Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Lets Get Going!

Hello Blog lovers.

I wanted to do a longer run than what I have been doing just lately. I was planning on a 7 mile run, or there abouts. Not too bad for a mid week longer run. After all I don't want to be over doing things. I chose an already well jogged route of mine, with a hill, and the Old Boy was coming along to keep me company.

The route was to go down and up Summer Hill. The mere mention of that hill draws groans and gasps from the PWR (depending on which group leader mentions it, is the ones that groan!) It's good to have a change. I knew that the route is only about 6.5 miles long if I go the usual way, but I could always add on another half mile or so by running back down Southborough lane. So depending on how I feel by the time I get to 'decision road' then it will either be 6.5 or 7. something mile jog today.

I decided to put my earphones in today, just to help me stay focused on my plans, my jog, and just to listen to some good tunes. I know that hill is going to taunt me! So I was hoping that the tunes will help me just to try and ignore it. 

We set off, nice and gentle. No need to rush to the hill. And besides, I like jogging, I like being able to jog, and I am looking forward to the two huge races I have booked myself into! So, no, I am not going to be racing off, I am going to just plod along, exactly how I intend to do my races! I am hoping that the longer runs and the training sessions put together will be enough to get me through both of them.

One thing for sure though! I will cross both finishing lines! That is all my goal is! That is all my 'self' challenge is. My once in a lifetime race, my talking point, and hopefully my VLM Medal holding pride of place among all my other medals, which I still look at and talk about with my grandson.

The wind today was quite strong, threatening to take the Old Boys hat from him, and I was constantly having to pull my hat back down, and what with me trying to keep the silly earplugs in my rather delicately small lug holes, I was constantly fiddling about!

Soon the hill came though. I took at short walk just before the run down, I wanted to prepare myself mentally, to run down it then up again. The Old Boy was not at all impressed with that idea. But I kept to my plan, my way! And down I ran. Of course its lovely running down, and I could do that no problem, getting up the other side though was tough!

Yes I had a walk, I think I did the hill in three, two walks before I got to the top.  It felt good to get to the flat bit! There is not that many hilly sections anymore. And if there is, they wont be as steep as Summer Hill. 

Just after the we passed the tigers head, and got to the top of the road, I sort of found myself in the zone. I was concentrating on keeping my head up, looking at the street lights a head of me, first one, then the next one. "Thats it Old Girl, look towards the next lamppost" is what I was saying to myself, I heard the Old Boy say "You're on your manor now, I can tell" But I just kept the lampposts going past me. For almost a mile I ran like a professional (slow) runner, head up, nice steady pace, concentrating and feeling bloody good at the precise moment. Yes indeed, I was on my turf! I was running on my manor, a true PWR! I was in a happy place.

But as with all my runs I do start to get slower, I was coming out of my happy place, all the happy thoughts that kept me going along that little stretch of road in Chislehurst. Thoughts of my mum came to me then, the same old question came to my mind, as I started to feel my legs getting tired the  nearer we got to Pettswood and Tudor Way. The same question came to me, "Why are you out here, on a windy dark night, running your old ass off?" The answer came "Because of mum" I started to think of her even more then, and the nasty illness that took her away from us. I was gettting upset, and I was getting angry. Then the concentration went, and the noises of the street came back to me.You could tell that because I became very grumpy!  I was looking forward to getting home.  I decided to not to do the extra mile as I nipped down Nightingale road and headed on home. I feel this is enough for today. I am still smiling, I am still enjoying my running and I want it always to be that way!

My geeky stats for you

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