Hello blog lovers,
Today I had no kids to look after, I was feeling pretty good, and just sitting around twiddling my thumbs. "What can I do" my little brain was saying to me. Well, there is the house work, and a bit of shopping, mmmm. yes I can still do that, but still, "Go for a run, a bike ride, just get out for a bit" a still quite voice was telling me. Now there's a thought. Even if I go out later with the OB I can still do a short blast some where. Maybe TAL or push it a little further and go through the local park.
That was it. Mind made up, I went straight up stairs and got changed into my running gear, ear phones plugged in and garmin with HRM strapped on. I had decided that I was going to do just over a mile and half, with my earphones in, and just enjoy being out running for no other reason that because I can!
It was good, I wasn't thinking of breaking records, or anything, but I was thinking "I am going to blast as much of the second part as I can" Get my body used to running a bit faster on the second miles of my runs.
Even down the last road, I did some interval running, running fast between lampposts and the recovering between the next lampposts. I was feeling good. I could feel the funny twinging thing in my knee, but it isn't as bad as it has been. I felt good!
Even after I got back, I know, weather permitting (as I am looking out of my window at the horrible rain!) I will be able to go out again later and do another 3 miles or so.
Geeky stats
Solo Run by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details
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