Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Tuesday Club Run - Straight Out And Back

Hello my blog followers, (I know there are still a few out there)

I was so looking forward to a good run out today. After having three small boys at home, all arguing over toys, and who's turn it is, then a good run is just what is on order.

I met up the with the other members and chatted about how there run went last week, those who moved up to group 2. "Hard" was what they both said! I knew I wasn't ready for group 2 just yet.

Mind you, I think all the group leaders have had a secret meeting and decided to 'push' all members of all groups up to the next level! Because last week group 1 ran for 4 and half miles, and tonight we ran for 4 and a half miles! Some even went on to do about another mile before heading back!

But the route today was fairly...., flat! apart from the up hill at the beginning. But it was quite dark, running along side the woods. and difficult to see the end of the pavement! I should remember to take a torch or headlamp with me! There was no deviations from the long straight road, no going round, apart from those who went on to do the extra mile, they were going to loop around the ponds at Chislehurst. The rest of us we just going to run turn left and head on back, up the dark road again.

But it was a good run, I kept up, mostly, the sweeper was Mr. Kit Man, and he did a great job of keeping my mind off how far we had run and how far we had to go by chatting. I was sure I was answering, and not just grunting my answers back at him.

Anyway, we got back to Willet Way rec in about 50 odd mins, we ran for about 4.46 miles. My Garmin felt tired today (The battery was very low) and refused to work! so there are no geeky stats today.

But I was very pleased that I ran when everybody ran, I stopped when every body stop, and only had about 2 or 3 short walking stops. The last walking stop was because my leg was cramping up! Definitely worked hard today! But I came back feeling good, and totally relaxed, ready for another day with these gorgeous little men.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Who's that Old Girl?

Hello Blog lovers!

Well todays blog is all about yesterdays run, and if I can remember a bit about todays bike ride. But I was so excited about yesterdays results I may forget to add what I have been up to today!

Anyway, yesterday, being Friday, I wasn't really expecting to go out for a run. So much so, that I even took little dudie (my grandson) out for a yucky takeaway, for lunch. You know how kids love those 'lunches'. so I couldn't resist going for a big burger myself! So when the Old boy said that he fancied a run before dinner, and getting reedy to go out in the evening, I tried everything to not go! "But I still go the dude here, cos his mummy needed to go to the shops" and "Oh, I need to take them to the station now, as they are going to London"

I tried everything, apart from the actual 'wimping out' and telling him that I didn't actually feel like going! So you can imagine my face after I came back from dropping off my daughter and dudie at the station at 6 o'clock in the evening to find the OB ready to go for a run, waiting for me to go and get changed.

There was no getting away with it. There was no way I was going to wimp out, so I got changed as quick as I could and we drove to Tent Peg Lane, the beginning of our Friday night run. "Right, come on then" the OB said. There was no little warm up walk, or quick stretching (which I don't do anymore, I do my stretching after!) it was out of the car, on to the path and start running!

I started off ok, and I tried to keep the pace the same as the OB, but I knew he is stronger and faster than me, so I just concentrated on doing my best, checking out my breathing, and keeping everything together. "Come on, Old Girl" he kept calling to me, "You're doing well, pick up the pace a bit" I tried to keep it going, thinking about my little drinkies after. I do like my Fridays nights out with the OB!

So you can image my surprise when the first mile 'beeped' up from my Garmin, I looked at it and I saw that it was 9. something! It threw me! ME DOING A SUB 10 MIN/MI I know all the relay races of last week will be saying, "We was that for the relay race?" It's amazing how running with he Old Boy can bring that out of me!

Of course after that, it wa back to my usual running! With the walking parts in it as well! But at Goss Hill, the Old Boy kept his hand on my back and positively pushed me all the way to the top, I was running. Ok, so it wasn't a fast run, and I even walked about 4 steps before he shoved me up the hill again. But I did it! How? I don't know! But I took a full two minutes (maybe a tad more) at the top, to recover before carrying on with our run!

It was a pleasant run, a good run, a surprising run! sub 10 min/mi certainly surprised me! Towards the end of the run, the little path after the railway bridge to the car park, the OB said, "Ok do a sprint from here to the car" I didn't think I had it in me, but I dug deep, it was a very long sprint, but to me it could have been a mile or more, thats how it felt. But I ran fast, I even did the war cry "ARRRGGGHHHHHHH" as I was getting towards the end, and I felt I wanted to stop. But I kept it up, "Keep going you lazy bloomin mare" I said in my head. I was so pleased to to get to the end! Yes! Done it!

I was just doing my stretching at the sign post as I caught my breath, when a woman with he children emerged from the other path she said "It all sounds like too mu torture to me" I couldn't answer her!, but I am sure the OB said something to her.

Oh yes, and todays bit of exercise! Me and the Old boy went out for lovely bike ride via the local establishments again, followed by an exhilarating ride through the woods! Bitch dark, but great fun. Oh, and just one other thing, I found my front light! It has somehow got knocked off my bike and landed at the back of the shed on the floor, where the little bit of rubber to turn it on and off, and been chewed by a field mouse. (I am saying field mouse, because I don't like to think of anything rodent bigger than that, roaming so close to my home!) and besides, it looks like very tiny, tiny little teeth marks!

Anyway, geeky stats, and check out the first mile!!! That was me!

Run with Alan by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Usual Club Run.......With Just A Tad Bit Extra!

Hello blog lovers.

Its Tuesday, which means that its club run time. Our usual group 1 leader is still recuperating. Mrs Kipling (our group leader for the last few weeks, and the lovely maker of cakes!) is encouraging some of the group 1 runners into group 2. She feels they are ready for the next group! I know I am not ready for that group yet and decided to stay with group 1 today, and to run with another group 1 leader for todays run. She was one of the ladies in the relay race. She was in fact the 'D' runner in the team that I was on! Standing waiting for me roll on in!

Anyway, I digress! She gave us the route today, I heard her say Darrick Wood school, but in my mind I was thinking Crofton school! I was trying to think of a loop around the back of there and then get back to the main road. I just couldn't think of one.

It was when we got under the bridge that she said about Darrick Wood school again. And I said "But thats miles away" "Yes" she says "2 miles out and 2 miles back" she said with a smile. I was thinking it was more than that! But I have done more with the OB, so I shouldn't complain. And we are running at a slower pace than I normally do with the OB as well. So it should be no problem!

Well the route up to the top of the road is a gradual uphill, and again when we are doing the loop, its a gradual incline! My legs were feeling very tight! I'm not sure if it was because I had not done any running since Saturday, or if could be that I am still not quite recovered from the sickness bug that I had on Sunday! Chucking chunks Sunday evening, for no apparent reason! And no, it wasn't food poisoning, because I did the cooking. Things are always well 'caramelised' when I cook!

You can imagine how I felt on the way back! Its all down hill from here. But It was tough going. From the top of the road we had already ran 3 miles, and we still had the long road to run down before doing the final straight back. We had a newbie with us, and a Group 1 leader did say to her "we don't normally run this far, I think my calculations slight wrong" "Well, it can only be a mile from here now." I was thinking to my self. The newbie was saying that was struggling a bit, but she was doing very, very well. She was keeping up with group, I was at the back, again!, but still not letting the group get to far in front of me.

It felt really good to get onto the last road. Straight up and its done. Our leader said that those who wanted to sprint from here, can, but just to wait at the park to be counted in! I didn't see to much sprinting going on. But most of the group had picked up the pace a bit. I was running with the newbie, encouraging her on, as her pace had slowed down a bit. She said she had felt a blister forming. But she kept on going! If that was me I would be waiting for an ambulance to take me hospital. You can tell that I don't do pain!

Anyway, it turned out that it was a bit more than we usually run for a Tuesday night, but an enjoyable one! And the newbie wasn't put off either, she said she will be back next week! I will have to see how the 'new group 2's' got on with their run, next week when we meet up again.

Geeky stats, Again today there is no 'embed' button to click on, so just copy and past the link if you want to see the stats. Not sure why its all changed!


I have noticed that a few people have posted comments, I do try and reply and to add comments after but for some strange reason blogger doesn't recognise me when I try to add a comment on my own page!!! very strange indeed. But I do try to reply via facebook.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my ramblings.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Relay Race - Hanging With My Homies!

Hello blog lovers.

I didn't manage to write my blog yesterday after the race, as me and the Old boy were going out for the evening to celebrate our 27th anniversary! So a nice run was just what I needed to give me plenty of appetite.

When I said on the facebook page, that I was 'thinking' about signing up for the relay race and then, realising, that by just saying that I had actually signed on the dotted line!, I did let people know that I wasn't the fastest runner of all time!, and I am usually languishing at the back of group 1 on our Tuesday night runs. But that didn't stop Little Boy lost from signing me up.

It has been a while since I ran a relay race, last time was when I was at school,....primary school, so some 40 years ago! But never as an adult. Memories (or fears) of those old school days, of going through the whole 'picking team mates' stage, were going through my mind. I was always left to the last, and then had to endure the 'groan' as the team leader had just me to chose! It's ok, though, I'm over that, now days I do try to 'volunteer' and be first in the lime light! (I even get up and do Karaoke!)

Anyway, enough sympathy gathering drivel, back to the race. There was only one thing that I could do, and thats just go there and do my best, (and try to earn the piece of cake that was on offer for after!) Our time for getting there was at 2, to get our numbers pinned on, a group photo, (that I am still waiting to see!) and pep talk, well, I say pep talk, its more like hang out really, with my PWR 'homies'.

Our race was due to start at 2:45 pm. Let me tell you, that soon came around, pretty quickly! Soon all the seniors race 'A' number runners were lined up ready for the off! .....A big cheer as they all set off. PWR had 4 teams, two girls teams and 2 boys teams! We were well represented! All running in our club colours. It felt good to be in a team.

Soon the the 'B' runners would be called up to the line, in readiness for the first lap runners to come back. We saw them all in, my team, and remember we are group 1 runners, were last to get going. It was to be me next, I am a 'C' runner! The pressure was great! Knowing that we were probably going to be the last team finished, I didn't want to leave my team mate standing there by herself for two long. But of course, while I was waiting to run I was getting all the low down of the course from the 'A' runner. About the hill through the woods, which lulls you into a false sense of security, because you get to a point where you can run down or up again. Of course the route was up! I do not like hills! I am afraid, as the OB says of me, I stopped and had 'a picnic' in the wood! To you or me, I walked up the hill, but not all of it! Oh know, I wasn't going to let the hill take it all from me!

There was another nice bit of flat once we got to the top of the hill, running along side the road before turning left again to go back in the woods, and the inevitable down hill section. I must say, that all the runners that......erm........passed me gave me lots of encouragement, and the marshalls through the woods and on the field cheered me along my way.

But coming up the long straight, that was where the pressure was. Knowing that the 'D' runners were already passing me and my team mate was left standing at the start/finish line waiting for the 'touch', oh wow the pressure! I ran as fast as my legs could go, I could see the OB with his camera at the ready, I am not going to try the whole 'pose' thing now, my team mate needs me at the line now! Through the trees and there she was.

A little disappointingly, the organises were beginning to 'tidy' away, and the tape that marked the route to the line had gone and just the poles were left in place, but I ran up to my team mate (and she was the only left on the line) gave her the touch and she ran off.

To save her from running the route by herself, our PWR's made a rota to run along side her, to keep her company! One taking the first field, one taking the route through the woods, (the up hill section) and then another taking the second field. She had a race on her hands. To get back before the rain started........and get back before the organises had packed everything away! Oh yes and to get the last piece of cake before 'The Prince' could get it!

She did brilliantly! She ran her socks off! The Organises were not packed away fully, and the rain just started as she ran up to the line! She beat both!

Of course, my team didn't win, but we won in team spirit! All supporting each other, and encouraging each other, and the fact that we were all smiling and laughing at the end as we ate cake and drank tea! (Thanks to one of our group 1 leaders, an absolutely delicious banana and walnut cake!) A brilliant day out, and I had run up and appetite for a lovely meal in the evening!

Thanks goes to (and here is a first, using proper names) Mark aka little boy lost for getting the teams together, Karen aka one of the Group 1 leaders, for making such a delicious cake and bring along a gas stove, kettle, tea coffee and milk, everything in fact apart from the kitchen sink, and last but not least the OB aka my lovely husband, for taking me to the race and supporting me in my running and cycling.

So geeky stats and photo of me running, team photo to follow shortly, oh the geeky stats have 'failed' again, so its just the web page, but you can still see the route when you click on the link


Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Club Run - And No Garmin!

Hello Blogees!

As the Title suggests, I went running with my club today. A put on my new day-glo glowing top, my running pants, HRM, new shoes, kissed the OB and left. It wasn't until I got to the rec that I realised that I hadn't actually put my Garmin on my wrist! Oh well, the OB has often said to me that I should run sometimes without the Garmin.

It was quite chilly out, I had bought my old faithful, my shrunken hoody, to keep me warm while we were getting the latest low downs on pb's and up and coming races (the relay race that I mentioned in my last blog is this Saturday! ARRGGHHH!) Anyway, soon as all the groups had been sorted I threw my hoody inside the building, and stood, glowing with all the other PWR's. We looked like we were about to hit some rave party, with all the neon coloured tops and reflective stripes on our attire.

Our run leader today (Our usual run leader is still not well, hope you get better soon!) has told us the route. It went something like this, "We are going out here, and down Towncourt, and around and then up, is it St. Johns road?, and then where going along there somewhere, and up there, its about 4 miles, I know where I am going" Well I hope she does, and I hope I keep up with her, as I had no idea where we were heading tonight! Almost worthy of Little Boy Losts runs I should think!

She also has her running watch, and is keen to stay on target for 11 min miles! I feel quite naked with out mine on. In fact I also feel quite lazy! When I look at my watch and see the distance, if I am feeling tired and its still not quite a mile I push myself on to the mile and further, but with out my guidance it seems old potato head is waking up again, and telling me to walk.

I found out today a bit more 'running jargon'. Back to back and top and tail. Its what I have been doing. Back to Back means doing two or three days running in a row, and top and tail means doing a run in the morning and then a run in the evening, for some who couldn't fit in a long run! Which is what I did yesterday! Although I wasn't planning on doing a long run anyway. Mr. S. let me in the the new jargon!

I kept up as best as I could, but I was taking it easy,(thats my excuse today!) as I had only just realised when I got to the rec this evening, that the relay race is actually this Saturday! So I didn't want to push it too hard, I am going to take it easy, maybe do a short run on Thursday if the Old Boy is up for it, or maybe even a ride our bikes somewhere .....local.....

The main group were about a minute or so in front of me, and I was at the back, not quite the last lady this time, there were a couple of newbies behind me! I tracked down the other Garmin wearing buddy (we both have the same Garmin, and both had them for Christmas!) Her time read 39.17, so I'm going to just add about 2 mins to that.

Geeky stats today is 3.50 miles (apprx) in 41.17 mines (apprx)

Monday, 12 September 2011

Chasing The Old Boy!

Hello Bloggess,

Well, I did go out again, I thought I would keep the OB company on his 2 mile course. He is just out here, keeping his legs working, keeping them nice and loose! I on the other hand have kind of suggested that I might be up for doing a relay race. I only kind of said that I was sort of thinking about it, if there were any other group 1 runners going along too, the next minute 'Little Boy Lost' had told me he had put my name down! So I gave a sweet smile to the Old Boy as I asked him if he would be able to drive me to where ever this race will be, (my navigation skills, while driving, is just not a good idea! Dangerous even!)

So here I am, outside my house, holding my arm up, looking for satellites again! That done we were off. We are not going to the woods, as you can probably guess, seeing as I am looking for satellites outside my house, we are heading for my very first half way point, Turn around Lamppost and beyond! I couldn't help but look at my Garmin to see how quickly I had got there. And I was pleased to see it was sub 6 mins!

But (oh blimey, the 'buts' have started up again), but, I did go running this afternoon, and 'I was feeling it'! I checked again after a mile, I still done a sub 11 min mile! (and I had a very short walking stop before the mile was up) Again, another smile on my face, so now I am just going to enjoy the rest of the run. If I walk some of the way, ..... it don't matter, after all, I was only here keeping the OB company. He was way in front of me by now! There was no 'keeping the Old Boy company', to be honest, the said to me on the path way before TAL "Are you running with me then?!" So I knew what was in store for me. He was running along at his own pace, enjoying just being out. Still, it was a nice thought about keeping him company!

He was waiting for me on Magpiehall Lane, about 2 minutes ahead of me, because our route was going through the park. It's getting darker now days, and he didn't want me running through there alone. I tried to keep up with him, but he was just too fast, but he kept his eyes on me, looking back, and by the time we were through the park he carried on his own pace again until our front door.

I tried the whole sprint thing again. Nagging Sister subliminal messages were working well, her words came through my fuzzled head, "Ok now Old Girl, sprint to the door" So I did!, I don't know where I got the energy from, it must have been the banana I had earlier, or the mini cornish pasty I had just an hour ago (and I'm so glad it stayed in my stomach) but I sprinted the last few metres!

So, geeky stats (again today)

Yeah But....No But.......Yeah But...

Hello bloggees,

I could so have easily have wasted this day tucked up in my bed and not moved till dinner time! I had no little urchins to look after today, and Smarty Pants littlest urchin had kept her up all night, so she wasn't up for a run this morning.

After I had made sure Big Son had got up and made it out of the house to get to college on time (better than last week!) I just........turned over and slept for another 30 minutes or so.

There was nothing for it, a good telling off after I had woken up, straight into jogging clothes, so no excuse that I am not dressed right, and then potted about a bit. Tut. Motivation where are you?!

Eventually I got out of the door, the wind blowing quite hard. I was thinking "This is going to cause me to go slow" That's it Old Girl, get the 'REASONS' out there first for going slower today.

A chat to the neighbour while the Satellites found me, (unlike yesterday when it thought I was over the road a bit, but it did look good on my stats in the 'Best Pace' category) Then it was off.

My sprinting yesterday was still in my legs (more excuses) and I felt every move of my muscles as they tried to warm up. "Just slow your pace down Old Girl, this is not a race" I had decided to try the Old Boys tactic of just running and see where I end up, but making sure that I can get home of course. I was heading down Southborough Lane, and I knew that Turpington will be my next turn left. There is no way I am going on any further up this road today. But there is still potential for going somewhere different and putting in an extra few yards or so. But did I do it.....of course not. Such a lazy mare!

I was in fact slower today than I was yesterday! But I did have yesterdays 3 miles still in my legs! And I had my new water bottle to carry, (did I mention it was rather warm out as well as windy) But there was no excuses for the walking stops. It was purely down to me being...........bloomin knackered!

I enjoyed it today, and I feel as if I can run a bit later with the Old Boy as well. He is still not feeling 100%, all sort of snotty and headachy, so 2 more miles or so later will deffo have my motivation back on track, either that or me flat on me back exhausted!

Geeky stats for this run (lets see if I do go out again later)

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Sunday Blaster - Sort of!!

Hello blog lovers.

Well today is my sons birthday. Which of course means cake! Chocolate cake, as the lad is just a choco fiend, (just like his mum!) I knew I wouldn't be able to run after church, as I had promised him I would cook him a Sunday roast. And some of the other members of our family will be here as well.

There was only one thing for it. Get up early, before church, and go for a run! I haven't done that for a long time. In fact, I haven't been running on my own for a long time. I wonder it I can nag myself as much when I'm alone!!

I put on my new running top, and hat! and set off. I was doing one of my old routes, up to Turp and down Greenway. But also I am adding in a few sprints, as suggested by one of my club buddies, he is the club physio as well. In fact, he said that its not really necessary to do hill work to get fitter and stronger, (just as the Old boy persuaded me that I need to do more hill training!) but doing these sprints between lampposts, or trees, and then do a recovery jog, will help to get my body used to running faster. And then do it all over again, not full out, mind, I don't think my body could actually run full out, just faster than my usualy pace. This will help me, says my club buddy! He did say I might feel as if I want to stop and hold on to my knees, but I should just keep going till the end of the sprint! Boy, he wasn't joking. My recovery jogs were more recovery walks than jogs!

But it was good, it felt good, and I'm not sure yet, because I haven't downloaded the geeky stats yet, but it could be a personal best on this route! We shall see. After I got to Oxhawth I was bloomin knackered! I tried to keep up the sprints as best as I could, but Faringdon was creeping up real quick! I want to be able to run the whole of this road, maybe with a sprint or two in there as well.

I had a little left over for a sprint up to the house from the begning of my road. Not a fast sprint, but it was faster than my usual pace (at that time after a jog!)

So now, moment of truth, time to download geeky stats! And Yes, it is a PB as far as I can tell!!!!

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Again A Mud Bath!

Hello blog readers.

Me and the Old Boy was up for another short run today. Next week we shall get back into our stride and head off for longer runs, we are even talking about doing a 10k together. Obviously I won't be able to keep up with the OB's pace, but I just want to be able to run 98% of it, (Or is that too 'pie in the sky for me right now?)

Any way, there we were, ready to go running, looking at the bottom path, mind thinking about Goss hill already. Then the OB starts on his 'Safety brief'. He has taken to giving these safety briefs as a bit of fun, lighten the mood. As he started though I just ran off, down the bottom path. I could hear him saying something like "You cheater!" as he started off after me.

He soon caught up with me though, and this time there was no shoe lace incident. I kept on running all the way to the little bridge before Goss Hill. We had decided not to stop before going straight up the hill. I didn't know how long I was going to run for before my I can't do it self took over my thoughts, but I was damn sure I was going to do as well as I could before she did enter my thoughts. I so wanted to stop at the bottom, gather my self together and then go as far as I could, but I also wanted to attempt to run at it after doing almost a mile.

Needles to say I didn't manage to get up it. And I think I stopped more times this time round then I did yesterday! but I have noticed that my push harder self has taken up running for the last bit of the hill, the bit that I used to always walk up because its just slightly steeper on this bit! And besides, it looks good when the OB sees me running to the top!

We had a minute stop there, and then it was back to the running. Next stop, the end! I was hoping anyway! The little hill got to me again, tut, I was so annoyed with myself! But from the top of this hill I was determined not to stop. It was downhill for goodness sake! And guess what?........go on, guess......... I didn't stop. Not till I got to the bottom.

Turned off the Garmin, and found out we were quicker this time round. Bonus!!


Me and the Old Boy fancied a quick pint of the amber nectar, so we decided to go to our usual haunt of the Tigers Head, and guess who we see, on the way, in bright yellow shirt, looking up the trees or something, but deffo not running, It was Mr. S! Hope your run went well Mr. S. If I had seen you quick enough I could have given you the nod of where we were going, (We were in the car, not running to the pub you understand)

Geeky stats.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

A Short Muddy Jog!

Hello Bloggees.

I know I missed my club run yesterday, but I was just too yucky to get my motivation going, especially after the horrendous day of wind and rain! Wasn't it awful? But I did hear that it had stopped by the time the runners went out. Thing was, someone at the club was bringing some Turkish delight for afterwards, seems I may have missed out!

Today I was feeling a bit better, but the Old Boy wasn't feeling brilliantly. He has caught my cold, and has a bit of a headache, but maybe the it was the 19 miles he had run last week...........(over the entire week mind)

We talked about, and thought about and cogitated about the route we would take, just a short one, to keep the legs from thinking they have retired from running. And we decided on the route that we done.

In through 'Dog Poo' ally and turn left. We are doing the bottom path first. Best get that over and done with. Mind you, there is always the danger that we will pick up enough 'gunk' and top soil on shoes to be able to plant out next years Kew Gardens. Extra weight on the shoes, now that must be good for toning up saddle bag thighs.

We got about 25 yards before I had to stop and re-tire my shoe laces. I must remember to double knot these laces, don't know why they come undone, but hey ho. Then it was back to the running. My thoughts on the path being muddy were right though. The most stickiest mud puddles, I am sure I saw a reservation sign on one of them for 'Harry Hippo' to chillax in later! "You're not going to blog this run, are you" the OB said, "Yes of course I am, I am here, running, heart rate monitor and Garmin on" He then said I should entitle todays blog a walk in the woods! Just because he is running 10k's now in just under an hour! I shall be doing that one day! (Its good to think big)

Heading down to the little brook now, and turning left. This is going to be a bit of a mud bath too, But I shall try not to think about that, as thoughts of Goss hill start to filter through. Will I be able to run up the hill in one go? How far before I stop? Cant the OB make it to the top today? Am I going to tell myself to run to the top? We shall see.

We had our first minute break just at the bottom of Goss Hill, being as the OB was in front of me, I don't think he realised that the mile bleep hadn't gone off yet! But I needed that bit of stop, get my mind ready and sorted, and a quick pep talk to my new 'Got to push harder' self, and then away we went.

I jogged up and got further along this time before I stopped for a very quick breather, and then pushed on again, up, up, "Think of how you felt about Goss hill when you were running down it, Old Girl" I said to myself. "How it didn't look that intimidating standing above it" I managed to run it three chunks! the walking wasn't as much as it has been. I am getting there! I will conquer this hill! Even if it kills me!

The OB was waiting at the top, (He overtook me on the hill, he lets me go up first, but now he has taken to overtaking me and waiting for me at the top" I rested at bit when I got to the top, I was quite pleased with my effort today, and I did think about Mr.S comments about looking at the old heart rate, I knew I could push it further and not keel over! "Right" says the OB after I shoved my lungs back into place, "Next stop is......" "No, I'm not saying when, in fact I want my next stop to be 'Dog Poo' Ally" I says. Blow me, can you believe I said that! "Thats good, he says thats where I was going to say" I have been talking about positive thinking with Smarty Pants, about her going further and further, so I must start practicing what I preach! Think positive, think 'I can do this' and then just see how far I get before I quit, and start nagging myself (along with the Old Boy)

So thats what we did. We must have looked professional at our running because people were standing aside to let us run past before we even got to them! I knew the hill was coming up soon, and I tried desperately to get up it. The OB was in his zone, cold bug or not, he was in the zone, albeit a bit slower, as he is running with me!, he kept running up the hill. I, of course stopped again, and walked up some of it. But from the top of this, and because it was all down hill from here, I was running! No more walking, all the way to the ally! I even put a bit of a sprint in the end, I could have gone on! I should have gone on, the Old Boy could have taken the car and met me at home! But, I think 2 and half miles, after a bit of a cold, should be enough for today, maybe do the same tomorrow, until I am feeling fit as the proverbial fiddle, and then start to increase the distance again.

Geeky stats (take the notice of the straight line, I kind of accidentally pushed the start button while checking on my resting heart rate! (Which by the way is 53 bpm!)

Monday, 5 September 2011

An Assault Course, She Says!!

Hello blog lovers,

Yes, I did have enough energy to meet up with Smarty Pants today, after all, yesterday was only a very leisurely 30 mile or so round trip. And Smarty Pants was looking forward to it, (not sure if my legs will manage the route that I have planned for her), but we can only do our best. I noticed that Smarty Pants and commented on her facebook page about todays course being like an assault course. Mmmm, Maybe we can arrange an assault course to do one day!

The weather was good, a bit breezy, but hopefully that won't hinder our jogging today, and even give us a bit of a boost up the hills. Before we started our run today I said to her "So, you think you can do the whole of the route I planned last time" And she said "Yeah, lets go for it!" So, 3 miles......and a tiny bit more..... here we come.

As you all know, it was raining yesterday, so I am expecting a few sticky muddy puddles to go through, round or whatever means we need to get passed them. But of course the first bit, being uphill, it wasn't too bad. This is a good bit of the route, I have decided, because it takes me till the end of this uphill section to get my breathing in a good rhythm.

I could hear Smarty Pants behind me, keeping pace. Its hard to believe that only last year, she was tearing off in front of me, totally focused, totally in the zone. It just shows you, that if you don't keep going its so easily lost. And then you have the struggle to get it back to where it was, and then start to improve!

We get to Botony Bay, and, being the nice kind person that I am, I asked her "So, do you think you can manage a little bit longer, or we could do the same route as last time" Again, Smarty Pants said, "lets go for it". When it's in your head to do something, I'm sure that is such a mental help to keep you on track! Maybe if Smarty Pants hadn't said at the beginning to go for it, she may have been tempted to head down to Botony Bay and head on home.

I was still being a little kind, and chose to run down Goss hill rather up hill, just so that she could have another choice a bit later on. We were running along the path to the start of Goss Hill and I heard Smarty Pants coughing and spluttering. "You ok" I said to her, worried that maybe we should have gone straight down "Yes I'm fine" she told me "I just ate a bug!" One of the drawbacks of running through woods, but if you want to see the positive in 'bug eating' the apparently there is protein in bugs.

The start of the hill. I showed SP (Smarty Pants) the seat where I crash out after running up the hill. "Shall we take a break then" she says, "Oh no, we're going down, that's all the break we need" I said.

Goss Hill don't look too intimidating when you're the boss of it. When your standing at the top looking down "yeah, take that Goss Hill" I thought to myself as I flew down the path. But then I remembered, the little trip hazards that Mr.S remarked on, and told SP about them. I can just tell that little Old Goss Hill would love it if I went flying arse over tit now!!

At the bottom, I didn't really give SP an option of going on road, I'm sure the distance is much the same, and beside running through fields and woods is so much better. We got to the little bridge over the brook, and this is where I gave the choice. Up, up, up and then the way we came earlier until we get to the right turn path, or straight down, with just a few gentle ups. And SP was still on for it. I could tell she was really thinking about it, but in the end the will to 'go for it' was stronger, and so we headed up Botony Bay to go along the new path that me and the Old Boy used. I just hope I can remember which way to go at the bottom of it!

It was a struggle for me to get up the hill again. I think the 30 miles yesterday is taking its toll, that's my excuse today folks, and a blooming good one! but SP was doing real good. she managed to run to the gate, and even some of the path after that. But after passing Coopers school again and looking up the path where we needed to go, she said "I am not running that" I don't blame her! Its a tough bit of hill, all roots and steps type of hill. Very steep! but once at the top I assured her it was all down hill till we get the the railway lines.

We turned left and headed on back to dog poo ally. A brilliant run, We both were looking like beacons glowing brightly! "That was hard" said SP, "Yes but you did it" I said to her "Well done Smarty Pants, well done!"

Geeky stats.

Friday, 2 September 2011

An Introduction to Running In the Woods

Hello blog readers.

As I said yesterday, today I was taking Smarty Pants through the woods, to show her what running in His great creation is all about! The weather couldn't have been more perfect! It was dry, and not too hot at 10 this morning. The ground I knew was going to be nice and dry. Smarty Pants was looking forward it, even as much as sending me texts about it, the day before!

We side skipped and knee jerked our way into the woods to warm up, much to the amusement of the poodle dog walker, and then we started our ascent up the hill. I didn't tell her that we would be running up hill first off, well I didn't want her to get all worried about it. We even stopped off to look at the stone erected by National trust, (Can you believe people wanted to build houses on these woods) Well, why not take in all that these gorgeous woods have to offer.

We were running quite well, not breaking any speeding records, we were both concentrating on our breathing techniques to help us get up the hills, although Smarty Pants hadn't a clue what hills I had planned! We Turned left at the top of the uphill path, and we ran on the level for a while. I could hear Smarty Pants behind me, she was doing really well, especially after coming up the hill. "The breathing is good" she said to me. I had told her about an article I had read on breathing, breathing in for two steps and out for two, which is the technique I was using, Smarty pants was doing 3:3 and she was feeling pretty good. The down hill bit before the next up hill and we just kept on running and running. I still didn't quite make it up to the top, but I can always think to my self I am saving myself for Goss Hill.

When we popped out of the path that runs along Coopers an army type just over took us and headed down Botony Bay with a rather heavy looking back pack on. "That will be us soon" I joked with Smarty Pants. From this point though I gave her the choices of routes. Four different routes from here,

1. The same route that me and the Old Boy did yesterday,
2. Run down Goss Hill and the through Jubilee, over the three bridges,
3. Down Goss hill and then back along the brook and up to the railway, or
4. Straight down Botony Bay to the railway and then back to the beginning.

Smarty Pants decided that number 4 would be just what she needed right now, she was feeling every step, but after having over a year off from running, and having a baby, I said to her that it was perfectly fine, and that she was doing well so far. Its hard getting back into something after you have stopped doing it for a while. It's so easy to lose all the fitness that you had gained before, but such a struggle to get it all back again! I know, from personal experience, which is how I have pushed myself so hard to keep going, even through the winter months, and joining a brilliant club to keep my motivation going. It feels good to be able to get Smarty Pants motivation kicked started again, and to encourage her.

Running up pass the railway lines, and pointing out that the bridge that we were passing now would have been the third of the bridges. I can hear her breathing, and she is doing very well. It has been a lovely run. A nice relaxed pace for me, and a lovely introduction to trail running for Smarty pants. A little further on the army dude passed us again. He was forced to take out his earphones and say "I'm sure I passed you two earlier, you must know a short cut" he said bemused. Now I could have said, "Nah, we were just faster than you" But I did confess in the end, that in fact we did take a short cut.

Also a little further on, towards the end of the run we bumped into 'The Whippet' Those of you who have followed my blogs will recall that me and The whippet went running earlier on in the year, in the cold, and she just totally blew me away, she was fast!, running ahead and then back to me, and the ahead and back to me. It was good to catch up again, even only for those few short minutes that we said hi.

A great, lovely, easy paced run today. I'm sure I have converted her to the whole 'running through nature at its best' running!

Geeky stats,

Thursday, 1 September 2011

A Most Perculiar Route!

Hello blog readers.

There is just no stopping this Old Girl now. I really do think that I have become a proper runner now, not that today's run was anyway near a fast pace run, there were no PB's from this evenings little jaunt, but it's just the fact that I am out here, running (or jogging, depending on if you want to go into how fast a jog or run should be) and I have a bit of a cold! I am out here thinking that a run will do me good. Even last year, if I had a bit of a cold I became a slave of the sofa and duvet in the evenings. But, after a hectic day with my gorgeous grandson, I was woken from my snooze by the Old Boy and told to go get ready!

There was no hesitation, even though there were some tiny little voices in my head saying "Go back to sleep Old Girl, you have a cold" I chose to ignore that and got myself ready.

The Old Boy had this figure of 8 route in mind. He wanted to go down a path that we always look at as we run past, and today he decided to run it. It will be interesting, its always nice to find out where paths come out at, a little mystery tour.

Also today's run was a little tester to see how the land lies, because I am taking Smarty Pants out for a run tomorrow as well. I have told her the virtues of running through the woods, the peace and quiet, the smells, just enjoying nature, and the fact that really, you don't quite realise how far you have run! But this route has several ways to shorten it up if Smarty Pants is finding it difficult. (Just like I did today!, but I won't tell her that bit!) It's a great route!

I was feeling good, my lungs were clearing of all the yucky stuff, and I was feeling better. The Old Boy did suggest if I didn't feel up to it then we could cut the route short, but I told him to carry on with the plan. I know we have ran further than what we are doing today, so I felt I could carry on with the plan.

When we came to Goss hill the Old Boy said that if I slow down then I am to step aside and he will continue up the hill and wait for me at the top. I felt ok with that, I will be able to be less hard on my self than he does. But I found that I was nagging myself more, I did walk up the hill, but I did more running than usual! And same again on the next hill!

The new path soon came, and we looked down it and the Old Boy said "New Territory, lets see when it spits us out" We didn't know if there was going to be any uphill sections, or if it was going to be totally muddy and puddles everywhere, but it was very nice! I knew we were heading in the right direction of where we needed to be, I could hear the trains! When it popped out on to a path that I knew, then I felt even better, because I knew it wasn't that far to the end!

A great run, I'm glad I went! And I am sure that Smarty Pants is going to just love this run!

Geeky stats, and note the route, it's not a figure of 8 at all, more like the scales of justice! Judging how well me and the Old Boy have been getting on with our running! He even said that he found today's run a little hard!