if she is running on spot! I can tell she wants to 'take off' and we are only on Farringdon! But I managed to keep her at arms length, but the cold is getting to me, the run yesterday is still in my legs, yet I am still so happy to be out!!
By the time we get on to Southborough I have had to stop, of course, when I say stop, its not like the breather I had on Tuesday where we all come to a full stop and heard advice from the coach, no! Just a stop from jogging and walking. Walking fast to keep up with the whippet!.
I managed to get to the pub with maybe one more walk and then past there heading towards Turp. Then I get a phone call, of course I had to answer it! It was my friend, she couldn't believe that I was out jogging, in the cold, on my birthday and talking to her on the telephone! Even the whippet was impressed (I think)
Onwards and onwards towards Turp, each left turn we passed the wippet was asking if we turn here, I was obviously running rings around her, NOT! She was probably thinking how far can this old girl actually go! We soon reached the turn left. And I just walked again. Just a little further on and even walked into Greenway, but then I started running again. By now the whippet was well warmed up and you can tell she just need to let go, so she took off, and then she ran back! What a show off! And this is how we ran the rest of the way home.
I think I may have stopped a couple of other times before we get to the road that I will never allow myself to walk on. By now I was puffing, my legs were beginning to tire more, and the aches and pains were telling me that they are there. I think whippet was quite pleased with the little jog, because she is suffering from her own aches and pains in her hip, which she thinks maybe due to running on pavements. Maybe next time we will run through the woods or Jubilee park, let her run free on the fields!
Totally focused now, run to the end of the end of this road, turn right and finish in style! Well that was my plan, I only just about managed to build the speed up, just a tad, not enough for whippet to have noticed. We got to my door and she looked gorgeous, not a bead of sweat, it was almost like a warm up 3 miles before the rest of the race! I looked a sweaty pink mess as per usual.
She popped into my house and just chatted for a short while, swapped mobile numbers and I suggest that her and naggy should get together and they could run together on those long distances they both like doing, 10 - 13 miles!
So todays run 3.34 miles in 43 mins, only a minute slower than yesterday! I was sure I was running at a slightly faster pace! Oh well, the fact that I am out and I am running and keeping fit, that's what its all about!
Its my birthday today, and what better way to start the day than running! Right! But today I was running with another friend who is into running, and needs company especially in the winter months during the evenings.
Now this new friend I have decided to call the whippet! She is fast, she has run 5 marathons so far and is bouncy and energetic.
She came to my door bearing gifts, which I thought was really lovely, and she was looking good. Proper running gear on, she left her garmin in doors. This girl is a proper runner, like naggy is. Why do I do it to myself! "I will run at your pace" she says, I was thinking that is the only pace I can run at. Now its pretty cold out there today, it feels even colder than last night at 8, but I'm sure that's because I just walked out my nice warm house! So no standing around discussing which way we are running, its just run and discuss on the way.
You can tell that Whippet is a running, she is keen to get going, and I was already in my out of my pace zone trying to keep up with her, and had to admit, "I am a slow runner" "Oh so am I" she said with all seriousness! So I thought I would just let the run explain to her as we jogged on.
She was chatting away to me, in her hat and gloves, and not sounding out of breath in this cold air, and I was just about answering her. The chill really has affected me! But I slowly reel her in and she is running at my pace. She almost looks as if she is running on spot! I can tell she wants to 'take off' and we are only on Farringdon! But I managed to keep her at arms length, but the cold is getting to me, the run yesterday is still in my legs, yet I am still so happy to be out!!
By the time we get on to Southborough I have had to stop, of course, when I say stop, its not like the breather I had on Tuesday where we all come to a full stop and heard advice from the coach, no! Just a stop from jogging and walking. Walking fast to keep up with the whippet!.
I managed to get to the pub with maybe one more walk and then past there heading towards Turp. Then I get a phone call, of course I had to answer it! It was my friend, she couldn't believe that I was out jogging, in the cold, on my birthday and talking to her on the telephone! Even the whippet was impressed (I think)
Onwards and onwards towards Turp, each left turn we passed the wippet was asking if we turn here, I was obviously running rings around her, NOT! She was probably thinking how far can this old girl actually go! We soon reached the turn left. And I just walked again. Just a little further on and even walked into Greenway, but then I started running again. By now the whippet was well warmed up and you can tell she just need to let go, so she took off, and then she ran back! What a show off! And this is how we ran the rest of the way home.
I think I may have stopped a couple of other times before we get to the road that I will never allow myself to walk on. By now I was puffing, my legs were beginning to tire more, and the aches and pains were telling me that they are there. I think whippet was quite pleased with the little jog, because she is suffering from her own aches and pains in her hip, which she thinks maybe due to running on pavements. Maybe next time we will run through the woods or Jubilee park, let her run free on the fields!
Totally focused now, run to the end of the end of this road, turn right and finish in style! Well that was my plan, I only just about managed to build the speed up, just a tad, not enough for whippet to have noticed. We got to my door and she looked gorgeous, not a bead of sweat, it was almost like a warm up 3 miles before the rest of the race! I looked a sweaty pink mess as per usual.
She popped into my house and just chatted for a short while, swapped mobile numbers and I suggest that her and naggy should get together and they could run together on those long distances they both like doing, 10 - 13 miles!
So todays run 3.34 miles in 43 mins, only a minute slower than yesterday! I was sure I was running at a slightly faster pace! Oh well, the fact that I am out and I am running and keeping fit, that's what its all about!
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Chilly! But I'm Still Smilling
Hello blogees!
Yes I went out again. This old girl is just so hooked on running and getting fit. Even winter is not going to stop me, I might slow me down, but that's about it!
Naggys mum is here with her this week, so we could both get this evening run in! She was so needing to get out, her gorgeous little man was celebrating his birthday yesterday and like all little tiny boys on their birthdays, he was, shall we say, rather excited! So to get out and think about nothing else (apart from getting my backside around this route) is just what she needed.
I knocked for naggy (again, she is slacking) and she wasn't quite ready, her shoes went on the missing list. But once located we were out of the door and almost running as soon as the door was closed. Brrrrr its freezing out here! There was no waiting, setting up gizmos and gadgets, it was just getting moving straight away!
The cold weather does play a big part on your breathing! So therefore your energy, and oxygen levels etc, so get the breathing sorted as quickly as possible. I don't want to be panting, even though its bloomin cold.
"Where we going?" naggy says, "Only do the short route, don't think I could run to far, its cold" "Ok" says naggy. And I could see her figuring stuff out in her head and the she said "Right, its going to be a two stop run. First stop is at Turp, walk for a few mins, and then just before the hill on Oxhawth, and then run home from the top" She figured this out after I told her the running club got me running for 1 3/4 miles on Tuesday!
Turpington lane seems such a long way away! But its cold out, and the sooner I get this done, then I can get in the warm and have my dinner! That's right, I shall wait till I get home before eating today!! I don't want to have a stitch again! I no I complain about the running,but I do really love it, its kind of a love/hate relationship with it now! But with that in mind, my first stop at Turp then that will have to be.
Naggy is chatting away, and I am answering her along the way. Big mistake!! She obviously took this as my fitness going up and then starts thinking that maybe, a one stop run today!!! I don't think so. So I thought I had better start grunting from now.
I was really looking forward to Turp stop. I was all set to stop by the roundabout! But knowing that Turp just up ahead I kept going. Soon be able to walk. Made it!! I saw naggy turn the corner and the start walking. To be honest, I thought we were going to jog to the beginning of Greenway, so to stop just short of that was good.
Walking along, gaining control of my breathing again, and then realising that actually I am quite warm! I can't feel the cold anymore, even though I know it is very cold out there!! But all too soon our five min walk was up and it was back to jogging. Of course that included the hill but being in the dark, it didn't matter, and the fact that naggy wants me to run all the way up here and Southborough and most of Oxhawth, well, I just couldn't think about this being a hill.
And do you know, that strategy worked, because before long, there was the main road! I know normally we would turn down Holbrook, but being as it is dark, we decided to run the straight road. That little diversion worked, mentally, for me, because usually when I run up Parkfield heading for the pub, I am usually flagging, and say to myself that I shall have a walk from there, but coming to the pub from a different direction seems different somehow!
Running now, down the long long road, "half way" she said "before we stop" "Well where is half way" I said, and I am beginning to flag a little more now, "Oh just past the school and then just before the road" Little did I know that naggy meant past the other gates of the school on Oxhawth, and just before Lovelace Ave!!
I started walking, but naggy could hear, she could hear my foots steps and she could hear the rustle of my running jacket, a jacket that naggy herself gave me!! Grateful though I am, but I think it was a strategy by here so that she can hear if I was running or not! "If you walk now then I won't let you walk some of the hill" she said with her nagginess. Of course I started running again, I would rather walk some of the hill than walk now.
Turn the corner now and heading for home, still running, waiting for that road to tell me that I can stop for a short break. I was feeling pretty good, knackared, but pretty good, knowing I got another walk in a few seconds was helping. I was glaring at naggys back, and I heard her comment about I can pull the daggers out when we get home! How did she know that I was thinking that, "I hate you, your making me run all this way" "And why are you here" she says, "To jog" I said in a whiney voice. Great, naggy is walking! "You're doing well old girl" says naggy, "maybe next time just a one walk jog!" I just concentrated on getting my breathing under control again, because even if naggy hadn't said to me, from the top of this block is where I run home non stop.
"Right thats it, all the way home now" says naggy And in my mind that is what was going to happen. To show naggy how well I was doing, I mentioned that I must get some winter running pants. She fell about laughing!! I couldn't think what I said was funny, until she told me that, actually what we were wearing is winter running! well maybe a hat and gloves to be added. Well I'm glad I made her smile.
Now to concentrate on the run home. A stupid tune was in my head to keep my feet running in time, I cant think of what it is, but it was there, it was working for me, I was just running along at a reasonable pace, in the begining of winter, and enjoying it! "Finish in style" nagging said, bringing me back from my trance like state, "Ok, but just turn this corner first" and then that was it. It was not a good a finish as normal, but it was deffinitely faster than the pace I was doing.
3.34 miles in 44 mins, in the freezing cold with only two walking sections, not bad, I was pleased, and whats more so was naggy! In fact naggy said that she didn't have to nag that much, I may have to change her name!!
Yes I went out again. This old girl is just so hooked on running and getting fit. Even winter is not going to stop me, I might slow me down, but that's about it!
Naggys mum is here with her this week, so we could both get this evening run in! She was so needing to get out, her gorgeous little man was celebrating his birthday yesterday and like all little tiny boys on their birthdays, he was, shall we say, rather excited! So to get out and think about nothing else (apart from getting my backside around this route) is just what she needed.
I knocked for naggy (again, she is slacking) and she wasn't quite ready, her shoes went on the missing list. But once located we were out of the door and almost running as soon as the door was closed. Brrrrr its freezing out here! There was no waiting, setting up gizmos and gadgets, it was just getting moving straight away!
The cold weather does play a big part on your breathing! So therefore your energy, and oxygen levels etc, so get the breathing sorted as quickly as possible. I don't want to be panting, even though its bloomin cold.
"Where we going?" naggy says, "Only do the short route, don't think I could run to far, its cold" "Ok" says naggy. And I could see her figuring stuff out in her head and the she said "Right, its going to be a two stop run. First stop is at Turp, walk for a few mins, and then just before the hill on Oxhawth, and then run home from the top" She figured this out after I told her the running club got me running for 1 3/4 miles on Tuesday!
Turpington lane seems such a long way away! But its cold out, and the sooner I get this done, then I can get in the warm and have my dinner! That's right, I shall wait till I get home before eating today!! I don't want to have a stitch again! I no I complain about the running,but I do really love it, its kind of a love/hate relationship with it now! But with that in mind, my first stop at Turp then that will have to be.
Naggy is chatting away, and I am answering her along the way. Big mistake!! She obviously took this as my fitness going up and then starts thinking that maybe, a one stop run today!!! I don't think so. So I thought I had better start grunting from now.
I was really looking forward to Turp stop. I was all set to stop by the roundabout! But knowing that Turp just up ahead I kept going. Soon be able to walk. Made it!! I saw naggy turn the corner and the start walking. To be honest, I thought we were going to jog to the beginning of Greenway, so to stop just short of that was good.
Walking along, gaining control of my breathing again, and then realising that actually I am quite warm! I can't feel the cold anymore, even though I know it is very cold out there!! But all too soon our five min walk was up and it was back to jogging. Of course that included the hill but being in the dark, it didn't matter, and the fact that naggy wants me to run all the way up here and Southborough and most of Oxhawth, well, I just couldn't think about this being a hill.
And do you know, that strategy worked, because before long, there was the main road! I know normally we would turn down Holbrook, but being as it is dark, we decided to run the straight road. That little diversion worked, mentally, for me, because usually when I run up Parkfield heading for the pub, I am usually flagging, and say to myself that I shall have a walk from there, but coming to the pub from a different direction seems different somehow!
Running now, down the long long road, "half way" she said "before we stop" "Well where is half way" I said, and I am beginning to flag a little more now, "Oh just past the school and then just before the road" Little did I know that naggy meant past the other gates of the school on Oxhawth, and just before Lovelace Ave!!
I started walking, but naggy could hear, she could hear my foots steps and she could hear the rustle of my running jacket, a jacket that naggy herself gave me!! Grateful though I am, but I think it was a strategy by here so that she can hear if I was running or not! "If you walk now then I won't let you walk some of the hill" she said with her nagginess. Of course I started running again, I would rather walk some of the hill than walk now.
Turn the corner now and heading for home, still running, waiting for that road to tell me that I can stop for a short break. I was feeling pretty good, knackared, but pretty good, knowing I got another walk in a few seconds was helping. I was glaring at naggys back, and I heard her comment about I can pull the daggers out when we get home! How did she know that I was thinking that, "I hate you, your making me run all this way" "And why are you here" she says, "To jog" I said in a whiney voice. Great, naggy is walking! "You're doing well old girl" says naggy, "maybe next time just a one walk jog!" I just concentrated on getting my breathing under control again, because even if naggy hadn't said to me, from the top of this block is where I run home non stop.
"Right thats it, all the way home now" says naggy And in my mind that is what was going to happen. To show naggy how well I was doing, I mentioned that I must get some winter running pants. She fell about laughing!! I couldn't think what I said was funny, until she told me that, actually what we were wearing is winter running! well maybe a hat and gloves to be added. Well I'm glad I made her smile.
Now to concentrate on the run home. A stupid tune was in my head to keep my feet running in time, I cant think of what it is, but it was there, it was working for me, I was just running along at a reasonable pace, in the begining of winter, and enjoying it! "Finish in style" nagging said, bringing me back from my trance like state, "Ok, but just turn this corner first" and then that was it. It was not a good a finish as normal, but it was deffinitely faster than the pace I was doing.
3.34 miles in 44 mins, in the freezing cold with only two walking sections, not bad, I was pleased, and whats more so was naggy! In fact naggy said that she didn't have to nag that much, I may have to change her name!!
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Hello blogees!!!
Guess what?! Go on, guess?!! I'm back to running!! I am blooming knackered though, but such a very happy knackered!
It was the first evening run with the new group that I am thinking of joining, (I have 2 to 3 weeks to decide) and I enjoyed it immensely! I ran with the 'not quite so fast' runners, the ladies who for the past 8 weeks had been in the beginners group that met on the last previsous Saturdays.
The run leader said that our group was going to do a 3.6 mile run at an average pace of 13.30 min miles. That's sounds a bit like me!! I can do that. Naggy has me running around that pace if not faster! So I'm sure I wont embarrass my self by having to make the group stop and wait for me.
I was a bit apprehensive about meeting everyone there, (no naggy this time to hold my hand) and it was in the dark. I arrived early, well, I so hate being late, to find the gates locked!! I noticed another runner loitering around and just asked her if this was the right place and right time. It was her first Tuesday here too, so we were both in the dark, literally! But eventually more and more people arrived and the run leaders, who opened the gates and then briefed us all.
After sorting out the groups, there were about 5 groups, some running for 5 - 6 miles! and others running at 6.30 min miles! I was waiting to hear the 13.30 min milers to know who to follow!
We set off at a very good pace, a pace that I know I could manage if I concentrate hard, forget about the dinner clinging on to my stomach and diaphragm, and forget about the last time I ran was well over a week ago! I just wanted to enjoy the experience of being out running again. I have decided, I don't like running in the dark, I cant see that well!! but fortunately the only really dark bit was as we were leaving the recreation ground and then we hit the roads.
I stayed up with the leader of the group, its a strategy that I thought about well before I got to the place, if I have to walk or slow down a little at least when I pick up the pace again I shall be in the middle of the pack, and then run there for a bit, and then next time I need to walk a bit I can fall back a bit more!! I'm not daft you know.
Now, we were running up hill, I thought this was good, get the hard bit out of the way before I start flagging, I don't want these guys to think they will have to carry me along! but when I thought we were going to stop, we didn't! It was an official stop, these are the beginners that I am running with! One of them even said "I thought we were stopping soon" I'm so glad that she said that and not me! But I was hanging on to hear the answer. "Just up this road and around the corner, only a minute from here" was the reply Oh was I pleased about that! I don't think I could have gone on running much longer, if I was by myself then I would have 'allowed' my self a walking break by now! But we did eventually stop, on the main road. "We just ran over a mile and three quarters," the run leader said. And we were all really astonished at our achievement and was very pleased with out selves. We had a very short 3 or 4 mins break, which I was very relieved about, I had a stitch for the last couple of hundred metres!!
Here is where our group was to split. Those who feel can go a little faster will go with another memeber of the PWR and those of us left will carry on doing the 13.30 min mile pace. So with the other half of the group on their way, and a bit of advice from the run leader about how to relieve a stitch and how to prevent it in first place (eating is not a good idea before a run!) we were on a way back to the start. Only same amount of distance that we just covered!!
But the way home was better! It was downhill. Oh boy do I like downhill. Let the hill do the work. Things look different in the dark and I wasn't quite sure where I was, but had a slight idea where. But when we got to a turning that went right I realised that I wasn't where I thought I was and was in fact was slighter further! Just as well I managed to keep up with the group really!
But knowing that now, of course I knew exactly how far was left to run. You all know me by now, I get tired, and I get la'ry, and I like to say to naggy *^&%^ and ***&^*
but now, with the new people here, I just have to grin and bear it, and try to keep up with them, they all seem to be doing really really well, just keeping up the the leader, I was doing 'my thing' of slowing down to run in the middle of the pack and then running along with middlers, then slowing and running along with the backers, and then, with not that far to go, having a sneaky walk!! Only got caught out once "are you ok, said one of the other ladies" "Yes I'm fine, just taking a very short breather" I said with only a slightly breathless voice. I must push myself. If I can talk this well, then I can bloomin well run! So from there on I ran.
We crossed over the last road before the recreation ground and just the last couple of hundred yards to go. I was at the back, the run leader came back and said I'm doing well, I asked about the time we did it and the mins per mile and how far we ran, and then said to him, "Ok now's my time to finish in style" and I took off! I ran towards the sign to the recreation ground turned left into and tried to run through the darkness! but I didn't know what I was running over, I don't want to injure myself by hitting a rock or kerb or anything and just slowed down again.
But I did it! My fist official run with a club. I think I will join in, I will become a member. Then I can only get better. As it is the run leader is talking about expanding the distance already!! I am definitely going to be running outside my comfort zone!
3.6 miles in 49.00 ave pace of 13.30 min per mile.
Guess what?! Go on, guess?!! I'm back to running!! I am blooming knackered though, but such a very happy knackered!
It was the first evening run with the new group that I am thinking of joining, (I have 2 to 3 weeks to decide) and I enjoyed it immensely! I ran with the 'not quite so fast' runners, the ladies who for the past 8 weeks had been in the beginners group that met on the last previsous Saturdays.
The run leader said that our group was going to do a 3.6 mile run at an average pace of 13.30 min miles. That's sounds a bit like me!! I can do that. Naggy has me running around that pace if not faster! So I'm sure I wont embarrass my self by having to make the group stop and wait for me.
I was a bit apprehensive about meeting everyone there, (no naggy this time to hold my hand) and it was in the dark. I arrived early, well, I so hate being late, to find the gates locked!! I noticed another runner loitering around and just asked her if this was the right place and right time. It was her first Tuesday here too, so we were both in the dark, literally! But eventually more and more people arrived and the run leaders, who opened the gates and then briefed us all.
After sorting out the groups, there were about 5 groups, some running for 5 - 6 miles! and others running at 6.30 min miles! I was waiting to hear the 13.30 min milers to know who to follow!
We set off at a very good pace, a pace that I know I could manage if I concentrate hard, forget about the dinner clinging on to my stomach and diaphragm, and forget about the last time I ran was well over a week ago! I just wanted to enjoy the experience of being out running again. I have decided, I don't like running in the dark, I cant see that well!! but fortunately the only really dark bit was as we were leaving the recreation ground and then we hit the roads.
I stayed up with the leader of the group, its a strategy that I thought about well before I got to the place, if I have to walk or slow down a little at least when I pick up the pace again I shall be in the middle of the pack, and then run there for a bit, and then next time I need to walk a bit I can fall back a bit more!! I'm not daft you know.
Now, we were running up hill, I thought this was good, get the hard bit out of the way before I start flagging, I don't want these guys to think they will have to carry me along! but when I thought we were going to stop, we didn't! It was an official stop, these are the beginners that I am running with! One of them even said "I thought we were stopping soon" I'm so glad that she said that and not me! But I was hanging on to hear the answer. "Just up this road and around the corner, only a minute from here" was the reply Oh was I pleased about that! I don't think I could have gone on running much longer, if I was by myself then I would have 'allowed' my self a walking break by now! But we did eventually stop, on the main road. "We just ran over a mile and three quarters," the run leader said. And we were all really astonished at our achievement and was very pleased with out selves. We had a very short 3 or 4 mins break, which I was very relieved about, I had a stitch for the last couple of hundred metres!!
Here is where our group was to split. Those who feel can go a little faster will go with another memeber of the PWR and those of us left will carry on doing the 13.30 min mile pace. So with the other half of the group on their way, and a bit of advice from the run leader about how to relieve a stitch and how to prevent it in first place (eating is not a good idea before a run!) we were on a way back to the start. Only same amount of distance that we just covered!!
But the way home was better! It was downhill. Oh boy do I like downhill. Let the hill do the work. Things look different in the dark and I wasn't quite sure where I was, but had a slight idea where. But when we got to a turning that went right I realised that I wasn't where I thought I was and was in fact was slighter further! Just as well I managed to keep up with the group really!
But knowing that now, of course I knew exactly how far was left to run. You all know me by now, I get tired, and I get la'ry, and I like to say to naggy *^&%^ and ***&^*
but now, with the new people here, I just have to grin and bear it, and try to keep up with them, they all seem to be doing really really well, just keeping up the the leader, I was doing 'my thing' of slowing down to run in the middle of the pack and then running along with middlers, then slowing and running along with the backers, and then, with not that far to go, having a sneaky walk!! Only got caught out once "are you ok, said one of the other ladies" "Yes I'm fine, just taking a very short breather" I said with only a slightly breathless voice. I must push myself. If I can talk this well, then I can bloomin well run! So from there on I ran.
We crossed over the last road before the recreation ground and just the last couple of hundred yards to go. I was at the back, the run leader came back and said I'm doing well, I asked about the time we did it and the mins per mile and how far we ran, and then said to him, "Ok now's my time to finish in style" and I took off! I ran towards the sign to the recreation ground turned left into and tried to run through the darkness! but I didn't know what I was running over, I don't want to injure myself by hitting a rock or kerb or anything and just slowed down again.
But I did it! My fist official run with a club. I think I will join in, I will become a member. Then I can only get better. As it is the run leader is talking about expanding the distance already!! I am definitely going to be running outside my comfort zone!
3.6 miles in 49.00 ave pace of 13.30 min per mile.
Saturday, 13 November 2010
Miracles Can Happen!
Hi blog lovers.
This morning about 07:30 I was awoken by my gorgeous grandson, the stubborn one! After that is having a curry/beer night last night. But it was just as well!
I have been toying with the idea of running with a running club just to get me out running during these dark winter nights (I know, I really have become addicted to this running lark). They were meeting up at 9 am this morning. I had cajoled naggy into coming with me too, to support me.
So about 8:45 ish I popped over to naggy's, which I thought was quite strange because she is usually knocking on my door! I peered through her window as I tapped on it, and she arose from her sofa............. in her PJ's!! she wasn't even ready! She has got a tiny little couch potato thing going on in herself, and she was playing mah jong on the computer!
A frantic dash round and she was ready. We arrived at the arranged spot just as the members were half way through their first warm up lap of the green. We introduced ourselves as we joined them on the warm up laps with the coach. He gave me the low down on what was going to happen.
Basically they have three groups, the faster group, then the not so faster group and then the group that doesn't fall into either of those (His words not mine! but I kind of like that) I was expecting them to suggest I go in the 'neither of those' group, but he said I should go with the middle group! Naggy was all for that, "You can do that, you are not the slowest among this lot" she encouraged, how she surmised that I don't know. maybe it was the all the numbers that was banded about between naggy and the group leaders of my mins per mile.
The coach said that we will start todays 2.25 miles (there abouts) with a 5 min walk then 20 min jog to the finish. "I can do that" I thought to my self, I've done it before. And so we set off, walking, "Cor blimey, I can do this" I thought to myself.
Now the route we were taking was part of the route we did for the 10k, so part road and part woods. You all know what the weather has been like recently, right? So on the pavements there are all the soggy wet leaves, that's not a problem, I don't' seem to be slipping up on then, but then we went into the woods!!! Oh my word! Muddy tracks and huge puddles, and sticky, icky muddy mud baths were what the coach was wanting to us negotiate!
It was slippy and it was sticky, and all the other 'icky' words that you can think of if you are a town loving bird like me! But then not only that, there was, of course the railway lines we had to cross! And apparently, because I wasn't quite up with the leaders of my group, (I was way at the back being nagged at by naggy) our run leader wanted us to run up these stairs. Straight out of the mud baths, with half the woods floor hanging off our trainers, and she wants us to run up the stairs!
Well I surprised my self I did actually manage it, and so on to more mud, more sticky brown holes that used to be a path and more slippy slidey tree roots to run over. Until, that is, we came upon the other set of stairs! "Oh my word! No way, no how, can I manage to run these stairs so soon" And so I didn't. Naggy wasn't too pleased, and the leader was a head, keeping her eye on the faster group, (She didn't want to get lost!, inspires confidence!)
After those steps the way ahead was just more mud and more sticky sink holes, but going down hill! "Hold on to the trees old girl" I thought, I was just hoping there wasn't anything creepy crawly on those as well as everything, that really would the the icing on the proverbial! But not long after we came out of the woods, my group and the group in front, unscathed, although there were a couple of very near mud baths for a couple of the others as well.
Now you, as you just read, we were heading down hill, so of course, theres an up hill after. Always after! Always when I think, that's it, I quit, then those darn hills come and taunt me. Naggy was doing her best, "Come on, the slower group are breathing down our necks" I'm not sure if at that point I showed her what I thought about that, but undeterred she carried on "Two more minutes running, we're nearly there, come on, get moving"
As I was running around these roads, flashbacks of the 10k came back, (including that hill) and I was remembering the feelings I had as I was nearing the finishing post. I did it then, and I finished in style and I felt a lot more tired than I was now, so in fact I should stop moaning and just get on with it! So I did. Just then the group leader came around the corner, rounding up me an nagging, "You have done really well, keep going" she says encouragingly. She looked gorgeous by the, make up, lippy, mascara the works! And not a bead of sweat on her. And she was smiling, maybe because she didn't get us all hopelessly lost in the woods! But just then I saw the sign to the entrance to the recreation ground. I was so pleased. And again with the flashback of the moment I turned into here back in October, with my family cheering along with my next door neighbours daughter. And stop!!
We walked around the muddy field again to warm down, and that's where I caught my breath and could then communicate with naggy and the leader, "If I wore make up while out jogging, then I would end up looking like a panda by the time I got back" I said to the leader, and she then told me, once, when she was out running in the snow.........yes that's right, in the snow her friend she was running with didn't tell her that her face had fallen off and was busy heading towards her chin! You can tell it was a man friend because us girls always tell each other if things are wrong, if there's a lettuce leaf hanging from our pearlies etc.
But all in all I really enjoyed today, running with naggy and running with a running club. I will give this running club ago. Tuesday week, at about 7:50 pm, I shall go and run again with them and check it all out. I am sure this is the way to go to keep me running on through winter.
Oh, the title!! Well, its obvious isn't it? This old girl is up before everyone else, (apart from grandson) and out running 9 am on a SATURDAY MORNING!
2.25 (ish) miles in about 25 mins or so.
This morning about 07:30 I was awoken by my gorgeous grandson, the stubborn one! After that is having a curry/beer night last night. But it was just as well!
I have been toying with the idea of running with a running club just to get me out running during these dark winter nights (I know, I really have become addicted to this running lark). They were meeting up at 9 am this morning. I had cajoled naggy into coming with me too, to support me.
So about 8:45 ish I popped over to naggy's, which I thought was quite strange because she is usually knocking on my door! I peered through her window as I tapped on it, and she arose from her sofa............. in her PJ's!! she wasn't even ready! She has got a tiny little couch potato thing going on in herself, and she was playing mah jong on the computer!
A frantic dash round and she was ready. We arrived at the arranged spot just as the members were half way through their first warm up lap of the green. We introduced ourselves as we joined them on the warm up laps with the coach. He gave me the low down on what was going to happen.
Basically they have three groups, the faster group, then the not so faster group and then the group that doesn't fall into either of those (His words not mine! but I kind of like that) I was expecting them to suggest I go in the 'neither of those' group, but he said I should go with the middle group! Naggy was all for that, "You can do that, you are not the slowest among this lot" she encouraged, how she surmised that I don't know. maybe it was the all the numbers that was banded about between naggy and the group leaders of my mins per mile.
The coach said that we will start todays 2.25 miles (there abouts) with a 5 min walk then 20 min jog to the finish. "I can do that" I thought to my self, I've done it before. And so we set off, walking, "Cor blimey, I can do this" I thought to myself.
Now the route we were taking was part of the route we did for the 10k, so part road and part woods. You all know what the weather has been like recently, right? So on the pavements there are all the soggy wet leaves, that's not a problem, I don't' seem to be slipping up on then, but then we went into the woods!!! Oh my word! Muddy tracks and huge puddles, and sticky, icky muddy mud baths were what the coach was wanting to us negotiate!
It was slippy and it was sticky, and all the other 'icky' words that you can think of if you are a town loving bird like me! But then not only that, there was, of course the railway lines we had to cross! And apparently, because I wasn't quite up with the leaders of my group, (I was way at the back being nagged at by naggy) our run leader wanted us to run up these stairs. Straight out of the mud baths, with half the woods floor hanging off our trainers, and she wants us to run up the stairs!
Well I surprised my self I did actually manage it, and so on to more mud, more sticky brown holes that used to be a path and more slippy slidey tree roots to run over. Until, that is, we came upon the other set of stairs! "Oh my word! No way, no how, can I manage to run these stairs so soon" And so I didn't. Naggy wasn't too pleased, and the leader was a head, keeping her eye on the faster group, (She didn't want to get lost!, inspires confidence!)
After those steps the way ahead was just more mud and more sticky sink holes, but going down hill! "Hold on to the trees old girl" I thought, I was just hoping there wasn't anything creepy crawly on those as well as everything, that really would the the icing on the proverbial! But not long after we came out of the woods, my group and the group in front, unscathed, although there were a couple of very near mud baths for a couple of the others as well.
Now you, as you just read, we were heading down hill, so of course, theres an up hill after. Always after! Always when I think, that's it, I quit, then those darn hills come and taunt me. Naggy was doing her best, "Come on, the slower group are breathing down our necks" I'm not sure if at that point I showed her what I thought about that, but undeterred she carried on "Two more minutes running, we're nearly there, come on, get moving"
As I was running around these roads, flashbacks of the 10k came back, (including that hill) and I was remembering the feelings I had as I was nearing the finishing post. I did it then, and I finished in style and I felt a lot more tired than I was now, so in fact I should stop moaning and just get on with it! So I did. Just then the group leader came around the corner, rounding up me an nagging, "You have done really well, keep going" she says encouragingly. She looked gorgeous by the, make up, lippy, mascara the works! And not a bead of sweat on her. And she was smiling, maybe because she didn't get us all hopelessly lost in the woods! But just then I saw the sign to the entrance to the recreation ground. I was so pleased. And again with the flashback of the moment I turned into here back in October, with my family cheering along with my next door neighbours daughter. And stop!!
We walked around the muddy field again to warm down, and that's where I caught my breath and could then communicate with naggy and the leader, "If I wore make up while out jogging, then I would end up looking like a panda by the time I got back" I said to the leader, and she then told me, once, when she was out running in the snow.........yes that's right, in the snow her friend she was running with didn't tell her that her face had fallen off and was busy heading towards her chin! You can tell it was a man friend because us girls always tell each other if things are wrong, if there's a lettuce leaf hanging from our pearlies etc.
But all in all I really enjoyed today, running with naggy and running with a running club. I will give this running club ago. Tuesday week, at about 7:50 pm, I shall go and run again with them and check it all out. I am sure this is the way to go to keep me running on through winter.
Oh, the title!! Well, its obvious isn't it? This old girl is up before everyone else, (apart from grandson) and out running 9 am on a SATURDAY MORNING!
2.25 (ish) miles in about 25 mins or so.
Thursday, 11 November 2010
A Short, Rainy, Windy Run!
Hi blog readers.
Bet you thought I have given up, right?! Well I am still here, and I am desperately fighting off lazyitus. I think the battle is won, but the war still goes on. As I really, really, REALLY miss my running and cycling. So, at least that battle has been won.
Today, as you all can see, is very wet and windy outside. So going for a ride on my bike was quite out of the question. I was just thinking of staying in bed till way past 11, until, that is, I got a phone call from a new mum at our toddler group. I had remembered that we had arrangements to go and clean up the toys, and sort things out!. She is very keen and very enthusiastic about the toddlers, and that is how I feel about my running and cycling. If only I could run indoors or cycle under cover, sigh!
So, of course I met up at my church and we spent a good few hours sorting and cleaning, and the we went back to her house and had lunch. I looked out of her window and saw that the sky was clear, no rain, but the wind was still there. But I thought, I could go home get changed and have a quick jog before it starts raining!
So after a few more points on toddlers, and stuff, I got into my car and went back to get changed. When I got in I remembered I was going to do a casserole, (with dumplings, mmm yum) and I still hadn't done my own cleaning! So I started on that, and just as I did, the rain fell down in bucket loads. "I could have been out there!" I had thought to my self. So I was glad I was getting my dinner ready for later, "maybe it will clear again", I thought to myself.
So after everything done, the rain indeed had stopped. I quickly went upstairs to get changed, in case the weather did instead! and I put on my new superduper triclimate jacket, (Only the raincoat bit, I didn't want to get too hot) and ran outside before I changed my mind, (the dark clouds were buiding up for another downpour). Oh those first few strides felt really good. Oh to be out running again! I was smiling even though I was watching the clouds coming over. I just pulled up my hood and decided not to look. Maybe I will just run a very short route, maybe to Magpie Hall Lane and then back. But as I was going further I realised that those missed days of not doing anything remotely resembling exercise had taken its toll. It took to the roundabout before my breathing was anywhere near what it normally is by that time. My chest was hurting, and the muscles in my tummy were hurting, I didn't even know I had muscles there, I always thought they had been eaten up the the muscle eating fat rolls that I have there!
And then the rain started. Maybe I will just go as far as the pub, "I will do a two mile jog today" I said to myself. And with that in mind I headed up to Oxhawth Crescent. The school kids will be coming out soon, and some of my friends will see me running around, in the rain, they will think I have gone completely loopy loo! But I didn't care, I was out running!! But then, the wind!! The rain and the wind together is not a very good combination!! It was blowing my hood off, and whipping up debris from the roads and aiming if for just between my eyes!!! This is dangerous this running lark!! "Maybe I will just turn down Lovelace Avenue, do a very very short run, at least its something. No stopping mind" I convinced myself! Heading down Lovelace there was more debris flying about and streams of paper caught around a tree. No, this is not fun, but at least I am out, and now I am heading home. At least I have done something today! If only a mile!
The rain now, coming down, soaking my shoes, and my face, steaming up my glasses and the wind trying to take my hood from me! I am glad I am out, but I will be ecstatic to be in doors with a cuppa.
Coming up to my road and I was really disappointed with the weather, I really wanted to use my free days for cycling or running! But at least I have done this little bit, I have tried, again, to run in the rain, (and failed!) But I will keep on trying!
1.09 wet, windy mile in 12.26 minutes!! But I have done something this week WOO HOO!!
Bet you thought I have given up, right?! Well I am still here, and I am desperately fighting off lazyitus. I think the battle is won, but the war still goes on. As I really, really, REALLY miss my running and cycling. So, at least that battle has been won.
Today, as you all can see, is very wet and windy outside. So going for a ride on my bike was quite out of the question. I was just thinking of staying in bed till way past 11, until, that is, I got a phone call from a new mum at our toddler group. I had remembered that we had arrangements to go and clean up the toys, and sort things out!. She is very keen and very enthusiastic about the toddlers, and that is how I feel about my running and cycling. If only I could run indoors or cycle under cover, sigh!
So, of course I met up at my church and we spent a good few hours sorting and cleaning, and the we went back to her house and had lunch. I looked out of her window and saw that the sky was clear, no rain, but the wind was still there. But I thought, I could go home get changed and have a quick jog before it starts raining!
So after a few more points on toddlers, and stuff, I got into my car and went back to get changed. When I got in I remembered I was going to do a casserole, (with dumplings, mmm yum) and I still hadn't done my own cleaning! So I started on that, and just as I did, the rain fell down in bucket loads. "I could have been out there!" I had thought to my self. So I was glad I was getting my dinner ready for later, "maybe it will clear again", I thought to myself.
So after everything done, the rain indeed had stopped. I quickly went upstairs to get changed, in case the weather did instead! and I put on my new superduper triclimate jacket, (Only the raincoat bit, I didn't want to get too hot) and ran outside before I changed my mind, (the dark clouds were buiding up for another downpour). Oh those first few strides felt really good. Oh to be out running again! I was smiling even though I was watching the clouds coming over. I just pulled up my hood and decided not to look. Maybe I will just run a very short route, maybe to Magpie Hall Lane and then back. But as I was going further I realised that those missed days of not doing anything remotely resembling exercise had taken its toll. It took to the roundabout before my breathing was anywhere near what it normally is by that time. My chest was hurting, and the muscles in my tummy were hurting, I didn't even know I had muscles there, I always thought they had been eaten up the the muscle eating fat rolls that I have there!
And then the rain started. Maybe I will just go as far as the pub, "I will do a two mile jog today" I said to myself. And with that in mind I headed up to Oxhawth Crescent. The school kids will be coming out soon, and some of my friends will see me running around, in the rain, they will think I have gone completely loopy loo! But I didn't care, I was out running!! But then, the wind!! The rain and the wind together is not a very good combination!! It was blowing my hood off, and whipping up debris from the roads and aiming if for just between my eyes!!! This is dangerous this running lark!! "Maybe I will just turn down Lovelace Avenue, do a very very short run, at least its something. No stopping mind" I convinced myself! Heading down Lovelace there was more debris flying about and streams of paper caught around a tree. No, this is not fun, but at least I am out, and now I am heading home. At least I have done something today! If only a mile!
The rain now, coming down, soaking my shoes, and my face, steaming up my glasses and the wind trying to take my hood from me! I am glad I am out, but I will be ecstatic to be in doors with a cuppa.
Coming up to my road and I was really disappointed with the weather, I really wanted to use my free days for cycling or running! But at least I have done this little bit, I have tried, again, to run in the rain, (and failed!) But I will keep on trying!
1.09 wet, windy mile in 12.26 minutes!! But I have done something this week WOO HOO!!
Friday, 5 November 2010
My Inspiratation!
Hi blogees.
Its a wet day out there today, but when I left for my jog this morning it was quite warm and no rain.
Well the title of today's blog is, as you probably guessed, all about my mum. My sister texted me this morning, not Nagging sister the other one, and just reminded me of how I got into this jogging lark in the beginning. One week from today is when my mum passed away 3 years ago! 3 years, and it still hurts as if it was only yesterday.
Because I have been lazy up until now, I made myself get out of bed, even though the old boy had bought me boiled eggs and soldiers to me, I was determined to go out running today. Even if the boiled eggs came back up! All this hard work, sweat and tears is because of my mum, and we all wanted to raise money for cancer research. The old boy is off work today, his fishing trip was canceled, and I could so easily just stay here and talk to him, and then maybe 'do lunch' somewhere. But I have limited days to run and exercise and I must use them.
So, the old boy settled in his shed, I put on my joggers, and went out the door. i felt quite good and thought I would do a bit of speed work. But I soon found out that the old stamina is still not there, and I am wondering if it ever will be! I was blowing out my ........... so I settled in my usual pace. But I still wanted to get my body used to faster runs. I decided to use this run and do a fartlek training session.
I am not feeling a hundred percent anyway, I think naggy neighbour has been sending her germs across the green to me, but I am trying to keep them apart so the don't multiple! I was very warm about half a mile into this session and stopped to take my jacket off. Its 5th November, and I am running in a sleeveless top with skin tight joggers on and I am sweating bucket loads! I remember standing watching fireworks once wrapped up like an onion, with sheepskin coat on and still freezing my toosh off!
Excuses done. I got to the first mile marker and from that point onwards I was using lampposts and trees to do my fartlek training. Jog to one lamppost, run to the next and then walk to the next one. And to add a bit of fun to it, I used people as well. when I saw a person walking I would jog or run to just in front of them and then walk. I got very annoyed at one chap though, he decided to cross the road before I got to him!
Anyway, from Magpiehall lane, I really did start to feel the 'neglect' of not running as much as I have been running. This is when thoughts of mum kept me going. But also when the tears started to run, blinding me and making my face even more wet, if that is possible. And it wasn't the happy thoughts of mum, it was about this week, 3 years ago, that was creeping in to my mind. As much as I tried to remember the happy times, I think this week in November will always be about how cancer took my mum.
So I just ran, I ran and cried and cried and ran and walked of course. Until I got to Oxhawth Crescent. Just as I got to the top of it, before I turned left into Faringdon, another jogger ran pass me. I remember seeing him just before I got to the pub, the first/last mile marker, on the homeward bound, he and I were both walking then, but now he was running, up the hill and I was walking, that is untill I turn down there! My bit of road.
From here till I get home its non stop, no matter how slow I am going, as long as its some sort of jogging motion, with the heart rate still up, then that is fine. I so wanted to stop, but thinking about my mum and how she came back from a 'deep sleep' and asking for a voddy, kept me going! If she could do that, then I can so do this tiny little bit of road. So with more tears streaming down my face I do what I always do and finish in style.
3.34 miles in 42.01 minutes. Miss you mum!
Its a wet day out there today, but when I left for my jog this morning it was quite warm and no rain.
Well the title of today's blog is, as you probably guessed, all about my mum. My sister texted me this morning, not Nagging sister the other one, and just reminded me of how I got into this jogging lark in the beginning. One week from today is when my mum passed away 3 years ago! 3 years, and it still hurts as if it was only yesterday.
Because I have been lazy up until now, I made myself get out of bed, even though the old boy had bought me boiled eggs and soldiers to me, I was determined to go out running today. Even if the boiled eggs came back up! All this hard work, sweat and tears is because of my mum, and we all wanted to raise money for cancer research. The old boy is off work today, his fishing trip was canceled, and I could so easily just stay here and talk to him, and then maybe 'do lunch' somewhere. But I have limited days to run and exercise and I must use them.
So, the old boy settled in his shed, I put on my joggers, and went out the door. i felt quite good and thought I would do a bit of speed work. But I soon found out that the old stamina is still not there, and I am wondering if it ever will be! I was blowing out my ........... so I settled in my usual pace. But I still wanted to get my body used to faster runs. I decided to use this run and do a fartlek training session.
I am not feeling a hundred percent anyway, I think naggy neighbour has been sending her germs across the green to me, but I am trying to keep them apart so the don't multiple! I was very warm about half a mile into this session and stopped to take my jacket off. Its 5th November, and I am running in a sleeveless top with skin tight joggers on and I am sweating bucket loads! I remember standing watching fireworks once wrapped up like an onion, with sheepskin coat on and still freezing my toosh off!
Excuses done. I got to the first mile marker and from that point onwards I was using lampposts and trees to do my fartlek training. Jog to one lamppost, run to the next and then walk to the next one. And to add a bit of fun to it, I used people as well. when I saw a person walking I would jog or run to just in front of them and then walk. I got very annoyed at one chap though, he decided to cross the road before I got to him!
Anyway, from Magpiehall lane, I really did start to feel the 'neglect' of not running as much as I have been running. This is when thoughts of mum kept me going. But also when the tears started to run, blinding me and making my face even more wet, if that is possible. And it wasn't the happy thoughts of mum, it was about this week, 3 years ago, that was creeping in to my mind. As much as I tried to remember the happy times, I think this week in November will always be about how cancer took my mum.
So I just ran, I ran and cried and cried and ran and walked of course. Until I got to Oxhawth Crescent. Just as I got to the top of it, before I turned left into Faringdon, another jogger ran pass me. I remember seeing him just before I got to the pub, the first/last mile marker, on the homeward bound, he and I were both walking then, but now he was running, up the hill and I was walking, that is untill I turn down there! My bit of road.
From here till I get home its non stop, no matter how slow I am going, as long as its some sort of jogging motion, with the heart rate still up, then that is fine. I so wanted to stop, but thinking about my mum and how she came back from a 'deep sleep' and asking for a voddy, kept me going! If she could do that, then I can so do this tiny little bit of road. So with more tears streaming down my face I do what I always do and finish in style.
3.34 miles in 42.01 minutes. Miss you mum!

Sunday, 31 October 2010
Hi blog readers.
So, after a couple of days rest and relaxation (and lazyitus, today I just had to go for a run, no matter what! So after church I had every intention of going for an LSR today with naggy. But after I got back, I saw her laden with prezzies on her way to enjoy the company of 46 four year olds! But she did say that she would love to go for a run if I can hang on till 7:30 tonight. Of course I said yes!
So come 7:30 I was ready and looking forward to it. Although, my dinner had been insitu for a couple of hours by then, I was hoping it wouldn't come up to be 'enjoyed' again. Naggy had asked if I had eaten, I told her I had and how long ago, she said "Ahh that will be fine, now I know how far we are going run" I don't know about you, but that scared the jogging pants off me!
Obviously by this time it was very dark, but not cold, and the rain had stopped. I was thinking, the rain wouldn't have stopped naggy from going out running this evening, not after enjoying the company of all those wonderful children 'high' on the 'Golden Arches' finest foods and drink, complete with toys! She would really need to get out and run those stresses off. So really I was helping her!
As we were running along she asked me how long I run before I usually take my first walking break. Oh she knows me so well. I told just past the first mile marker and then a little further. "Oh good!" she says with this weird look about her face (or it could be just the trick of the night light) "So we can go pass that, turn right, and then think about your first stop by the school" I was trying to remember how far the school was, and then it came to me. Bloomin nora, this woman is a hard task master! All I could say was a pathetic "Yes ok"
Now that first mile I can do no problem, it's just that bit after I start thinking, "Whoo ho there old girl, remember you're a sweet old granny!" That first mile come and went, we crossed over the road and headed up towards the school. All the time naggy is talking to me, but by now, I am concentrating on keeping my lungs filled with oxygen and my lambchops spilling out those lovely calories into my body rather than on the road. "Your breathing is spot on" says naggy, "I think we can go further, up to the roundabout" I looked at her again, and there was that look about her again, did she cackle?, did she smile?, No, no, it must be the light this time of night.
On to the roundabout, naggy talking to me, encouraging me, telling me I'm doing well, the breathing is doing well, and we will walk for a few seconds come the roundabout. Now I know, if she wasn't with me, I would have stopped already for a quick walk. Naggy could tell I was thinking this (Can she read my mind, ooo spooky) as she said "I bet you wished you had gone out this afternoon now!" Oh boy was she right, and with the next exhale of breath I said, "The thought had crossed my mind!" And I looked at her again, just as a car drove passed, was those little horns on her head?
She got me as far as the round about, non stop, and a fairly reasonable time (22 minutes I think naggy said) and then my first walk. 1.7 miles it said on naggys gizmo, as soon as she told me, she said "Ok back to running" We didn't even walk for twenty seconds! But I did as she asked. She did say that I could walk again from the next round about AND THEN TURN LEFT TOWARDS THE PUB I think she was forgetting about the roundabout half way through this next section! As we approached it, she told me that I was doing well and to keep going. I was looking forward to walking now!
But I kept going on to the next roundabout. Even to the point of crossing over and heading up towards the pub before stopping, on naggys orders of course! And boy did I need that, And this time it was a real proper walk section, all the way to the pub, which I might add, looked very inviting! "Now, old girl" Says naggy "non stop now, all the way home" I was hoping the red look about her was a reflection from her red jacket! A quick shiver went down my back then. I must be cooling down!
I did try to run non stop all the way home. I didn't want to walk. "It's all in my head" says naggy "I wouldn't push you if I thought you can't do it" Going for a run this afternoon seemed like a good idea now. "Control the breathing again" Says naggy. So I concentrate on that again. I know that when I think about my breathing I can really control it, inhale two three, exhale two three four, inhale two three, exhale two three four. I was really concentrating hard. Three foot falls in and four foot falls out.
Just the last section now, and blow me if I have stopped again, an unofficial walking, but naggy does what naggy does well, and nagged! And I carried on running. Going down the first Oxhawth, nearly home!! Oh wow, nearly home. I really want to run the whole way now, but that darn hill gets to me and I walk! "Come on Old girl" calls out naggy as she runs off into the night, "I'm running, I'm running" I says "No you're not, I can hear you, you know" She has ears like a bat! Oooo very spooky!
But from here on end, its my road, its my running, its my rule, no stopping on this bit of road, no matter how far I have run, no matter how far naggy has pushed me, no matter how my legs hurt (well, actually they don't) this is the bit that I DO NOT WALK ON all the way home now. Running, I just want to finish now.
On the road, save energy rather than go up and down on those driveways, keep it focused. "Finishing in style?" enquires naggy, "Oh yes, always save a bit for finishing in style" and we both pick the pace up, naggy in front of me running straight pass my path and up to hers!! Of course I had to follow her. Done it.
Now walk round the green! Whats the time, how far, how much per mile? Those are the questions that I wanted to say, but it seems that naggy can understand dying grunting noises from her victims er, I mean mates. so here's the details
4.3 miles in 55.41 mins, avg about 12.58 mins per mile.
Not bad after a big dinner, and first night time run in the GMT time!
So, after a couple of days rest and relaxation (and lazyitus, today I just had to go for a run, no matter what! So after church I had every intention of going for an LSR today with naggy. But after I got back, I saw her laden with prezzies on her way to enjoy the company of 46 four year olds! But she did say that she would love to go for a run if I can hang on till 7:30 tonight. Of course I said yes!
So come 7:30 I was ready and looking forward to it. Although, my dinner had been insitu for a couple of hours by then, I was hoping it wouldn't come up to be 'enjoyed' again. Naggy had asked if I had eaten, I told her I had and how long ago, she said "Ahh that will be fine, now I know how far we are going run" I don't know about you, but that scared the jogging pants off me!
Obviously by this time it was very dark, but not cold, and the rain had stopped. I was thinking, the rain wouldn't have stopped naggy from going out running this evening, not after enjoying the company of all those wonderful children 'high' on the 'Golden Arches' finest foods and drink, complete with toys! She would really need to get out and run those stresses off. So really I was helping her!
As we were running along she asked me how long I run before I usually take my first walking break. Oh she knows me so well. I told just past the first mile marker and then a little further. "Oh good!" she says with this weird look about her face (or it could be just the trick of the night light) "So we can go pass that, turn right, and then think about your first stop by the school" I was trying to remember how far the school was, and then it came to me. Bloomin nora, this woman is a hard task master! All I could say was a pathetic "Yes ok"
Now that first mile I can do no problem, it's just that bit after I start thinking, "Whoo ho there old girl, remember you're a sweet old granny!" That first mile come and went, we crossed over the road and headed up towards the school. All the time naggy is talking to me, but by now, I am concentrating on keeping my lungs filled with oxygen and my lambchops spilling out those lovely calories into my body rather than on the road. "Your breathing is spot on" says naggy, "I think we can go further, up to the roundabout" I looked at her again, and there was that look about her again, did she cackle?, did she smile?, No, no, it must be the light this time of night.
On to the roundabout, naggy talking to me, encouraging me, telling me I'm doing well, the breathing is doing well, and we will walk for a few seconds come the roundabout. Now I know, if she wasn't with me, I would have stopped already for a quick walk. Naggy could tell I was thinking this (Can she read my mind, ooo spooky) as she said "I bet you wished you had gone out this afternoon now!" Oh boy was she right, and with the next exhale of breath I said, "The thought had crossed my mind!" And I looked at her again, just as a car drove passed, was those little horns on her head?
She got me as far as the round about, non stop, and a fairly reasonable time (22 minutes I think naggy said) and then my first walk. 1.7 miles it said on naggys gizmo, as soon as she told me, she said "Ok back to running" We didn't even walk for twenty seconds! But I did as she asked. She did say that I could walk again from the next round about AND THEN TURN LEFT TOWARDS THE PUB I think she was forgetting about the roundabout half way through this next section! As we approached it, she told me that I was doing well and to keep going. I was looking forward to walking now!
But I kept going on to the next roundabout. Even to the point of crossing over and heading up towards the pub before stopping, on naggys orders of course! And boy did I need that, And this time it was a real proper walk section, all the way to the pub, which I might add, looked very inviting! "Now, old girl" Says naggy "non stop now, all the way home" I was hoping the red look about her was a reflection from her red jacket! A quick shiver went down my back then. I must be cooling down!
I did try to run non stop all the way home. I didn't want to walk. "It's all in my head" says naggy "I wouldn't push you if I thought you can't do it" Going for a run this afternoon seemed like a good idea now. "Control the breathing again" Says naggy. So I concentrate on that again. I know that when I think about my breathing I can really control it, inhale two three, exhale two three four, inhale two three, exhale two three four. I was really concentrating hard. Three foot falls in and four foot falls out.
Just the last section now, and blow me if I have stopped again, an unofficial walking, but naggy does what naggy does well, and nagged! And I carried on running. Going down the first Oxhawth, nearly home!! Oh wow, nearly home. I really want to run the whole way now, but that darn hill gets to me and I walk! "Come on Old girl" calls out naggy as she runs off into the night, "I'm running, I'm running" I says "No you're not, I can hear you, you know" She has ears like a bat! Oooo very spooky!
But from here on end, its my road, its my running, its my rule, no stopping on this bit of road, no matter how far I have run, no matter how far naggy has pushed me, no matter how my legs hurt (well, actually they don't) this is the bit that I DO NOT WALK ON all the way home now. Running, I just want to finish now.
On the road, save energy rather than go up and down on those driveways, keep it focused. "Finishing in style?" enquires naggy, "Oh yes, always save a bit for finishing in style" and we both pick the pace up, naggy in front of me running straight pass my path and up to hers!! Of course I had to follow her. Done it.
Now walk round the green! Whats the time, how far, how much per mile? Those are the questions that I wanted to say, but it seems that naggy can understand dying grunting noises from her victims er, I mean mates. so here's the details
4.3 miles in 55.41 mins, avg about 12.58 mins per mile.
Not bad after a big dinner, and first night time run in the GMT time!
Thursday, 28 October 2010
A Newbie Cyclist?!!
Hi blog lovers,
I expect your wondering about the title. Well let me tell you, I felt like it was the first time I was on the bike! My confidence as gone slightly with the traffic around, and the muscles in my legs have gone into hibernation for the winter! How long is it since I was last on my bike? Well whatever it is, its too long! I was thinking of going up to Downe Village but a quick look at the sky made me change my mind. I would just go to Green Street Green. A little further than Farnborough, but not as far as Downe!
Going up the A21 I really did feel like I have never tackled a hill before in my life. My heart rate was pounding, I was sweaty, my legs were hurting, and I was only a quarter of the way up! I had to get off and walk! Only a short way, just so I can see the top of the hill, and then I got back on my bike and carried on. It really is a very busy road, and the last thing you want to be doing is a wibble wobble ride on this road!
But after that initial hill, the rest seemed pretty do-able without too much effort. Soon enough I was cruising along and thinking about lunch, and the road, and anything but that darn hill, and my aching limbs. I will say this though, the running seems to hurt the back of my legs, and the cycling does the top of my legs. So all in all, combining the two my legs are getting a good work out! I wonder if those activities work on the bum too!!
Negotiating the roundabouts and the old confidence is coming back. As long as the drivers behind know what I am planing to do then they should give me plenty of room and take care when passing me. Yeah right, there are still those blooming drivers who for some reason decided to squeeze pass you on the 'pinch' zones!
Oh, now that is a lovely site, the pub for which my lunch will be served. I have become addicted to bacon and brie melts at this pub, and it seems now where ever I go I have to try out each pubs bacon and brie sarnies! I should make a list and points value for each place I visit! Hmmm that's an idea.
I had no idea what time I left my house but I am guess that I have been riding for no more than twenty minutes. When I sat down, waiting for my lunch it was 12:40. the place was very very quiet. Its a huge place, and I noticed only one other couple, tucked away in a little cubby hole when I was looking for members of staff to serve me!. Lunch arrived, eaten and enjoyed, and I was off out the door again for the next part, getting home!
I did make a note of the time, it was 13:22, and I headed off towards Opington, I was planning on attacking that Perry hall lane hill! On the way there my confidence was growing with each set of traffic lights and each roundabout I came to. As well as my frustration at the thoughtless motorists that still want to get close enough to whisper in my ear! Opington High street was soon in front of me, and just beyond that, the monster hill. If anyone knows that hill it really is a monster. There is a slight incline, quite a long one before you get to bottom of the main hill. A stupid, ridiculous tune came in my head which I had made up my own words to it, ok, its only four words 'Keep on peddling, keep on peddling, keep on peddling, peddling now' I couldn't do, I yelled at the stupid tune and got off my bike, and walked in disgust. Telling my legs off, even though they were threatening to collapse under me!
I decided to go down Crofton Lane as I wanted to pop into the local supermarket, and, more like the real reason, I didn't have to carry on walking up the hill. More time in the saddle! was my reasoning for doing so! But from here to the supermarket I stayed in the saddle, even up the very short steepish hills.
I popped into the supermarket, and then made my way home. It must have been about 14:30 ish, by the time I got home. Who cares about how fast I went today, who really is bothered by beating PB............ME But somehow, I don't think this will be a PB! I collapsed in my chair and thought about my ride. How my legs are aching. And then I thought about another friend of mine, who is bonkers about riding. Not only does he commute to work but he goes for extremely long rides during his relaxing times! In fact he is planning on an ultra ride in a couple of years, riding from London to Edinburgh and back to London! Crazy idea, I hear you saying, but here is the totally, 'get the white van and lock this man up' bit, He is planning on doing NON STOP! What on earth would he say to me now, collapsed on my seat, complaining about a measly 10 miles, broken up by a leisurely lunch!
Still, I enjoyed my ride, I enjoyed my lunch! And the rain stayed away, all totally great bonuses!! Where shall I go for my next ride?!
I expect your wondering about the title. Well let me tell you, I felt like it was the first time I was on the bike! My confidence as gone slightly with the traffic around, and the muscles in my legs have gone into hibernation for the winter! How long is it since I was last on my bike? Well whatever it is, its too long! I was thinking of going up to Downe Village but a quick look at the sky made me change my mind. I would just go to Green Street Green. A little further than Farnborough, but not as far as Downe!
Going up the A21 I really did feel like I have never tackled a hill before in my life. My heart rate was pounding, I was sweaty, my legs were hurting, and I was only a quarter of the way up! I had to get off and walk! Only a short way, just so I can see the top of the hill, and then I got back on my bike and carried on. It really is a very busy road, and the last thing you want to be doing is a wibble wobble ride on this road!
But after that initial hill, the rest seemed pretty do-able without too much effort. Soon enough I was cruising along and thinking about lunch, and the road, and anything but that darn hill, and my aching limbs. I will say this though, the running seems to hurt the back of my legs, and the cycling does the top of my legs. So all in all, combining the two my legs are getting a good work out! I wonder if those activities work on the bum too!!
Negotiating the roundabouts and the old confidence is coming back. As long as the drivers behind know what I am planing to do then they should give me plenty of room and take care when passing me. Yeah right, there are still those blooming drivers who for some reason decided to squeeze pass you on the 'pinch' zones!
Oh, now that is a lovely site, the pub for which my lunch will be served. I have become addicted to bacon and brie melts at this pub, and it seems now where ever I go I have to try out each pubs bacon and brie sarnies! I should make a list and points value for each place I visit! Hmmm that's an idea.
I had no idea what time I left my house but I am guess that I have been riding for no more than twenty minutes. When I sat down, waiting for my lunch it was 12:40. the place was very very quiet. Its a huge place, and I noticed only one other couple, tucked away in a little cubby hole when I was looking for members of staff to serve me!. Lunch arrived, eaten and enjoyed, and I was off out the door again for the next part, getting home!
I did make a note of the time, it was 13:22, and I headed off towards Opington, I was planning on attacking that Perry hall lane hill! On the way there my confidence was growing with each set of traffic lights and each roundabout I came to. As well as my frustration at the thoughtless motorists that still want to get close enough to whisper in my ear! Opington High street was soon in front of me, and just beyond that, the monster hill. If anyone knows that hill it really is a monster. There is a slight incline, quite a long one before you get to bottom of the main hill. A stupid, ridiculous tune came in my head which I had made up my own words to it, ok, its only four words 'Keep on peddling, keep on peddling, keep on peddling, peddling now' I couldn't do, I yelled at the stupid tune and got off my bike, and walked in disgust. Telling my legs off, even though they were threatening to collapse under me!
I decided to go down Crofton Lane as I wanted to pop into the local supermarket, and, more like the real reason, I didn't have to carry on walking up the hill. More time in the saddle! was my reasoning for doing so! But from here to the supermarket I stayed in the saddle, even up the very short steepish hills.
I popped into the supermarket, and then made my way home. It must have been about 14:30 ish, by the time I got home. Who cares about how fast I went today, who really is bothered by beating PB............ME But somehow, I don't think this will be a PB! I collapsed in my chair and thought about my ride. How my legs are aching. And then I thought about another friend of mine, who is bonkers about riding. Not only does he commute to work but he goes for extremely long rides during his relaxing times! In fact he is planning on an ultra ride in a couple of years, riding from London to Edinburgh and back to London! Crazy idea, I hear you saying, but here is the totally, 'get the white van and lock this man up' bit, He is planning on doing NON STOP! What on earth would he say to me now, collapsed on my seat, complaining about a measly 10 miles, broken up by a leisurely lunch!
Still, I enjoyed my ride, I enjoyed my lunch! And the rain stayed away, all totally great bonuses!! Where shall I go for my next ride?!
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Running At Last!
Hi Blog lovers.
This autumn running is so very difficult and enthusiasm zapping! But I am determined to beat it, no way can I let those months of hard sweat and tears go to waste. Talking of tears, there were a few of those again today towards the end of today's run, but if you read to the end you will see that.
I left the house after my work had left and I had got changed. Not in my 'skins' because they still in the wash! (lazy mare) but I had on nice warm Dunlap velour jog pants, very Essex Girl! and the old mans fleecy hoody! I did look a sight, but the darkness was coming, I don't think people would notice me. As I was setting my IPOD I noticed naggy coming home, maybe I should have asked her to come along, but thought, she just home from work! she wont want to come, but then again she is a runner! I wasn't sure what to do, but as I was psyched up I just waved and went.
I went quite fast for the first 200 metres, and had to say "Whoo there girlfriend, where's the fire?" and I pulled in the reigns a bit. Then I noticed I was blowing a bit. It was Nagging Sister that had set the fire. She had told me that she went out jogging today, (renewed her interest) and only managed 2 miles but in 24 minutes! Average of 12 minute miles! I'm sure that's faster than me. But I got to remember she is younger than me, by a couple of years, and she is skinnier than me, and she really is more fitter than me, what with her millions of badminton classes! I have to do my own pace, that's my rule for me to get fitter and faster.
I know I have to push myself hard, but I will have to do that at the weekends and on the days that I am not working or cycling. Today I just need to get out there and just keep doing what I'm doing, and keeping myself safe. So no running through parks this time of the day! All the way up to the first mile marker I was deciding which way I would go, I still wasn't certain. Do I run down the hill I hate and then up to the round about, or do I run up the hill and just do the usual route. Well, it was getting pretty dark, and I am again dressed in dark colours, so I decided that I am going to take the shortest route, which means running up the hill.
I really did feel good running today, all the way up to Turpington lane, of course I did stop, if naggy was here she would give me such a telling. This shouldn't be happening now! But I am too soft. Its really dark now, and my glasses are steaming up from the sweat on my face, making it even more difficult to see anything up ahead. So I decided to just focus on one tree or lamppost at a time, get to those then focus on another one.
Soon enough the hill was there, but it didn't matter, I couldn't see it! But I did feel it under foot. Have to lift my legs just a little higher, but I am still feeling very good. In fact I was feeling so good I went straight up and didn't turn right at Holbrook! Ok, I chickened out of going down there, too near the park! But it's a sensible thing to do. So I ran straight up to the main road again and turned right towards home. Got to the first mile (last mile) marker and this is where the old legs and stamina start to go. This is the hardest mile for me, I looked at my IPOD and saw that it was 27 and something, if I did this same mile as the first one then I could be back by 38 and something! Which would be my personal best!
DARN BLOOMING LAZYITUS COUCH POTATO WOMAN!! I just can't run this last mile like I run the first mile. Other people can! Why can't I?
I went down the second Oxhawth, I think, the easy option, but also to say to couch potato me that I need to run non stop now from the top of oxhawth to my door! As I was running down here though, a song came up on my IPOD, it was Madonnas 'Papa Don't Preach' and for some unknown reason, this stirred up some emotions in me, thinking of my kids and their needs, and my own mum and dad, and how much I miss them. I just started crying! Only for a very short while, but the tears ran down my already wet face. I soon pulled myself together and got on with the job in hand.
I had just a little bit left over for the finishing, not quite in style, but shall we say just looking good. I stopped the timer and made a mental note of the time, it was 41:40 minutes. I was ok with that time, of course I wanted it to be faster! but the fact that I got out today after work, was good enough for me today.
I was going to go straight in, and not walk out the 3 miles, but just as I went into the gate, Hearts 'Crazy On You' yelled in my ears. I love this song, so I took the walk around the green, not only that but I was singing along with the girls. Did you read that, let me write that again I was singing along with this song! I wasn't particularly out of breath, I wasn't puffing and blowing out my........whatever, I was singing along fairly in tune I might add, out loud! I am definitely getting fitter!
This autumn running is so very difficult and enthusiasm zapping! But I am determined to beat it, no way can I let those months of hard sweat and tears go to waste. Talking of tears, there were a few of those again today towards the end of today's run, but if you read to the end you will see that.
I left the house after my work had left and I had got changed. Not in my 'skins' because they still in the wash! (lazy mare) but I had on nice warm Dunlap velour jog pants, very Essex Girl! and the old mans fleecy hoody! I did look a sight, but the darkness was coming, I don't think people would notice me. As I was setting my IPOD I noticed naggy coming home, maybe I should have asked her to come along, but thought, she just home from work! she wont want to come, but then again she is a runner! I wasn't sure what to do, but as I was psyched up I just waved and went.
I went quite fast for the first 200 metres, and had to say "Whoo there girlfriend, where's the fire?" and I pulled in the reigns a bit. Then I noticed I was blowing a bit. It was Nagging Sister that had set the fire. She had told me that she went out jogging today, (renewed her interest) and only managed 2 miles but in 24 minutes! Average of 12 minute miles! I'm sure that's faster than me. But I got to remember she is younger than me, by a couple of years, and she is skinnier than me, and she really is more fitter than me, what with her millions of badminton classes! I have to do my own pace, that's my rule for me to get fitter and faster.
I know I have to push myself hard, but I will have to do that at the weekends and on the days that I am not working or cycling. Today I just need to get out there and just keep doing what I'm doing, and keeping myself safe. So no running through parks this time of the day! All the way up to the first mile marker I was deciding which way I would go, I still wasn't certain. Do I run down the hill I hate and then up to the round about, or do I run up the hill and just do the usual route. Well, it was getting pretty dark, and I am again dressed in dark colours, so I decided that I am going to take the shortest route, which means running up the hill.
I really did feel good running today, all the way up to Turpington lane, of course I did stop, if naggy was here she would give me such a telling. This shouldn't be happening now! But I am too soft. Its really dark now, and my glasses are steaming up from the sweat on my face, making it even more difficult to see anything up ahead. So I decided to just focus on one tree or lamppost at a time, get to those then focus on another one.
Soon enough the hill was there, but it didn't matter, I couldn't see it! But I did feel it under foot. Have to lift my legs just a little higher, but I am still feeling very good. In fact I was feeling so good I went straight up and didn't turn right at Holbrook! Ok, I chickened out of going down there, too near the park! But it's a sensible thing to do. So I ran straight up to the main road again and turned right towards home. Got to the first mile (last mile) marker and this is where the old legs and stamina start to go. This is the hardest mile for me, I looked at my IPOD and saw that it was 27 and something, if I did this same mile as the first one then I could be back by 38 and something! Which would be my personal best!
DARN BLOOMING LAZYITUS COUCH POTATO WOMAN!! I just can't run this last mile like I run the first mile. Other people can! Why can't I?
I went down the second Oxhawth, I think, the easy option, but also to say to couch potato me that I need to run non stop now from the top of oxhawth to my door! As I was running down here though, a song came up on my IPOD, it was Madonnas 'Papa Don't Preach' and for some unknown reason, this stirred up some emotions in me, thinking of my kids and their needs, and my own mum and dad, and how much I miss them. I just started crying! Only for a very short while, but the tears ran down my already wet face. I soon pulled myself together and got on with the job in hand.
I had just a little bit left over for the finishing, not quite in style, but shall we say just looking good. I stopped the timer and made a mental note of the time, it was 41:40 minutes. I was ok with that time, of course I wanted it to be faster! but the fact that I got out today after work, was good enough for me today.
I was going to go straight in, and not walk out the 3 miles, but just as I went into the gate, Hearts 'Crazy On You' yelled in my ears. I love this song, so I took the walk around the green, not only that but I was singing along with the girls. Did you read that, let me write that again I was singing along with this song! I wasn't particularly out of breath, I wasn't puffing and blowing out my........whatever, I was singing along fairly in tune I might add, out loud! I am definitely getting fitter!
Sunday, 24 October 2010
A Sharing Day!
Hello blog readers.
What a weekend I have had. Yesterday I had the most laziest day ever for a person who is not even ill! I got up, had a shower and sat on my chair down stairs. The old boy cooked me breakfast, and dinner! I didn't move. The only energetic thing I did was dance around in the loo struggling to get my belt undone. That will teach me to leave it so late!
So today I thought after church I would go for a nice long run! Get back home, do the house work, cook dinner, write up me blog. But that didn't happen. Nope! I got to church and we were having a harvest day! Which included a lovely shared lunch after the service! And boy did I have my fair share. I had completely forgotten about it. And I got out of church at around 2 ish. So no long run for me today. But because I had such a lazy day yesterday I really needed to get out and run. It will be so easy to slip back into couch potato days.
So after I bunged on some washing, filled the dishwasher and got changed into my jog pants I headed for the door. I am only planning on doing the usual 3.34 miles, up to Turpington and down Greenway and home again. I started up the stopwatch and ran.
Oh boy! I could feel the shared lunch inside of me, chili and rice, cakes, tea, apple crumble and custard! I felt like a great pudding pounding the pavements! I was huffing and puffing like an old steam train. Looking up the first long road, all I could think about is I cant wait to start running back down here.
I had no music with me, I forgot to charge up my IPOD, so I think things. Here is a list of some of the things that pop into my mind.
1. What shall I think about?
2. I'm bloated!
3. Why did I tell Brian I was going to do 6 miles today? AS if!
4. I wonder what those people over there are having for the dinner.
5. Mmm that smells nice
6. What do I think about when I'm running
7. I wish I didn't share so much lunch
10. Oh, blimey I hope that wasn't anything nasty I stepped in.
11. Only 2 and half miles left!
12. Why are your walking woman!
My mind must be a psychiatrist dream or challenge to make heads or tails off.
Well as you can guess from my thoughts above, I did stop, but again I did run for the whole of the first mile, just got to push myself further next time. My belly was really complaining, and I was thinking if it had to come up then so be it. Its not as if need to keep those calories anyway. But of course I didn't actually want to chunder up my shared lunch, I want it to stay where it is. I'm sure it slows you down being full, even if there was a good hour and a half after lunch. I check my stopwatch to see how I was doing. I had noticed that it stopped on 19.20 minutes. Darn it. Now I know this watch has a splits thingy, and I was trying to remember which button to press to get it running again without it resetting. You guessed it, I pressed the wrong button and reset the whole thing. ARRRRGGGGGHHHH!!! Well, I'm guess I wasn't going to be breaking any personal records today, not with the weeks worth of shopping I was carrying in my stomach. But I started it again from this point, which was just before the 1st mile marker, ....... or last mile marker, which makes me a little happier.
I was really suffering from the slothful gluttonous weekend that I had had so far, and I was trying so hard not to complain to myself in my head. After all, being a sloth and a glut way back when, is what got me into this state in the first place! And it was a really great weekend, whats a little short run going to harm.
I decided to go down the first Oxhawth Crescent, only because the hill that I have to run up to get to the last long road is quite steep, and I felt I needed to push myself a little harder because of the weekend I have been having. Oh boy! did this hill hurt! I was puffing and huffing and pushing myself up this hill, I wanted to get to the top without stopping. I almost made it! Almost. I was so annoyed that I stopped! But as you know, from this point on I don't, I wont allow myself to walk anymore, not from here. I fixed a point way up ahead and just focused on it. And I ran all the way. When ever I took my eye of the point ahead I felt myself slowing down, so focused again on the spot ahead, watch it, look at it, focus on it. Don't stop, don't stop. Keep going. Turning now down my road, quickly focus on my car parked up ahead, keep looking at that, speeding up, finish in style, turn now up the path, focus on the lamppost. Run, run, ignore the kids, they are not looking at you old girl, just run. Stop the clock, 15.06 minutes, hmm. Plus the 19.20 minutes for the first part, and maybe another 5 or six minutes for the accidentally stopping of the stop watch, is..... I have no idea, I am guessing that my overall time is the same as it usually is, so round about 42 minutes. It definitely wont be any quicker than that!
What a weekend I have had. Yesterday I had the most laziest day ever for a person who is not even ill! I got up, had a shower and sat on my chair down stairs. The old boy cooked me breakfast, and dinner! I didn't move. The only energetic thing I did was dance around in the loo struggling to get my belt undone. That will teach me to leave it so late!
So today I thought after church I would go for a nice long run! Get back home, do the house work, cook dinner, write up me blog. But that didn't happen. Nope! I got to church and we were having a harvest day! Which included a lovely shared lunch after the service! And boy did I have my fair share. I had completely forgotten about it. And I got out of church at around 2 ish. So no long run for me today. But because I had such a lazy day yesterday I really needed to get out and run. It will be so easy to slip back into couch potato days.
So after I bunged on some washing, filled the dishwasher and got changed into my jog pants I headed for the door. I am only planning on doing the usual 3.34 miles, up to Turpington and down Greenway and home again. I started up the stopwatch and ran.
Oh boy! I could feel the shared lunch inside of me, chili and rice, cakes, tea, apple crumble and custard! I felt like a great pudding pounding the pavements! I was huffing and puffing like an old steam train. Looking up the first long road, all I could think about is I cant wait to start running back down here.
I had no music with me, I forgot to charge up my IPOD, so I think things. Here is a list of some of the things that pop into my mind.
1. What shall I think about?
2. I'm bloated!
3. Why did I tell Brian I was going to do 6 miles today? AS if!
4. I wonder what those people over there are having for the dinner.
5. Mmm that smells nice
6. What do I think about when I'm running
7. I wish I didn't share so much lunch
10. Oh, blimey I hope that wasn't anything nasty I stepped in.
11. Only 2 and half miles left!
12. Why are your walking woman!
My mind must be a psychiatrist dream or challenge to make heads or tails off.
Well as you can guess from my thoughts above, I did stop, but again I did run for the whole of the first mile, just got to push myself further next time. My belly was really complaining, and I was thinking if it had to come up then so be it. Its not as if need to keep those calories anyway. But of course I didn't actually want to chunder up my shared lunch, I want it to stay where it is. I'm sure it slows you down being full, even if there was a good hour and a half after lunch. I check my stopwatch to see how I was doing. I had noticed that it stopped on 19.20 minutes. Darn it. Now I know this watch has a splits thingy, and I was trying to remember which button to press to get it running again without it resetting. You guessed it, I pressed the wrong button and reset the whole thing. ARRRRGGGGGHHHH!!! Well, I'm guess I wasn't going to be breaking any personal records today, not with the weeks worth of shopping I was carrying in my stomach. But I started it again from this point, which was just before the 1st mile marker, ....... or last mile marker, which makes me a little happier.
I was really suffering from the slothful gluttonous weekend that I had had so far, and I was trying so hard not to complain to myself in my head. After all, being a sloth and a glut way back when, is what got me into this state in the first place! And it was a really great weekend, whats a little short run going to harm.
I decided to go down the first Oxhawth Crescent, only because the hill that I have to run up to get to the last long road is quite steep, and I felt I needed to push myself a little harder because of the weekend I have been having. Oh boy! did this hill hurt! I was puffing and huffing and pushing myself up this hill, I wanted to get to the top without stopping. I almost made it! Almost. I was so annoyed that I stopped! But as you know, from this point on I don't, I wont allow myself to walk anymore, not from here. I fixed a point way up ahead and just focused on it. And I ran all the way. When ever I took my eye of the point ahead I felt myself slowing down, so focused again on the spot ahead, watch it, look at it, focus on it. Don't stop, don't stop. Keep going. Turning now down my road, quickly focus on my car parked up ahead, keep looking at that, speeding up, finish in style, turn now up the path, focus on the lamppost. Run, run, ignore the kids, they are not looking at you old girl, just run. Stop the clock, 15.06 minutes, hmm. Plus the 19.20 minutes for the first part, and maybe another 5 or six minutes for the accidentally stopping of the stop watch, is..... I have no idea, I am guessing that my overall time is the same as it usually is, so round about 42 minutes. It definitely wont be any quicker than that!
Saturday, 23 October 2010
On Yer Bike!
Hi bloggees,
Can you believe I forgot to write up a quick blog yesterday? How slack am I getting?!
Well, in actual fact there wasn't much exercising going on really. But I did get my bike out for a short ride up to the local supermarket. I did a bit of Internet shopping on Tursday and I was hoping that it would turn up the today, but after i checked emails then I realised probably not going to get here until Monday! I think I am getting quite good at excuses.
After a lovely morning enjoying my bed, and then checking emails, I did tell myself off for not going out for a run. But I had enough time to get the bike out and do the banking before the walk to school, (Which I might add, I don't write about, maybe I should do, what you think?) lol, so that's what I did.
After making sure that I had everything ready, i.e. money, paying in books and cards, then I set off. I wasn't dressed for a long ride, I was in my jeans, and I also forgot my cycle helmet!, having the wind blowing through my hair! Very romantic.
I decided to ride up Crescent Drive hill, as I haven't been on the bike for a while. And remembering the times when struggled getting up this hill, jelly legs, heart pounding, spots before the eyes and sweating like I was in a sauna! I was assuming I would probably have, maybe not so extreme reactions to riding up the hill, but just a little bit of trouble. Imagine my surprise when I rode up hill and hardly noticed the incline. Maybe just a little out of breath, but the legs were fine, no sweating and definitely no spots before the eyes!
I am getting fitter! Its working, the old boy is right! You don't actually 'feel' any different, but you do notice that you can do more, more easily!!
I have no idea of how long I took, due to the whole banking thing, but I'm guessing maybe no more than 15 minutes to get to and from Pettswood and back!
Can you believe I forgot to write up a quick blog yesterday? How slack am I getting?!
Well, in actual fact there wasn't much exercising going on really. But I did get my bike out for a short ride up to the local supermarket. I did a bit of Internet shopping on Tursday and I was hoping that it would turn up the today, but after i checked emails then I realised probably not going to get here until Monday! I think I am getting quite good at excuses.
After a lovely morning enjoying my bed, and then checking emails, I did tell myself off for not going out for a run. But I had enough time to get the bike out and do the banking before the walk to school, (Which I might add, I don't write about, maybe I should do, what you think?) lol, so that's what I did.
After making sure that I had everything ready, i.e. money, paying in books and cards, then I set off. I wasn't dressed for a long ride, I was in my jeans, and I also forgot my cycle helmet!, having the wind blowing through my hair! Very romantic.
I decided to ride up Crescent Drive hill, as I haven't been on the bike for a while. And remembering the times when struggled getting up this hill, jelly legs, heart pounding, spots before the eyes and sweating like I was in a sauna! I was assuming I would probably have, maybe not so extreme reactions to riding up the hill, but just a little bit of trouble. Imagine my surprise when I rode up hill and hardly noticed the incline. Maybe just a little out of breath, but the legs were fine, no sweating and definitely no spots before the eyes!
I am getting fitter! Its working, the old boy is right! You don't actually 'feel' any different, but you do notice that you can do more, more easily!!
I have no idea of how long I took, due to the whole banking thing, but I'm guessing maybe no more than 15 minutes to get to and from Pettswood and back!
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
A Dark Short Jog.
Hi bloggees,
I wanted to go out for a jog yesterday, but shopping was top of the agenda for us instead, so I went out this evening. I have my eldest daughter coming here for the night, and I decided to cook a full scale roast dinner. So it was literally, fling in the fowl, pile in potatoes and scarper out the door.
I was thinking for going out for a 4 mile run, but I decided to just do the old usual route of 3.34 miles. I don't want my spuds to spoil, and I still had veg to prepare anyway. And besides, my eldest daughter was coming home for the night! There, excuses done. Now to get on with the jog.
I set off, the sun was just starting to go down, jogging down the first road guess who I see? Go go guess. That's right, Naggy Neighbour! And I was running this time. Probably just as well really, as I had just started. With naggy in my thoughts now, I just paced myself and made sure that I didn't stop all the way to the first mile marker. I was chasing the sun as I ran down the long road towards it, and by the time I got there the sky was dark behind me but a lovely golden colour just above the houses in front of me. And the thought of running down the quiet roads a little later in the dark, wasn't very appealing to me, so I decided to go in the opposite direction that I normally do, which of course means, running down Magpiehall Lane, Whoo hoo! I expect naggy will have something to say about that.
But I was enjoying it, I wasn't going particularly fast, I just wanted to get out and run! Just because its getting dark, and I'm working, it doesn't mean that I have to give up running, even a shorter 3 mile run is better than none.
So I turned off just pass the pub and headed down towards Holmcroft, but just down here is where I did my first walking stint. Tut, I was so annoyed. But I got back to running very quickly and managed to run all the way to Greenway! It felt good to run down my nemesis hill, but the darkness is coming now. I managed to jog the whole way to Greenway and just a little further up here before I stopped again. When I do stop jogging, it really is only for a very short while, but I still get so annoyed with myself for doing it. Heading up Southborough lane now, on the way home, and now looking into the night sky. The moon is up and the stars and twinkly around it. My first 'night time' jog of the year.
Heading for home now, and I am wondering if my daughter has got home yet, or if the old boy has prepared any veg for dinner. I try and try and try not to stop any more, but I am getting tired. Wednesdays are a very busy day for me, (more excuses) and I really just want to get in, and hopefully its all been done.
On the last long road now. Definitely no stopping from here till I get home. This is my promise to myself, no stopping, no walking on this bit of road! This is home territory, can't possible be seen walking here.
All the way home, just thinking about my dinner now, and hopefully things cooking on the stove, and I can just relax and eat it when its read.
Running now, down the middle of the road, thinking of nothing but running. Running all the way, maybe even speed up a little, just so that I look like a proper runner. Must get some reflective clothing or something if I am going to keep running in the dark!
Up my road, turn down my path, stop the timer, 41.08 mins. Not bad, Not particularly good, I so wanted to be 30 something minutes, but I wasn't doing a speed run (will I ever be that good that I can do a speed run?)
Oh by the way, veg was prepared, (tins opened that is) but he also prepared some leeks and asparagas as well, yum. Thanks old boy!
I wanted to go out for a jog yesterday, but shopping was top of the agenda for us instead, so I went out this evening. I have my eldest daughter coming here for the night, and I decided to cook a full scale roast dinner. So it was literally, fling in the fowl, pile in potatoes and scarper out the door.
I was thinking for going out for a 4 mile run, but I decided to just do the old usual route of 3.34 miles. I don't want my spuds to spoil, and I still had veg to prepare anyway. And besides, my eldest daughter was coming home for the night! There, excuses done. Now to get on with the jog.
I set off, the sun was just starting to go down, jogging down the first road guess who I see? Go go guess. That's right, Naggy Neighbour! And I was running this time. Probably just as well really, as I had just started. With naggy in my thoughts now, I just paced myself and made sure that I didn't stop all the way to the first mile marker. I was chasing the sun as I ran down the long road towards it, and by the time I got there the sky was dark behind me but a lovely golden colour just above the houses in front of me. And the thought of running down the quiet roads a little later in the dark, wasn't very appealing to me, so I decided to go in the opposite direction that I normally do, which of course means, running down Magpiehall Lane, Whoo hoo! I expect naggy will have something to say about that.
But I was enjoying it, I wasn't going particularly fast, I just wanted to get out and run! Just because its getting dark, and I'm working, it doesn't mean that I have to give up running, even a shorter 3 mile run is better than none.
So I turned off just pass the pub and headed down towards Holmcroft, but just down here is where I did my first walking stint. Tut, I was so annoyed. But I got back to running very quickly and managed to run all the way to Greenway! It felt good to run down my nemesis hill, but the darkness is coming now. I managed to jog the whole way to Greenway and just a little further up here before I stopped again. When I do stop jogging, it really is only for a very short while, but I still get so annoyed with myself for doing it. Heading up Southborough lane now, on the way home, and now looking into the night sky. The moon is up and the stars and twinkly around it. My first 'night time' jog of the year.
Heading for home now, and I am wondering if my daughter has got home yet, or if the old boy has prepared any veg for dinner. I try and try and try not to stop any more, but I am getting tired. Wednesdays are a very busy day for me, (more excuses) and I really just want to get in, and hopefully its all been done.
On the last long road now. Definitely no stopping from here till I get home. This is my promise to myself, no stopping, no walking on this bit of road! This is home territory, can't possible be seen walking here.
All the way home, just thinking about my dinner now, and hopefully things cooking on the stove, and I can just relax and eat it when its read.
Running now, down the middle of the road, thinking of nothing but running. Running all the way, maybe even speed up a little, just so that I look like a proper runner. Must get some reflective clothing or something if I am going to keep running in the dark!
Up my road, turn down my path, stop the timer, 41.08 mins. Not bad, Not particularly good, I so wanted to be 30 something minutes, but I wasn't doing a speed run (will I ever be that good that I can do a speed run?)
Oh by the way, veg was prepared, (tins opened that is) but he also prepared some leeks and asparagas as well, yum. Thanks old boy!
Sunday, 17 October 2010
Naggys Route? No Contest!
Hi blog readers.
What a lovely morning and afternoon, of course I had to go for a run in this glorious sunshine. So after church, I bunged on a wash and got me old joggers out and got ready.
He has certainly given us a day today. Middle of October, the sun is warm, with just a very slight cool breeze. Perfect start for a LSR (long slow run)
I did have in mind to go further that me and naggy went last time, but read on and you will find the excuses I mean reasons why I didn't do that. I started off at a gentle pace, not like yesterday, blasting out of the gates like a greyhound, but something that is going to sustain me through the whole route. I tried to get the new timer working, but its just too many buttons, so my old faithful IPOD came into play again, and kept me morale up with some nice tunes to take my mind off my aching limbs. Jogging through the park now, and kids out playing with the bikes, so good to see, unlike my big son, at home no doubt on the computer playing 'Rune Scape' And he tells me he could jog this route faster than me?? I doubt it.
Anyway, through the park on up now to the A21, (you know that I do stop for a walk) I am not going to write each time I do, because........well, I'm not. But just up here I do, just as I turn towards Bromley, take a swig of my drink and back to jogging. That is pretty much how it goes from here on end. I tell myself off for stopping, I try and analyze why I am stopping, is it because I am tired, well, I am but no more that when I left the house, are my legs hurting, well just a tad, but nothing major. My breathing is fine, no chest pains, no knee pains, I did even have any alcohol last night, SO WHY AM I WALKING!! I can only come up with old couchie still has a hold of me somewhere, and is keeping me from continuous jogging.
I really wanted to turn right at the roundabout and just give up, but I perservered on over the roundabout and just kept on running/walking and thinking about the hill on Homesdale road! I am at least going to make naggy happy by running up the whole thing. At least I can tell her, "Yes Naggy, your hill didn't beat me today" All too soon though, the hill was there, a quick swig of my drink and attack the hill. I felt pretty good actually, because coming in the opposite direction was another jogging, and I was thinking (smugly) "Well, I am going run up that hill" I shouldn't be so smug really, that chap could quite easily have done 10 or 15 miles by then! But I managed to get up the hill in one go. Yup naggy will be pleased with that if nothing else.
Now as I was using this as a long slow run, just for endurance and what not, then I wasn't too bothered about the time, but then these thoughts started to pop into my head, "How you going to know if you improving if you don't at least do the same route as before, just to measure the times" well have just over 3 miles jogging/walking this seems a perfectly reasonable question. And one that I need to address. So from there on I was talking myself out of going up to Petts Wood, but instead going through the park again, like naggy lets us do the first time. Of course I was saying, "but this is supposed to be a least 6 miles today," and then old couchie would be saying "You know its good to have a yard stick, just to see"
By now my limbs were beginning to hurt a little more, and did I feel a twinge in my ankle, or is old couchie just grasping at straws to get me to cut my LSR shorter. Well, of course I have to know. I have to know if I have got faster, because I wasn't knocking my socks off, I don't think anyway, to get this far. And if I was going any slower, then I'm sure I would be going backwards! So yes, I am going through the park, just to see, then next time I will go all the way to Petts Wood.
My whole being seemed to changed again then, a little bit competitiveness, and a relief fell on me then as well! I looked at the clock just before I turned into the road that goes to the park. "WOW Yes I can beat the first time" I urged myself not to stop now, I didn't stop for naggy, so I should stop for me ....... darn it, a quick stop, "now move your bloomin ass old girl" as I told myself off.
Down the last road now, running in the middle of the road, saving precious energy rather than go up and down on each driveway, come on, this is it run, run.
All the way home I ran, thinking I can beat this but at least two minutes. I stopped the clock just as I got to the lamppost out side my house and looked. 1 hour and 10 minutes and 14 seconds! Oh my goodness. That's a whole 4 minutes off mine and naggys time. whoo hoo!
What a lovely morning and afternoon, of course I had to go for a run in this glorious sunshine. So after church, I bunged on a wash and got me old joggers out and got ready.
He has certainly given us a day today. Middle of October, the sun is warm, with just a very slight cool breeze. Perfect start for a LSR (long slow run)
I did have in mind to go further that me and naggy went last time, but read on and you will find the excuses I mean reasons why I didn't do that. I started off at a gentle pace, not like yesterday, blasting out of the gates like a greyhound, but something that is going to sustain me through the whole route. I tried to get the new timer working, but its just too many buttons, so my old faithful IPOD came into play again, and kept me morale up with some nice tunes to take my mind off my aching limbs. Jogging through the park now, and kids out playing with the bikes, so good to see, unlike my big son, at home no doubt on the computer playing 'Rune Scape' And he tells me he could jog this route faster than me?? I doubt it.
Anyway, through the park on up now to the A21, (you know that I do stop for a walk) I am not going to write each time I do, because........well, I'm not. But just up here I do, just as I turn towards Bromley, take a swig of my drink and back to jogging. That is pretty much how it goes from here on end. I tell myself off for stopping, I try and analyze why I am stopping, is it because I am tired, well, I am but no more that when I left the house, are my legs hurting, well just a tad, but nothing major. My breathing is fine, no chest pains, no knee pains, I did even have any alcohol last night, SO WHY AM I WALKING!! I can only come up with old couchie still has a hold of me somewhere, and is keeping me from continuous jogging.
I really wanted to turn right at the roundabout and just give up, but I perservered on over the roundabout and just kept on running/walking and thinking about the hill on Homesdale road! I am at least going to make naggy happy by running up the whole thing. At least I can tell her, "Yes Naggy, your hill didn't beat me today" All too soon though, the hill was there, a quick swig of my drink and attack the hill. I felt pretty good actually, because coming in the opposite direction was another jogging, and I was thinking (smugly) "Well, I am going run up that hill" I shouldn't be so smug really, that chap could quite easily have done 10 or 15 miles by then! But I managed to get up the hill in one go. Yup naggy will be pleased with that if nothing else.
Now as I was using this as a long slow run, just for endurance and what not, then I wasn't too bothered about the time, but then these thoughts started to pop into my head, "How you going to know if you improving if you don't at least do the same route as before, just to measure the times" well have just over 3 miles jogging/walking this seems a perfectly reasonable question. And one that I need to address. So from there on I was talking myself out of going up to Petts Wood, but instead going through the park again, like naggy lets us do the first time. Of course I was saying, "but this is supposed to be a least 6 miles today," and then old couchie would be saying "You know its good to have a yard stick, just to see"
By now my limbs were beginning to hurt a little more, and did I feel a twinge in my ankle, or is old couchie just grasping at straws to get me to cut my LSR shorter. Well, of course I have to know. I have to know if I have got faster, because I wasn't knocking my socks off, I don't think anyway, to get this far. And if I was going any slower, then I'm sure I would be going backwards! So yes, I am going through the park, just to see, then next time I will go all the way to Petts Wood.
My whole being seemed to changed again then, a little bit competitiveness, and a relief fell on me then as well! I looked at the clock just before I turned into the road that goes to the park. "WOW Yes I can beat the first time" I urged myself not to stop now, I didn't stop for naggy, so I should stop for me ....... darn it, a quick stop, "now move your bloomin ass old girl" as I told myself off.
Down the last road now, running in the middle of the road, saving precious energy rather than go up and down on each driveway, come on, this is it run, run.
All the way home I ran, thinking I can beat this but at least two minutes. I stopped the clock just as I got to the lamppost out side my house and looked. 1 hour and 10 minutes and 14 seconds! Oh my goodness. That's a whole 4 minutes off mine and naggys time. whoo hoo!
Saturday, 16 October 2010
Blasting the Mile!
Hi blog lovers,
Its me. Its a glorious Saturday morning and I woke up wanting to run. As the old boy and me wanted to go out for the day a bit later, I decided to just do a very quick run back to old turnaround lamppost and back. I know naggy wants to go for a run too, but she is just going to have to do with out her pace maker today (erm, did you read that bit naggy?, just a little joke). I'm sure she will forgive me. I shall let you know next time we run together!
So, up to turn around lamppost. Now I have never really done speed work, so I'm not quite sure of the technique that is required to get there and back in a good time. Do you start off at a fast pace and the then ease yourself back into a relatively easy going pace, or do you build up to a fast pace. Or do you keep a fast pace from A to B?
I tried the first one, only cos I though at the time that is what you were supposed to do. So off a lightening speed I was, blink and you would have missed me, only to turn around and see me puffing at the end of the road. I don't think the first option is the right one for me! But I settled down to a faster pace than I would normally do, trying to catch my breath again, and what with the slight chill of the morning, it took a little longer than I hoped. All those thoughts of mine came back of the first time I did this run. How at first I couldn't even run to my mother in laws house without stopping to scoop up lungs from the pavement, and how each lamppost became 'mile stones' for me. And yet today I was running the same route, and feeling the same, yet knowing I AM going to run this faster. But what the margin is going to be I don't know.
The dog walkers are out this morning, little dogs, big dogs, and its nice to see they are all on leads so I didn't have to stop my running! My legs were feeling strong, and I was feeling good. Just before turn around lamppost, my breath escaped me. I stopped, just a lamppost before, I gave myself a right telling off and started running again. A quick touch of the lamppost press the splits timer on the new timer I have, (6.27) and head off home again.
I tried to keep the same pace all the way back, telling myself off for walking, walking some of the way back on this very short route! I must do more speed work, find out the right technique is for me to be able to run this short distance at speed without walking!
Anyway, to cut a short run, short, I got home to the lamppost outside my home in 13:27 minutes! For 1.14 miles! Now looking back at my times before this, way back in March 2008, and even March 2010, I think I have done blooming well!
Its me. Its a glorious Saturday morning and I woke up wanting to run. As the old boy and me wanted to go out for the day a bit later, I decided to just do a very quick run back to old turnaround lamppost and back. I know naggy wants to go for a run too, but she is just going to have to do with out her pace maker today (erm, did you read that bit naggy?, just a little joke). I'm sure she will forgive me. I shall let you know next time we run together!
So, up to turn around lamppost. Now I have never really done speed work, so I'm not quite sure of the technique that is required to get there and back in a good time. Do you start off at a fast pace and the then ease yourself back into a relatively easy going pace, or do you build up to a fast pace. Or do you keep a fast pace from A to B?
I tried the first one, only cos I though at the time that is what you were supposed to do. So off a lightening speed I was, blink and you would have missed me, only to turn around and see me puffing at the end of the road. I don't think the first option is the right one for me! But I settled down to a faster pace than I would normally do, trying to catch my breath again, and what with the slight chill of the morning, it took a little longer than I hoped. All those thoughts of mine came back of the first time I did this run. How at first I couldn't even run to my mother in laws house without stopping to scoop up lungs from the pavement, and how each lamppost became 'mile stones' for me. And yet today I was running the same route, and feeling the same, yet knowing I AM going to run this faster. But what the margin is going to be I don't know.
The dog walkers are out this morning, little dogs, big dogs, and its nice to see they are all on leads so I didn't have to stop my running! My legs were feeling strong, and I was feeling good. Just before turn around lamppost, my breath escaped me. I stopped, just a lamppost before, I gave myself a right telling off and started running again. A quick touch of the lamppost press the splits timer on the new timer I have, (6.27) and head off home again.
I tried to keep the same pace all the way back, telling myself off for walking, walking some of the way back on this very short route! I must do more speed work, find out the right technique is for me to be able to run this short distance at speed without walking!
Anyway, to cut a short run, short, I got home to the lamppost outside my home in 13:27 minutes! For 1.14 miles! Now looking back at my times before this, way back in March 2008, and even March 2010, I think I have done blooming well!
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Back To Training!
Hi blog watchers,
I bet you thought I had giving up training after the race on Sunday! Well I haven't. How can I? Let all that training go to waste! I think not. I was just having a few days off, let my ankle heal properly, because I don't want to have any reason why I can't keep up with my running.
It was a solo jog for me today, I got up late, as it custom now on Thursdays and got straight into my running gear. As I was putting them all I was remembering the brilliant day that I had on Sunday. Smiling now from ear to ear. But that soon stopped when I stepped out side and felt the chill in the air, brrrrr!
I knew I would warm up fairly quickly so I didn't bring my shrunken hoody, I didn't even wear my pink cap today either! (Mainly because I can't find it at the mo. Straight up the path, with my IPOD playing some 'wicked toonz' again, and of course I started the timer. But this is just going to be a slow run, just to stretch out my muscles, I think they thought I had quit too!
I was soon back into my pace, only going to do 3 miles today, but what I really wanted to do was to blast out to turn around lamppost and back and see how fast I have got over these few months, but Naggy said just to do a slow run this week and maybe next week blast out a mile.
Its amazing what happens to my brain when the body takes a couple of days off! Old couchie starts yawning and waking up, and whispering to just do a real short slow run and turn down the very first turning on Southborough Lane! Its a good job I am not putting pressure on myself to blast out this route, because I was able to 'tell myself off' for even giving that thought the time for day!
This time of the day there is not many joggers about, I expect most people work, or even jog to and from work! But I did see one jogger, and I was glad I was jogging at the time.
Coming on to Greenway and the Hill popped into my mind. But I had a determined head on today, and I said to myself your running the whole way up this whether you like it or not! So after a little walk (on off several others I must add) I got back to jogging, turned the corner and looked up! "Bah! call that a hill! I have bigger pimples than that" as I remembered the hill in the PettsWood 10k, "Now there is a hill, Mr. Magpiehall Lane, and its not even paved"
Its weird the thoughts that come into my head! Maybe I should ask a psychiatrist to accompany me on one of my jogs and analyze me on the way round. Just to see if its safe for me to be out alone!
Well that hill was well conquered! I got to the top crossed over the road...........and walked! Well, I am old you know! But only walked for a few seconds and then back to running. Again, Naggy was 'with me' "Just run to the pub sign, now to the blue car then....." and so on. I did walk one more time down this bit of road, but turning into the second Oxhawth I start nagging myself then, "Come on now old girl, no stopping on these last three roads" I had some brilliant tunes to run to, keeping pace with the beat, Ozzy osboure, and some others, which I cant recall right now, because half way down this road the darn battery ran out of my IPOD! Oh well, take the ear phones off, and just go for it, run old girl run, run, run!
All the way home now, Darn it again! had to stop for a car! Get back into the zone, "come on old girl, do it, it, run!" I just never quite got back into the zone, and I struggled a little bit up the path, but I did it. I got back in the proverbial saddle and jogged again. I am not just a one race wonder or even two race wonder. I am a RUNNER
Oh yes, forgot, I did take a not of the time I got back to my house 11:27, and the IPOD said I started the timer at 10:45, which if my maths is still holding up, is 42 mins for 3.34 miles!
I bet you thought I had giving up training after the race on Sunday! Well I haven't. How can I? Let all that training go to waste! I think not. I was just having a few days off, let my ankle heal properly, because I don't want to have any reason why I can't keep up with my running.
It was a solo jog for me today, I got up late, as it custom now on Thursdays and got straight into my running gear. As I was putting them all I was remembering the brilliant day that I had on Sunday. Smiling now from ear to ear. But that soon stopped when I stepped out side and felt the chill in the air, brrrrr!
I knew I would warm up fairly quickly so I didn't bring my shrunken hoody, I didn't even wear my pink cap today either! (Mainly because I can't find it at the mo. Straight up the path, with my IPOD playing some 'wicked toonz' again, and of course I started the timer. But this is just going to be a slow run, just to stretch out my muscles, I think they thought I had quit too!
I was soon back into my pace, only going to do 3 miles today, but what I really wanted to do was to blast out to turn around lamppost and back and see how fast I have got over these few months, but Naggy said just to do a slow run this week and maybe next week blast out a mile.
Its amazing what happens to my brain when the body takes a couple of days off! Old couchie starts yawning and waking up, and whispering to just do a real short slow run and turn down the very first turning on Southborough Lane! Its a good job I am not putting pressure on myself to blast out this route, because I was able to 'tell myself off' for even giving that thought the time for day!
This time of the day there is not many joggers about, I expect most people work, or even jog to and from work! But I did see one jogger, and I was glad I was jogging at the time.
Coming on to Greenway and the Hill popped into my mind. But I had a determined head on today, and I said to myself your running the whole way up this whether you like it or not! So after a little walk (on off several others I must add) I got back to jogging, turned the corner and looked up! "Bah! call that a hill! I have bigger pimples than that" as I remembered the hill in the PettsWood 10k, "Now there is a hill, Mr. Magpiehall Lane, and its not even paved"
Its weird the thoughts that come into my head! Maybe I should ask a psychiatrist to accompany me on one of my jogs and analyze me on the way round. Just to see if its safe for me to be out alone!
Well that hill was well conquered! I got to the top crossed over the road...........and walked! Well, I am old you know! But only walked for a few seconds and then back to running. Again, Naggy was 'with me' "Just run to the pub sign, now to the blue car then....." and so on. I did walk one more time down this bit of road, but turning into the second Oxhawth I start nagging myself then, "Come on now old girl, no stopping on these last three roads" I had some brilliant tunes to run to, keeping pace with the beat, Ozzy osboure, and some others, which I cant recall right now, because half way down this road the darn battery ran out of my IPOD! Oh well, take the ear phones off, and just go for it, run old girl run, run, run!
All the way home now, Darn it again! had to stop for a car! Get back into the zone, "come on old girl, do it, it, run!" I just never quite got back into the zone, and I struggled a little bit up the path, but I did it. I got back in the proverbial saddle and jogged again. I am not just a one race wonder or even two race wonder. I am a RUNNER
Oh yes, forgot, I did take a not of the time I got back to my house 11:27, and the IPOD said I started the timer at 10:45, which if my maths is still holding up, is 42 mins for 3.34 miles!
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Race Day Report Pettswood 10K
Hi blogges
Yeahhhh yeahhh yeahhhhhhhh yeaaaaaahhhhh!!!! What a fantastic wonderful, brilliant day. Yesterday I was just so excited, had trouble sleeping, had butterflies in my belly, I really was like a kid at Christmas. If I had really thought about it, I was going to be putting myself through a 10k multi terrain race, with hills! Maybe I still wouldn't have slept through nightmares then.
Today was a warm day. It was overcast to begin with, I was glad of my jacket, but I ditched that quite quickly to acclimatise myself with the weather. The man on the microphone said for us all to line up in the 'pens' according to our predicted finish times, and get ready to set off at 10.10 on the 10/10/10.
Me and naggy went our separate ways then, she went into the sub 60 mins and I went in 60+ mins. Waiting now, waiting for that all important cheer as 674 runners start that surge forward.
Waiting, waiting, waiting, now is our turn! I start to run just as I cross over the rubber mat, as the machine is in a constant 'beep' mode as the chips are read on our ankles. I'm right at the back of the pack. I don't want to be under any pressure to keep up with anyone, or start of at a high pace. Just do my own race. Last or (ha ha) first, it doesn't matter to me, this is my first 10k.
As we go around the field, the crowd thin down, each his own pace, out of the recreation ground with a 'Go Old girl, go on' Oh wow, my neighbours daughter was there, watching as her husband ran it as well.
Settling down now to a nice pace. I have to, its uphill for the first bit. A long steep hill! but I kept going. watching as the crowd in front of me start to get further ahead. I seem to be keeping pace with a couple of ladies in pink and one other chap. Ok we are at the back, but at least its no pressure.
Not long now before we were in the park, the sun was shining, the grey skies all but disappeared, a nice gentle breeze as we were all running. I had managed to overtake the pink shirted ladies, and still keeping pace with 'there's four more behind' man (this is all I heard him say as we passed marshals!) then we were faced with the bridge over the rail lines. I knew I was not running up these, so I just used that time to get my breathing under control and sorted. Down the other side and on through the park. As I came through the trees onto the open I see a family group, cheering, then a little character pop out saying 'Nanny nanny' they were my family, cheering me on, of course by then I was walking a little, so had to start running again.
I caught up with '4 more behind' man and we were chatting as we passed the hotel, where unfortunately a runner was walking back to a marshal limping 'at least you will finish' he said, 'I'm not' This made me more cautious actually. The grassy bits were still slippy and the muddy bits very muddy. I managed to over take '4 more behind man' as we again was running on roads. A drinks station was just at the top of this and I took the opportunity to grab a cup or two of H2O. (save my own water in bottle as the weather was getting even warmer) Just after this drinks station is a monster hill! I just looked at it, its all muddy and slippy (especially as hundreds of feet has pounded it) and it really does look likea vertical piece of sticky mud! Of course I walked. '4 more behind man' kept his pace going and ran up it!
All of naggys nagging couldn't get me to run up there, no way! I though of her just then. I thought of how far she would be, did she run up here, is she hot and sweaty and looking forward to the end? Such a lovely day, everybody should be out walking in these gorgeous woods today! At the top now, more marshals to make sure we all go the right way, and boy was I glad of that, now that I have lost '4 more behind man' I wouldn't have anyone to follow.
I can't remember what Km marker I am looking for now, the woods are lovely, I'm enjoying the whole event, and all I know is that I am going to finish.
More marshals to direct me, is this where the train lines are? And just down here is my family again! Oh joy of joys, what a great inspiration it is to keep on running ( because bye now I was walking again as they saw me) As I was running towards them, grandson was running towards me! a quick kiss for the little un, a top up of water from the old boy, bless him, and on to the next section.
I wasn't racing anybody, there was no one in front of me and no one behind. This is my race, get under that all important 1 hour 30 minutes, that's all I want. 5k marker, half way there, and looking ahead I see '4 more behind man' keep going, keep going, half way round. The marshal said I was 42.30 minutes from start, I am bang on target so far, even with all those hills and mud. On and on. Now was I at the memorial (the chap that sorted out the day light saving thing) at 6km? I remember looking to my right and seeing it. Its not far now. I remember looking at the 6km board and thinking "Its only less than Race for Life run, you can do it" And this spurred me on. Another drinks station, best to fill up, its a warm day now, I have no hat on to soak up all seat dripping into my eyes!
I can hear traffic now as we come out of the woods on to the roads again. A police man making sure that we don't go into the road, (its quite busy) and making sure we stay on the left. It feels good to have tarmac under my feet again, I am such a city girl! And heading for the homeward stretch. The 8km board! Wow! is that all that is left. I remember feeling slightly down when I saw the 2km marker, thinking I still have 8 to go! and now, here I am with only 2k to go. People now, as well as all the marshals are cheering me on! No let up yet, its hard work,my legs are aching and complaining, but I am thinking of that run up to the finish line, ok, so finishing in style might have to go by the wayside, but just hearing everyone cheering me on, (I'm so vain). Turning right now, or was it left, thank goodness this isn't orienteering!, heading for the last 1km. marshals directing me, runners who had finished and heading home, cheering me, people in their houses cheering and clapping, what a fantastic atmosphere!
The last 600 meters now, I just cant stop, and there just up ahead is my family again. "Nanny nanny" little grandson was cheering. My eldest daughters boyfriend keeping pace with me now, encouraging me, (nagging me!) "that's it, on your toes up the hill" I so hate hills! but then, the last 400m. It just seemed to go past in a whirl, more police men stopping cars as I have to cross the road, just down here is the entrance to the park, and the finish line. "Come on old girl" neighbours daughter again, shouting encouragement, and my family! how did they get there! In the park now, people cheering, I am heading for the finish flags, I am by myself, I heard naggy from the side, "Come on Old Girl, your 4 minutes ahead, go go go you can do this" I just dug deep inside of me and ran and ran, I sprinted to the flags, just at the corner of my eye i caught a glimpse of Pete, Dave and other members of the S.E.S crew cheering me on. I knew it was them, red bandanna, and somehow Pete knew it was me (we have never met, only 'chatted' over a runners forum site on the web) and they were cheering me on too, a photographer was up ahead as I crossed the line, I finished in style! with my hands up and my head up and a huge smile on my face.
My official time for running the Pettswood 10k is 1.25:25 a whole 4 and a half minutes under the 1 and half hour dead line I set myself
Whoo hoo, when is the next one!
Just in, pic from the finish line, me and naggy! (thanks to bandana man)
Yeahhhh yeahhh yeahhhhhhhh yeaaaaaahhhhh!!!! What a fantastic wonderful, brilliant day. Yesterday I was just so excited, had trouble sleeping, had butterflies in my belly, I really was like a kid at Christmas. If I had really thought about it, I was going to be putting myself through a 10k multi terrain race, with hills! Maybe I still wouldn't have slept through nightmares then.
Today was a warm day. It was overcast to begin with, I was glad of my jacket, but I ditched that quite quickly to acclimatise myself with the weather. The man on the microphone said for us all to line up in the 'pens' according to our predicted finish times, and get ready to set off at 10.10 on the 10/10/10.
Me and naggy went our separate ways then, she went into the sub 60 mins and I went in 60+ mins. Waiting now, waiting for that all important cheer as 674 runners start that surge forward.
Waiting, waiting, waiting, now is our turn! I start to run just as I cross over the rubber mat, as the machine is in a constant 'beep' mode as the chips are read on our ankles. I'm right at the back of the pack. I don't want to be under any pressure to keep up with anyone, or start of at a high pace. Just do my own race. Last or (ha ha) first, it doesn't matter to me, this is my first 10k.
As we go around the field, the crowd thin down, each his own pace, out of the recreation ground with a 'Go Old girl, go on' Oh wow, my neighbours daughter was there, watching as her husband ran it as well.
Settling down now to a nice pace. I have to, its uphill for the first bit. A long steep hill! but I kept going. watching as the crowd in front of me start to get further ahead. I seem to be keeping pace with a couple of ladies in pink and one other chap. Ok we are at the back, but at least its no pressure.
Not long now before we were in the park, the sun was shining, the grey skies all but disappeared, a nice gentle breeze as we were all running. I had managed to overtake the pink shirted ladies, and still keeping pace with 'there's four more behind' man (this is all I heard him say as we passed marshals!) then we were faced with the bridge over the rail lines. I knew I was not running up these, so I just used that time to get my breathing under control and sorted. Down the other side and on through the park. As I came through the trees onto the open I see a family group, cheering, then a little character pop out saying 'Nanny nanny' they were my family, cheering me on, of course by then I was walking a little, so had to start running again.
I caught up with '4 more behind' man and we were chatting as we passed the hotel, where unfortunately a runner was walking back to a marshal limping 'at least you will finish' he said, 'I'm not' This made me more cautious actually. The grassy bits were still slippy and the muddy bits very muddy. I managed to over take '4 more behind man' as we again was running on roads. A drinks station was just at the top of this and I took the opportunity to grab a cup or two of H2O. (save my own water in bottle as the weather was getting even warmer) Just after this drinks station is a monster hill! I just looked at it, its all muddy and slippy (especially as hundreds of feet has pounded it) and it really does look likea vertical piece of sticky mud! Of course I walked. '4 more behind man' kept his pace going and ran up it!
All of naggys nagging couldn't get me to run up there, no way! I though of her just then. I thought of how far she would be, did she run up here, is she hot and sweaty and looking forward to the end? Such a lovely day, everybody should be out walking in these gorgeous woods today! At the top now, more marshals to make sure we all go the right way, and boy was I glad of that, now that I have lost '4 more behind man' I wouldn't have anyone to follow.
I can't remember what Km marker I am looking for now, the woods are lovely, I'm enjoying the whole event, and all I know is that I am going to finish.
More marshals to direct me, is this where the train lines are? And just down here is my family again! Oh joy of joys, what a great inspiration it is to keep on running ( because bye now I was walking again as they saw me) As I was running towards them, grandson was running towards me! a quick kiss for the little un, a top up of water from the old boy, bless him, and on to the next section.
I wasn't racing anybody, there was no one in front of me and no one behind. This is my race, get under that all important 1 hour 30 minutes, that's all I want. 5k marker, half way there, and looking ahead I see '4 more behind man' keep going, keep going, half way round. The marshal said I was 42.30 minutes from start, I am bang on target so far, even with all those hills and mud. On and on. Now was I at the memorial (the chap that sorted out the day light saving thing) at 6km? I remember looking to my right and seeing it. Its not far now. I remember looking at the 6km board and thinking "Its only less than Race for Life run, you can do it" And this spurred me on. Another drinks station, best to fill up, its a warm day now, I have no hat on to soak up all seat dripping into my eyes!
I can hear traffic now as we come out of the woods on to the roads again. A police man making sure that we don't go into the road, (its quite busy) and making sure we stay on the left. It feels good to have tarmac under my feet again, I am such a city girl! And heading for the homeward stretch. The 8km board! Wow! is that all that is left. I remember feeling slightly down when I saw the 2km marker, thinking I still have 8 to go! and now, here I am with only 2k to go. People now, as well as all the marshals are cheering me on! No let up yet, its hard work,my legs are aching and complaining, but I am thinking of that run up to the finish line, ok, so finishing in style might have to go by the wayside, but just hearing everyone cheering me on, (I'm so vain). Turning right now, or was it left, thank goodness this isn't orienteering!, heading for the last 1km. marshals directing me, runners who had finished and heading home, cheering me, people in their houses cheering and clapping, what a fantastic atmosphere!
The last 600 meters now, I just cant stop, and there just up ahead is my family again. "Nanny nanny" little grandson was cheering. My eldest daughters boyfriend keeping pace with me now, encouraging me, (nagging me!) "that's it, on your toes up the hill" I so hate hills! but then, the last 400m. It just seemed to go past in a whirl, more police men stopping cars as I have to cross the road, just down here is the entrance to the park, and the finish line. "Come on old girl" neighbours daughter again, shouting encouragement, and my family! how did they get there! In the park now, people cheering, I am heading for the finish flags, I am by myself, I heard naggy from the side, "Come on Old Girl, your 4 minutes ahead, go go go you can do this" I just dug deep inside of me and ran and ran, I sprinted to the flags, just at the corner of my eye i caught a glimpse of Pete, Dave and other members of the S.E.S crew cheering me on. I knew it was them, red bandanna, and somehow Pete knew it was me (we have never met, only 'chatted' over a runners forum site on the web) and they were cheering me on too, a photographer was up ahead as I crossed the line, I finished in style! with my hands up and my head up and a huge smile on my face.
My official time for running the Pettswood 10k is 1.25:25 a whole 4 and a half minutes under the 1 and half hour dead line I set myself
Whoo hoo, when is the next one!
Just in, pic from the finish line, me and naggy! (thanks to bandana man)
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