Hello blog lovers.
Well today is my sons birthday. Which of course means cake! Chocolate cake, as the lad is just a choco fiend, (just like his mum!) I knew I wouldn't be able to run after church, as I had promised him I would cook him a Sunday roast. And some of the other members of our family will be here as well.
There was only one thing for it. Get up early, before church, and go for a run! I haven't done that for a long time. In fact, I haven't been running on my own for a long time. I wonder it I can nag myself as much when I'm alone!!
I put on my new running top, and hat! and set off. I was doing one of my old routes, up to Turp and down Greenway. But also I am adding in a few sprints, as suggested by one of my club buddies, he is the club physio as well. In fact, he said that its not really necessary to do hill work to get fitter and stronger, (just as the Old boy persuaded me that I need to do more hill training!) but doing these sprints between lampposts, or trees, and then do a recovery jog, will help to get my body used to running faster. And then do it all over again, not full out, mind, I don't think my body could actually run full out, just faster than my usualy pace. This will help me, says my club buddy! He did say I might feel as if I want to stop and hold on to my knees, but I should just keep going till the end of the sprint! Boy, he wasn't joking. My recovery jogs were more recovery walks than jogs!
But it was good, it felt good, and I'm not sure yet, because I haven't downloaded the geeky stats yet, but it could be a personal best on this route! We shall see. After I got to Oxhawth I was bloomin knackered! I tried to keep up the sprints as best as I could, but Faringdon was creeping up real quick! I want to be able to run the whole of this road, maybe with a sprint or two in there as well.
I had a little left over for a sprint up to the house from the begning of my road. Not a fast sprint, but it was faster than my usual pace (at that time after a jog!)
So now, moment of truth, time to download geeky stats! And Yes, it is a PB as far as I can tell!!!!
good work! I do enjoy a good interval session as you just seem to eat up the distance.