Thursday, 17 January 2013

Road And Track!

Hello Blog Lovers.

Road and track. Road and track! That is what I did today! But I didn't run to the track, which would be about 3 miles from me! But I did run on the roads.

This morning about 9:30 I met Richard, Illustrious Leaders hubby, and about 5 other people, all wanted to get in extra training. Richard was taking 3 people at group 2 pace and I took 2. Kay was one of them. It's good to see that the running bug working hard in all our PWR's.

We were going do be running for about 3 miles. Richard gave me the route, this morning. It was good to see there was no hills involved, I was still feeling the miles from Sunday. But its good pain, muscles done good pain! We started off from Willet way Rec, and left by the other gate for a change, to go over the railway bridge. Out route was going to go through Jubilee park.

We were chatting away nice, until we started to feel the jogging getting our breathing working harder. Wither the cold it always seems you work twice as hard. Even I was panting at the beginning! Just like I used to when I first started out! But we soon all settled down.

We covered more that an 1.5 miles before we needed to take a small walking break! Not bad going, considering it was bloomin freezing, which always zaps your energy! I didn't want to stop altogether, it would have been just to cold to stand for a while, I didn't want the girls to get cramp.

Richards and his group will be doubling back a couple of times to meet us and then we all go off again. It was a good run. Even the run up the hill, ok, so we walked a bit of it! But we managed to run most of it! It is a cheeky little blight, a long hill, especially when you're first started out on the crazy insane road of jogging!

We came through the the walking bridge again, and started to run towards Crossways. That's when Richard said to me "We still got 15 mins, to go, we shall get to Wood Rise and do some hill reps" I looked at him, he did have a smile on his face, and for a split second or so, I thought maybe he was joking! But he wasn't! I kept quite about that to the girls, just for now.

"Are you going to sprint up Crossways?" Kay had asked me, "No, not today" I said, "Save that for Tuesdays" I didn't have the heart to tell her about the little exercise planned for the end of this session!  But when Richard gave the the joyous news just as we could see the sign for the park, the girls asked "Is he joking?" I assured them that he wasn't, which is why we were not sprinting the last bit!

So hill reps. Run fast, not at full pelt up hill to a designated post and the back down again, where your partner, does the same thing, in a kind of tag team situation. When they get back you run back up to the second lamppost and back down again, tag your partner to do the same. Repeat x3!! Yes, Richard has a wicked sense of humour, but, funnily enough, I quite enjoyed those reps! Weird!  Well done Ladies, (Oh and I for one, was very gratefull for the couple of walking stops we did ;-) but keep that quiet!)

Geeky stats.

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Track training.

Well this was interval running as well. Running at max power (I think that is what I was supposed to do) for 1600 meters, jog/walk for 200, then max for 1200, jog/walk for 200, then max fo1000, jog/walk/die for 200, again at 800 and then 400!

Well, I was still trying to figure out how many times around the track, I was supposed to go, or maybe I start at 1200, then work from them. But anyway, I tried my hardest. Legs complain like anything. They just have no idea what has hit them! I did start out way to fast. But sometimes when you're looking at everyone else tear-arsing round the track, its difficult not to fall into pace. I looked at my Garmin, I realised I started out at 9 something, then I slowed down and I think I did the first rep in about 10:47.

My other faster laps need to be consistent now. I have set the pace! Darn it, why did I start of to fast! But, I wasn't going to whinny, I am just going to do as much as can, and just see if I can run faster on the fast bits. The shorter walking out sections will come quicker each time.  Of course I got lost as to how many times I went around the track! I think I need a stamp each time I do a lap! At least then I will be able to count the stamps!

A good session, in fact a good day! Freezing cold morning start, freezing cold end! Now that is total craziness!! When do the men in white coats come for us?

Geeky stats!

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