I fell asleep thinking of the race, how I got up in time I will never know. But thankfully the Old Boy had made a cuppa for me and I was getting in the zone after that.
There were butterflies in my tummy, I was getting nervous, will I be able to do all that is asked of me today?!
I was in place by 10 o'clock. final checks made, and then just waiting, waiting! 10:20 a call to the relevant people, "I am in place, all set to go." A quick call to the Old Boy "Hello, can you remember what number position I am?" And then just the waiting for the 10:30 start!
10:30 arrived, all's well so far, the butterflies are stirring something up now. The smile starts to spread across my face already! And its only just begun! "Calm down Oldd Girl, there is a least 20 or 25 minutes before you get into your zone" But even that doesn't help, I am smiling! I am feeling good, I am looking forward to this race so much.
Then its my time. "Yeah, come on, wow, well done, well done indeed, you're doing so well" All the runners are in 'their zone' looking at the marker boards, only 2 kilometres left to go! Then the next runner, in the zone, coming up the path, "Well done, your doing brilliantly" The smile never fading from my face, the enthusiasm seems to be getting higher and higher as each runner passes my station.
Soon I will see people I know that have entered the race. How incredible is this. I am marshaling on the my running club 10k race! I never realised how good it can been encouraging and supporting each and every runner past my 8Km marker board.
Each runner I shouted out to, each runner I clapped and applauded, it was just a fantastic experience to be able to give something back the the sport that has got me to where I am today! 2 stones lighter, tons and tons fitter and feeling pretty good!
Thanks Pettswood Runners for persevering with this Old 'Slow coach' Girl, and thanks for giving me and the Old Boy an opportunity to give something back and to encouraging all runners of all abilities to do as well as they can
I just wished I had remembered to take some photos of the runners as they came up to my marker, but cheering them on I felt was much more fun for them and definitely for me!
Here are some of the photos taken from a water station further in the woods.

great feedback on runners world about how great all the marshal's were too. It really does make a difference x