Sunday, 30 October 2011

A Much Needed Run!

hello blog lovers.

My lovely raspberry coloured running shoes have been sat in cupboard since Tuesday night, feeling very neglected. It was time to take them out again. If it wasn't for taking the little dude out for Pie 'n' Mash on Friday then I may have got a run then. But its asking just too much to run on a belly full of pie mash and lovely liquor, mmmm yum!

Let me just say thank you to all who read my ramblings and for all of you who leave comments either on here or FaceBook, I do appreciate it very much, and the encouragement you all give me as well, (and I am still stunned and amazed that there are people who still read this!) I just wish I could respond to your comments via my blogs, still its good that I can reply to you on facebook.

So today's run. I was planning on doing a bit of pavement pounding by myself with the earphones plugged in to me lug holes. After church I was going to go shopping, then go and get myself ready for a run. But things never go as I planned, and when I got back from shopping there was the Old Boy. He decided that his legs were up for a bit of a run. So there was no pavement pounding for me, it was off road again and through the woods. But I told him, "This is my run, so I am not going to be listening to your nagging, I am putting on my music, now go get your self ready" "OOOO, is that right" he said to me.

We were going to do our usual 3 and half miles through the woods. I though it was going to be muddy, but it was just fine. I am sure there were more puddles yesterday though, as we cycled through. The earphones worked a treat! I couldn't hear a word that the OB said. I just wanted to get lost in my run today, and with the help of the music that is just what I did.

I wasn't pushing myself, I didn't want to, I just wanted to run. And to be truthful, I was glad the Old Boy was here, because the run through the woods is such a lovely run. Very relaxing, and no driveways to look out for. And the air is just so fresher!

There was no PB's, that wasn't what I was after today, it was just a get out and feel good much needed run. The OB didn't push himself either, although he was always in front of me.

Oh yes, I must just mention this, (as an explaination to the pictures at the top) as me and the OB drove to our start point, we were both alread wearing our running caps in the car. We indicated to turn left and duly made our manuever. A chap who wanted to cross the road with his child, both of them on bikes, looked at us and obvisly stopped his child from crossing the road. The OB then noticed he turned to his child and said "Chavs!" It did make me and the OB smile. We caught up with them again as we ran out of Thornet Wood road. I wonder if he recognised us then and still thought of us as 'Chavs'

Geeky stats

Run with Alan by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Club Run - And It Rained!

Hello blogees,

I am writing this out again, because for some reason, my silly computer or silly blog land, or both, didn't save the paragraphs I had already written! Grrrr

But as the title suggests (the only words it did save!) it was a club run. I took my Big Son along today. At the weekend he had decided on his career choice. It's something that he has had in mind since year 8. So with a mixture of fear and pride, we set the wheels in motion to get him on track. Watch this space for updates later on.

He needs to be fit, and I want to spend time with my son, so I suggested that he come along and see if he can 'hack it' with group 1, or if running in a club is his thing.

We started off and he kept along side me, my energy levels were way day in my boots again, and he was soon with the pack while me and a newbie kept pace at the back. We jogged up to Pettswood, and I over took Big son. "Come on" I said keep going" and he said "It's raining, you don't jog in the rain?" I just chuckled and so did the newbie, "Yes we do, unless you want to go home" I said. He replied "What and walk home" I hated to tell him that it would be nearer to walk home than it would be to finish tonights jog!

I was glad that I had put on a light weight jacket. The rain did come down some what! Big Son had put up his hoody and was running up to us waiting for him! The run leader said "Is he coming to run with us or rob us!" Well if he could stay off his phone for 5 minutes then he will be running with us!

I tired to keep up with the main group today, and the run leader noticed that I was 'lagging behind' a bit today. Excuse #21 Feeling under the weather, maybe! I think that is what is wrong with me today, and possible excuse #22 Stressful time recently.

From here we were going to head to St Johns road and then Crofton road. But me and the newbie and Big Son, who the run leader made honary sweeper, keeping an eye on us ladies! But we were so far behind, and I was virtually running blindfolded, as the combination of the rain and body heat, and air temperature had my glasses misting up, that we couldn't quite see where the front of the pack went. Big son was behind and he said that they had turned left, but the newbie said that Crofton road was straight up, and that is where the run leader said he was going. Me? I had a clue where I was, and I couldn't see anyway!

We started to run straight up, much the to annoyance of Big Son, but just then, the run lead came from the turning where Big Son and said and called us back. You can image the smug look on Big Sons face can't you!

It wasn't our usual 3 to 3 and half miles today, in fact it was less that this. Young son was staying more and more at the back, even behind me. I was guessing that maybe he was quite ready for club runs yet, and I was glad I didn't tell him to go in the faster paced groups either! Big Son had developed a blister on his foot and was suffering. I know he has run a lot further than that before, he had actually run with me and nagging sister, and crazy fool, and little boy lost, on one of the 'path finder' runs. I expect the whole of August, and September Big Son has been 'on his holidays' where the fitness is concerned.

So I took him home. A couple of the other ladies had decided to go home as well, as we had arrived back at the rec, but there was a couple left that wanted to do the extra run around the block!

So geeky stats

Club run by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Club Run - Nice and Easy.....Its True!

Hello bloggees.

Its Tuesday, therefore its club running tonight! And as you can see by todays title, it was rather a pleasant run!

I think the thinking of the 'Kitman' is working well. Although, at the moment I don't run faster between lampposts then slower to the next, its more like, run fast on one run with the OB then a recovery run with the club! But still, I think it is working out. Because I found this evenings run a nice comfortable pace. I kept up, (mostly) with the group, which has now shrunk due to the new Group 1 1/2.

I was tempted to start 'thinking' about going into group 1 1/2, but after tonight I know I still have quite a way to go. There is no need to knock the stuffing out of yourself, it needs to remain fun and enjoyable as well.

It was good to have our usual group 1 leader running with us today, she has been off for a while, but is now getting on the mend. The route today was quite nice as well, not too many hills, but just enough slopes to get the heart working a tad faster.

I couldn't believe how comfortable I felt after the first mile. In fact I think that maybe I was a tad disappointed that we had stopped! ...... I know.....incredible that I even think that let alone write here for all to see! But I do know my body, and I know old 'couchy' is still very much alive and trying to kick! And I know that old 'couchy' will start to affect my mind and try to tell me that I can't do it.

The second mile bleeped on my watch, and by now our usual group leader had left our group to go home, 2 miles was quite enough for her as she has been out of running for so long, so we didn't stop! I was still feeling pretty good. I our 2nd just a tad slower than our first mile, but of course we did have a stop after the first mile, so it could be that we were running the same pace.

The third mile, however, can you believe was fast than the first and second mile! I know there was some lovely down hills there, but my goodness, thats unheard of from me! The only thing was, and I blame Old Couch Potato for this, when I head the bleep go to mark the third mile I stopped running. Just total and sheer mental factor that I stop. I pushed myself on again though.

The our group 1 leader, who was 'Kitman' by the way, said there were now two options. We could stick to his planned route or we could cut it short by about half a mile or so. Well everyone else in the group were quite happy to push on to do the little extra loop, I was not going to be the one to say, lets do the shorter one!

But by now I was at the back of the group, which is how I know I am not ready to move up to group 1 1/2! Running up Birchwood, away from the park entrance, seem like a totally surreal thing to do for me at this late stage in our run, but I tried not to think about it.

Running down the last of the roads, and my watch beeped again, and 'Kitmans' watch beeped "Don't listen to it" he said to me, in fact I believe he could sense the 'old couchy' was waiting to make an appearance, and it was as if he was confronting the Old Couch face to face!

I think I kept up well enough, the geeky stats said I did at least, and it only showed the one complete standstill stop that we had! So I think I am pretty pleased with myself about todays run.

Geeky stats, just check out the the third mile!

Club run by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Early Morning Run?! Don't be Daft!

Hello bloggees!

Yesterday the OB threaten me with an early morning run for this morning. I kind of, sort of agreed to it. All through our usual Friday night out he kept making comments about our early morning, 6 miler! After my first pint, or was it during my first pint, I stopped listening, and tried to change the subject.

Of course this morning, we both turned over and slept in again, way passed the early morning run stakes! Which means, after we eventually got up, the OB headed straight for the shed to work on his bike.

But, as you probably know by now, we did go out for a run (which is why there is a blog today). And it wasn't a 6 miler either. It was our usual 3 and half miles with a promise of dinner out, after we got back.

I tried to push myself quite hard, even up the hills. The OB had his own agenda for the first mile. He was way in front of me, urging me to keep up with him. He must have been on 8 min/mi!!! There was no way I was going to keep up with him. even if we were only running for 1 mile!

So I plodded along, thoughts of what we may be having for dinner this evening, trying not to think about how hard running is. Yes, I enjoy running, and yes I will keep on going. There is no way I will stop, EVER! Well, maybe if I get too old! But, my word! It is hard. I really have to tell myself off, keep myself going. Which is why I write my blog, it just helps me to stay focused. I can look back and see how far I have come. I keep thinking that maybe one day, I will just fly around a 3 mile course, and think nothing of it! I really do listen to the Old Boy too, and to Naggy Neighbour, and all my group leaders. All their encouragement runs around my head as I run along, as well as all the other stuff that I think about, i.e. dinner tonight. By the way, we ended up having Italian, very nice it was!

After todays run, I almost craved being a 'tatoe' again! But I know, that is never going to happen. I am feeling much to good to ever want to go back to those days!

Geek stats.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Headlamp run!

Hello Blog lovers.

As promised from the earlier blog, I did indeed run again with the OB! He didn't think I would go, but I assured him this mornings run was just a very short run. We had already decided yesterday that we were going to be running with headlamps on, so there was no rush to get out before dark.

I had dinner already prepared and ready to go into to the oven, salad chopped and chilling in the fridge, ready to dive into when we get back. I was looking forward to the night time running malarkey, see what all the fuss is about.

Our route is the usual one, from Tent Peg Lane. The Old Boy did say that he is not feeling 100% and that I don't have to do any sub 10 min miles. It was just as well, because I was feeling a little tired anyway. I think my cold is still hanging around! I forget what number excuse that is, I expect Mr. S can tell me on the club run next Tuesday!

Also I noticed that my heart rate jumped up to 203 but in the first 2 minutes of the run. I can't think what made it go up that high, there was a cyclist that crept up behind us and said "Excuse me" I stepped aside so he could carry on up the path.

It was an experience! Right now, here is a new excuse. I'm not sure if its because it was dark, or because of said cold, or the fact that I went out running this morning, but this evenings run was a little slower that we have done in the past!

But still, it was a good run! I enjoyed it immensely, Old Goss hill got the better of me though!!!

Geek stats for you

First Nighttime Run by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details

A Feel Good Run!

Hello blog lovers,

Today I had no kids to look after, I was feeling pretty good, and just sitting around twiddling my thumbs. "What can I do" my little brain was saying to me. Well, there is the house work, and a bit of shopping, mmmm. yes I can still do that, but still, "Go for a run, a bike ride, just get out for a bit" a still quite voice was telling me. Now there's a thought. Even if I go out later with the OB I can still do a short blast some where. Maybe TAL or push it a little further and go through the local park.

That was it. Mind made up, I went straight up stairs and got changed into my running gear, ear phones plugged in and garmin with HRM strapped on. I had decided that I was going to do just over a mile and half, with my earphones in, and just enjoy being out running for no other reason that because I can!

It was good, I wasn't thinking of breaking records, or anything, but I was thinking "I am going to blast as much of the second part as I can" Get my body used to running a bit faster on the second miles of my runs.

Even down the last road, I did some interval running, running fast between lampposts and the recovering between the next lampposts. I was feeling good. I could feel the funny twinging thing in my knee, but it isn't as bad as it has been. I felt good!

Even after I got back, I know, weather permitting (as I am looking out of my window at the horrible rain!) I will be able to go out again later and do another 3 miles or so.

Geeky stats

Solo Run by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details

Wednesday, 12 October 2011


Hello Blog lovers.

Yesterday was club run night. And it was a special night tonight as well. Yes, I know you can see The title up there, but I am going to tell you here as well! Yesterday was the clubs 5th birthday! PWR's have been running (pun intended) for 5 years. It has grown and grown over those 5 years. The members are all really friendly, down to earth, 'normal' people. Meaning, that they are not all 'My body is a temple' kind of people or 'I could never drink or eat chocolate' kind of people. They are just a great bunch of people of all running abilities that get together on Tuesdays, (and loads of social events) to run together through the whole of the year. (except on social occasions, ..... obviously)

Anyway, yesterdays run we had another group leader. We did go very gentle on him! It was his first time leading a group! He was good really, kept checking on us to see if we are keeping up with him! He did run a 'tad' faster the first mile, but the Old Boy has seen to it that I can keep up with that sort of pace (for the first mile only!) fairly comfortably.

It's the inclines that I find, gets me puffing out of every orifice! And really Crofton Road is a fairly 'good' incline, because it just goes on and on! I was looking forward to the end of this road, the bit that the new group leader says goes flat!

After regrouping at the top it was the lovely flat bits, heading towards the little estate. I quite like this estate, because it's all 'turn here' then 'turn there' which means just a couple of extra 'regrouping' stops so that no-one gets left behind.

We headed of back up to the old threasers but we were going to turn right and go over the bridge. It confuses me, somewhat, when we just ran up hill, then the flat, and then some more uphill to get back to where we started. I can't remember running down hill in the first place! But I'm sure we must have done!

I was at the back of the group by this time, my usual position, but I was feeling good. Still got this twangy feeling in my knee though!

Anyway it was a great run, followed by cakes at the pavilion. Yummy, scrummy, homemade, shop bought, delisios, chocolate, carrot and marshmallow cakes. Not that I had a sample from all above mentioned confectioneries! But of course being that the PWR's are all 'normal' people, no celebration would be complete unless there was a few glasses of bubbly raised! Either in the lager, voddys and coke, or G and T's. And the OB came along and joined in for a couple of sherbets as well!

Which is why yesterdays blog is beging written tonight!

But just for your info, me and the Old Boy went out for a bike ride today,we only did about 12 miles ish, but with a couple of 'water' stops on route! But then we rode through the woods on the way home!

I came prepared this time. I had remembered to pack a head torch! It makes all the difference. And the Old boy wanted to go through the woods where we live, and pop out at the end of our road. This time we didn't get lost!!

Geeky stats for yesterdays run!

Club Run by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details

Monday, 10 October 2011

A Short Run Today!

Hello blog lovers.

After the excitement of yesterday I was really looking forward to stretching my legs out today. The ambiance of the event obviously wont be there, but I can still remember when I first did the Pettswood 10k last year, and I have these fresh memories of seeing the first of the runners coming up the path still in my mind.

Me and the Old Boy started off from the usual place at Tent Peg Lane. We were going to do the smaller route, just 3 and a half miles. Two reasons why, One, was because we asked our grandson, the Dude, to come and have dinner with us. He was just dying to try the fish that granddad caught, and two, the Old Boy says that he wasn't feeling too good, he seems to have caught my cold now.

But he was still up for running, which was more than I was last week. "As it's only a short one" he said even before we got out of the car "lets just push it a little harder this evening"

Well, you all know me by now, 'The Moaning Old Girl, Wannabe Olympic Runner', I was thinking, "Well, I have just got over a cold, and I did have a few sherbets yesterday, a celebratory drink with Hitchy, who did a marvelous 1 hour 1 min and 34 sec 10k, and also having a drink with some of the other marshals.

My goodness, I think the Old Boy is right, I could write volumes and volumes of excuses!

But still, I got into the zone for the first mile, and managed to do a sub 10 minute mile, AGAIN But that bloomin hill did beat me today. I tried my hardest to just forget about it being a hill, but fatigue (or yesterdays alcohol effects) was not helping me at all. But from the top I did try to keep going, there were quite a few walking sections, even if they were only for a few seconds here and there.

Then when we got through 'Dog poo' ally and started to run up Birchwood I felt this kind of twinge thing, slight 'elastic band twangy' thing happen in the back of my leg, in the bend, behind the knee. I wasn't go to push myself then, I just took it easy, slowed my pace down, and walked if I thought it was going to 'twang' again.

By the time I got back to the car the 'twanging' didn't bother me, and there doesen't seem to be any pain, even now as I rest up, which is good.

So geeky stats, (yes I remembered to charge it up!)

Run With Alan by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Pettswood 10K Race Day

Hello bloggees.

I fell asleep thinking of the race, how I got up in time I will never know. But thankfully the Old Boy had made a cuppa for me and I was getting in the zone after that.

There were butterflies in my tummy, I was getting nervous, will I be able to do all that is asked of me today?!

I was in place by 10 o'clock. final checks made, and then just waiting, waiting! 10:20 a call to the relevant people, "I am in place, all set to go." A quick call to the Old Boy "Hello, can you remember what number position I am?" And then just the waiting for the 10:30 start!

10:30 arrived, all's well so far, the butterflies are stirring something up now. The smile starts to spread across my face already! And its only just begun! "Calm down Oldd Girl, there is a least 20 or 25 minutes before you get into your zone" But even that doesn't help, I am smiling! I am feeling good, I am looking forward to this race so much.

Then its my time. "Yeah, come on, wow, well done, well done indeed, you're doing so well" All the runners are in 'their zone' looking at the marker boards, only 2 kilometres left to go! Then the next runner, in the zone, coming up the path, "Well done, your doing brilliantly" The smile never fading from my face, the enthusiasm seems to be getting higher and higher as each runner passes my station.

Soon I will see people I know that have entered the race. How incredible is this. I am marshaling on the my running club 10k race! I never realised how good it can been encouraging and supporting each and every runner past my 8Km marker board.

Each runner I shouted out to, each runner I clapped and applauded, it was just a fantastic experience to be able to give something back the the sport that has got me to where I am today! 2 stones lighter, tons and tons fitter and feeling pretty good!

Thanks Pettswood Runners for persevering with this Old 'Slow coach' Girl, and thanks for giving me and the Old Boy an opportunity to give something back and to encouraging all runners of all abilities to do as well as they can

I just wished I had remembered to take some photos of the runners as they came up to my marker, but cheering them on I felt was much more fun for them and definitely for me!

Here are some of the photos taken from a water station further in the woods.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Man Flu'! What Man Flu'!

Hello Blog Lovers.

Its been a while, I know. but having a cold really does knock you for six! I was tempted to go running a couple of times before today, but was glad I didn't, especially after Naggy Neighbour said that running with a cold is not good!

Today though, I felt like I could do a couple of miles and so did the Old Boy. But there were more important things for him to do first, and thats is his little project. Its not going to be that long before 'she' is up and running (yes, his motorbake has become a 'she'). But when it got to about five I thought that maybe he had changed his mind. I was starting to to think that maybe I didn't want to go anyway! But he came in, smelling like a grease monkey and still raring to go for a three and half mile jog! "Yeah" I said, trying to sound enthusiastic. "You want to go or not" he said to me, and I said "Oh yeah, course I do, yeah, still up for it, just a couple of miles, right" "Yes" he said, without making eye contact!!

Anyway, there you go, my excuses all out in the open before I even talk about my run today. We started off at our usual place, Tent Peg Lane, I'm sorry I don't have any geeky stats again today, but a week off has done my battery in on the old Garmin!, I keep forgetting that it needs power to keep working, even when not actually connected to satellites! And I did run so bloomin well today, too!

The OB took a watch, just to check on our time from beginning to end, and when we got to the first mile mark he said "Thats 12 minutes" I was quite happy with that, after all, I have been ill, and ...... really, if I am honest, still not fully recovered, so yes, I was happy with a 12 min first mile. But then the OB said to me, "we are not stopping after we get up Goss hill, you can walk for a minutes, but there is no stopping" I was ok with that, it just means that I will be getting to the finish quicker!

But then he continued, (or did he tell me before hand?) "We are going down Botony Bay, and up the new path, we are doing some of the 10k route today" Blimey, I wasn't expecting that. Especially as he did say to me that we are going to go out for dinner somewhere!

Yet still I was looking forward to it. I was looking forward to the end! but I was looking forward to 're-creating' my 10k I did last year. Ok so its not the whole 10k, but the best bits through the words. I did really well on Goss Hill! I really did! I know I walked some of it, but it was literally just about 30 seconds to a minutes worth in the two walks that I did! But this bit of the route, the next uphill section of the woody part of our (Pettswood runners) 10k I walked more times and for a little longer. The OB was trying to get me to run a little faster but my only word that I could say was "No"

At one point on the route, the OB was behind me, I was 'jogging' along when I noticed at the corner of my eye that he was actually walking besides me! Tut, he was proving a point, but still, I didn't like it!

We soon got to the next down hill section, which I do love, but I was just running at my own pace, refusing to go any faster. I was going at my own pace, I was just enjoying being our running again after what seems like an eternity since my last time, I was not going to over do it this evening. So after we got to 'Dog Poo' ally and the OB said "Shall we turn left and finish the rest of the woody section of the 10k" I said "No, lets just go right, and over the bridges" In the end though, we went though 'Dog Poo' Ally and up to the last bridge. To be honest, I was looking forward to getting home, having a shower, putting some slap on, and then going for some dinner!

When we go back to to the car, the OB said that actually the first mile was done in just under 10 mins!! I didn't think it was, It deffo felt like it was a 12 min mile. So Maybe 'Mr Kit Man' is right, my body gets used to running a little faster every so often, but now I have to get it used to running faster a little longer each time!

We completed our 4.19 mils (distance measured on map my run) in about 50 mins 30 secs (ish) so really, that is a bloomin good run! Pat on the back for this Old Girl please!

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Three Lazy Days Later! And Still Eating Dust!

Hello blog lovers,

Today I am writing about my two runs I had over the weekend. Both were the same route, but they felt like different runs. The times were different as well, only a little though, but when I was running I thought it would have been a lot slower.

The Old Boy goads me on, he gets me running harder and faster. I must get a tape recording (My goodness, who's showing her age!) I must get a 'pod cast' of the OB nagging me "up hills, telling me to "pick the pace up, catch up to him", and "get up that hill!" But yesterday I had no energy! I could have been the laying about in the back garden trying to catch a few rays!, or it could be just 'one of the things!'

Anyway, the geeky stats at the bottom shows you that I was not on form yesterday, but it was good to be out running!

Today it was a 'recon mission' for my mate 'Hitchy' who you may remember got her nickname because she was waiting for me as I was running on route, just like a hitchhiker. Well she has decided to do our PWR 10k, voted as one of the best in runners world mag (A quick plug there for our 10k, which is next Sunday, I shall be there marshalling and cheering on all the runners) She is doing it for charity, SANDS. She wanted raise money for this cause as her friend had a baby, as Jo says, "who was born sleeping" and she wants to do something for her friend, here is a link to her page Just reading what she said had me grabbing my hankie and my purse!

So today I took her out to show her the delights of what our 10k can offer her. Her goal is not of speed, but of getting around it without stopping! Judging by what I saw today I think she will nail it!! And in a pretty good time too!

Me on the other hand, I know I kept her back. If she knew the route she would have took off, and I would be eating dust, again, as per usual.

Todays run was a bit slower than yesterday, but it was a 're-con mission' (I think I should right up another blog of all my excuses!) but again, I was very pleased to be out running, even though it was still so very warm out! (summer excuse no.1)

Geeky stats, and for some reason Garmin have decided not to supply me with the 'embed' button, so I just have to copy and paste the page address,

Run with Alan by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details Yesterdays run

'Re-con' Run with Jo by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details Todays run