Hello blog lovers
I am just so disappointed, so annoyed and just a tad worried! I went out to the rec for the 7 o'clock start, see who would be there for the zero group. But no one new turned up. I knew that my regular runner wasn't going to make it, but I turn up just in case.
I was going to go home, then I thought "No, go for a run, just a short one, before usual group " And it was just as well. My right shin was really playing up. Just these spasms of pain coming and going, and hurting on impact. But on every step, which was most peculiar. I have no idea what is going on! Is it shin splints, is it not? Easy solvable with a quick chat to a professional? I do hope so.
I struggled on the 1 mile little loop around the block. I walked, jogged, walked my way around the short route, carefully making sure I didn't do anything silly! It was a struggle, and to be honest I was quite glad of the fact that I was alone!
With just a mile around the block I was wondering how I was going to cope with group 1! I got back to the rec, and stretched out, I didn't want to get cold muscles and just kept walking and making sure I didn't stiffen up.
It was good to see the girls, Jo, J.J. Wendimoo, Janet and Paula and Hannah! With Illustrious leader leading tonights run I just felt right at home! I just hoped that my legs would have the staying power. I.L. took us through the woods, which I was really pleased about as my earlier route was on the road. I was hoping the soft floor of the woods would be better on my legs than the pavements were.
I took my place at the back of the pack, sweeper mode, being up at the front these days seems so far from my goals! I am just going to have to go back to basics myself! Little, gentle and definitely see some sort of physio!
As soon as we started up the hill towards Orpington Road I knew that running on the softer ground is not going to make any difference. But being the stubborn runner that I have become, I kept going towards the top of the woods. We took a quick break at the Woodmans house and then carried on along the top towards the middle path. This is where we were going to go back down towards Poo Ally and it's where I decided I would finish my run. I.L. will be taking the rest of the group for a further mile and a half!
So, two to three miles for me this evening, and a wise decision made, i.e. seek professional advice, and feeling a tad disappointed. Blimey, how very British is that "A tad disappointed" what I really meant to say is "I am bloody disappointed!" So disappointed that I could stamp my feet, if I thought it wouldn't do any damage to my already sore bloody shins!
Ring up tomorrow, check out the docs, get myself sort! I have a race to do, and a 3 year running winning streak on my clubs Grand Prix to defend!
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