Hi blog lovers,
Its me. Its a glorious Saturday morning and I woke up wanting to run. As the old boy and me wanted to go out for the day a bit later, I decided to just do a very quick run back to old turnaround lamppost and back. I know naggy wants to go for a run too, but she is just going to have to do with out her pace maker today (erm, did you read that bit naggy?, just a little joke). I'm sure she will forgive me. I shall let you know next time we run together!
So, up to turn around lamppost. Now I have never really done speed work, so I'm not quite sure of the technique that is required to get there and back in a good time. Do you start off at a fast pace and the then ease yourself back into a relatively easy going pace, or do you build up to a fast pace. Or do you keep a fast pace from A to B?
I tried the first one, only cos I though at the time that is what you were supposed to do. So off a lightening speed I was, blink and you would have missed me, only to turn around and see me puffing at the end of the road. I don't think the first option is the right one for me! But I settled down to a faster pace than I would normally do, trying to catch my breath again, and what with the slight chill of the morning, it took a little longer than I hoped. All those thoughts of mine came back of the first time I did this run. How at first I couldn't even run to my mother in laws house without stopping to scoop up lungs from the pavement, and how each lamppost became 'mile stones' for me. And yet today I was running the same route, and feeling the same, yet knowing I AM going to run this faster. But what the margin is going to be I don't know.
The dog walkers are out this morning, little dogs, big dogs, and its nice to see they are all on leads so I didn't have to stop my running! My legs were feeling strong, and I was feeling good. Just before turn around lamppost, my breath escaped me. I stopped, just a lamppost before, I gave myself a right telling off and started running again. A quick touch of the lamppost press the splits timer on the new timer I have, (6.27) and head off home again.
I tried to keep the same pace all the way back, telling myself off for walking, walking some of the way back on this very short route! I must do more speed work, find out the right technique is for me to be able to run this short distance at speed without walking!
Anyway, to cut a short run, short, I got home to the lamppost outside my home in 13:27 minutes! For 1.14 miles! Now looking back at my times before this, way back in March 2008, and even March 2010, I think I have done blooming well!
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