hello blog lovers.
My lovely raspberry coloured running shoes have been sat in cupboard since Tuesday night, feeling very neglected. It was time to take them out again. If it wasn't for taking the little dude out for Pie 'n' Mash on Friday then I may have got a run then. But its asking just too much to run on a belly full of pie mash and lovely liquor, mmmm yum!
Let me just say thank you to all who read my ramblings and for all of you who leave comments either on here or FaceBook, I do appreciate it very much, and the encouragement you all give me as well, (and I am still stunned and amazed that there are people who still read this!) I just wish I could respond to your comments via my blogs, still its good that I can reply to you on facebook.
So today's run. I was planning on doing a bit of pavement pounding by myself with the earphones plugged in to me lug holes. After church I was going to go shopping, then go and get myself ready for a run. But things never go as I planned, and when I got back from shopping there was the Old Boy. He decided that his legs were up for a bit of a run. So there was no pavement pounding for me, it was off road again and through the woods. But I told him, "This is my run, so I am not going to be listening to your nagging, I am putting on my music, now go get your self ready" "OOOO, is that right" he said to me.
We were going to do our usual 3 and half miles through the woods. I though it was going to be muddy, but it was just fine. I am sure there were more puddles yesterday though, as we cycled through. The earphones worked a treat! I couldn't hear a word that the OB said. I just wanted to get lost in my run today, and with the help of the music that is just what I did.
I wasn't pushing myself, I didn't want to, I just wanted to run. And to be truthful, I was glad the Old Boy was here, because the run through the woods is such a lovely run. Very relaxing, and no driveways to look out for. And the air is just so fresher!
There was no PB's, that wasn't what I was after today, it was just a get out and feel good much needed run. The OB didn't push himself either, although he was always in front of me.
Oh yes, I must just mention this, (as an explaination to the pictures at the top) as me and the OB drove to our start point, we were both alread wearing our running caps in the car. We indicated to turn left and duly made our manuever. A chap who wanted to cross the road with his child, both of them on bikes, looked at us and obvisly stopped his child from crossing the road. The OB then noticed he turned to his child and said "Chavs!" It did make me and the OB smile. We caught up with them again as we ran out of Thornet Wood road. I wonder if he recognised us then and still thought of us as 'Chavs'
Geeky stats
Run with Alan by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details