Yeahhhh yeahhh yeahhhhhhhh yeaaaaaahhhhh!!!! What a fantastic wonderful, brilliant day. Yesterday I was just so excited, had trouble sleeping, had butterflies in my belly, I really was like a kid at Christmas. If I had really thought about it, I was going to be putting myself through a 10k multi terrain race, with hills! Maybe I still wouldn't have slept through nightmares then.
Today was a warm day. It was overcast to begin with, I was glad of my jacket, but I ditched that quite quickly to acclimatise myself with the weather. The man on the microphone said for us all to line up in the 'pens' according to our predicted finish times, and get ready to set off at 10.10 on the 10/10/10.
Me and naggy went our separate ways then, she went into the sub 60 mins and I went in 60+ mins. Waiting now, waiting for that all important cheer as 674 runners start that surge forward.
Waiting, waiting, waiting, now is our turn! I start to run just as I cross over the rubber mat, as the machine is in a constant 'beep' mode as the chips are read on our ankles. I'm right at the back of the pack. I don't want to be under any pressure to keep up with anyone, or start of at a high pace. Just do my own race. Last or (ha ha) first, it doesn't matter to me, this is my first 10k.
As we go around the field, the crowd thin down, each his own pace, out of the recreation ground with a 'Go Old girl, go on' Oh wow, my neighbours daughter was there, watching as her husband ran it as well.
Settling down now to a nice pace. I have to, its uphill for the first bit. A long steep hill! but I kept going. watching as the crowd in front of me start to get further ahead. I seem to be keeping pace with a couple of ladies in pink and one other chap. Ok we are at the back, but at least its no pressure.
Not long now before we were in the park, the sun was shining, the grey skies all but disappeared, a nice gentle breeze as we were all running. I had managed to overtake the pink shirted ladies, and still keeping pace with 'there's four more behind' man (this is all I heard him say as we passed marshals!) then we were faced with the bridge over the rail lines. I knew I was not running up these, so I just used that time to get my breathing under control and sorted. Down the other side and on through the park. As I came through the trees onto the open I see a family group, cheering, then a little character pop out saying 'Nanny nanny' they were my family, cheering me on, of course by then I was walking a little, so had to start running again.
I caught up with '4 more behind' man and we were chatting as we passed the hotel, where unfortunately a runner was walking back to a marshal limping 'at least you will finish' he said, 'I'm not' This made me more cautious actually. The grassy bits were still slippy and the muddy bits very muddy. I managed to over take '4 more behind man' as we again was running on roads. A drinks station was just at the top of this and I took the opportunity to grab a cup or two of H2O. (save my own water in bottle as the weather was getting even warmer) Just after this drinks station is a monster hill! I just looked at it, its all muddy and slippy (especially as hundreds of feet has pounded it) and it really does look likea vertical piece of sticky mud! Of course I walked. '4 more behind man' kept his pace going and ran up it!
All of naggys nagging couldn't get me to run up there, no way! I though of her just then. I thought of how far she would be, did she run up here, is she hot and sweaty and looking forward to the end? Such a lovely day, everybody should be out walking in these gorgeous woods today! At the top now, more marshals to make sure we all go the right way, and boy was I glad of that, now that I have lost '4 more behind man' I wouldn't have anyone to follow.
I can't remember what Km marker I am looking for now, the woods are lovely, I'm enjoying the whole event, and all I know is that I am going to finish.
More marshals to direct me, is this where the train lines are? And just down here is my family again! Oh joy of joys, what a great inspiration it is to keep on running ( because bye now I was walking again as they saw me) As I was running towards them, grandson was running towards me! a quick kiss for the little un, a top up of water from the old boy, bless him, and on to the next section.
I wasn't racing anybody, there was no one in front of me and no one behind. This is my race, get under that all important 1 hour 30 minutes, that's all I want. 5k marker, half way there, and looking ahead I see '4 more behind man' keep going, keep going, half way round. The marshal said I was 42.30 minutes from start, I am bang on target so far, even with all those hills and mud. On and on. Now was I at the memorial (the chap that sorted out the day light saving thing) at 6km? I remember looking to my right and seeing it. Its not far now. I remember looking at the 6km board and thinking "Its only less than Race for Life run, you can do it" And this spurred me on. Another drinks station, best to fill up, its a warm day now, I have no hat on to soak up all seat dripping into my eyes!
I can hear traffic now as we come out of the woods on to the roads again. A police man making sure that we don't go into the road, (its quite busy) and making sure we stay on the left. It feels good to have tarmac under my feet again, I am such a city girl! And heading for the homeward stretch. The 8km board! Wow! is that all that is left. I remember feeling slightly down when I saw the 2km marker, thinking I still have 8 to go! and now, here I am with only 2k to go. People now, as well as all the marshals are cheering me on! No let up yet, its hard work,my legs are aching and complaining, but I am thinking of that run up to the finish line, ok, so finishing in style might have to go by the wayside, but just hearing everyone cheering me on, (I'm so vain). Turning right now, or was it left, thank goodness this isn't orienteering!, heading for the last 1km. marshals directing me, runners who had finished and heading home, cheering me, people in their houses cheering and clapping, what a fantastic atmosphere!
The last 600 meters now, I just cant stop, and there just up ahead is my family again. "Nanny nanny" little grandson was cheering. My eldest daughters boyfriend keeping pace with me now, encouraging me, (nagging me!) "that's it, on your toes up the hill" I so hate hills! but then, the last 400m. It just seemed to go past in a whirl, more police men stopping cars as I have to cross the road, just down here is the entrance to the park, and the finish line. "Come on old girl" neighbours daughter again, shouting encouragement, and my family! how did they get there! In the park now, people cheering, I am heading for the finish flags, I am by myself, I heard naggy from the side, "Come on Old Girl, your 4 minutes ahead, go go go you can do this" I just dug deep inside of me and ran and ran, I sprinted to the flags, just at the corner of my eye i caught a glimpse of Pete, Dave and other members of the S.E.S crew cheering me on. I knew it was them, red bandanna, and somehow Pete knew it was me (we have never met, only 'chatted' over a runners forum site on the web) and they were cheering me on too, a photographer was up ahead as I crossed the line, I finished in style! with my hands up and my head up and a huge smile on my face.
My official time for running the Pettswood 10k is 1.25:25 a whole 4 and a half minutes under the 1 and half hour dead line I set myself
Whoo hoo, when is the next one!
Just in, pic from the finish line, me and naggy! (thanks to bandana man)
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