Saturday, 23 October 2010

On Yer Bike!

Hi bloggees,

Can you believe I forgot to write up a quick blog yesterday? How slack am I getting?!

Well, in actual fact there wasn't much exercising going on really. But I did get my bike out for a short ride up to the local supermarket. I did a bit of Internet shopping on Tursday and I was hoping that it would turn up the today, but after i checked emails then I realised probably not going to get here until Monday! I think I am getting quite good at excuses.

After a lovely morning enjoying my bed, and then checking emails, I did tell myself off for not going out for a run. But I had enough time to get the bike out and do the banking before the walk to school, (Which I might add, I don't write about, maybe I should do, what you think?) lol, so that's what I did.

After making sure that I had everything ready, i.e. money, paying in books and cards, then I set off. I wasn't dressed for a long ride, I was in my jeans, and I also forgot my cycle helmet!, having the wind blowing through my hair! Very romantic.

I decided to ride up Crescent Drive hill, as I haven't been on the bike for a while. And remembering the times when struggled getting up this hill, jelly legs, heart pounding, spots before the eyes and sweating like I was in a sauna! I was assuming I would probably have, maybe not so extreme reactions to riding up the hill, but just a little bit of trouble. Imagine my surprise when I rode up hill and hardly noticed the incline. Maybe just a little out of breath, but the legs were fine, no sweating and definitely no spots before the eyes!

I am getting fitter! Its working, the old boy is right! You don't actually 'feel' any different, but you do notice that you can do more, more easily!!

I have no idea of how long I took, due to the whole banking thing, but I'm guessing maybe no more than 15 minutes to get to and from Pettswood and back!

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