Hello blog lovers.
It's Thursday evening which means Core Training and Speed Training! I was looking forward to it, I like to push myself on the Thursday evenings, whether its in the rec or on the track. Jenny was in the hot seat today with her second in command Drill Sergeant Pinky, ZippySherry's little daughter!
There must have been about 18 or so of us there today all eager to do well in todays session, do all the tasks that there is going to be! I had bought my car along today as I had to get petrol on the way back but the car park was chocka block with cars! I had to park on the road, So I ran up the entrance just in time as I saw the rest of the group start out on the warm up laps!
We had the usual drills after that and then there was this little speed session, jogging for 10 seconds sprinting for ten seconds, then jogging for 15 seconds and sprinting for 15 seconds, all the way up to 45 seconds sprinting! That was tough! I was struggling a bit with the short distance between the cones that I struggled with. I found myself running along a square rather than back and forth, one cone to anther.
Then it was the games section. British Bulldog, as asked for by Drill Sergeant Pinky! I did notice, however that she didn't put herself in the bulldog position! That was down to Jenny. I remember when I was first in the bulldog position on the first run I didn't actually 'tag' anyone, so I had to do another one by myself! Where as Jenny 'tagged' someone straight away, meaning she had help for the next run!
Core training is always a great section, and we started off with those dreaded burpees straight away. I amuses me that we all moan like anything when we are doing it, but we do it with a smile on our face! It's tough, and I was trying my hardest to do the best burpees I could so that I could get maximum benefit from each one!
We had about five or six disciplines to do which we all did, and then Jenny said "Right do it all again" What!? So there we were, doing more burpees, squats an everything else! While we were doing this Drill Sergeant Pinky was wandering about the circle of people telling them to "do more, do the full press ups" "She will be poking us with a stick next" I said to all my fellow exercisers. and with that she went of towards the trees and came back with the biggest stick that I ever see a little girl could pick up!
After all of that we did some relay running for about 20 minutes, with the batons and boy was that tough! But good fun, I did have a little bit of competitiveness when I was running along against my fellow no.2, all I could think was thank goodness that my team mates no.1 (there were two number ones in our group as we had extra man), as he could fly round and hand me the baton. Mind you, by the end of it I did wish that pinkshirt lady (the other no.1) had the baton, then I could have rested longer!
A great session, really enjoyed it! And I am sure I did as much as I could!
Only just caught up on your recent posts and seen the mention of Drill Sergeant Pinky. She'll be chuffed she made it into your blog.