Hello blog readers.
There is just no stopping this Old Girl now. I really do think that I have become a proper runner now, not that today's run was anyway near a fast pace run, there were no PB's from this evenings little jaunt, but it's just the fact that I am out here, running (or jogging, depending on if you want to go into how fast a jog or run should be) and I have a bit of a cold! I am out here thinking that a run will do me good. Even last year, if I had a bit of a cold I became a slave of the sofa and duvet in the evenings. But, after a hectic day with my gorgeous grandson, I was woken from my snooze by the Old Boy and told to go get ready!
There was no hesitation, even though there were some tiny little voices in my head saying "Go back to sleep Old Girl, you have a cold" I chose to ignore that and got myself ready.
The Old Boy had this figure of 8 route in mind. He wanted to go down a path that we always look at as we run past, and today he decided to run it. It will be interesting, its always nice to find out where paths come out at, a little mystery tour.
Also today's run was a little tester to see how the land lies, because I am taking Smarty Pants out for a run tomorrow as well. I have told her the virtues of running through the woods, the peace and quiet, the smells, just enjoying nature, and the fact that really, you don't quite realise how far you have run! But this route has several ways to shorten it up if Smarty Pants is finding it difficult. (Just like I did today!, but I won't tell her that bit!) It's a great route!
I was feeling good, my lungs were clearing of all the yucky stuff, and I was feeling better. The Old Boy did suggest if I didn't feel up to it then we could cut the route short, but I told him to carry on with the plan. I know we have ran further than what we are doing today, so I felt I could carry on with the plan.
When we came to Goss hill the Old Boy said that if I slow down then I am to step aside and he will continue up the hill and wait for me at the top. I felt ok with that, I will be able to be less hard on my self than he does. But I found that I was nagging myself more, I did walk up the hill, but I did more running than usual! And same again on the next hill!
The new path soon came, and we looked down it and the Old Boy said "New Territory, lets see when it spits us out" We didn't know if there was going to be any uphill sections, or if it was going to be totally muddy and puddles everywhere, but it was very nice! I knew we were heading in the right direction of where we needed to be, I could hear the trains! When it popped out on to a path that I knew, then I felt even better, because I knew it wasn't that far to the end!
A great run, I'm glad I went! And I am sure that Smarty Pants is going to just love this run!
Geeky stats, and note the route, it's not a figure of 8 at all, more like the scales of justice! Judging how well me and the Old Boy have been getting on with our running! He even said that he found today's run a little hard!
I am glad you are exploring the woods a little more now that the fitness is shining through. It is only when you run around them that you realise they are quite hilly in places...well done