Hello blogees,
I am writing this out again, because for some reason, my silly computer or silly blog land, or both, didn't save the paragraphs I had already written! Grrrr
But as the title suggests (the only words it did save!) it was a club run. I took my Big Son along today. At the weekend he had decided on his career choice. It's something that he has had in mind since year 8. So with a mixture of fear and pride, we set the wheels in motion to get him on track. Watch this space for updates later on.
He needs to be fit, and I want to spend time with my son, so I suggested that he come along and see if he can 'hack it' with group 1, or if running in a club is his thing.
We started off and he kept along side me, my energy levels were way day in my boots again, and he was soon with the pack while me and a newbie kept pace at the back. We jogged up to Pettswood, and I over took Big son. "Come on" I said keep going" and he said "It's raining, you don't jog in the rain?" I just chuckled and so did the newbie, "Yes we do, unless you want to go home" I said. He replied "What and walk home" I hated to tell him that it would be nearer to walk home than it would be to finish tonights jog!
I was glad that I had put on a light weight jacket. The rain did come down some what! Big Son had put up his hoody and was running up to us waiting for him! The run leader said "Is he coming to run with us or rob us!" Well if he could stay off his phone for 5 minutes then he will be running with us!
I tired to keep up with the main group today, and the run leader noticed that I was 'lagging behind' a bit today. Excuse #21 Feeling under the weather, maybe! I think that is what is wrong with me today, and possible excuse #22 Stressful time recently.
From here we were going to head to St Johns road and then Crofton road. But me and the newbie and Big Son, who the run leader made honary sweeper, keeping an eye on us ladies! But we were so far behind, and I was virtually running blindfolded, as the combination of the rain and body heat, and air temperature had my glasses misting up, that we couldn't quite see where the front of the pack went. Big son was behind and he said that they had turned left, but the newbie said that Crofton road was straight up, and that is where the run leader said he was going. Me? I had a clue where I was, and I couldn't see anyway!
We started to run straight up, much the to annoyance of Big Son, but just then, the run lead came from the turning where Big Son and said and called us back. You can image the smug look on Big Sons face can't you!
It wasn't our usual 3 to 3 and half miles today, in fact it was less that this. Young son was staying more and more at the back, even behind me. I was guessing that maybe he was quite ready for club runs yet, and I was glad I didn't tell him to go in the faster paced groups either! Big Son had developed a blister on his foot and was suffering. I know he has run a lot further than that before, he had actually run with me and nagging sister, and crazy fool, and little boy lost, on one of the 'path finder' runs. I expect the whole of August, and September Big Son has been 'on his holidays' where the fitness is concerned.
So I took him home. A couple of the other ladies had decided to go home as well, as we had arrived back at the rec, but there was a couple left that wanted to do the extra run around the block!
So geeky stats
Club run by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details
I often giggle at your blogs and your stories, tonight I howled :-D
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