Hello blog lovers.
Now that I have my new bike I am going to be some cross training on Mondays instead of running, but I am running with Smarty Pants, who is chasing her running mojo, (and by Jove, she has it by the scruff of its neck!)
She wants to do 2 miles today. There is no, week of doing a mile, then a week of doing 1.75, etch, no! She says "I think I can make it two miles" So I plotted a little loop, going up to turn around lamppost (it's always good going past somewhere you had to stop first time) and the up to Trinity Church, Magpiehall lane, and then through the park and home! Two miles, and a tiny tad more.
As soon as the little lad I look after was pick up I had a quick change into running gear and then we set off. The weather wasn't too bad, a little chilly, but I know once we get running we will warm up. I loaned SP my light weight, bright orange jacket, as she had on a rather nice jacket, but way to thick for running! and besides, as its dark we needed to be seen!
I thought I would do as the last time we ran together! Run for the first mile, have a short walk, and then run home. Going past TAL was good, my breathing seemed settled from the beginning, and even SP seemed to be going great guns. Up to Trinity church, I start to look at my Garmin, got to keep an eye on that first mile marker! I don't want SP to overdo it, and do damage to knees, shins, ankles or feet, or indeed her enthusiasm! As we were running up Magpie, thats where the mile mark clicked in.
"Ok, thats a mile" I said to her
"No, lets keep going, I don't want to stop" she replied!
Well I just carried on running by her side.
We started to run up the slight incline, 1.45 miles in our run, and thats when I said "Lets just have a short walk" I wanted to add 'Please!" Smarty Pants is definitely back. Short walk over then we start jogging again. Smarty Pants starts to pick up the speed a bit. When we get through the park and onto the road she seems to go right into the zone! I am chasing after her! Welcome back Smarty Pants!
Mojo well and securely under wraps! Now to keep it there!
Geeky stats
Tell Smarty Pants that if she is looking for her Running Mojo, the only place to find it is 2 miles from her front doorstep. The problem is your Mojo is always moving so you have to run to catch it.