Hello Blog lovers!
Well todays blog is all about yesterdays run, and if I can remember a bit about todays bike ride. But I was so excited about yesterdays results I may forget to add what I have been up to today!
Anyway, yesterday, being Friday, I wasn't really expecting to go out for a run. So much so, that I even took little dudie (my grandson) out for a yucky takeaway, for lunch. You know how kids love those 'lunches'. so I couldn't resist going for a big burger myself! So when the Old boy said that he fancied a run before dinner, and getting reedy to go out in the evening, I tried everything to not go! "But I still go the dude here, cos his mummy needed to go to the shops" and "Oh, I need to take them to the station now, as they are going to London"
I tried everything, apart from the actual 'wimping out' and telling him that I didn't actually feel like going! So you can imagine my face after I came back from dropping off my daughter and dudie at the station at 6 o'clock in the evening to find the OB ready to go for a run, waiting for me to go and get changed.
There was no getting away with it. There was no way I was going to wimp out, so I got changed as quick as I could and we drove to Tent Peg Lane, the beginning of our Friday night run. "Right, come on then" the OB said. There was no little warm up walk, or quick stretching (which I don't do anymore, I do my stretching after!) it was out of the car, on to the path and start running!
I started off ok, and I tried to keep the pace the same as the OB, but I knew he is stronger and faster than me, so I just concentrated on doing my best, checking out my breathing, and keeping everything together. "Come on, Old Girl" he kept calling to me, "You're doing well, pick up the pace a bit" I tried to keep it going, thinking about my little drinkies after. I do like my Fridays nights out with the OB!
So you can image my surprise when the first mile 'beeped' up from my Garmin, I looked at it and I saw that it was 9. something! It threw me! ME DOING A SUB 10 MIN/MI I know all the relay races of last week will be saying, "We was that for the relay race?" It's amazing how running with he Old Boy can bring that out of me!
Of course after that, it wa back to my usual running! With the walking parts in it as well! But at Goss Hill, the Old Boy kept his hand on my back and positively pushed me all the way to the top, I was running. Ok, so it wasn't a fast run, and I even walked about 4 steps before he shoved me up the hill again. But I did it! How? I don't know! But I took a full two minutes (maybe a tad more) at the top, to recover before carrying on with our run!
It was a pleasant run, a good run, a surprising run! sub 10 min/mi certainly surprised me! Towards the end of the run, the little path after the railway bridge to the car park, the OB said, "Ok do a sprint from here to the car" I didn't think I had it in me, but I dug deep, it was a very long sprint, but to me it could have been a mile or more, thats how it felt. But I ran fast, I even did the war cry "ARRRGGGHHHHHHH" as I was getting towards the end, and I felt I wanted to stop. But I kept it up, "Keep going you lazy bloomin mare" I said in my head. I was so pleased to to get to the end! Yes! Done it!
I was just doing my stretching at the sign post as I caught my breath, when a woman with he children emerged from the other path she said "It all sounds like too mu torture to me" I couldn't answer her!, but I am sure the OB said something to her.
Oh yes, and todays bit of exercise! Me and the Old boy went out for lovely bike ride via the local establishments again, followed by an exhilarating ride through the woods! Bitch dark, but great fun. Oh, and just one other thing, I found my front light! It has somehow got knocked off my bike and landed at the back of the shed on the floor, where the little bit of rubber to turn it on and off, and been chewed by a field mouse. (I am saying field mouse, because I don't like to think of anything rodent bigger than that, roaming so close to my home!) and besides, it looks like very tiny, tiny little teeth marks!
Anyway, geeky stats, and check out the first mile!!! That was me!
Run with Alan by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details
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