Hello blog readers.
Me and the Old Boy was up for another short run today. Next week we shall get back into our stride and head off for longer runs, we are even talking about doing a 10k together. Obviously I won't be able to keep up with the OB's pace, but I just want to be able to run 98% of it, (Or is that too 'pie in the sky for me right now?)
Any way, there we were, ready to go running, looking at the bottom path, mind thinking about Goss hill already. Then the OB starts on his 'Safety brief'. He has taken to giving these safety briefs as a bit of fun, lighten the mood. As he started though I just ran off, down the bottom path. I could hear him saying something like "You cheater!" as he started off after me.
He soon caught up with me though, and this time there was no shoe lace incident. I kept on running all the way to the little bridge before Goss Hill. We had decided not to stop before going straight up the hill. I didn't know how long I was going to run for before my I can't do it self took over my thoughts, but I was damn sure I was going to do as well as I could before she did enter my thoughts. I so wanted to stop at the bottom, gather my self together and then go as far as I could, but I also wanted to attempt to run at it after doing almost a mile.
Needles to say I didn't manage to get up it. And I think I stopped more times this time round then I did yesterday! but I have noticed that my push harder self has taken up running for the last bit of the hill, the bit that I used to always walk up because its just slightly steeper on this bit! And besides, it looks good when the OB sees me running to the top!
We had a minute stop there, and then it was back to the running. Next stop, the end! I was hoping anyway! The little hill got to me again, tut, I was so annoyed with myself! But from the top of this hill I was determined not to stop. It was downhill for goodness sake! And guess what?........go on, guess......... I didn't stop. Not till I got to the bottom.
Turned off the Garmin, and found out we were quicker this time round. Bonus!!
Me and the Old Boy fancied a quick pint of the amber nectar, so we decided to go to our usual haunt of the Tigers Head, and guess who we see, on the way, in bright yellow shirt, looking up the trees or something, but deffo not running, It was Mr. S! Hope your run went well Mr. S. If I had seen you quick enough I could have given you the nod of where we were going, (We were in the car, not running to the pub you understand)
Geeky stats.
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