Hello blog lovers.
After my run yesterday, my longest ever run to date I might add!, I really didn't think I could possible walk let along jog ever again. But the London Marathon will not be put on hold for me for another month or two for me to get even fitter. So there is only one thing to do and that is to get out there!
Smarty Pants text me earlier to see what I would be doing today, if anything. I said "Lets see what the Old Boy wants to do, he may want to cycle, but if not then its a 3 mile run" Well, the weather out there is not good cycling weather! It's bloomin freezing! It doesn't inspire one to put on the spandex and reflective Hi Viz blinding attire. It has to be a 3 mile run. It will probably do me good after the long run yesterday anyway.
I told Smarty Pants, and she turned up at my house about 6 ish. And I got myself ready, and so did the Old Boy, and we went for a 3 miler. It felt freezing when I went out. Smarty Pants said in her text that its crazy to go out in the dark and freezing, (and possible rain) just to go out running! Thats when you know the running bug is working its hardest! Come summer time I expect Smarty Pants to be down at the local running shop, gait analysis , and array of running tops to take into the changing rooms, and running pants by the dozen to try on.
We all started off together. But my legs, they have felt like metal heavy legs all day, and those first few jogging steps were hard! My muscles complained and hurt like nothing before! Well, actually they have hurt like this before. It feels like the first time I ever jogged way back in 2008. The muscles feeling as if they have been pulled out of deep sleep, pummelled, beaten, thumped and then told to run! It's cruel, you wouldn't do that to a dog. Yet I am doing that to my poor legs!
But after a while the pain seemed to pass. It's good pain. Good pain is good and bad pain is bad! Exactly what it says on the tin really. I had read up about it. I didn't quite understand what I had read until now, as in my book, all pain is bad! But as I was running and feeling my muscles, I just know that I gave them a good work out yesterday, but now I have to keep them thinking that there is so much more for them to do, so no sleeping just yet!
The first mile done. The Old Boy was in front, me in the middle, and Smarty Pants at the back. I knew that wouldn't be the way that it will end! I started to slow down after about a mile and half, my legs beginning to feel heavy again. But I wanted to run as far as I can before I even thought about taking a walking break.
As always though, my first walking break seems to then start and avalanche of walking breaks. I really do try to limit them to about 10 seconds, just to take a deep breath and then on again. It seems ridiculous to even write that down, let alone to actually stop for 10 seconds, but I do it! I am not going to beat myself up about it either! I like my running, it's so much better than sitting in doors, glued to the goggle box watching mindless crap on the telly.
Running back up Southborough lane you can see who is the fittest and strongest and youngest (excuses 1, 2 and 3) as I watch Smarty Pants and the Old Boy disappear from my view, which wasn't too difficult as I had remove my glasses as they kept on steaming up! And so I could see clearly just not that far!
Now it was just me, trying very hard to keep on running as much as I could, trying to be tough on my self. I couldn't wait to get on the road that I must not stop, I know then that I have enough discipline in me to keep going on this road! It's built in now! Just as the sprint is, along Crossways, at every Tuesday night club run.
When I turned to run up my path, I could see two figures on the opposite side of the green walking. I guess they were probably on their second round, and maybe even the Old Boy was on his third walk round! But that doesn't matter! I was out there, with iron filled legs, and jogging! That is what matters, that is what counts!
Geeky stats
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