Hello Blog Lovers.
Its been a while, I know. but having a cold really does knock you for six! I was tempted to go running a couple of times before today, but was glad I didn't, especially after Naggy Neighbour said that running with a cold is not good!
Today though, I felt like I could do a couple of miles and so did the Old Boy. But there were more important things for him to do first, and thats is his little project. Its not going to be that long before 'she' is up and running (yes, his motorbake has become a 'she'). But when it got to about five I thought that maybe he had changed his mind. I was starting to to think that maybe I didn't want to go anyway! But he came in, smelling like a grease monkey and still raring to go for a three and half mile jog! "Yeah" I said, trying to sound enthusiastic. "You want to go or not" he said to me, and I said "Oh yeah, course I do, yeah, still up for it, just a couple of miles, right" "Yes" he said, without making eye contact!!
Anyway, there you go, my excuses all out in the open before I even talk about my run today. We started off at our usual place, Tent Peg Lane, I'm sorry I don't have any geeky stats again today, but a week off has done my battery in on the old Garmin!, I keep forgetting that it needs power to keep working, even when not actually connected to satellites! And I did run so bloomin well today, too!
The OB took a watch, just to check on our time from beginning to end, and when we got to the first mile mark he said "Thats 12 minutes" I was quite happy with that, after all, I have been ill, and ...... really, if I am honest, still not fully recovered, so yes, I was happy with a 12 min first mile. But then the OB said to me, "we are not stopping after we get up Goss hill, you can walk for a minutes, but there is no stopping" I was ok with that, it just means that I will be getting to the finish quicker!
But then he continued, (or did he tell me before hand?) "We are going down Botony Bay, and up the new path, we are doing some of the 10k route today" Blimey, I wasn't expecting that. Especially as he did say to me that we are going to go out for dinner somewhere!
Yet still I was looking forward to it. I was looking forward to the end! but I was looking forward to 're-creating' my 10k I did last year. Ok so its not the whole 10k, but the best bits through the words. I did really well on Goss Hill! I really did! I know I walked some of it, but it was literally just about 30 seconds to a minutes worth in the two walks that I did! But this bit of the route, the next uphill section of the woody part of our (Pettswood runners) 10k I walked more times and for a little longer. The OB was trying to get me to run a little faster but my only word that I could say was "No"
At one point on the route, the OB was behind me, I was 'jogging' along when I noticed at the corner of my eye that he was actually walking besides me! Tut, he was proving a point, but still, I didn't like it!
We soon got to the next down hill section, which I do love, but I was just running at my own pace, refusing to go any faster. I was going at my own pace, I was just enjoying being our running again after what seems like an eternity since my last time, I was not going to over do it this evening. So after we got to 'Dog Poo' ally and the OB said "Shall we turn left and finish the rest of the woody section of the 10k" I said "No, lets just go right, and over the bridges" In the end though, we went though 'Dog Poo' Ally and up to the last bridge. To be honest, I was looking forward to getting home, having a shower, putting some slap on, and then going for some dinner!
When we go back to to the car, the OB said that actually the first mile was done in just under 10 mins!! I didn't think it was, It deffo felt like it was a 12 min mile. So Maybe 'Mr Kit Man' is right, my body gets used to running a little faster every so often, but now I have to get it used to running faster a little longer each time!
We completed our 4.19 mils (distance measured on map my run) in about 50 mins 30 secs (ish) so really, that is a bloomin good run! Pat on the back for this Old Girl please!
Well done, pats all around
ReplyDeletegood work and unless your naggy neighbour is a runner ignore them generally for running tips!