Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Somebody Stop Me!

Hello Blog Lovers

Today, according to my training plan (the one that I look at and then do my own thing based on that), it was a jog, run, walk, jog, run, walk run jog type of thing. Over an hour and fifty minute period! I thought I would try and do something, maybe a shorter run, and then just plod along at my own pace for the rest of the time/distance, and just try hard to keep on jogging as much as possible.

The Old Boy came with me. and he suggested jogging for 2 miles, then walk for 2 mins and then run for a mile at a faster pace! The rest of the route can be jogged along at my own pace. Seems simple enough, and it has got a running spot in it. My training plan (which I ignore) has a running bit it, so its kind of sticking to the plan!

With that in mind we left our house and started our warm up jog for half a mile. My goodness! It was freezing out there! I was chewing on gum, a very minty piece of gum, and I felt every freezing inhalation! I was thinking maybe chewing gum was not the best idea. I was thinking I was going to 'practice' eating on the run. Chewing gum seemed simple for this jog along today, and of course less calories than jelly babies! Extra calories that I just don't need right now!

So the first two miles done. And so far I had already stopped for about 5 seconds! I wasn't pleased with myself. But I carried on, I kept looking at my Garmin, willing it to tell me that I had done 2 miles. I think I must have done something to my settings, as it was 'beeping' at me before I had even done the mile. I had come to the conclusion that I must have done something to the settings when I switched it over to Km the other week. It was very distracting, and I was listening out for the beeping, knowing that it wont tell me that I had jogged for 2 miles.

I stopped just before it, and I took full advantage of my 2 minutes of walk time! Then it was time to pick up the pace! Discipline, hard work, faster pace, having to do it! All of the things I dislike! All of the things I know I should embrace! I tried to keep up with the Old Boy, he was encouraging me to "Stay with me, thats it stay with me" I tried, I really did. My legs are still feeling pretty sore. I am still coming down the stairs backwards, to save on the aches and pains! But I am trying to also embrace that whole 'No pain, no gain' scenario. Seriously, does that even work! "But its only one mile" I kept telling my self.

The Old Boy was running along in front of me, I was trying to keep up with him "Damm it" I said quite loudly "Damn and blast and stuff it" I shouted even more, as I stopped and looked up the A21. Well, there may be slightly different words I used! I was so angry at myself. I was so angry with myself for not being able to run even just a slightly faster pace that tears fell down my face! "Who's stupid idea was it anyway" I said to no one in particular. I didn't really want an answer, because I know the answer. It was mine. It was all my idea!

When I realised that, I shook myself out. Looked at what I had to do, looked at what I have already done! And then gave myself a stern talking to! "Listen Old Girl" this is how the conversation went in my head, "Listen Old Girl, this is your challenge, no one else, this is your run, your idea, your achievement! It will be your pat on the back when you cross the finish line" another tear fell down my face! "Now, pull yourself together, and just do it your way" So from that point on thats exactly what I did.

No more beating myself up. No more getting angry, I am just going to enjoy as much of what was left of the run as possible. Sticking to my plans. After all, I didn't think I would ever be able to keep on walking/jogging across 9.5 miles before but I did. Not in any spectacular time, but that is not where my jogging is at! That is where I got to come back to! So what if I had a shitty moment at mile 3. I expect there will be a few more of those moments to come. But I will just have to remind myself again, of how far I have come! And I am still enjoying it!

So todays title, well at mile three I really did want someone to talk me out of what I thought at that precise moment was a ridiculous thing for an Old Girl to be doing, but now! Yeah, bring it on! I will be ready, mentally, to finish the race!

Geeky stats.

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