Thursday, 31 January 2013

More Running, Old Girl?

Hello blog lovers.

Yup! More running. It's Thursday which means it club track day. It was going to be marathon pace 3x1600m around the track, with a minutes rest between each each 1600m. So that means 12 times around the track! (I had to take my shoes off to count that high!)  Along with a warm up and a warm down stretch. Lets see how many laps I can get in before everyone else finishes their 'warm down lap'  before they even get ready for the warm down stretches!

I have been ignoring the cold bug that seems to be trying to get into my system today. Occupational hazard when you have cute little people to look after, sneezing on you and asking for their noses to be wiped every five minutes. We are a sharing household here. I was feeling good though, my little session with Smarty Pants hasn't really affected my leg muscles at all. So I had in my mind to complete every lap today.

Kitman Mike said that we should be doing each 1600m at our own individual marathon pace. All the PWR's got into their pacing groups, I got into mine. A very exclusive pacing group, known as the Old Girl group, and it's usually just me in it! The faster groups set off first, the next and so on. I set off with the last group, I let them gradually get further from me and then I looked at my Garmin. I was still going way to fast for my marathon pace, and had to pull myself back at bit more.

I kept running all the time. The bits that I should have been running, I was! Now that is a first for me (for a while anyway!) I was looking forward to the 1 minute rest time. On my second of the 1600m, and I was a bit slower this time. I hope I can keep each lap consistent, another discipline that I need to learn. And you all know me and discipline!

I was getting lapped quite a lot. Obviously the faster paced groups lapped me several times, and each time the said to me "Well done Old Girl, keep it going" I am just amazed that quite a few people know my name! Mind you, I am the only member of the the Thursdays track sessions 'Old Girl Pace Group' so I shouldn't be surprised really.

I think I managed to do 2 and a bit of the planned 3x1600m. I felt I had done enough, and besides, I didn't really want to hold everybody up while I continued to finish my reps of the track.

So here is my geeky stats, I did remember to stop the timer while I was doing the minute rest, and then turn in back on when I started running again.

( I have just counted the laps, I only ran 9 laps! tut tut tut)

Just A Little Extra Bit!

Hello blog lovers.

Yesterday evening, Smarty Pants and me had arranged to meet up and do just a little bit more extra training as we both had this afternoon kid free. Ok, I guess we could have gone down the pub, or to a restaurant and 'do lunch' but you runners know when the 'running bug is biting' it's hard to ignore!

We decided on a fairly short route, with some hill reps in the middle. Sounds Like fun eh?! Originally we were going to run from our estate to the hill in question, but Smarty Pants didn't really fancy the run up hill. So I suggested I drive there, then do a very short loop before coming back to the hill.

So that's what we did. After I dropped off my grandson to his pre-school I drove straight to Smarty Pants to pick her up, and we drove to Wood Rise in Pettswood.  "That's the hill that we will do the reps on" I said She looked up it. I don't think she was that impressed with it. She will just have to wait and see, ha ha ha ha (*evil laugh*)

We ran the short loop, the rain came down for just a few minutes, I was hoping it wasn't going to really chuck it down, as the hill reps will not be good fun at all! It was less than a mile loop that we did, .90 of a mile to be precise, and then we were into our hill reps.  I went first, to show her how its done (I know, its a bit like the blind leading the blind here!) But I just ran to the first lamppost at speed and then jogged back.

Smarty Pants went to the first lamppost and back again. Then I went further, to the telegraph pole this time and then back again. Blimey! My legs could feel that! That's the first rep done. But some how I don't think Smarty Pants quite grasped on to that idea.  After we had finished the third rep, I said "Ok that's good, now for the fourth one"
"But we have done six already" Said S.P. I felt pretty sure that we had only done three reps, and I wracked my brain thinking, "Maybe we did" I began thinking to myself, "Maybe we were that quick, Smarty Pants feels so sure that we have done six, and I know that I always lose count going around and around the track" I looked up the hill as if to try and visualise how many times I had touched the telegraph pole.
"It is one rep to the first lamppost, then two to the telegraph pole" She eventually said to me, and then I disillusioned her "Um, no, that equals 1 rep, we have to do that maybe 2 or three times more!"
"Lets just do a last jog around the short loop again" says Smarty Pants. 
I think she was really feeling the hill now. It may look only a short hill, but going up and down it at speed several times, soon shows you who's boss! But one day, we will be flying up there as if its just a pimple in the road!

Geeky stats for this session. As usual I forgot to start my Garmin, just after we finished the hill reps. So I'm guessing another .5 mile needs to be added to the distance, and maybe 6 minutes to the time.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Lets Get Going!

Hello Blog lovers.

I wanted to do a longer run than what I have been doing just lately. I was planning on a 7 mile run, or there abouts. Not too bad for a mid week longer run. After all I don't want to be over doing things. I chose an already well jogged route of mine, with a hill, and the Old Boy was coming along to keep me company.

The route was to go down and up Summer Hill. The mere mention of that hill draws groans and gasps from the PWR (depending on which group leader mentions it, is the ones that groan!) It's good to have a change. I knew that the route is only about 6.5 miles long if I go the usual way, but I could always add on another half mile or so by running back down Southborough lane. So depending on how I feel by the time I get to 'decision road' then it will either be 6.5 or 7. something mile jog today.

I decided to put my earphones in today, just to help me stay focused on my plans, my jog, and just to listen to some good tunes. I know that hill is going to taunt me! So I was hoping that the tunes will help me just to try and ignore it. 

We set off, nice and gentle. No need to rush to the hill. And besides, I like jogging, I like being able to jog, and I am looking forward to the two huge races I have booked myself into! So, no, I am not going to be racing off, I am going to just plod along, exactly how I intend to do my races! I am hoping that the longer runs and the training sessions put together will be enough to get me through both of them.

One thing for sure though! I will cross both finishing lines! That is all my goal is! That is all my 'self' challenge is. My once in a lifetime race, my talking point, and hopefully my VLM Medal holding pride of place among all my other medals, which I still look at and talk about with my grandson.

The wind today was quite strong, threatening to take the Old Boys hat from him, and I was constantly having to pull my hat back down, and what with me trying to keep the silly earplugs in my rather delicately small lug holes, I was constantly fiddling about!

Soon the hill came though. I took at short walk just before the run down, I wanted to prepare myself mentally, to run down it then up again. The Old Boy was not at all impressed with that idea. But I kept to my plan, my way! And down I ran. Of course its lovely running down, and I could do that no problem, getting up the other side though was tough!

Yes I had a walk, I think I did the hill in three, two walks before I got to the top.  It felt good to get to the flat bit! There is not that many hilly sections anymore. And if there is, they wont be as steep as Summer Hill. 

Just after the we passed the tigers head, and got to the top of the road, I sort of found myself in the zone. I was concentrating on keeping my head up, looking at the street lights a head of me, first one, then the next one. "Thats it Old Girl, look towards the next lamppost" is what I was saying to myself, I heard the Old Boy say "You're on your manor now, I can tell" But I just kept the lampposts going past me. For almost a mile I ran like a professional (slow) runner, head up, nice steady pace, concentrating and feeling bloody good at the precise moment. Yes indeed, I was on my turf! I was running on my manor, a true PWR! I was in a happy place.

But as with all my runs I do start to get slower, I was coming out of my happy place, all the happy thoughts that kept me going along that little stretch of road in Chislehurst. Thoughts of my mum came to me then, the same old question came to my mind, as I started to feel my legs getting tired the  nearer we got to Pettswood and Tudor Way. The same question came to me, "Why are you out here, on a windy dark night, running your old ass off?" The answer came "Because of mum" I started to think of her even more then, and the nasty illness that took her away from us. I was gettting upset, and I was getting angry. Then the concentration went, and the noises of the street came back to me.You could tell that because I became very grumpy!  I was looking forward to getting home.  I decided to not to do the extra mile as I nipped down Nightingale road and headed on home. I feel this is enough for today. I am still smiling, I am still enjoying my running and I want it always to be that way!

My geeky stats for you

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Water, Water, Everywhere!

Hello Blog lovers.

I have had a busy day today with the whole exercise regime! This afternoon was a nice genteel bike ride with Nagging Sister! She is desperate for some sort of cardio vascular activity in her days! But The injury she sustain way back in October last year is still causing her problems. So she thought a bike ride would be good for her.

But this is my running blog and not my cycling blog, so will continues with todays running.  I had offered to help Kitman Mike with the new beginners group. Just as last time, I love giving something back to my club and to the sport that I have chosen to help me keep fit. And of course, I love to help and encourage all those that have decided to keep fit and to chose jogging as their chosen sport to help them achieve that.

Todays programme, after a warm up, was 3 minutes jog and 3 minutes walk x 5. There were about 20-25 brave souls in the group. I say brave souls, because the weather was not good, it was wet, it had been raining, but now all that is left is some 'heavy moisture' in the air, which could threaten rain at any moment! It was good to encourage them all around the short loops that we were doing.

I turned up about five minutes past 7, the group had already started their warm up walk. I waited for them at Little Thrift. I had already done a warm up anyway as I had rode my bike to Willet Way Rec and then ran to little thrift.

After we had done the beginners group, (Singstar Jo also offered to help out as well) we jumped in her car and drove the short distance to the rec, ready to start our club run!  Singstar Jo had very heavy legs today, she was still a little sore after running 10 miles on Sunday! And I was just pleased to be out. A glut of exercise in one day, and I am feeling on top of the world! I know I shall be aching a little, later on!

By the time we got to 8 0'clock the rain had started, just that gentle horrible drizzle stuff, and it stayed with us, the whole time! The route that our Illustrious Leader had chosen today was a very undulating
one, with a double loop around Tillingbourne Green. Now this particular green, again was a tad undulating, a nice little challenge not only for the newcomers of the group, but for me as well!

The rain was getting me a little down now. It was really affecting my sight! My glasses were steamed up and rainy! In fact I could see more without my glasses! So I had to put them in my pocket and run without them.

Towards the end of the run, by the time we got to Willet Way, our Illustrious Leader came back to relieve the sweepers, which was me and Singstar Jo.  I pushed on a little faster but Singstar Jo carried on sweeping.

We got back to the rec, the rain was really coming down now, we were all soaked to the skin, smelling (as Singstar Jo said) like wet dog! But I was still feeling great about being out running. After a warm down stretch I realised that I still had to cycle home from here! *Siiiggghhh!*

As soon as I got in, I stripped off and jumped into a nice warm shower! Then it was dinner time! I felt I had definitely earned this today!

Geeky stats

Monday, 28 January 2013

Yes, No, Run, Sit?

Hello Blog lovers,

I really didn't know if I was going to get out this evening.  After work, the Old Boy thought he might get a bike ride in, but by the time he came home the wind had picked up and the rain had started. So he thought he might just come out for a short plod along the pavements with me.

Now running out in the wind is not my idea of fun, throw in a bit of rain and it's less likely that I will even venture up my stairs to get changed into my jogging gear. But eventually the Old Boy persuaded me to go and get changed "It's stopped raining now" he said. I was quite cosy in my snuggles blanket and it took an awful long of effort on my part to extract me from it.

By the time I was ready, shoes on, wind proof jacket on, sweat catching cap on, I was still waiting for satellites! "Let's just go" I said, just as I did on Sunday, "If I get found then I get found" I said, I just didn't want to lose this opportunity. I opened then door to be faced by torrential rain! We both retreated back inside. Umm'd and arr'd about it. Then I said, "That's it, I'm not going jogging today" and I set about getting my dinner ready, only a salad, which was already prepared by the Old Boy.

Just as I was about to add the finishing touches he came out and said "Quick, its stopped raining" I was not expecting nor was I looking forward to hearing those words! But, my marathon head came into force. "Ok, lets just do a fast blast, about 1.75 miles, to the Harvester and through the park" I said. 

We set off, more or less straight away. And I was like a bat out of hell, zooming off down the road, thinking about my dinner! "My goodness, a bit of a rain has put a bit of urgency into you" he said.  We ran up Faringdon and then straight up to pop out of top Oxhawth. Then it was straight down to the Harvester. I don't know when the satellites found me, but it informed me that it had 'lost' me again! I think maybe I will have to clear the old information out and start again!

I did start the time though, and I had a sneaky look at my Garmin when I got to the probable 1 mile mark. And it was under 11 minutes! I was pleased with that, but now for the .75 of a mile at hopefully the same pace. That was my thinking, anyway. The Old Boy had other thoughts.  "Up here, a bit further then down Holbrook and to the A21" he says, "Then up to the church, and along the ally way and then back home"

He has a way of surprising me like that. I wished I had of known that before I took off at stupid-a-mile a min pace! I duly followed and tried to keep up the same pace. I was stopping and starting again, as per my usual runs. All the way up to the church and to turn-around-lamppost. From here though, as suggested by the Old Boy, I shall do a little bit of fartlek training. Jog two lampposts and run one, jog two, run one all the way down the half mile of the alleyway.

Then it was a gentle jog for the rest of the way home. By the time I got in I was feeling quite pleased that I actually went out. The rain stayed away for the time we were out, and it felt quite warm out considering how cold it has been. In fact, both the Old Boy and I was totally sweaty bettys when we got in!

So here is my geeky stats for this run. There is, of course some missing bits. From the beginning of my run until it found me by the roundabout, but then it lots me again.  So I think I maybe need to add maybe half mile on top of what is shown.

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Normal Service Has Been Resumed!

Hello Blog Lovers!

Well, what a week! Blizzard conditions kept me from my running and from getting any more miles in on my new bike (which I am quite pleased about really, because I don't want it to get too dirty just yet!) Yes, I know people do run in the snow, and I have even been one of the complete, basket cases who have run in the snow before! But I really didn't want to risk any possible injuries that could occur by running in the snow. After all, I have my two longest races coming up very soon. The Tonbridge Wells Half in February, and then the major race, the race that I have been training for, the Virgin London Marathon in April!

When I woke up this morning the sun was shining brightly, the Old Boy looked out of the window nand announced that the snow had all but gone. There was just a tiny pile of snow left, with a pair of sunglasses, a carrot and a scarf, heaped by the side of it, the remnants of Mr. Snowman.  I was looking forward to getting back from church today!

I got up and got myself ready for church, and off I went. Not to say that I was clock watching or anything, (although I was going to be talking to my daughter in Australia about 12:30 today) but the time went by quite quickly.  I said my goodbyes to the church folk and got home, and text my daughter to let her know I was back. I  also text Smarty Pants to see if she wanted to go for a run.  She seems to be going stir crazy with the lack of running this week as well! But she was more eager than me, and was out at 09:30 this morning!

But after a lovely conversation with my daughter in Oz, instead of sitting down missing her to bits, I quickly got myself together and then waited. I waited for the satellites to find my Garmin! Do you think it found it straight away?! Oh no! In the end I just started the timer and went out out, and thought, "If the Satellites don't find me, then it don't matter, I am out and running!"

I was going to do the 'Fartlek' training that was suggested by Kitman Mike. After a warm up half mile I went into my Fartlek. It was tougher than I thought it was going to be. I decided to run between only the lampposts on the pavement that I was on. Sometimes, back in the old days, I used to look for lampposts on both sides of the road as they came up quicker! But, this is training, so its the longer gaps between lampposts for me! And also, I found out, that some of the faster runs between the lampposts were even longer, as they crossed roads or went around corners!

I must admit I did do some walking! But only on the slower paced lamppost sections! I did run (I think) all of the faster paced sections, which I was quite pleased with.

All in all, it was just brilliant to be out running again. And I think I did, well..... not to bad. Here is my geeky stats, I think the satellites found me after about half a mile, but what I am pleased with is the time for this run. Quicker than I thought it would be, considering I haven't been out for AGES!!

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Thursday, 17 January 2013

Road And Track!

Hello Blog Lovers.

Road and track. Road and track! That is what I did today! But I didn't run to the track, which would be about 3 miles from me! But I did run on the roads.

This morning about 9:30 I met Richard, Illustrious Leaders hubby, and about 5 other people, all wanted to get in extra training. Richard was taking 3 people at group 2 pace and I took 2. Kay was one of them. It's good to see that the running bug working hard in all our PWR's.

We were going do be running for about 3 miles. Richard gave me the route, this morning. It was good to see there was no hills involved, I was still feeling the miles from Sunday. But its good pain, muscles done good pain! We started off from Willet way Rec, and left by the other gate for a change, to go over the railway bridge. Out route was going to go through Jubilee park.

We were chatting away nice, until we started to feel the jogging getting our breathing working harder. Wither the cold it always seems you work twice as hard. Even I was panting at the beginning! Just like I used to when I first started out! But we soon all settled down.

We covered more that an 1.5 miles before we needed to take a small walking break! Not bad going, considering it was bloomin freezing, which always zaps your energy! I didn't want to stop altogether, it would have been just to cold to stand for a while, I didn't want the girls to get cramp.

Richards and his group will be doubling back a couple of times to meet us and then we all go off again. It was a good run. Even the run up the hill, ok, so we walked a bit of it! But we managed to run most of it! It is a cheeky little blight, a long hill, especially when you're first started out on the crazy insane road of jogging!

We came through the the walking bridge again, and started to run towards Crossways. That's when Richard said to me "We still got 15 mins, to go, we shall get to Wood Rise and do some hill reps" I looked at him, he did have a smile on his face, and for a split second or so, I thought maybe he was joking! But he wasn't! I kept quite about that to the girls, just for now.

"Are you going to sprint up Crossways?" Kay had asked me, "No, not today" I said, "Save that for Tuesdays" I didn't have the heart to tell her about the little exercise planned for the end of this session!  But when Richard gave the the joyous news just as we could see the sign for the park, the girls asked "Is he joking?" I assured them that he wasn't, which is why we were not sprinting the last bit!

So hill reps. Run fast, not at full pelt up hill to a designated post and the back down again, where your partner, does the same thing, in a kind of tag team situation. When they get back you run back up to the second lamppost and back down again, tag your partner to do the same. Repeat x3!! Yes, Richard has a wicked sense of humour, but, funnily enough, I quite enjoyed those reps! Weird!  Well done Ladies, (Oh and I for one, was very gratefull for the couple of walking stops we did ;-) but keep that quiet!)

Geeky stats.

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Track training.

Well this was interval running as well. Running at max power (I think that is what I was supposed to do) for 1600 meters, jog/walk for 200, then max for 1200, jog/walk for 200, then max fo1000, jog/walk/die for 200, again at 800 and then 400!

Well, I was still trying to figure out how many times around the track, I was supposed to go, or maybe I start at 1200, then work from them. But anyway, I tried my hardest. Legs complain like anything. They just have no idea what has hit them! I did start out way to fast. But sometimes when you're looking at everyone else tear-arsing round the track, its difficult not to fall into pace. I looked at my Garmin, I realised I started out at 9 something, then I slowed down and I think I did the first rep in about 10:47.

My other faster laps need to be consistent now. I have set the pace! Darn it, why did I start of to fast! But, I wasn't going to whinny, I am just going to do as much as can, and just see if I can run faster on the fast bits. The shorter walking out sections will come quicker each time.  Of course I got lost as to how many times I went around the track! I think I need a stamp each time I do a lap! At least then I will be able to count the stamps!

A good session, in fact a good day! Freezing cold morning start, freezing cold end! Now that is total craziness!! When do the men in white coats come for us?

Geeky stats!

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Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Somebody Stop Me!

Hello Blog Lovers

Today, according to my training plan (the one that I look at and then do my own thing based on that), it was a jog, run, walk, jog, run, walk run jog type of thing. Over an hour and fifty minute period! I thought I would try and do something, maybe a shorter run, and then just plod along at my own pace for the rest of the time/distance, and just try hard to keep on jogging as much as possible.

The Old Boy came with me. and he suggested jogging for 2 miles, then walk for 2 mins and then run for a mile at a faster pace! The rest of the route can be jogged along at my own pace. Seems simple enough, and it has got a running spot in it. My training plan (which I ignore) has a running bit it, so its kind of sticking to the plan!

With that in mind we left our house and started our warm up jog for half a mile. My goodness! It was freezing out there! I was chewing on gum, a very minty piece of gum, and I felt every freezing inhalation! I was thinking maybe chewing gum was not the best idea. I was thinking I was going to 'practice' eating on the run. Chewing gum seemed simple for this jog along today, and of course less calories than jelly babies! Extra calories that I just don't need right now!

So the first two miles done. And so far I had already stopped for about 5 seconds! I wasn't pleased with myself. But I carried on, I kept looking at my Garmin, willing it to tell me that I had done 2 miles. I think I must have done something to my settings, as it was 'beeping' at me before I had even done the mile. I had come to the conclusion that I must have done something to the settings when I switched it over to Km the other week. It was very distracting, and I was listening out for the beeping, knowing that it wont tell me that I had jogged for 2 miles.

I stopped just before it, and I took full advantage of my 2 minutes of walk time! Then it was time to pick up the pace! Discipline, hard work, faster pace, having to do it! All of the things I dislike! All of the things I know I should embrace! I tried to keep up with the Old Boy, he was encouraging me to "Stay with me, thats it stay with me" I tried, I really did. My legs are still feeling pretty sore. I am still coming down the stairs backwards, to save on the aches and pains! But I am trying to also embrace that whole 'No pain, no gain' scenario. Seriously, does that even work! "But its only one mile" I kept telling my self.

The Old Boy was running along in front of me, I was trying to keep up with him "Damm it" I said quite loudly "Damn and blast and stuff it" I shouted even more, as I stopped and looked up the A21. Well, there may be slightly different words I used! I was so angry at myself. I was so angry with myself for not being able to run even just a slightly faster pace that tears fell down my face! "Who's stupid idea was it anyway" I said to no one in particular. I didn't really want an answer, because I know the answer. It was mine. It was all my idea!

When I realised that, I shook myself out. Looked at what I had to do, looked at what I have already done! And then gave myself a stern talking to! "Listen Old Girl" this is how the conversation went in my head, "Listen Old Girl, this is your challenge, no one else, this is your run, your idea, your achievement! It will be your pat on the back when you cross the finish line" another tear fell down my face! "Now, pull yourself together, and just do it your way" So from that point on thats exactly what I did.

No more beating myself up. No more getting angry, I am just going to enjoy as much of what was left of the run as possible. Sticking to my plans. After all, I didn't think I would ever be able to keep on walking/jogging across 9.5 miles before but I did. Not in any spectacular time, but that is not where my jogging is at! That is where I got to come back to! So what if I had a shitty moment at mile 3. I expect there will be a few more of those moments to come. But I will just have to remind myself again, of how far I have come! And I am still enjoying it!

So todays title, well at mile three I really did want someone to talk me out of what I thought at that precise moment was a ridiculous thing for an Old Girl to be doing, but now! Yeah, bring it on! I will be ready, mentally, to finish the race!

Geeky stats.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Club Run!

Hello Blog lovers!

Today I was still hurting! My calf's (calves?) were complaining like anything! I am sure they will get better! So a nice gentle club run, with  Group 1 is just what I needed.

I was in Sweeper role today, with Singstar Jo taking lead role. She had a nice route planned out, involving Cardiac hill! But we were travelling down it! What could be better for old tired legs like mine!

I picked up Hitchy, and we drove to the park. I was looking forward to tonights run, but I hope I was going to be asked to be sweeper today! And I wasn't disappointed! I didn't want to push out a faster pace today, I just wanted to keep my legs moving, let them know that I am serious about my training, and this is just a little rest until my hour and half run tomorrow! Lets see how far I can run then!

I was encouraging the ladies at the back. JJ, Kay and Janet. All up from the last beginners group and all doing well! I hope that all know that! I do tell them. Ok so we are not flying around like Mo Farrows and Usain Bolts, but, the temperature out there, according to the gauge in my car was 0.5c temp. Virtually freezing! Thats how you know how well you are doing! Having the motivation to get geared up, and get our heads together to get out here in the dark! Now that is dedication! So many people would have fallen by the wayside after the success of the Olympics this year. Probably all those new year resolutions already are being re-written for next years list! But these ladies are here jogging along, getting fitter and healthier! Brilliant!

So that is it for todays blog! Its dedicated to the new members of Group 1. Keep up the good work ladies, no feeling guilty for being at the back, (I should know all about that!) Instead use that feeling, turn it around and be determined. It will come together, honest! Just look at me! One day I was a chubmeister, stretched out in my comfy chair, not daring to miss out on any of the soaps, and now, I am training for the marathon!

Oh and one more thing to add, Hitchy has now graduated up to group 3!! She is flying along! Well done Hitchy.

Geeky stats for you.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Iron Legs Can Move!

Hello blog lovers.

After my run yesterday, my longest ever run to date I might add!, I really didn't think I could possible walk let along jog ever again. But the London Marathon will not be put on hold for me for another month or two for me to get even fitter. So there is only one thing to do and that is to get out there!

Smarty Pants text me earlier to see what I would be doing today, if anything. I said "Lets see what the Old Boy wants to do, he may want to cycle, but if not then its a 3 mile run" Well, the weather out there is not good cycling weather! It's bloomin freezing! It doesn't inspire one to put on the spandex and reflective Hi Viz blinding attire. It has to be a 3 mile run. It will probably do me good after the long run yesterday anyway.

I told Smarty Pants, and she turned up at my house about 6 ish. And I got myself ready, and so did the Old Boy, and we went for a 3 miler.  It felt freezing when I went out. Smarty Pants said in her text that its crazy to go out in the dark and freezing, (and possible rain) just to go out running! Thats when you know the running bug is working its hardest! Come summer time I expect Smarty Pants to be down at the local running shop, gait analysis , and array of running tops to take into the changing rooms, and running pants by the dozen to try on.

We all started off together. But my legs, they have felt like metal heavy legs all day, and those first few jogging steps were hard! My muscles complained and hurt like nothing before! Well, actually they have hurt like this before. It feels like the first time I ever jogged way back in 2008. The muscles feeling as if they have been pulled out of deep sleep, pummelled, beaten, thumped and then told to run! It's cruel, you wouldn't do that to a dog. Yet I am doing that to my poor legs!

But after a while the pain seemed to pass. It's good pain. Good pain is good and bad pain is bad! Exactly what it says on the tin really. I had read up about it. I didn't quite understand what I had read until now, as in my book, all pain is bad! But as I was running and feeling my muscles, I just know that I gave them a good work out yesterday, but now I have to keep them thinking that there is so much more for them to do, so no sleeping just yet!

The first mile done. The Old Boy was in front, me in the middle, and Smarty Pants at the back. I knew that wouldn't be the way that it will end! I started to slow down after about a mile and half, my legs beginning to feel heavy again. But I wanted to run as far as I can before I even thought about taking a walking break.

As always though, my first walking break seems to then start and avalanche of walking breaks. I really do try to limit them to about 10 seconds, just to take a deep breath and then on again. It seems ridiculous to even write that down, let alone to actually stop for 10 seconds, but I do it! I am not going to beat myself up about it either! I like my running, it's so much better than sitting in doors, glued to the goggle box watching mindless crap on the telly.

Running back up Southborough lane you can see who is the fittest and strongest and youngest (excuses 1, 2 and 3) as I watch Smarty Pants and the Old Boy disappear from my view, which wasn't too difficult as I had remove my glasses as they kept on steaming up! And so I could see clearly just not that far!

Now it was just me, trying very hard to keep on running as much as I could, trying to be tough on my self. I couldn't wait to get on the road that I must not stop, I know then that I have enough discipline in me to keep going on this road!  It's built in now! Just as the sprint is, along Crossways, at every Tuesday night club run.

When I turned to run up my path, I could see two figures on the opposite side of the green walking. I guess they were probably on their second round, and maybe even the Old Boy was on his third walk round! But that doesn't matter! I was out there, with iron filled legs, and jogging! That is what matters, that is what counts!

Geeky stats

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Train Run- The PWR Posse!

Hello blog lovers!

Today was my long run day. But this isn't any ordinary long run day! Oh no, it's the Pettswood Runners Annual Train Run. This entails, meeting up at Pettswood Station, and then getting a train to either Sevonoaks or to Knockholt. Needless to say I got off at Knockholt with 7 other brave souls, while about 20 or more other comrades travelled on to Sevonoaks for a 13 mile traipse back.

Knockholt is about 5:5 miles back to the station. When me and Nagging Sister did this around about the same time of year last year, there was snow on the ground, and we ran along the main roads. Quite an uninteresting route. All on pavements as well! But our Illustrious Leader has plotted out a very interesting, countrified, cross country way back to Pettswood.

We met at the station, everyone got into groups of 4 (cheaper train tickets that way), here is a picture of most of them that came running.

Tickets bought and it was down to the platform to wait for the train.  We do make a great crowed as we piled onto the train. Those passengers looking for a nice peaceful early Sunday morning ride home from where ever, were in for a shock!  Oh didn't I say it was early! Yup, early! 8:35 meet at the station for the 8:50 train!

The journey didn't take that long, well it wouldn't on the train! and we were soon saying out goodbyes to the Sevonoak-er's as we made our way out of the station. We all started our Garmins! As one of the other ladies pointed out, "It's funny that we all have Garmins but it takes longer on some to find satellites. Well today my Garmin wasn't playing ball. I had get going and just hope it won't be that long before it can locate them, as we really didn't want to stand around in the cold waiting.

And so to the run its self, (blimey, don't I go on!)

We started off on the road, running down towards the A21. So far exactly as me and NS did last year, but then our IL said "we are going left over the field, please watch the road as you cross". I looked across to where she had indicated, and all I can see is a farmers field. Not only that but it seems to take up the entire horizon! It's on a huge, huge hill!  Not as me and NS did last year! That way seemed to be all down hill (mostly) Still it should be interesting!

Well you all know the sort of weather we have been having recently, and the fact the water table seems to have now reached to over flow levels, so there is just no where for water to run away! Imagine that, and the farmers ploughing their fields, you all got that? Good, now add in a few ramblers stirring up the muddy paths, and we are now somewhere to what it was actually like to run, squelch, slip, slide and slurp our way o'er fields and paths!

Mud, glorious mud! A Pig in Poo, couldn't have been more happier than to have been running along with us! But as I said, it made for a very interesting route. The scenery was stunning, the fresh air was to die for, the company was just perfect! I had all of this spectacular view, enjoying every second of it on a slight hangover after celebrating my old school pals 50th birthday with her!  Us PWR's are made of stern stuff!

That was the theme of the off road sections of our run. Up slippy muddy hills, and down them.  When I got up the first hill I checked my Garmin, and noticed it had stopped! I was not happy! Oh well, I shall re-start it from here, and see how much I have missed by looking at others geeky stats later! As I was running up the hill, I couldn't help thinking that the contractors of the road builders below had lifted up the 'carpet of Kent' and swept all the excess dirt underneath it, instead of depositing of it nicely. As if anyone wouldn't notice the huge bulge in the carpet!  We took a little breather. Now, looking at my geeky stats , I can't say if this is where we saw the horses, oh I do hate it when my Garmin fails me!

Garmin re-started we ran towards the A21 and Greenstreet Green. I though from here it would be all on the big roads to  Pettswood, but it wasn't. Still more twists and turns as we went in the opposite direction to where I presumed we would be going. We took a left turn and then a right. The name on the road said 'Old Hill'. The only other Old hill I know is in Chislehurst, and its a monster hill. This hill looks like its twin brother! "Oh sh.......ooot" I said, or something like that anyway! I saw the front runners heading up, all still jogging along! I started to jog and failed. I walked up slowly to the crest of the hill!  Everyone puffing and panting, and...erm..... clearing out lungs! It really was a nasty little blighter!

But the reward (for those that ran up it) was the lovely downhill the other side. I was surprised to find out where we had jogged down to! It was Shire Lane! We cut straight across and into the next muddy section. It really was a mud fest today! We ran up towards St. Giles church and Farnborough Village.

I thought we would have been finished with the mud but the time we got through Farnborough, but Our Illustrious leader had found some more for us to play with! This was a very, very wet patch indeed. You could see the muddy bits, and then you could see the grassy bits. Obviously lets all go running through the grassy bits. What I didn't know was that the grassy bits were water logged!

We split into three groups to all head back to Pettswood at our own individual pace. Three went before us, me Singstar and Natalie went at our pace, and Illustrious lead and her friend took the back at a very leisurely walk. IL wasn't really on form today, but she lead a fantastic run for us, but now she can just point us all in the right direction and she can follow on and make her way home with her friend.

It was pavement pounding until Pettswood, and a much needed pit stop. The pub in the middle of the square is ideal. Unfortunately that was closed! We quickly our way over the railway and popped into the pub on the other side!

Train run done!

But that didn't stop us from running.  After we had our pitstop, because of our various training for halfs and full marathons we went for another 4.5 miles through our local woods and more mud!

Muddy, and Goss hill to contend with! What turnip decided to go through here? ...... oh.......wait a minute.....That would be me!! yup, thats right folks, I suggested going through the woods, up Goss hill and splish splash through more mud! I am hooked!! Cross country is kinda fun!

Geeky stats, with at least a mile missing from the train station, up hill, too! But the rest of the route is there.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Second Track Session!

Hello Blog Lovers.

Well its back to the track today. Discipline! Something that I'm not akin with! Although I like the feeling of the spongy surface of the track, and that each lap is exactly 400 metres, so you can easily calculate your pace even if your just have an ordinary wrist watch. The fact is......I am totally exposed out there! And I don't mean that I have joined in the ranks of Spider Mark, and running naked! No, I mean, I am out there on the track, lights showing up every inch (or should I say cm's as we are in new money!) of the track where I  am running. There are no cars to hide behind, or bushes to obscure me from the run leaders, coaches and anyone else who is looking at me. You can see me from every point of the track!

Hmmm, is that a good thing! Well, I guess so. It kept me going for the first 4 loops of the track. The first four laps were to be run at marathon pace, your own individual marathon pace I might add. Then we had to two laps at above marathon pace, a walk out of, well, I'm not  sure of the distance to the fenced off place where they do the hammer throwing,  but it was to there and then back to the start line, and then two more laps running at above marathon pace.

Now I'm sure if we had to do that three times, I kind of blacked out when it was said we had to run even faster after running the 1600m!  Any way, Me and Singstar Jo kept pace with each other on the 1600m bit and even chatted a bit after we settled down with the old breathing.  And then after that we kind of parted! I did try to keep up with her, but (excuse no. 2 I think it is) she is 20 years younger than me! Plus she has her own agenda and a PB that she is chasing for a half marathon!

The encouragement I got from the whole group today was just heartwarming! It really was! Everyone knows my name, I am hoping is because of my blogs, but more than likely it could be the 'whistle' I do before each Tuesday group runs. (I just hope its not because I am probably the longest slowest member of group 1) "Scooby Doo" Kitman Mike called out to me, as I plodded towards the finish line of one particular loop of the track!  "Run like your dancing" yelled Mr. S. "Come on Old Girl" others called out. That helped me to  remember to try and run lightly, head up, breath, don't die, you know all the other advice that I have been given over the last 4 years!

If the feeling I got from these guys for just running around a track, then having hundreds of thousands of people encouraging you on through the streets of London in April, I will be totally overwhelmed! I would probably feel like I am flying around the track!

A good session today. I really feel it in my calfs, I wonder if that is because I was doing the scooby running a bit better.  Mr. S. came with me on my last 'faster' lap and he was doing the quieter scooby like running with me, in his monkey shoe shod feet. I think it will click in! I hope it will, I am sure it helps to keep my head up more as I think about running correctly, which of course helps with the breathing, as I can take in more oxygen! See, I'm learning good!

I still think I missed out a lap, or maybe even a whole rep! but I felt I done some good today!

Geeky stats, and I will try and work out if I actually achieved what I was supposed to have been doing today.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Long Sunny Runday!

Hello blog lovers.

The Old Boy is still suffering a little with is knee, so there was no way he will be running or cycling this evening. And as I had no toddler group to run this afternoon, it seemed a perfect opportunity to go for my long awaited long run. But I am taking Smarty Pants with me, so there will be a little 2 mile loop and then back out for another couple of miles by myself!

After dropping off my grandson to his nursery I was back home and getting ready for the first part of todays jogging.  Smarty Pants turned up, and then we were off.......for a warm up walk back to hers for her to put her phone and stuff back!  Then it was up Hollingworth Road. "It's harder jogging up hill" says Smarty Pants, I think I just nodded my response!  This hill used to always get me, but then I had usually ran from mine to here, all of about .20 of a mile! I was glad we managed it though.

Smarty Pants was not feeling on top form today. Sometimes it happens like that. I was feeling ok, but I was feeling a little tired myself. The weather was a bit grey making it less inviting to go out when you don't feel as if you have the energy. At the top of the hill we turned right, then left and the right again. I was keeping an eye on the mileage for Smarty Pants. If she is feeling tired then I don't want to push her on for another mile, I will stick to the 2 miles.

As we were heading up towards Pettswood, yet another little incline we took a walking break. The weather seemed to be getting warmer as the sun was burning off the clouds. We turned left onto Lakeswood and started to make our way back to the beginning. If we carried on the way that I was thinking of going then it will be less than 2 miles. So a slight added extra to bring Smarty Pants in at 2 miles.

As we were jogging along just about to cross over a road we heard "Go on girls, keep going!" and there in the car was Emma, the membership Secretary of our PWR club!  I was just glad we were running at the time!

As we were running towards the roundabout on Faringdon road, I was thinking that I may go passed my house then through the park, and do some extra miles that way. The round about put Smarty Pants at just over 2 miles. We said our good byes "Don't forget to stretch out when you get back" I called after her as I headed off back up Faringdon! I thought if I ran pass my house I would be quite tempted to go straight to my comfy chair instead of the extra miles!

I set up my tunes to keep me company as I ran the usual route through to Turpington Lane. I know its only 3 miles or so, but I thought I would see how I felt once I get back to top Oxhawth and if I felt strong and felt in control, then I would do an extra mile to make it the 6 I originally planned to do.

I was feeling tired. Excuses, excuses! I stopped on the way to Harvesters, and I stopped several times on my way around! I tried very hard to make sure that when I stopped jogging, it was for only several seconds at a time! I nagged myself stupid to get going again each time! I also tried to practise the 'Scooby' technique, and chuckled to myself as I saw my shadow! I must remember not to do the hands like Kitman Mike did yesterday, as he demonstrated for me!

Anyway, to cut it short (which is something I just can't do with my blogs) I managed to run up to Top Oxhawth and then onto the road that I dare not stop! All the way home. I was really feeling it!  I have a lot of catchup training to be do! I tried to be a tad faster down my bit of road, in my head I was racing Mo Farrow, probably in reality I was racing Sid the Sloth!

Geeky stats.  The two mile there abouts at the round about is with Smarty Pants!  An interesting map, wouldn't you say!

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Watch Out, Scooby's About!

Hello blog lovers.

It's back to club runs again. It felt great to be back with all my running chums. Hitchy picked me up and we drove to the park.  The weather wasn't too bad, great for running in fact.  I quashed rumours of my graduation to group 2, but I also know that I have to push my self now. The marathon is not that far.

So for the first mile or so, it was good to be sweeper along with another young lady with the same name as me (but not my nick name of course), encouraging the ladies at the back, but then after that it was running with the main pack, while our Illustrious leader (it's good to have you back) took sweeper role.  The first mile is just the warm up, get the muscles used to the jogging, get the breathing sorted out, and then pick up the pace after that.

It was good seeing JJ, Kay, and all the other ladies and gents in group 1. Kitman Mike joined us as well, which is good I can ask tons of advice about my running, (if I can catch him up!) The first mile was done, and then it was just a little bit further into the Kelvin estate. The ones who didn't want to do the extra loop around the green carried straight on, the rest went around the green. Illustrious leader just looked at me and pointed me in the direction of the extra loop! (You know that training really begins hard now)

We all met up again at the end of the green. Now the group splits into two for the jog home. There is no sweeper role duty for me now, as Illustrious leader points me towards Kitman Mike to run along with the rest of group 1, at a slightly faster pace, non stop till we get back to the club.  I can do this. The ladies behind will be well looked after, I need to pick it up now and start to push out.

I kept up well with the pack, I was still at the back, but we were all together, jogging along quite nicely.  Kitman Mike was up at the front, I so want to ask him for more advice, anything that is going to help me get through to the end of the marathon and still enjoying running and no injuries! I start to push past a few of the others, and then as if my prayers were answered, Kitman Mike came back to check up on everyone, and then I stopped him as he made his way back to the beginning. "Hows was your Christmas" I asked. And we chatted for a while. Before I could ask him anything, he was on the ball! "Try to run quietly" he said to me "Think of Scooby Doo, creeping a head" Well, this did make me chuckle, especially as he demonstrated the 'Scooby walk'. But I had a go, I tried, "Quieter" he said and then I tried again "Thats it, its not easier and you won't be able to keep it up, but it will click" Well, I would hope so. And I also noticed why stretching out your calf muscles is important as I really felt those muscles working particularly harder running like 'Scooby'

The Old Boy has always said that I run rather flat footed, and basically about as dainty as an elephant. But I thought I was running a little lighter that I was at the beginning, the first time I ever put on running shoes. I remember when I used to really come down hard on my heels first! Now I have to retrain again.  And I thought running was simply a walk with faster legs and a bounce!

When we got back to the park, talking to Illustrious Leaders Husband,  more 'coaching' encouragement "See you at Pettswood station for the train run Old Girl" It didn't even sound like a question, more like a statement! Seems I am going to have to take it a little bit easier on the Saturday night for my school pals birthday party!  I have a 5.5 mile train run to do!

Geeky stats

Monday, 7 January 2013

Smarty Pants Is Back!

Hello blog lovers.

Now that I have my new bike I am going to be some cross training on Mondays instead of running, but I am running with Smarty Pants, who is chasing her running mojo, (and by Jove, she has it by the scruff of its neck!)

She wants to do 2 miles today. There is no, week of doing a mile, then a week of doing 1.75, etch, no! She says "I think I can make it two miles" So I plotted a little loop, going up to turn around lamppost (it's always good going past somewhere you had to stop first time) and the up to Trinity Church, Magpiehall lane, and then through the park and home! Two miles, and a tiny tad more.

As soon as the little lad I look after was pick up I had a quick change into running gear and then we set off.  The weather wasn't too bad, a little chilly, but I know once we get running we will warm up.  I loaned SP my light weight, bright orange jacket, as she had on a rather nice jacket, but way to thick for running! and besides, as its dark we needed to be seen!

I thought I would do as the last time we ran together! Run for the first mile, have a short walk, and then run home.  Going past TAL was good, my breathing seemed settled from the beginning, and even SP seemed to be going great guns.  Up to Trinity church, I start to look at my Garmin, got to keep an eye on that first mile marker! I don't want SP to overdo it, and do damage to knees, shins, ankles or feet, or indeed her enthusiasm! As we were running up Magpie, thats where the mile mark clicked in.
"Ok, thats a mile" I said to her
"No, lets keep going, I don't want to stop" she replied!
Well I just carried on running by her side.

We started to run up the slight incline, 1.45 miles in our run, and thats when I said "Lets just have a short walk" I wanted to add 'Please!" Smarty Pants is definitely back.  Short walk over then we start jogging again.  Smarty Pants starts to pick up the speed a bit. When we get through the park and onto the road she seems to go right into the zone! I am chasing after her! Welcome back Smarty Pants!

Mojo well and securely under wraps! Now to keep it there!

Geeky stats

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Sunday Lunch And Running Don't Mix!

Hello Blog Lovers.

I must focus on running. I must focus on running. I must focus on running. I must focus on running. "Care to join us for shared Sunday Lunch, Old Girl?" I was asked by my pastor last week! "Yes, that will be lovely" I responded all too eagerly

My mantra went straight out of the window, again! But, as it was Sunday lunch time, I thought I would be ok to do maybe two miles with Smarty Pants, later in the evening, or if she couldn't make it, then 3 miles with the Old Boy.

As it happened, I came home from church, after quite a busy lunch time, and sat on my chair and promptly fell to sleep! I didn't realise how tired I was! But eventually, after the Old Boy woke me up with a cuppa, I found out if Smarty Pants could make it, (which she couldn't) and then I got myself ready for a 3 miler.

I really wasn't up for it at all. Most of my running is done on, 1 bowl of ReadyBrek for breakfast, a very light lunch at lunch times, and several cups of tea during the day. The running takes place in the evening time before I have had my dinner! But today, Oh my!, a very tasty lunch, cooked by Hitchy, of shepherds pie and two veg. (I had two portions!) and then there was pudding, I had strawberry gateaux!

It was just too good not to! But I thought after a few hours, it wouldn't be too bad. And if I went with Smarty Pants it would only be two miles anyway! But here we are, with me writing up my blog after running 3.31 miles on (still) a very fully tummy! I was just glad it stayed full on the way round.

I must say, if it wasn't for the Old Boy today, bouncing around in front of me, running up and down the sitting room pretending to run, I probably would have stayed sat in my chair!  It was a hard run. Even the Old Boy found it hard, but then he has been ill recently. It was reminiscence of earlier days when I was deciding which was the best way to handle my body concerning the refueling. The times when I had dinner at 6, then and 5 o'clock. The stitch that I suffered after each run was not good.  That is when I decided that the best time to 're-fuel' is to have a proper breakfast, porridge or weetabix, then a nice lunch. And if I have a long run to do then I make sure I have pasta for a nice lunch. And then just have dinner when I get back after each run! For one reason it makes me want to get around quicker.

 Anyway, I jogged along! It wasn't my finest hour, or should I say 40 minutes! I stopped at silly places, it felt as if I had eaten all 6 of Hitchys shepherd pies! Even the Old Boy said "Lets go across the park" But I said that I was sticking to the route. I feel doing something is better than not doing anything. So I shall finish the route and then go and collapse into my chair again.

Geeky stats, very poor really. But considering I really didn't want to move my carcass of my chair this evening, I feel that its another little notch on the marathon bedpost!

Friday, 4 January 2013

Friday Rest Day!

Hello blog lovers!

I am guessing you will be a little confused with todays title, as you know by now that I only write blogs if I have actually done some exercise.  Well I did. Fridays are still going to be my rest days, (ignoring what my training plan says, I expect my coaches will have something to say about that!) But my friend Smarty Pants is getting her running mojo back, and I am determined that she will keep it this time! Get her back to running way faster than me (well, she is 10 years younger!)

We had arranged to meet up after I had finished work, and then we were going to jog to Turn Around Lamppost and back, but she text saying "Maybe we could do the longer one, 1.75 miles" So that's what we did. I said that we could stop for a rest at any time, but we will definitely stop after a mile, rest up for 2 mins and then jog on again.

The weather was good today. It wasn't raining, and it wasn't cold. This is going to be a good run. We started off with a quick walk around the green, and few crab like manoeuvres and some 'butt' kicks, and then we went straight off up the road to begin.  The first few yards always gets me panting hard until I get my breathing sorted out, why does it do that! You would think I would be less able to control my breathing after I had been running a while! Smarty Pants breathing was just the same, but once we passed that first half mile things settled down quite nicely.

I looked at Smarty Pants and I could see she was doing well, so I didn't even mention if she fancied stopping, I just said that she was looking good.  Jogging up Southborough Lane knowing that the Harvester is the first mile does do your morale good, and knowing that you jogged the whole way, especially after a long break as Smarty Pants had, makes you feel really good about your self. 

Just as we turned into Parkfield, to jog through the park I said "Ok, thats a mile, just take a little pause here, and then we can get going again" "All the way home,"  I was going to add, but I didn't want to put that pressure on to her. It's just less than a mile, three quarters to be almost precise, back to my house. But its all still fresh in my mind how I felt after I had jogged to the Harvesters that first time, and how long it seemed to get home again.

I was even remembering when I broke down and cried as I tried to jog up Whitebeam, when I was remembering why I was out jogging in the first place! It was not that long ago, yet here I am encouraging Smarty Pants to do what I couldn't do after I took just a year off from running!

It was a good run! It does make you feel good, all those chemicals that is released into your body when you exercise making you feel happy and well......good! I love it! And I am just thankful I can jog along!  How comes I didn't do it before, I just don't know, the call of the couch was great in those dark(chocolate biscuit) days!

Geeky stats, just for Smarty Pants, so that she can see her progression through from 12 m/mi to who knows! 8 m/mi

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Track Session - PWR Style!

Hello blog lovers!

Today was my first ever time on a track! My running club is doing 16 weeks of track sessions, hmmm, I do believe that is about the time left before the... MARATHON! ARRGGGGHHHH! But I have no worries! This marathon run is all about a challenge for myself. It's a 'I ran the London Marathon" conversation point for me. A little medal to show the grandchildren later on. A 'I did that' when I am by myself watching the London marathon on the telly.

But I have to be realistic too!  I have to train! I can't just rock up there, after only ever running 3 to 4 miles as a 'long run'. I know that! So I am taking my training serious. I will listen to all advice, and will take on board as much as my braincells can cope with! I realise I am not going to cross that finish line in some extraordinary first timer marathon runner miracle time! (I at least know my limitations on that score!) But a nice sensible time, for the nice sensible pace, that I am already running at, will do me just nice!

I was talking to one chap from our running club, he was running along with me, at my pace, because he wanted to break himself in to running again, after a few weeks absence. I was saying to him "Actually, I don't think I could ever go faster, I am just not that way" Well if you could see me then I'm sure you would agree! I'm short, with short legs! Not a runners legs what so ever. All I wanted from my running, in the very beginning was to get around the Race For Life, City route, in a reasonable time, and not to kill myself doing it!

As it happened on our very first Race For Life, 5K, our party of TWENTY actually walked the whole way around, singing our heads off, in a fantastic time of 1:20 hours! But after that my times did actually get quicker, (thankfully!)

But todays track session, three lots of four laps, 1600 m, (ooo I am sounding like a runner again!) but I did it at my pace. I think I was supposed to be doing a speedy lap, then a slower lap. But I think I must have confused that with the warm up in the beginning! That was definitely a slow, fast slow thing that we did!

But for my first introduction to a track session, I enjoyed it immensely! The encouragement I got from Sgt Mr. S, was, as always very vocal, and (dare I say this) made me push a little bit more every time I saw him running towards me! (Mr. S. does his own thing, and also in the opposite direction to everyone else) The advice I got from Paul, (his only piece of advice that he gives out concerning a marathon) is well and truly in situ firmly in my head! 'Don't start off too fast' ..... as if I would! (I think I need to introduce him to my blogs and geeky stats!) Each lap I did I was thinking, each time I got to the 'finish' line 'How many laps have I done?" I really didn't know! I am sure I missed out a lap or two, but hey how, for a first session, I am quite pleased, (not sure about my coaches though!)

Also want to give thanks to CarotCake Karen, doing the warm ups and for her session today, I will try to improve my, oh darn it, what is that word again......oh yes speedy sessions! A very good session this evening, I enjoyed in immensely, and I am looking forward to the next 15 weeks, even running along with LittleBoyLost Mark, as he does his 'warm down lap' as I am still doing my, ahemm, speedy lap! I knew I would be useful in these sessions some where!

I will put my geeky stats. ( and I think I did miss out on one lap! tut tut naughty)

Thanks all, thanks Kitman Mike for 'phone sitting' for me. What a terrific bunch of people I have become friends with!

Oh and to the three little babywipes that try to make me fall of my bike on the way home 'plllrrrrrttthhhhh'

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Dive In And Go For It!

Hello blog lovers.

As promised blog no.2. Me and the Old Boy went out for a nice little plod about. He hasn't been too well, man flu' got him the day he finished work for the Christmas break! So he wasn't expecting to go flying around at break neck speed, not that that has ever happened on a jog with me! But again, just like this morning it felt pretty good to be out. At least it had stopped raining, and it felt pretty mild out as well! But I am expecting to jumping over huge puddles!

I had charged my Garmin for this jog, but waiting for the thing to find satellites was taking time. So I just started the timer and hoped that it would find satellites pretty quick, but I wasn't too fused about it, not this time round anyway. My Garmin doesn't like being ignored for days and days, and seems to go into a sulk and refuse to play ball!

Our route was just slightly different to the usual 3 miler, as we were going up the ally to Turn Around Lamppost. It's strange isn't it, I don't see or talk about T.A.L. for ages and then it pops up twice in one day! But we were not going to head back home, we were going up to Trinity Church, and then urn right and right again to go down Magpiehall Lane.

I was jogging the whole way, and down some of Magpie as well, but I did have a little stop, just before the incline. I was quite pleased with my effort. The Old Boy was keen to keep going! Seems his cold hasn't killed off his fitness levels!  I stopped a couple of more times as well, once more by the Harvester and then again just as we got through the little park on Oxhawth crescent.

From Faringdon however, it was non stop jogging. The Old Boy even tried to get me to run a bit quicker, I'm not actually sure if I achieved that. I shall have to look at my geeky stats! Which brings me nicely to the end of my blog! A good stretch of the legs, I'm sure not too much damage done through over indulgence, and I'm looking forward to continuing my marathon training!

Geeky stats for you.

Putting A Toe Into The Water!

Hello blog lovers.

A very apt title for todays blog I feel! After the Christmas celebrations, the New years partying and the Seasons calorific filled gluttony, I was indeed ready to done the running gear again, especially as I have been given new things for Christmas and my birthday (my sister waited almost a month to give me her birthday present to me!) I shall be doing my usual, 'I haven't been running for a while'  type run, no more than three miles.

As usual I made all the swerving manoeuvres to not start straight away, and then I saw a friend of mine on Facebook. Some of you have met her before in previous blogs, way back in 2010 when I was training, again, for the Race For Life, its Smarty Pants herself. She feels about ready to kick start the new year with a new healthy regime. So I encouraged her come out with me today, only up to Turn Around Lamppost and back, unless she felt she could go further!

She thought about it, for about 2 minutes, and the next message was, "I thought about it, and I'm coming" Brilliant, at least now I can't go around looking for more dust that urgently needs to be swept up, or a cup that needs to be rinsed, I have my friend coming out. And it was just as well, as the rain had started to come down again, discouraging me even more!

It seems incredible that yesterday was such a lovely day, and now its raining. God indeed does have a great sense of humour, "Give them a lovely day on the 1st of January, to start the new year" Which would be good if 90% of the country wasn't out till silly o'clock celebrating. Most of the country probably missed the glorious sunshine, or was in fact too delicate to even think about opening the curtains to greet the morning, let alone go out and bounce up and down on pavements, while Mick Fitzpatrick is on the hammer drill in your head!

Still, It felt good to be out just now. Smarty Pants turned up at my house, (looking gorgeous I might add, with her made up face and lippy!) and we set off towards T.A.L. I was going to bring the Garmin along, but a) the lack of usage means I haven't charged it up, and b) I think it's a good idea to just go out with Smarty pants today not have the pressure of timing and pace, just to have a bit of fun!But first off we did a little warm up, just around the green, walking, skipping, crab like skipping and windmill arms. "I feel silly doing this" she says. Well, we shall just have to get her hooked on running again, and soon she will be shopping for spandex and headbands with the rest of us, all ideas of looking silly gone for ever!

The rain was misting up my glasses, but I can still still the fields at the side of us, swamped, flooded! Can there be any more rainfall! I think my next pair of running shoes will come with optional flippers!  I couldn't believe how I was feeling running along this path. I felt so good, ok, my chest was a little tight, (glutony and inactivity does that) but I was chatting away. We got to T.A.L. and had a little stop. Smarty Pants was, well, like I was the last time we ran this particular route together! (although she still looked perfectly made up, my makeup would have been around my feet) "You're not even out of breath" she said.

And do you know, blog lovers, I wasn't! I was quite surprised by that fact! The running and cycling is paying off, I felt very pleased with myself! I am getting fitter, I am getter healthier, and I am still enjoying it. Virtually no injuries, no pressure, and still having fun with it. Now that's my kind of keeping fit!

A very short break and we were back to the running. She felt she couldn't do a longer route, so we headed home. Jogging along back to my house, and the thoughts and memories of those runs back in 2010, when it hurt to run that far, when I had to have several breaks to get back home. Jogging between the lampposts, looking for the next so that I could walk again. It does get easier, it really does.

Of course now I have to go for a longer run, but I shall wait until the rain has stopped now. I shall be do my 3 mile route this evening with a smile on my face! A two blog, two jog day!