Ok, maybe a slight exageration, but I am snowbound when it comes to jogging in the stuff. But my enthusiasm has not gone!
So just for fun, and to remind us all of the snow (not that we need that right now) here are some lovely snow pictures. Just to show how wonderful His creation can be even with the snow covering it. And how much fun we all used to have when we were kids, and played in the snow. Mind you I always remember it being a lot colder that it is, kids nowdays dont know the meaning of cold winter snow play days!
Any one else have some lovely snow scenes, send them over to me and I can add them on to here

I bet you all wondering why I got the picture of my garden twice, well as you will notice from the first one, at the back on the garden no tree trunk, but the last picture you can see, HALF MY TREE ON THE FLOOR Oh well, it happens I guess.
These pictures is from today 2nd Of December, I thought it would be a good idea to clear the path, Why I dont know, I was bored!! So I traipsed down to the shed to get a shovel, in the deep snow almost knee high (And no comments about me being a shortie) only to find that I need a shovel to open the shed!!
Yeeeoww, that's some snow. Here in the states we just got a dusting today but no accumulation. It is mighty cold though! Fostever
ReplyDeleteHey moosh - yeah I can see why running in that could be a problem. Down under in Melbourne (and of course in Qatar where I am now), we don't face that. Lots of rain at times and the occasional frost but not snow. ex-k1w1
ReplyDeleteYeah, thought I wasn't just be a chicken!! So, wait until the snow melts, is what I'm thinking!! :-)