Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Dive In And Go For It!

Hello blog lovers.

As promised blog no.2. Me and the Old Boy went out for a nice little plod about. He hasn't been too well, man flu' got him the day he finished work for the Christmas break! So he wasn't expecting to go flying around at break neck speed, not that that has ever happened on a jog with me! But again, just like this morning it felt pretty good to be out. At least it had stopped raining, and it felt pretty mild out as well! But I am expecting to jumping over huge puddles!

I had charged my Garmin for this jog, but waiting for the thing to find satellites was taking time. So I just started the timer and hoped that it would find satellites pretty quick, but I wasn't too fused about it, not this time round anyway. My Garmin doesn't like being ignored for days and days, and seems to go into a sulk and refuse to play ball!

Our route was just slightly different to the usual 3 miler, as we were going up the ally to Turn Around Lamppost. It's strange isn't it, I don't see or talk about T.A.L. for ages and then it pops up twice in one day! But we were not going to head back home, we were going up to Trinity Church, and then urn right and right again to go down Magpiehall Lane.

I was jogging the whole way, and down some of Magpie as well, but I did have a little stop, just before the incline. I was quite pleased with my effort. The Old Boy was keen to keep going! Seems his cold hasn't killed off his fitness levels!  I stopped a couple of more times as well, once more by the Harvester and then again just as we got through the little park on Oxhawth crescent.

From Faringdon however, it was non stop jogging. The Old Boy even tried to get me to run a bit quicker, I'm not actually sure if I achieved that. I shall have to look at my geeky stats! Which brings me nicely to the end of my blog! A good stretch of the legs, I'm sure not too much damage done through over indulgence, and I'm looking forward to continuing my marathon training!

Geeky stats for you.

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