One of my favourite runs of the year! Mind you I think I say that about every run that I enter, because I just love them! Anyway, this one is in my clubs GP races, not that I am competitive or anything, but it is good to be in for a chance of a placing in the club records! This one is also at a very civilised time of 2 pm and it's on a Saturday too, so I don't have to miss church again!
It is such a popular event that our club has for the past couple of years organised a coach to get us all down there. This year it was the lovely CupcakeMoy who took control this year. I know it's only a short distance to Harvel, if you're driving that is, (I wouldn't want to run there that's for sure!) but it does mean that we can all enjoy the beer tent that is set up on the green and of course the two beer stops that is on route when we finally get around to actually doing the race. As I said in the title it's Havel Hash House Harriers (5 mile run) Picnic day!
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Human cones |
We arrived on mass to meet up with other PWR's that were already there, after having a little walk from our coach drop off to the village green. Here, this is us, walking from our coach at the other end of this big empty field, waiting for cars to be parked there. Can you see it in the back?
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Can you see our coach, right at the back?! |
Our flag was flying proudly between the ORR and the Zero to Hero groups! For the next hour and half more and more PWR's came along and pitched up their blankets and made ready for the picnic. Some of the faster runners went straight for the bar! And why not, it's only about 2 and a half miles to the water station, oops I mean the beer station when we do eventually get on and do this silliness that we had to sign up to, to be able to join in the picnic.
One of the fun things about this particular day is the portaloos. Now, we all know runners get nervous and need to go, people hanging around for the runners need to go, so portaloos are and ugly necessity! That doesn't mean the loos were tucked away some where at the back of beyond. They are on prominent show, the H.H.H.H have a competition among themselves, to decorate the portaloos, this is what we had this year. But also, being general election year, the gentlemen and the ladies could also 'take the piss' out of voting! The urinals, I am told, had the candidates up for election, and you could vote by peeing in which ever pot you wanted. The ladies were given she-wees so they could cast their vote. I couldn't do this, I tried to use one of these she-wees at my first marathon.......oh did I tell you I ran the London Marathon......twice....2013 and 2015! Anyway, I couldn't get the hang of the she-pee thing!
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Which loo? |
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Or maybe these ones |
This is just some of our PWR's, this is a 'before' the race picture, note the beer in the hands of some of the gentle men! There were still some that didn't get in the picture, I think we would have needed a bigger camera because in fact PWR's had won the award for 'The most club members at the race' category! It's amazing what the call of a free beer on route can do!
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The gang |
Soon it was time to walk over to where starting mats were, the sun was beating down on us and we were really all in good spirits, or beer or presecco or what ever tiffle they may have indulged in before the race, pre hydration I think they called it. Here is the start of my selfie photos that I will be doing. It was a blimmin hot day and I just couldn't see me smashing my pb! Besides I am totally not up to fitness like I was last year! All I wanted really was to stay at least three steps ahead of the Grim Reaper......the last runner sweep!
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Selfie at the start! |
The sound of the starter gun went off and we all moved forward, as usual, slowly at first and the faster as we got nearer the mats that will record our time. The group of PWR's that were with me soon stretched out before me and then I just kept on running by myself. A couple more PWR's ran by me, every time I thought I was the last PWR then another came passed, Jane, Pherenice, and then Wendy, Michelle and Charley, I think! But then I really was the last one! Well, last PWR, there were still runners behind me...not many.
I got to the first 1 mile marker, and decided that I am going to just enjoy the run, take photos or every mile marker and have fun. This was not a pb making day, it was way too hot! So here is the first mile done, note that I am not looking to hot and red face, even though I was really feeling very warm. I am sure it was around about here, or just a little further on, that the first runner came running back! The chaps on their cycles, wearing sombrero's (I know, crazy right!?) came hurtling towards us, calling "Stay on the right, stay on the right" and he was gesturing with his hand, which was perfect for me because then I won't have to do the 'putting my hands up to see which is the left and which is the right! The 'path makers' kept us separated so that the first runner had a clear run back! Crazy! I had only just got to mile one!
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It was warm! |
I was running for about half a mile on my own until I stated chatting to this young lady. To be honest I can't remember if I caught up with her or she caught up with me, but there we were both running around the same pace, but we chatted along as you do on this occasions. and before I knew it we had come to the mile 2 marker. So I took a selfie of my newest running buddy from another running clubby (I think I can get away with that?) It's just a little keepsake for me really, to add to my diary/blog, just so that I remember my day, I thought that she would just start to pull away from me after this (she was so much younger than me!) but she just stayed where she was, by my side. The marshals had said that the 'water' station was just a little way ahead. I was thinking, "Hang about, I thought there was beer" but then he said "...or beer if you want it!" Phew! Melt down avoided.
And what a 'water' beer station it was too. At first when I approached the table, there were two, one on the left and one of the right, I saw a sign that said 'Beer on request' so I requested a beer, as I didn't see any on the table, ''No beer here" said the water marshal, "It's over there, at the bar!" And when he said bar, he really did mean bar! Take a look at this!
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Love this bar, it does free beer for lycra wearers! |
After that it became easier, well, I should say, I really just thought I am going to enjoy myself, chat with my new running buddy, Edwina from Rebel Runners, in the Medway. We took pictures of the fantastic views just after mile three,
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Getting pinker by the mile now! |
but before that, some of her running club buddies had caught up with us. There were really enjoying themselves at the bar, taking full advantage of the free beer and salty, savoury bar snacks too. Oh, the ladies were not forgotten about by the way, if they ladies (or gentlemen) didn't like beer there was wine! What a great run this is! But anyway, this is them, they caught up with us, so another selfie to add to the memories bank!
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This lot! The rabble that is the Rebel Runners! |
Mile 4 seemed to come around pretty quick, I don't think it was because we suddenly put on a bit of speed! It's just that we kept on chatting and the mile just seem to disappear. You know that after that it's only one more mile to go. Having someone to chat to all the way was brilliant, and having someone from another club to chat to was brilliant. The running community are really a fabulous group of people! Everyone one of the runners are just out here to have fun, whether it's getting a pb or not! Because the time on the green after the run is just amazing! Not a cross word, all those people having fun, enjoying being with each other, eating, drinking, running, sharing, laughing! I wonderful day!
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So nearly there |
Oh the last picture, well of course, me and Edwina finished the race at the same time! This is us with our medal, my chip time was 1:15:52, gun time for both me and Edwina was 1:16:26. No garmin geeky stats as my watch was not charged! tut! Oh well!
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Done it! Again! Love this race! |
It was a perfect day, the coach ride home was entertaining.....they had a great singer to lead them all in song.....ok it was me...and after a few beers I really do turn into the 'pub singer'.
I need to say this though, because this happened on this day. This fabulous day, where we are free to go about and enjoy our lives go about and run, drink, eat and share with friends in a wonderful place. To be able to be free to choose which church we can go to to give praise to Him! Terrorists decided to try and ruin our morale, terrorise Londoners, try to keep us from doing what we love to do! Three disgusting people put a black mark on this day! But Londoners will not let them put a black mark on the rest of our lives. Just like Manchester, Londoners will continue to be free, to live our lives. I pray for those who have been affected, for the families of the ones that were killed, and for those that saw the attrocity first hand. I pray that as a nation we will continue to stand up together, all peace loving religious, against terrorism and terrorists, we will not bow down to terro. R.I.P. innocent angels!
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