Hi blog lovers,
I expect your wondering about the title. Well let me tell you, I felt like it was the first time I was on the bike! My confidence as gone slightly with the traffic around, and the muscles in my legs have gone into hibernation for the winter! How long is it since I was last on my bike? Well whatever it is, its too long! I was thinking of going up to Downe Village but a quick look at the sky made me change my mind. I would just go to Green Street Green. A little further than Farnborough, but not as far as Downe!
Going up the A21 I really did feel like I have never tackled a hill before in my life. My heart rate was pounding, I was sweaty, my legs were hurting, and I was only a quarter of the way up! I had to get off and walk! Only a short way, just so I can see the top of the hill, and then I got back on my bike and carried on. It really is a very busy road, and the last thing you want to be doing is a wibble wobble ride on this road!
But after that initial hill, the rest seemed pretty do-able without too much effort. Soon enough I was cruising along and thinking about lunch, and the road, and anything but that darn hill, and my aching limbs. I will say this though, the running seems to hurt the back of my legs, and the cycling does the top of my legs. So all in all, combining the two my legs are getting a good work out! I wonder if those activities work on the bum too!!
Negotiating the roundabouts and the old confidence is coming back. As long as the drivers behind know what I am planing to do then they should give me plenty of room and take care when passing me. Yeah right, there are still those blooming drivers who for some reason decided to squeeze pass you on the 'pinch' zones!
Oh, now that is a lovely site, the pub for which my lunch will be served. I have become addicted to bacon and brie melts at this pub, and it seems now where ever I go I have to try out each pubs bacon and brie sarnies! I should make a list and points value for each place I visit! Hmmm that's an idea.
I had no idea what time I left my house but I am guess that I have been riding for no more than twenty minutes. When I sat down, waiting for my lunch it was 12:40. the place was very very quiet. Its a huge place, and I noticed only one other couple, tucked away in a little cubby hole when I was looking for members of staff to serve me!. Lunch arrived, eaten and enjoyed, and I was off out the door again for the next part, getting home!
I did make a note of the time, it was 13:22, and I headed off towards Opington, I was planning on attacking that Perry hall lane hill! On the way there my confidence was growing with each set of traffic lights and each roundabout I came to. As well as my frustration at the thoughtless motorists that still want to get close enough to whisper in my ear! Opington High street was soon in front of me, and just beyond that, the monster hill. If anyone knows that hill it really is a monster. There is a slight incline, quite a long one before you get to bottom of the main hill. A stupid, ridiculous tune came in my head which I had made up my own words to it, ok, its only four words 'Keep on peddling, keep on peddling, keep on peddling, peddling now' I couldn't do, I yelled at the stupid tune and got off my bike, and walked in disgust. Telling my legs off, even though they were threatening to collapse under me!
I decided to go down Crofton Lane as I wanted to pop into the local supermarket, and, more like the real reason, I didn't have to carry on walking up the hill. More time in the saddle! was my reasoning for doing so! But from here to the supermarket I stayed in the saddle, even up the very short steepish hills.
I popped into the supermarket, and then made my way home. It must have been about 14:30 ish, by the time I got home. Who cares about how fast I went today, who really is bothered by beating PB............ME But somehow, I don't think this will be a PB! I collapsed in my chair and thought about my ride. How my legs are aching. And then I thought about another friend of mine, who is bonkers about riding. Not only does he commute to work but he goes for extremely long rides during his relaxing times! In fact he is planning on an ultra ride in a couple of years, riding from London to Edinburgh and back to London! Crazy idea, I hear you saying, but here is the totally, 'get the white van and lock this man up' bit, He is planning on doing NON STOP! What on earth would he say to me now, collapsed on my seat, complaining about a measly 10 miles, broken up by a leisurely lunch!
Still, I enjoyed my ride, I enjoyed my lunch! And the rain stayed away, all totally great bonuses!! Where shall I go for my next ride?!
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