Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Club Run!

Hello Blog lovers!

Today I was still hurting! My calf's (calves?) were complaining like anything! I am sure they will get better! So a nice gentle club run, with  Group 1 is just what I needed.

I was in Sweeper role today, with Singstar Jo taking lead role. She had a nice route planned out, involving Cardiac hill! But we were travelling down it! What could be better for old tired legs like mine!

I picked up Hitchy, and we drove to the park. I was looking forward to tonights run, but I hope I was going to be asked to be sweeper today! And I wasn't disappointed! I didn't want to push out a faster pace today, I just wanted to keep my legs moving, let them know that I am serious about my training, and this is just a little rest until my hour and half run tomorrow! Lets see how far I can run then!

I was encouraging the ladies at the back. JJ, Kay and Janet. All up from the last beginners group and all doing well! I hope that all know that! I do tell them. Ok so we are not flying around like Mo Farrows and Usain Bolts, but, the temperature out there, according to the gauge in my car was 0.5c temp. Virtually freezing! Thats how you know how well you are doing! Having the motivation to get geared up, and get our heads together to get out here in the dark! Now that is dedication! So many people would have fallen by the wayside after the success of the Olympics this year. Probably all those new year resolutions already are being re-written for next years list! But these ladies are here jogging along, getting fitter and healthier! Brilliant!

So that is it for todays blog! Its dedicated to the new members of Group 1. Keep up the good work ladies, no feeling guilty for being at the back, (I should know all about that!) Instead use that feeling, turn it around and be determined. It will come together, honest! Just look at me! One day I was a chubmeister, stretched out in my comfy chair, not daring to miss out on any of the soaps, and now, I am training for the marathon!

Oh and one more thing to add, Hitchy has now graduated up to group 3!! She is flying along! Well done Hitchy.

Geeky stats for you.

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