Hello bloggees.
Its Tuesday, therefore its club running tonight! And as you can see by todays title, it was rather a pleasant run!
I think the thinking of the 'Kitman' is working well. Although, at the moment I don't run faster between lampposts then slower to the next, its more like, run fast on one run with the OB then a recovery run with the club! But still, I think it is working out. Because I found this evenings run a nice comfortable pace. I kept up, (mostly) with the group, which has now shrunk due to the new Group 1 1/2.
I was tempted to start 'thinking' about going into group 1 1/2, but after tonight I know I still have quite a way to go. There is no need to knock the stuffing out of yourself, it needs to remain fun and enjoyable as well.
It was good to have our usual group 1 leader running with us today, she has been off for a while, but is now getting on the mend. The route today was quite nice as well, not too many hills, but just enough slopes to get the heart working a tad faster.
I couldn't believe how comfortable I felt after the first mile. In fact I think that maybe I was a tad disappointed that we had stopped! ...... I know.....incredible that I even think that let alone write here for all to see! But I do know my body, and I know old 'couchy' is still very much alive and trying to kick! And I know that old 'couchy' will start to affect my mind and try to tell me that I can't do it.
The second mile bleeped on my watch, and by now our usual group leader had left our group to go home, 2 miles was quite enough for her as she has been out of running for so long, so we didn't stop! I was still feeling pretty good. I our 2nd just a tad slower than our first mile, but of course we did have a stop after the first mile, so it could be that we were running the same pace.
The third mile, however, can you believe was fast than the first and second mile! I know there was some lovely down hills there, but my goodness, thats unheard of from me! The only thing was, and I blame Old Couch Potato for this, when I head the bleep go to mark the third mile I stopped running. Just total and sheer mental factor that I stop. I pushed myself on again though.
The our group 1 leader, who was 'Kitman' by the way, said there were now two options. We could stick to his planned route or we could cut it short by about half a mile or so. Well everyone else in the group were quite happy to push on to do the little extra loop, I was not going to be the one to say, lets do the shorter one!
But by now I was at the back of the group, which is how I know I am not ready to move up to group 1 1/2! Running up Birchwood, away from the park entrance, seem like a totally surreal thing to do for me at this late stage in our run, but I tried not to think about it.
Running down the last of the roads, and my watch beeped again, and 'Kitmans' watch beeped "Don't listen to it" he said to me, in fact I believe he could sense the 'old couchy' was waiting to make an appearance, and it was as if he was confronting the Old Couch face to face!
I think I kept up well enough, the geeky stats said I did at least, and it only showed the one complete standstill stop that we had! So I think I am pretty pleased with myself about todays run.
Geeky stats, just check out the the third mile!
Club run by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details
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