I am really determined to get fitter than ever! Well, at this precise moment that is exactly what I am feeling! But when it came to do something about it this morning I began procrastinating.....again! Why do I always do that? I know that once it's all done then I will feel good, I can get showered, and continue on with my day! But no, I find something interesting to read on my news feed, I just have to reply and like and share a particular video. Say happy birthdays, do washing, pick up that bit of fluff from the floor, wander just one last time in Big Sons bedroom and wonder if he will make it out in the big wide world without me nagging him (Big Son moved out just this weekend). This empty nest syndrome is not a nice feeling!
A job well done, a tough job but one that I have been busy at for 30 years, a mum, has come to the end. So new regime, think of me, think fitter, think healthier! But oh I do miss him and my two girls and grandson!
First things first, trainers on and a warm up lap of the block. That always works for our Thursday core training sessions, so off I went. My body felt stiff and unco-operative, my legs didn't want to bend, my ankles refused to bend and my back gave me yet another little spasm type thing between my shoulders blades! But I am not going to let that put me off, at least one hour of activity, which will include warm up, core thingys and a cool down stretch with some r&r thrown in at the end!
My jog around the block took no time at all and I came back raring to go! I hadn't a clue what I was going to do or in what order I was going to do it. But I knew that I was going to concentrate on the whole body, conditioning and strengthening everything! I may even throw in a few pelvic floor exercises, but maybe that is something I should just tell my gynaecologist about!
I did a few ups and down running from my kitchen to my sitting room butt kicking, and skipping, getting my muscles all warmed up and ready for the hell that I am going to put them through. I was certainly getting warm! And now it was time for the conditioning!
Where is the first place an ex couch potato goes when they don't really want to do anything? It's the food cupboards right, and that's exactly what I did. I grabbed a couple of tins of beans and started to do my squats with arms out front, a tin of beans in each hand, legs and arms working together.
I had my iPod on and I was working out, in rhythm to some great tunes, I did some more arm exercises with the beans in my hands and the sweat was pouring from me! For a moment I had thought that the heating had come on! I was sweating like I was in a sauna. I was quite proud of the fact that I was too, it shows that I can work hard by myself, in fact I took a picture, here look!
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Looking rather hot.....? |
I know not very attractive! But to me it shows me that I was working hard. Smug mode! I did some of the burpees that I just hate, and kept it going to then end of a song I was listening too. Then it was some floor exercises. Planks, press ups, leg raise/lower, and some ab twists. I felt like a professional, I can tell you. I am sure I didn't do many of each, but what I did was quality instead. Holding the positions for longer, performing each exercise slowly to maximise the movement.
My abs were screaming by the time I did that so it was back to some more all over exercises, which in this case was the whole sun salutations things. Next it was arms. I pulled up a chair and put it against the wall, I was going to do some triceps dips. Again with the music blaring in my ears I did as many as I could. Back to some leg work to finish off. And this is one that Emma showed us when it was her turn for a Thursday core training session. It was to put you back against the wall and then slide down to a sitting position, with the invisible chair underneath you! And hold! I was listen to a great tune, this is the only one that I can remember singing along to as I tried to ignore the pain in my thighs, Juke Box Hero!
I was belting out the lyrics like a boss, my thighs were screaming at me to either fall in a heap on the floor or to stand! I ignored the pain, I screamed out as my thighs began to shake and burn. I didn't want to quit until until I sang that last note! OMG! that fecking hurt!
I stood up, thighs burning, sweat dripping into my eyes and I felt pleased. My cool down stretches consisted of some lovely ham string, calves and quads stretches. Also some stretches on the floor, listening to a great piece of soothing music. I pushed the button to go back to the beginning of the soothing music and just laid out on my back, relaxing everything, from my toes to my ears and eyes! I let the music just drift over me as, each in turn I relaxed my toes, and ankles, my calves, knees and thighs. I tensed each muscle as I thought about it and then let it relax and just melt into my sofa as I thought about the next muscle.
My back, and fingers and hands, I clenched into a fist and let it go. my shoulders round up and down and then relaxed! The music was taking me into a nice peaceful gentle relaxation. I could feel my whole body just feeling relaxed.
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After relaxation |
Yup. I did it! I worked out hard and a totally relaxed afterwards. About an hours worth. I put my Garmin on with my heart rate monitor, I wanted to see how hard I had worked and how relaxed I could be after. I noticed that my heart rate touched on 57 as I was totally relaxed forjust a second! Now that's relaxed.
And just cos of sheer vanity, another picture of me after showering and everything. Just five minutes after all that exercise......yeah!! I lie of course! It was a least 10!
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Five minutes after!.....Honest..... |
Geeky stats. Untitled by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details
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