Hello blog lovers.
Sometimes I am real glad that group 0 is here. Sometimes you really do need to 'Be still and know" "How can you be still and yet run" I hear you all saying. Well, today I think Auriol and I achieved just that.
Auriol's son is very poorly in hospital, and for the past 2 weeks that has been where her and the rest of her family have been. There has been no running for her, there has been plenty of worrying, tossing and turning and toing and froing to the hospitals.
But today, this evening she took time out. I picked her up in my car and we drove to the rec. I already knew that Kim wasn't going to make it, and I wasn't sure if any new comers would be there, but we arrived early. Which I was glad about, because there was time for prayer for her son and the rest of the family, and it was good to pray with her.
Be still and know! To have your mind not focused on anything, to be restful, relaxed yet running through the woods. Totally at peace and reliant on Him for just those few moments when you can put aside, feel free to able to run and let Him do his work! That was todays run, just the three of us, Auriol, me and Him.
I had planned a short run, just about 2 ish miles, but with the option of an extra bit if Auriol was up for it. Getting the hill out of the way at the beginning while we were still feeling fresh and strong. My shins were not complaining too much so I wasn't going to push on through any sort of pain barrier. I described the sort of ache I have to Auriol, and its like a bruise that you have on a fleshy part of you, like your gluteus maximus. When you run and it wobbles, you just know that is a bruise there, well that is the sort of ache I have in my shins.
We had a great run through the woods. Running up non stop with the first hill by the rail lines taking a little walk once we got to the top. We chatted as we walked a bit. and then as soon as we were ready we started running along. The rain that we had at the weekend hadn't made the ground soggy, it was just perfect for running. There were just a couple of muddy bits where the horses had churned it up, but otherwise it was just great.
We got to the top of the woods, with the middle path on our left, but I could tell that Auriol could go on for a bit longer, and I was feeling pretty good too, so we ran along to Botany Bay Lane. We were chatting all the way, so it was a nice social paced run, perfect for me and perfect for Auriol.
We both were still not ready to go back to the rec so we ran along the path at the back of Coopers School to Goss Hill, bringing us to this fantastic scene really, a field with tall trees in the background, the top of a steeple reaching skyward. The bored looking cattle lazily grazing on the grass they were standing on. What a life that is, just go out side, stand and eat! Could it get any better than that!.......is what my old couch potato would be saying!
With just the run along by the river to do and the last half mile back to the rec, we ran, we talked, and at times we were still. Still in our minds, praying.
Psalm 46:10 Be still and know, that I am God.
Geeky stats.
Group 0 run by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details
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