Sunday, 24 October 2010

A Sharing Day!

Hello blog readers.

What a weekend I have had. Yesterday I had the most laziest day ever for a person who is not even ill! I got up, had a shower and sat on my chair down stairs. The old boy cooked me breakfast, and dinner! I didn't move. The only energetic thing I did was dance around in the loo struggling to get my belt undone. That will teach me to leave it so late!

So today I thought after church I would go for a nice long run! Get back home, do the house work, cook dinner, write up me blog. But that didn't happen. Nope! I got to church and we were having a harvest day! Which included a lovely shared lunch after the service! And boy did I have my fair share. I had completely forgotten about it. And I got out of church at around 2 ish. So no long run for me today. But because I had such a lazy day yesterday I really needed to get out and run. It will be so easy to slip back into couch potato days.

So after I bunged on some washing, filled the dishwasher and got changed into my jog pants I headed for the door. I am only planning on doing the usual 3.34 miles, up to Turpington and down Greenway and home again. I started up the stopwatch and ran.

Oh boy! I could feel the shared lunch inside of me, chili and rice, cakes, tea, apple crumble and custard! I felt like a great pudding pounding the pavements! I was huffing and puffing like an old steam train. Looking up the first long road, all I could think about is I cant wait to start running back down here.

I had no music with me, I forgot to charge up my IPOD, so I think things. Here is a list of some of the things that pop into my mind.

1. What shall I think about?
2. I'm bloated!
3. Why did I tell Brian I was going to do 6 miles today? AS if!
4. I wonder what those people over there are having for the dinner.
5. Mmm that smells nice
6. What do I think about when I'm running
7. I wish I didn't share so much lunch
10. Oh, blimey I hope that wasn't anything nasty I stepped in.
11. Only 2 and half miles left!
12. Why are your walking woman!

My mind must be a psychiatrist dream or challenge to make heads or tails off.

Well as you can guess from my thoughts above, I did stop, but again I did run for the whole of the first mile, just got to push myself further next time. My belly was really complaining, and I was thinking if it had to come up then so be it. Its not as if need to keep those calories anyway. But of course I didn't actually want to chunder up my shared lunch, I want it to stay where it is. I'm sure it slows you down being full, even if there was a good hour and a half after lunch. I check my stopwatch to see how I was doing. I had noticed that it stopped on 19.20 minutes. Darn it. Now I know this watch has a splits thingy, and I was trying to remember which button to press to get it running again without it resetting. You guessed it, I pressed the wrong button and reset the whole thing. ARRRRGGGGGHHHH!!! Well, I'm guess I wasn't going to be breaking any personal records today, not with the weeks worth of shopping I was carrying in my stomach. But I started it again from this point, which was just before the 1st mile marker, ....... or last mile marker, which makes me a little happier.

I was really suffering from the slothful gluttonous weekend that I had had so far, and I was trying so hard not to complain to myself in my head. After all, being a sloth and a glut way back when, is what got me into this state in the first place! And it was a really great weekend, whats a little short run going to harm.

I decided to go down the first Oxhawth Crescent, only because the hill that I have to run up to get to the last long road is quite steep, and I felt I needed to push myself a little harder because of the weekend I have been having. Oh boy! did this hill hurt! I was puffing and huffing and pushing myself up this hill, I wanted to get to the top without stopping. I almost made it! Almost. I was so annoyed that I stopped! But as you know, from this point on I don't, I wont allow myself to walk anymore, not from here. I fixed a point way up ahead and just focused on it. And I ran all the way. When ever I took my eye of the point ahead I felt myself slowing down, so focused again on the spot ahead, watch it, look at it, focus on it. Don't stop, don't stop. Keep going. Turning now down my road, quickly focus on my car parked up ahead, keep looking at that, speeding up, finish in style, turn now up the path, focus on the lamppost. Run, run, ignore the kids, they are not looking at you old girl, just run. Stop the clock, 15.06 minutes, hmm. Plus the 19.20 minutes for the first part, and maybe another 5 or six minutes for the accidentally stopping of the stop watch, is..... I have no idea, I am guessing that my overall time is the same as it usually is, so round about 42 minutes. It definitely wont be any quicker than that!

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