Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Its Getting Dark Out There!

Hello blog lovers,

Today was club running day. The Old Boy went off earlier to do his run, and I will hear all about that later, and I picked up 'Crazy Fool' (formally know as MIB)and we set off to the meeting place.

Crazy Fool was in two minds about coming out this evening, but I find that if you have a week off its hard to get back to the swing of things, but he had 3 weeks off! So I can understand how he was feeling. But usually those first runs after a break really bring you back to your senses, and re-new your enthusiasm!

We were first at the meeting point, well, apart from the officialdom, so we must have been keen, and soon everybody else arrived. The pre run speech and notices given and then we were on our way. The weather is definitely turning! I felt it in my legs, just that little bit of standing around really chilled my muscles down. The leader today was aiming for 11 - 11:30 min/mi today, I was hoping for 11:30 - 12:30 min/mi at least the first mile anyway.

Our group leader today asked if we had a favourite route that we would like to do, otherwise she would just choose one, maybe with hills! The route we took was fairly flat, and it would take us up the path behind the school. There are no street lamps down here, and the light was fading! It was getting quite dark! A head torch would be hand right about now, but it was totally exhilarating! I can quite see why Mr. S likes a night run. I know when me and the Old Boy have cycled through the dark, through parks, it is quite exciting!

We Got to the end of the first half, and some of the group did the loop around the neat gardens, while a few others stayed under the lamp, waiting for their return............ok so I was one of the lamp leaners! Next time we do this route I will definitely do the loop, promise! Crazy Fool was also one of the lamp leaners too! He said he was finding it hard tonight, but it will get easier over the next few weeks when he gets back into his stride!

From this point though, I know its a fairly level if not down hill section. We got to near the small roundabout by Crofton school and we were asked whether we wanted to go left and carry on up this road, and then under the bridge, or to go right here and go over the bridge, where there was a gentle climb up to where we needed to go. Can you believe that I voted to do the slight incline but I was out voted.

"Oh well, what a shame!" I thought, probably feeling secretly happy with that decision as well, and we carried on to the left doing the slight downhill section. Then it was just the last turn right and do our very best to get to the rec for the finish.

Crazy Fool kept me going, so I urged him on on this last section. In his mind he thinks this is the finish, but its when we get through the gate and into the car park. That's our finish!

A good run today, I'm kicking myself that I didn't do the little extra bit, but next time I will, I won't be as lazy as I usually am!

Geeky stats.


The Old Boy did his run, he ran for just under 9 and half km, in about an hour!

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