Thursday, 11 November 2010

A Short, Rainy, Windy Run!

Hi blog readers.

Bet you thought I have given up, right?! Well I am still here, and I am desperately fighting off lazyitus. I think the battle is won, but the war still goes on. As I really, really, REALLY miss my running and cycling. So, at least that battle has been won.

Today, as you all can see, is very wet and windy outside. So going for a ride on my bike was quite out of the question. I was just thinking of staying in bed till way past 11, until, that is, I got a phone call from a new mum at our toddler group. I had remembered that we had arrangements to go and clean up the toys, and sort things out!. She is very keen and very enthusiastic about the toddlers, and that is how I feel about my running and cycling. If only I could run indoors or cycle under cover, sigh!

So, of course I met up at my church and we spent a good few hours sorting and cleaning, and the we went back to her house and had lunch. I looked out of her window and saw that the sky was clear, no rain, but the wind was still there. But I thought, I could go home get changed and have a quick jog before it starts raining!

So after a few more points on toddlers, and stuff, I got into my car and went back to get changed. When I got in I remembered I was going to do a casserole, (with dumplings, mmm yum) and I still hadn't done my own cleaning! So I started on that, and just as I did, the rain fell down in bucket loads. "I could have been out there!" I had thought to my self. So I was glad I was getting my dinner ready for later, "maybe it will clear again", I thought to myself.

So after everything done, the rain indeed had stopped. I quickly went upstairs to get changed, in case the weather did instead! and I put on my new superduper triclimate jacket, (Only the raincoat bit, I didn't want to get too hot) and ran outside before I changed my mind, (the dark clouds were buiding up for another downpour). Oh those first few strides felt really good. Oh to be out running again! I was smiling even though I was watching the clouds coming over. I just pulled up my hood and decided not to look. Maybe I will just run a very short route, maybe to Magpie Hall Lane and then back. But as I was going further I realised that those missed days of not doing anything remotely resembling exercise had taken its toll. It took to the roundabout before my breathing was anywhere near what it normally is by that time. My chest was hurting, and the muscles in my tummy were hurting, I didn't even know I had muscles there, I always thought they had been eaten up the the muscle eating fat rolls that I have there!

And then the rain started. Maybe I will just go as far as the pub, "I will do a two mile jog today" I said to myself. And with that in mind I headed up to Oxhawth Crescent. The school kids will be coming out soon, and some of my friends will see me running around, in the rain, they will think I have gone completely loopy loo! But I didn't care, I was out running!! But then, the wind!! The rain and the wind together is not a very good combination!! It was blowing my hood off, and whipping up debris from the roads and aiming if for just between my eyes!!! This is dangerous this running lark!! "Maybe I will just turn down Lovelace Avenue, do a very very short run, at least its something. No stopping mind" I convinced myself! Heading down Lovelace there was more debris flying about and streams of paper caught around a tree. No, this is not fun, but at least I am out, and now I am heading home. At least I have done something today! If only a mile!

The rain now, coming down, soaking my shoes, and my face, steaming up my glasses and the wind trying to take my hood from me! I am glad I am out, but I will be ecstatic to be in doors with a cuppa.

Coming up to my road and I was really disappointed with the weather, I really wanted to use my free days for cycling or running! But at least I have done this little bit, I have tried, again, to run in the rain, (and failed!) But I will keep on trying!

1.09 wet, windy mile in 12.26 minutes!! But I have done something this week WOO HOO!!

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