Hello Blogees!
As the Title suggests, I went running with my club today. A put on my new day-glo glowing top, my running pants, HRM, new shoes, kissed the OB and left. It wasn't until I got to the rec that I realised that I hadn't actually put my Garmin on my wrist! Oh well, the OB has often said to me that I should run sometimes without the Garmin.
It was quite chilly out, I had bought my old faithful, my shrunken hoody, to keep me warm while we were getting the latest low downs on pb's and up and coming races (the relay race that I mentioned in my last blog is this Saturday! ARRGGHHH!) Anyway, soon as all the groups had been sorted I threw my hoody inside the building, and stood, glowing with all the other PWR's. We looked like we were about to hit some rave party, with all the neon coloured tops and reflective stripes on our attire.
Our run leader today (Our usual run leader is still not well, hope you get better soon!) has told us the route. It went something like this, "We are going out here, and down Towncourt, and around and then up, is it St. Johns road?, and then where going along there somewhere, and up there, its about 4 miles, I know where I am going" Well I hope she does, and I hope I keep up with her, as I had no idea where we were heading tonight! Almost worthy of Little Boy Losts runs I should think!
She also has her running watch, and is keen to stay on target for 11 min miles! I feel quite naked with out mine on. In fact I also feel quite lazy! When I look at my watch and see the distance, if I am feeling tired and its still not quite a mile I push myself on to the mile and further, but with out my guidance it seems old potato head is waking up again, and telling me to walk.
I found out today a bit more 'running jargon'. Back to back and top and tail. Its what I have been doing. Back to Back means doing two or three days running in a row, and top and tail means doing a run in the morning and then a run in the evening, for some who couldn't fit in a long run! Which is what I did yesterday! Although I wasn't planning on doing a long run anyway. Mr. S. let me in the the new jargon!
I kept up as best as I could, but I was taking it easy,(thats my excuse today!) as I had only just realised when I got to the rec this evening, that the relay race is actually this Saturday! So I didn't want to push it too hard, I am going to take it easy, maybe do a short run on Thursday if the Old Boy is up for it, or maybe even a ride our bikes somewhere .....local.....
The main group were about a minute or so in front of me, and I was at the back, not quite the last lady this time, there were a couple of newbies behind me! I tracked down the other Garmin wearing buddy (we both have the same Garmin, and both had them for Christmas!) Her time read 39.17, so I'm going to just add about 2 mins to that.
Geeky stats today is 3.50 miles (apprx) in 41.17 mines (apprx)
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