Friday, 5 November 2010

My Inspiratation!

Hi blogees.

Its a wet day out there today, but when I left for my jog this morning it was quite warm and no rain.

Well the title of today's blog is, as you probably guessed, all about my mum. My sister texted me this morning, not Nagging sister the other one, and just reminded me of how I got into this jogging lark in the beginning. One week from today is when my mum passed away 3 years ago! 3 years, and it still hurts as if it was only yesterday.

Because I have been lazy up until now, I made myself get out of bed, even though the old boy had bought me boiled eggs and soldiers to me, I was determined to go out running today. Even if the boiled eggs came back up! All this hard work, sweat and tears is because of my mum, and we all wanted to raise money for cancer research. The old boy is off work today, his fishing trip was canceled, and I could so easily just stay here and talk to him, and then maybe 'do lunch' somewhere. But I have limited days to run and exercise and I must use them.

So, the old boy settled in his shed, I put on my joggers, and went out the door. i felt quite good and thought I would do a bit of speed work. But I soon found out that the old stamina is still not there, and I am wondering if it ever will be! I was blowing out my ........... so I settled in my usual pace. But I still wanted to get my body used to faster runs. I decided to use this run and do a fartlek training session.

I am not feeling a hundred percent anyway, I think naggy neighbour has been sending her germs across the green to me, but I am trying to keep them apart so the don't multiple! I was very warm about half a mile into this session and stopped to take my jacket off. Its 5th November, and I am running in a sleeveless top with skin tight joggers on and I am sweating bucket loads! I remember standing watching fireworks once wrapped up like an onion, with sheepskin coat on and still freezing my toosh off!

Excuses done. I got to the first mile marker and from that point onwards I was using lampposts and trees to do my fartlek training. Jog to one lamppost, run to the next and then walk to the next one. And to add a bit of fun to it, I used people as well. when I saw a person walking I would jog or run to just in front of them and then walk. I got very annoyed at one chap though, he decided to cross the road before I got to him!

Anyway, from Magpiehall lane, I really did start to feel the 'neglect' of not running as much as I have been running. This is when thoughts of mum kept me going. But also when the tears started to run, blinding me and making my face even more wet, if that is possible. And it wasn't the happy thoughts of mum, it was about this week, 3 years ago, that was creeping in to my mind. As much as I tried to remember the happy times, I think this week in November will always be about how cancer took my mum.

So I just ran, I ran and cried and cried and ran and walked of course. Until I got to Oxhawth Crescent. Just as I got to the top of it, before I turned left into Faringdon, another jogger ran pass me. I remember seeing him just before I got to the pub, the first/last mile marker, on the homeward bound, he and I were both walking then, but now he was running, up the hill and I was walking, that is untill I turn down there! My bit of road.

From here till I get home its non stop, no matter how slow I am going, as long as its some sort of jogging motion, with the heart rate still up, then that is fine. I so wanted to stop, but thinking about my mum and how she came back from a 'deep sleep' and asking for a voddy, kept me going! If she could do that, then I can so do this tiny little bit of road. So with more tears streaming down my face I do what I always do and finish in style.

3.34 miles in 42.01 minutes. Miss you mum!

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