Hello blog lovers.
After the excitement of yesterday I was really looking forward to stretching my legs out today. The ambiance of the event obviously wont be there, but I can still remember when I first did the Pettswood 10k last year, and I have these fresh memories of seeing the first of the runners coming up the path still in my mind.
Me and the Old Boy started off from the usual place at Tent Peg Lane. We were going to do the smaller route, just 3 and a half miles. Two reasons why, One, was because we asked our grandson, the Dude, to come and have dinner with us. He was just dying to try the fish that granddad caught, and two, the Old Boy says that he wasn't feeling too good, he seems to have caught my cold now.
But he was still up for running, which was more than I was last week. "As it's only a short one" he said even before we got out of the car "lets just push it a little harder this evening"
Well, you all know me by now, 'The Moaning Old Girl, Wannabe Olympic Runner', I was thinking, "Well, I have just got over a cold, and I did have a few sherbets yesterday, a celebratory drink with Hitchy, who did a marvelous 1 hour 1 min and 34 sec 10k, and also having a drink with some of the other marshals.
My goodness, I think the Old Boy is right, I could write volumes and volumes of excuses!
But still, I got into the zone for the first mile, and managed to do a sub 10 minute mile, AGAIN But that bloomin hill did beat me today. I tried my hardest to just forget about it being a hill, but fatigue (or yesterdays alcohol effects) was not helping me at all. But from the top I did try to keep going, there were quite a few walking sections, even if they were only for a few seconds here and there.
Then when we got through 'Dog poo' ally and started to run up Birchwood I felt this kind of twinge thing, slight 'elastic band twangy' thing happen in the back of my leg, in the bend, behind the knee. I wasn't go to push myself then, I just took it easy, slowed my pace down, and walked if I thought it was going to 'twang' again.
By the time I got back to the car the 'twanging' didn't bother me, and there doesen't seem to be any pain, even now as I rest up, which is good.
So geeky stats, (yes I remembered to charge it up!)
Run With Alan by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details
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