Hello Blog lovers.
Yesterday was club run night. And it was a special night tonight as well. Yes, I know you can see The title up there, but I am going to tell you here as well! Yesterday was the clubs 5th birthday! PWR's have been running (pun intended) for 5 years. It has grown and grown over those 5 years. The members are all really friendly, down to earth, 'normal' people. Meaning, that they are not all 'My body is a temple' kind of people or 'I could never drink or eat chocolate' kind of people. They are just a great bunch of people of all running abilities that get together on Tuesdays, (and loads of social events) to run together through the whole of the year. (except on social occasions, ..... obviously)
Anyway, yesterdays run we had another group leader. We did go very gentle on him! It was his first time leading a group! He was good really, kept checking on us to see if we are keeping up with him! He did run a 'tad' faster the first mile, but the Old Boy has seen to it that I can keep up with that sort of pace (for the first mile only!) fairly comfortably.
It's the inclines that I find, gets me puffing out of every orifice! And really Crofton Road is a fairly 'good' incline, because it just goes on and on! I was looking forward to the end of this road, the bit that the new group leader says goes flat!
After regrouping at the top it was the lovely flat bits, heading towards the little estate. I quite like this estate, because it's all 'turn here' then 'turn there' which means just a couple of extra 'regrouping' stops so that no-one gets left behind.
We headed of back up to the old threasers but we were going to turn right and go over the bridge. It confuses me, somewhat, when we just ran up hill, then the flat, and then some more uphill to get back to where we started. I can't remember running down hill in the first place! But I'm sure we must have done!
I was at the back of the group by this time, my usual position, but I was feeling good. Still got this twangy feeling in my knee though!
Anyway it was a great run, followed by cakes at the pavilion. Yummy, scrummy, homemade, shop bought, delisios, chocolate, carrot and marshmallow cakes. Not that I had a sample from all above mentioned confectioneries! But of course being that the PWR's are all 'normal' people, no celebration would be complete unless there was a few glasses of bubbly raised! Either in the lager, voddys and coke, or G and T's. And the OB came along and joined in for a couple of sherbets as well!
Which is why yesterdays blog is beging written tonight!
But just for your info, me and the Old Boy went out for a bike ride today,we only did about 12 miles ish, but with a couple of 'water' stops on route! But then we rode through the woods on the way home!
I came prepared this time. I had remembered to pack a head torch! It makes all the difference. And the Old boy wanted to go through the woods where we live, and pop out at the end of our road. This time we didn't get lost!!
Geeky stats for yesterdays run!
Club Run by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details
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