Hello my blog followers, (I know there are still a few out there)
I was so looking forward to a good run out today. After having three small boys at home, all arguing over toys, and who's turn it is, then a good run is just what is on order.
I met up the with the other members and chatted about how there run went last week, those who moved up to group 2. "Hard" was what they both said! I knew I wasn't ready for group 2 just yet.
Mind you, I think all the group leaders have had a secret meeting and decided to 'push' all members of all groups up to the next level! Because last week group 1 ran for 4 and half miles, and tonight we ran for 4 and a half miles! Some even went on to do about another mile before heading back!
But the route today was fairly...., flat! apart from the up hill at the beginning. But it was quite dark, running along side the woods. and difficult to see the end of the pavement! I should remember to take a torch or headlamp with me! There was no deviations from the long straight road, no going round, apart from those who went on to do the extra mile, they were going to loop around the ponds at Chislehurst. The rest of us we just going to run turn left and head on back, up the dark road again.
But it was a good run, I kept up, mostly, the sweeper was Mr. Kit Man, and he did a great job of keeping my mind off how far we had run and how far we had to go by chatting. I was sure I was answering, and not just grunting my answers back at him.
Anyway, we got back to Willet Way rec in about 50 odd mins, we ran for about 4.46 miles. My Garmin felt tired today (The battery was very low) and refused to work! so there are no geeky stats today.
But I was very pleased that I ran when everybody ran, I stopped when every body stop, and only had about 2 or 3 short walking stops. The last walking stop was because my leg was cramping up! Definitely worked hard today! But I came back feeling good, and totally relaxed, ready for another day with these gorgeous little men.

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