Hi bloggees,
I wanted to go out for a jog yesterday, but shopping was top of the agenda for us instead, so I went out this evening. I have my eldest daughter coming here for the night, and I decided to cook a full scale roast dinner. So it was literally, fling in the fowl, pile in potatoes and scarper out the door.
I was thinking for going out for a 4 mile run, but I decided to just do the old usual route of 3.34 miles. I don't want my spuds to spoil, and I still had veg to prepare anyway. And besides, my eldest daughter was coming home for the night! There, excuses done. Now to get on with the jog.
I set off, the sun was just starting to go down, jogging down the first road guess who I see? Go go guess. That's right, Naggy Neighbour! And I was running this time. Probably just as well really, as I had just started. With naggy in my thoughts now, I just paced myself and made sure that I didn't stop all the way to the first mile marker. I was chasing the sun as I ran down the long road towards it, and by the time I got there the sky was dark behind me but a lovely golden colour just above the houses in front of me. And the thought of running down the quiet roads a little later in the dark, wasn't very appealing to me, so I decided to go in the opposite direction that I normally do, which of course means, running down Magpiehall Lane, Whoo hoo! I expect naggy will have something to say about that.
But I was enjoying it, I wasn't going particularly fast, I just wanted to get out and run! Just because its getting dark, and I'm working, it doesn't mean that I have to give up running, even a shorter 3 mile run is better than none.
So I turned off just pass the pub and headed down towards Holmcroft, but just down here is where I did my first walking stint. Tut, I was so annoyed. But I got back to running very quickly and managed to run all the way to Greenway! It felt good to run down my nemesis hill, but the darkness is coming now. I managed to jog the whole way to Greenway and just a little further up here before I stopped again. When I do stop jogging, it really is only for a very short while, but I still get so annoyed with myself for doing it. Heading up Southborough lane now, on the way home, and now looking into the night sky. The moon is up and the stars and twinkly around it. My first 'night time' jog of the year.
Heading for home now, and I am wondering if my daughter has got home yet, or if the old boy has prepared any veg for dinner. I try and try and try not to stop any more, but I am getting tired. Wednesdays are a very busy day for me, (more excuses) and I really just want to get in, and hopefully its all been done.
On the last long road now. Definitely no stopping from here till I get home. This is my promise to myself, no stopping, no walking on this bit of road! This is home territory, can't possible be seen walking here.
All the way home, just thinking about my dinner now, and hopefully things cooking on the stove, and I can just relax and eat it when its read.
Running now, down the middle of the road, thinking of nothing but running. Running all the way, maybe even speed up a little, just so that I look like a proper runner. Must get some reflective clothing or something if I am going to keep running in the dark!
Up my road, turn down my path, stop the timer, 41.08 mins. Not bad, Not particularly good, I so wanted to be 30 something minutes, but I wasn't doing a speed run (will I ever be that good that I can do a speed run?)
Oh by the way, veg was prepared, (tins opened that is) but he also prepared some leeks and asparagas as well, yum. Thanks old boy!
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