Thursday, 30 July 2015

Saucepan Lids and China Plates!

Hello blog lovers.

What a lovely day it has been.  Ok, so not the blazing summers day that we all love and long for when the kids are on holiday, but at least it's not raining!

This morning saw the first holiday session of Kids Games.  As you, my readers know, school time means mums and childminders, can go running.  Of course taking your 6 year olds or reluctant teenagers on a run through the woods is just not practical.  So, as I can't run anyway,  I am not allow to 'sub contract' my little charges out so I offered to have the other mums and dads children instead, and then take them for a games hour!

Makes sense to me!  I still get out, the kids get exercises and the mums and dads can go for their usual 1 hour run!  A win win situation!  The rec was teaming with people, Adele was taking her boxercise classes on the rec as well, with all her mums bringing their kids as well!  I offered to have her lot in with the kids I was looking after, but the kids had bought cards and things to play.

So with ZippySherry we started our games hour.  We had 8 children, a perfect number for 2 teams!  Reds and Blues, I know very imaginative, but I was just going with the bibs that we have, which is red and blue!

It was a great time, we had sack race, Magpie, and pyramid races with warm up drills and cool down stretches as well.  I for one can't wait for next week!  It was great fun,  and I think the kids had a great time too.

And so to this evening.  Core training session with my mates!  Tonights session was led by the Iron Fist in a Velvet Glove aka Illustrious Leader.  I was going to go a bit more harder in the running sessions that I did last week!  I still only did one lap warm up, but I know that the drills that we do will be sufficient.

And I.L. did have some drills!  All about skipping!  There were about 3 drills that all involved some sort of skipping!  Girls love skipping, the boys just tried to look as macho as they could while skipping along!  At least they could assert the masculinity again with what I.L. called the 'Sumo Squats"

With another warm up routine done, (which I.L. was barking out orders as to how we were to run up to her, i.e. butt kicking our way to her) it was ready for the first of the running sessions.  And that was pyramids, a favourite of everyone.

After that it was the core training, trying to find out where those abs are hiding!  I know mine are in there, because of those planks and leg raises, I could feel them.....hurting!  I do enjoy these sessions.  And I must try and find time during the busy holiday time to fit in at least a half hour core training session!

With the parlaufs being the last of our running section, doing that for 8 mins!  I think I managed to do two laps.  The lads did at least 3 or 4!  I tried to keep my speed up on those laps though, and my shins didn't hurt!

A great session today, a great day today!  Enjoyed all of it!  Roll on next week!

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