Hello blog lovers.
What a lovely day it has been. Ok, so not the blazing summers day that we all love and long for when the kids are on holiday, but at least it's not raining!
This morning saw the first holiday session of Kids Games. As you, my readers know, school time means mums and childminders, can go running. Of course taking your 6 year olds or reluctant teenagers on a run through the woods is just not practical. So, as I can't run anyway, I am not allow to 'sub contract' my little charges out so I offered to have the other mums and dads children instead, and then take them for a games hour!
Makes sense to me! I still get out, the kids get exercises and the mums and dads can go for their usual 1 hour run! A win win situation! The rec was teaming with people, Adele was taking her boxercise classes on the rec as well, with all her mums bringing their kids as well! I offered to have her lot in with the kids I was looking after, but the kids had bought cards and things to play.
So with ZippySherry we started our games hour. We had 8 children, a perfect number for 2 teams! Reds and Blues, I know very imaginative, but I was just going with the bibs that we have, which is red and blue!
It was a great time, we had sack race, Magpie, and pyramid races with warm up drills and cool down stretches as well. I for one can't wait for next week! It was great fun, and I think the kids had a great time too.
And so to this evening. Core training session with my mates! Tonights session was led by the Iron Fist in a Velvet Glove aka Illustrious Leader. I was going to go a bit more harder in the running sessions that I did last week! I still only did one lap warm up, but I know that the drills that we do will be sufficient.
And I.L. did have some drills! All about skipping! There were about 3 drills that all involved some sort of skipping! Girls love skipping, the boys just tried to look as macho as they could while skipping along! At least they could assert the masculinity again with what I.L. called the 'Sumo Squats"
With another warm up routine done, (which I.L. was barking out orders as to how we were to run up to her, i.e. butt kicking our way to her) it was ready for the first of the running sessions. And that was pyramids, a favourite of everyone.
After that it was the core training, trying to find out where those abs are hiding! I know mine are in there, because of those planks and leg raises, I could feel them.....hurting! I do enjoy these sessions. And I must try and find time during the busy holiday time to fit in at least a half hour core training session!
With the parlaufs being the last of our running section, doing that for 8 mins! I think I managed to do two laps. The lads did at least 3 or 4! I tried to keep my speed up on those laps though, and my shins didn't hurt!
A great session today, a great day today! Enjoyed all of it! Roll on next week!
I am loving running. I can say that with almost true conviction. After all, if I didn't love it, then I wouldn't still be writing this blog, right? So dive in, enjoy the ramblings of my open diary.
Thursday, 30 July 2015
Tuesday, 28 July 2015
Be Still And Know!
Hello blog lovers.
Sometimes I am real glad that group 0 is here. Sometimes you really do need to 'Be still and know" "How can you be still and yet run" I hear you all saying. Well, today I think Auriol and I achieved just that.
Auriol's son is very poorly in hospital, and for the past 2 weeks that has been where her and the rest of her family have been. There has been no running for her, there has been plenty of worrying, tossing and turning and toing and froing to the hospitals.
But today, this evening she took time out. I picked her up in my car and we drove to the rec. I already knew that Kim wasn't going to make it, and I wasn't sure if any new comers would be there, but we arrived early. Which I was glad about, because there was time for prayer for her son and the rest of the family, and it was good to pray with her.
Be still and know! To have your mind not focused on anything, to be restful, relaxed yet running through the woods. Totally at peace and reliant on Him for just those few moments when you can put aside, feel free to able to run and let Him do his work! That was todays run, just the three of us, Auriol, me and Him.
I had planned a short run, just about 2 ish miles, but with the option of an extra bit if Auriol was up for it. Getting the hill out of the way at the beginning while we were still feeling fresh and strong. My shins were not complaining too much so I wasn't going to push on through any sort of pain barrier. I described the sort of ache I have to Auriol, and its like a bruise that you have on a fleshy part of you, like your gluteus maximus. When you run and it wobbles, you just know that is a bruise there, well that is the sort of ache I have in my shins.
We had a great run through the woods. Running up non stop with the first hill by the rail lines taking a little walk once we got to the top. We chatted as we walked a bit. and then as soon as we were ready we started running along. The rain that we had at the weekend hadn't made the ground soggy, it was just perfect for running. There were just a couple of muddy bits where the horses had churned it up, but otherwise it was just great.
We got to the top of the woods, with the middle path on our left, but I could tell that Auriol could go on for a bit longer, and I was feeling pretty good too, so we ran along to Botany Bay Lane. We were chatting all the way, so it was a nice social paced run, perfect for me and perfect for Auriol.
We both were still not ready to go back to the rec so we ran along the path at the back of Coopers School to Goss Hill, bringing us to this fantastic scene really, a field with tall trees in the background, the top of a steeple reaching skyward. The bored looking cattle lazily grazing on the grass they were standing on. What a life that is, just go out side, stand and eat! Could it get any better than that!.......is what my old couch potato would be saying!
With just the run along by the river to do and the last half mile back to the rec, we ran, we talked, and at times we were still. Still in our minds, praying.
Psalm 46:10 Be still and know, that I am God.
Geeky stats.
Group 0 run by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details
Sometimes I am real glad that group 0 is here. Sometimes you really do need to 'Be still and know" "How can you be still and yet run" I hear you all saying. Well, today I think Auriol and I achieved just that.
Auriol's son is very poorly in hospital, and for the past 2 weeks that has been where her and the rest of her family have been. There has been no running for her, there has been plenty of worrying, tossing and turning and toing and froing to the hospitals.
But today, this evening she took time out. I picked her up in my car and we drove to the rec. I already knew that Kim wasn't going to make it, and I wasn't sure if any new comers would be there, but we arrived early. Which I was glad about, because there was time for prayer for her son and the rest of the family, and it was good to pray with her.
Be still and know! To have your mind not focused on anything, to be restful, relaxed yet running through the woods. Totally at peace and reliant on Him for just those few moments when you can put aside, feel free to able to run and let Him do his work! That was todays run, just the three of us, Auriol, me and Him.
I had planned a short run, just about 2 ish miles, but with the option of an extra bit if Auriol was up for it. Getting the hill out of the way at the beginning while we were still feeling fresh and strong. My shins were not complaining too much so I wasn't going to push on through any sort of pain barrier. I described the sort of ache I have to Auriol, and its like a bruise that you have on a fleshy part of you, like your gluteus maximus. When you run and it wobbles, you just know that is a bruise there, well that is the sort of ache I have in my shins.
We had a great run through the woods. Running up non stop with the first hill by the rail lines taking a little walk once we got to the top. We chatted as we walked a bit. and then as soon as we were ready we started running along. The rain that we had at the weekend hadn't made the ground soggy, it was just perfect for running. There were just a couple of muddy bits where the horses had churned it up, but otherwise it was just great.
We got to the top of the woods, with the middle path on our left, but I could tell that Auriol could go on for a bit longer, and I was feeling pretty good too, so we ran along to Botany Bay Lane. We were chatting all the way, so it was a nice social paced run, perfect for me and perfect for Auriol.
We both were still not ready to go back to the rec so we ran along the path at the back of Coopers School to Goss Hill, bringing us to this fantastic scene really, a field with tall trees in the background, the top of a steeple reaching skyward. The bored looking cattle lazily grazing on the grass they were standing on. What a life that is, just go out side, stand and eat! Could it get any better than that!.......is what my old couch potato would be saying!
With just the run along by the river to do and the last half mile back to the rec, we ran, we talked, and at times we were still. Still in our minds, praying.
Psalm 46:10 Be still and know, that I am God.
Geeky stats.
Group 0 run by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details
Monday, 27 July 2015
Sunday Soggy Solo
Hello blog lovers.
I know I am a little late in writing up me blog, but what's a day between friends? So yesterday saw me out running, on me own, in the rain! I was a little jel when I read that SingstarJo and friends were all going our running early Sunday morning. I can't do earlys as I go to church! Or at least I could if I get up early enough, then be able to run get back in time and all spruced up ready for church! But that has only ever happened once!.........I actually enjoyed it, and I should make myself do it again!
I was 'made' to think about running yesterday after reading through my FaceBook newsfeed and saw a mates status update, 215 miles on a bike, over night, 5 hours of rain! My itsy bitsy little run through a 'heavy mist' is just not comparable,! "What is the hardship....eh..... no really?" That is what I was said to myself, by the way!
Anyway, just as I always do, I procrastinate! I should get on with my writing. I was the same yesterday when I decided that I was going to go for a gentle run. I found things to do! The washing needed loading, the bread needed throwing to the birds. Anything but getting out in the wet.
Finally I got out of the house, wearing my old trainers, I was thinking that the extra bit of cushioning would help me with softening the impact on my shins. I am still hoping its not the dreaded shin splints and it's something completely different. But who knows.
My route was an old favourite of mine, just 3 miles or so, not through the woods and it has been so very wet these past couple of days, and I wasn't quite sure how slippery it would be in there! So it's the Turpington loop for me.
Although it was raining it was kind of warm, I was glad that I didn't put on long pants and a rain jacket! Totally unnecessary really, because no matter what, I am going to get wet! At first I could feel the little niggles in my shin, it's only the right shin that is worse, the left I can hardly feel any sort of niggle. But then my knee wanted to join in the moaning and groaning. I just thought that if I just kept going all the complaining will stop.
And actually, to some extent, it did! My shins didn't feel half as bad as they did when I ran on Tuesday evening with group 1and I had to abandon half way through. So maybe it's all psychosomatic, it's all in my mind, my mind is procrastinating! So I just carried on my run.
I went up Southborough lane and I saw Nicholas the Italian stallion, with his two little ponies, waiting for a bus. I had a quick stop to chat and say hello and then I carried on. Of course I had to make sure I was running along until I saw the bus past me! I didn't want them to spot me walking along, he would totally talk about me on FaceBook!
So I just ran, and kept an ear out for the sound of a bus coming up from behind me. They usually are about 10 mins or so apart, I was presuming they had been there for maybe five minutes already, so giving the fact that I was running about 12-12.15 min mileing, the bus is another 5 mins away,.............think.....think.......I am no good at maths! I was just praying that the bus would come quickly! It didn't. It got to me when I was near the bus stop at Turpington lane!
I had to keep running while it parked up to drop passengers off, I couldn't see them looking out of the windows, but I just kept running, just in case they were! So by the time the bus was out of sight I was on top of Turpington lane! So that was good. I was pleased with that.
I was trying to keep my running going all the way, that was my aim when I left, I do try and challenge myself! But of course I didn't meet it. I had a couple of walks on the way back, but not as many as used to have! So maybe I am getting better with the stamina thing! Just a blooming shame about the shins!! I was a bit concerned though, when I got back to the bus stop the Nicholas and his boys were at, because now there were men in orange jackets repairing it!
What did you do to the bus stop Nicholas?!
I got back home, I didn't break any records, but then again, I wasn't planning too! Maybe next time, when I find out whats wrong with these legs of mine!
Geeky stats.
Sunday solo by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details
I know I am a little late in writing up me blog, but what's a day between friends? So yesterday saw me out running, on me own, in the rain! I was a little jel when I read that SingstarJo and friends were all going our running early Sunday morning. I can't do earlys as I go to church! Or at least I could if I get up early enough, then be able to run get back in time and all spruced up ready for church! But that has only ever happened once!.........I actually enjoyed it, and I should make myself do it again!
I was 'made' to think about running yesterday after reading through my FaceBook newsfeed and saw a mates status update, 215 miles on a bike, over night, 5 hours of rain! My itsy bitsy little run through a 'heavy mist' is just not comparable,! "What is the hardship....eh..... no really?" That is what I was said to myself, by the way!
Anyway, just as I always do, I procrastinate! I should get on with my writing. I was the same yesterday when I decided that I was going to go for a gentle run. I found things to do! The washing needed loading, the bread needed throwing to the birds. Anything but getting out in the wet.
Finally I got out of the house, wearing my old trainers, I was thinking that the extra bit of cushioning would help me with softening the impact on my shins. I am still hoping its not the dreaded shin splints and it's something completely different. But who knows.
My route was an old favourite of mine, just 3 miles or so, not through the woods and it has been so very wet these past couple of days, and I wasn't quite sure how slippery it would be in there! So it's the Turpington loop for me.
Although it was raining it was kind of warm, I was glad that I didn't put on long pants and a rain jacket! Totally unnecessary really, because no matter what, I am going to get wet! At first I could feel the little niggles in my shin, it's only the right shin that is worse, the left I can hardly feel any sort of niggle. But then my knee wanted to join in the moaning and groaning. I just thought that if I just kept going all the complaining will stop.
And actually, to some extent, it did! My shins didn't feel half as bad as they did when I ran on Tuesday evening with group 1and I had to abandon half way through. So maybe it's all psychosomatic, it's all in my mind, my mind is procrastinating! So I just carried on my run.
I went up Southborough lane and I saw Nicholas the Italian stallion, with his two little ponies, waiting for a bus. I had a quick stop to chat and say hello and then I carried on. Of course I had to make sure I was running along until I saw the bus past me! I didn't want them to spot me walking along, he would totally talk about me on FaceBook!
So I just ran, and kept an ear out for the sound of a bus coming up from behind me. They usually are about 10 mins or so apart, I was presuming they had been there for maybe five minutes already, so giving the fact that I was running about 12-12.15 min mileing, the bus is another 5 mins away,.............think.....think.......I am no good at maths! I was just praying that the bus would come quickly! It didn't. It got to me when I was near the bus stop at Turpington lane!
I had to keep running while it parked up to drop passengers off, I couldn't see them looking out of the windows, but I just kept running, just in case they were! So by the time the bus was out of sight I was on top of Turpington lane! So that was good. I was pleased with that.
I was trying to keep my running going all the way, that was my aim when I left, I do try and challenge myself! But of course I didn't meet it. I had a couple of walks on the way back, but not as many as used to have! So maybe I am getting better with the stamina thing! Just a blooming shame about the shins!! I was a bit concerned though, when I got back to the bus stop the Nicholas and his boys were at, because now there were men in orange jackets repairing it!
What did you do to the bus stop Nicholas?!
I got back home, I didn't break any records, but then again, I wasn't planning too! Maybe next time, when I find out whats wrong with these legs of mine!
Geeky stats.
Sunday solo by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details
Thursday, 23 July 2015
Core Training!
Hello blog lovers.
Well, I know I should be resting, but I promise I did take things very gentle indeed. I just had to do something, sitting around, on my chair is become all to easy! I don't want to get to the stage where I find going out to be a chore.
I am really getting down about these aches in my shins. Not knowing what the problem is and trying to self diagnose is not good. I will be looking for a physiotherapist to try and help me figure it all out! So in the meantime, with no diagnosis I am just continuing to do what I can, keeping my cycling as fun still, rather than a work out! All though those hills are a workout of course.
Core training is obviously just that, getting this core of mine taught, like a washboard, strong! I can dream! But I do know that if I have a strong core it will help with my running and my cycling! I really got to work as hard as I can! The school holidays are playing havoc on my exercise regime.
Just before the holidays I decided to do some core training at home. Get home from a school run, work out for an hour and then get on with the day. I think psychologically I must have chosen that day knowing that I couldn't continue it for a few weeks! Lazy!
So, the running sections of todays session, which was led by the lovely DiscoRich, was taken at a very leisurely pace indeed, not even breaking into a sweat. I didn't even run as far as the rest of them, I was just there keeping my muscles warm, and making sure they don't forget whose boss!
The disciplines we did I tried my very hardest to execute them properly and to keep up with everyone. Everyone that is except Veeral. The man is a machine! He is fast, he is fit, and he seems to do the disciplines at double time! I did find the side plank a little difficult, and I blame my thighs! Although my hips were off the floor, and I tried my hardes to keep just to points of contact with the floor, arm and foot, my thighs are not made of muscle, they are made of fat, and all fat wants to is, have contact with with......something, whether its a chair, a bed or flat out on a field in my local park!
I think there may have been 2 or three centimetres between my thighs and the ground! It's a gap, you can pass a fishing line under and I can only hope that soon, very soon it will be slightly thicker fishing line that can go under!
After that we did our favourite paarloofs or relays. Both me and Hannah were surplus to requirements and so we became additions No.1's and No.3s. At least I can run at my own pace and not leave anyone waiting for me to hand over the baton! We were doing that for 15 minutes! I was running along with Hollie, a young lady some where in between the age of 18 - 30 (according to her students) is just getting back to her former fitness level. She has done brilliantly losing loads of weight and exercising frequently. She was running faster than me as I was just taking it easy! But we had a great time! We didn't hold anyone up too long!
Well, I survived todays Thursday core sesh, my shins don't seem to be complaining anymore than they did before I had begun. Maybe my self diagnosis is wrong, and they is something else that is causing these aches! I hope so! I can already feel the fat cells ganging up on me on the inside! Couch potato is calling in all the favours to try and win the day! But I WILL NOT LET IT!
Well, I know I should be resting, but I promise I did take things very gentle indeed. I just had to do something, sitting around, on my chair is become all to easy! I don't want to get to the stage where I find going out to be a chore.
I am really getting down about these aches in my shins. Not knowing what the problem is and trying to self diagnose is not good. I will be looking for a physiotherapist to try and help me figure it all out! So in the meantime, with no diagnosis I am just continuing to do what I can, keeping my cycling as fun still, rather than a work out! All though those hills are a workout of course.
Core training is obviously just that, getting this core of mine taught, like a washboard, strong! I can dream! But I do know that if I have a strong core it will help with my running and my cycling! I really got to work as hard as I can! The school holidays are playing havoc on my exercise regime.
Just before the holidays I decided to do some core training at home. Get home from a school run, work out for an hour and then get on with the day. I think psychologically I must have chosen that day knowing that I couldn't continue it for a few weeks! Lazy!
So, the running sections of todays session, which was led by the lovely DiscoRich, was taken at a very leisurely pace indeed, not even breaking into a sweat. I didn't even run as far as the rest of them, I was just there keeping my muscles warm, and making sure they don't forget whose boss!
The disciplines we did I tried my very hardest to execute them properly and to keep up with everyone. Everyone that is except Veeral. The man is a machine! He is fast, he is fit, and he seems to do the disciplines at double time! I did find the side plank a little difficult, and I blame my thighs! Although my hips were off the floor, and I tried my hardes to keep just to points of contact with the floor, arm and foot, my thighs are not made of muscle, they are made of fat, and all fat wants to is, have contact with with......something, whether its a chair, a bed or flat out on a field in my local park!
I think there may have been 2 or three centimetres between my thighs and the ground! It's a gap, you can pass a fishing line under and I can only hope that soon, very soon it will be slightly thicker fishing line that can go under!
After that we did our favourite paarloofs or relays. Both me and Hannah were surplus to requirements and so we became additions No.1's and No.3s. At least I can run at my own pace and not leave anyone waiting for me to hand over the baton! We were doing that for 15 minutes! I was running along with Hollie, a young lady some where in between the age of 18 - 30 (according to her students) is just getting back to her former fitness level. She has done brilliantly losing loads of weight and exercising frequently. She was running faster than me as I was just taking it easy! But we had a great time! We didn't hold anyone up too long!
Well, I survived todays Thursday core sesh, my shins don't seem to be complaining anymore than they did before I had begun. Maybe my self diagnosis is wrong, and they is something else that is causing these aches! I hope so! I can already feel the fat cells ganging up on me on the inside! Couch potato is calling in all the favours to try and win the day! But I WILL NOT LET IT!
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
Hello blog lovers
I am just so disappointed, so annoyed and just a tad worried! I went out to the rec for the 7 o'clock start, see who would be there for the zero group. But no one new turned up. I knew that my regular runner wasn't going to make it, but I turn up just in case.
I was going to go home, then I thought "No, go for a run, just a short one, before usual group " And it was just as well. My right shin was really playing up. Just these spasms of pain coming and going, and hurting on impact. But on every step, which was most peculiar. I have no idea what is going on! Is it shin splints, is it not? Easy solvable with a quick chat to a professional? I do hope so.
I struggled on the 1 mile little loop around the block. I walked, jogged, walked my way around the short route, carefully making sure I didn't do anything silly! It was a struggle, and to be honest I was quite glad of the fact that I was alone!
With just a mile around the block I was wondering how I was going to cope with group 1! I got back to the rec, and stretched out, I didn't want to get cold muscles and just kept walking and making sure I didn't stiffen up.
It was good to see the girls, Jo, J.J. Wendimoo, Janet and Paula and Hannah! With Illustrious leader leading tonights run I just felt right at home! I just hoped that my legs would have the staying power. I.L. took us through the woods, which I was really pleased about as my earlier route was on the road. I was hoping the soft floor of the woods would be better on my legs than the pavements were.
I took my place at the back of the pack, sweeper mode, being up at the front these days seems so far from my goals! I am just going to have to go back to basics myself! Little, gentle and definitely see some sort of physio!
As soon as we started up the hill towards Orpington Road I knew that running on the softer ground is not going to make any difference. But being the stubborn runner that I have become, I kept going towards the top of the woods. We took a quick break at the Woodmans house and then carried on along the top towards the middle path. This is where we were going to go back down towards Poo Ally and it's where I decided I would finish my run. I.L. will be taking the rest of the group for a further mile and a half!
So, two to three miles for me this evening, and a wise decision made, i.e. seek professional advice, and feeling a tad disappointed. Blimey, how very British is that "A tad disappointed" what I really meant to say is "I am bloody disappointed!" So disappointed that I could stamp my feet, if I thought it wouldn't do any damage to my already sore bloody shins!
Ring up tomorrow, check out the docs, get myself sort! I have a race to do, and a 3 year running winning streak on my clubs Grand Prix to defend!
I am just so disappointed, so annoyed and just a tad worried! I went out to the rec for the 7 o'clock start, see who would be there for the zero group. But no one new turned up. I knew that my regular runner wasn't going to make it, but I turn up just in case.
I was going to go home, then I thought "No, go for a run, just a short one, before usual group " And it was just as well. My right shin was really playing up. Just these spasms of pain coming and going, and hurting on impact. But on every step, which was most peculiar. I have no idea what is going on! Is it shin splints, is it not? Easy solvable with a quick chat to a professional? I do hope so.
I struggled on the 1 mile little loop around the block. I walked, jogged, walked my way around the short route, carefully making sure I didn't do anything silly! It was a struggle, and to be honest I was quite glad of the fact that I was alone!
With just a mile around the block I was wondering how I was going to cope with group 1! I got back to the rec, and stretched out, I didn't want to get cold muscles and just kept walking and making sure I didn't stiffen up.
It was good to see the girls, Jo, J.J. Wendimoo, Janet and Paula and Hannah! With Illustrious leader leading tonights run I just felt right at home! I just hoped that my legs would have the staying power. I.L. took us through the woods, which I was really pleased about as my earlier route was on the road. I was hoping the soft floor of the woods would be better on my legs than the pavements were.
I took my place at the back of the pack, sweeper mode, being up at the front these days seems so far from my goals! I am just going to have to go back to basics myself! Little, gentle and definitely see some sort of physio!
As soon as we started up the hill towards Orpington Road I knew that running on the softer ground is not going to make any difference. But being the stubborn runner that I have become, I kept going towards the top of the woods. We took a quick break at the Woodmans house and then carried on along the top towards the middle path. This is where we were going to go back down towards Poo Ally and it's where I decided I would finish my run. I.L. will be taking the rest of the group for a further mile and a half!
So, two to three miles for me this evening, and a wise decision made, i.e. seek professional advice, and feeling a tad disappointed. Blimey, how very British is that "A tad disappointed" what I really meant to say is "I am bloody disappointed!" So disappointed that I could stamp my feet, if I thought it wouldn't do any damage to my already sore bloody shins!
Ring up tomorrow, check out the docs, get myself sort! I have a race to do, and a 3 year running winning streak on my clubs Grand Prix to defend!
Thursday, 16 July 2015
One More For Today!
Hello blog lovers.
It's Thursday evening which means Core Training and Speed Training! I was looking forward to it, I like to push myself on the Thursday evenings, whether its in the rec or on the track. Jenny was in the hot seat today with her second in command Drill Sergeant Pinky, ZippySherry's little daughter!
There must have been about 18 or so of us there today all eager to do well in todays session, do all the tasks that there is going to be! I had bought my car along today as I had to get petrol on the way back but the car park was chocka block with cars! I had to park on the road, So I ran up the entrance just in time as I saw the rest of the group start out on the warm up laps!
We had the usual drills after that and then there was this little speed session, jogging for 10 seconds sprinting for ten seconds, then jogging for 15 seconds and sprinting for 15 seconds, all the way up to 45 seconds sprinting! That was tough! I was struggling a bit with the short distance between the cones that I struggled with. I found myself running along a square rather than back and forth, one cone to anther.
Then it was the games section. British Bulldog, as asked for by Drill Sergeant Pinky! I did notice, however that she didn't put herself in the bulldog position! That was down to Jenny. I remember when I was first in the bulldog position on the first run I didn't actually 'tag' anyone, so I had to do another one by myself! Where as Jenny 'tagged' someone straight away, meaning she had help for the next run!
Core training is always a great section, and we started off with those dreaded burpees straight away. I amuses me that we all moan like anything when we are doing it, but we do it with a smile on our face! It's tough, and I was trying my hardest to do the best burpees I could so that I could get maximum benefit from each one!
We had about five or six disciplines to do which we all did, and then Jenny said "Right do it all again" What!? So there we were, doing more burpees, squats an everything else! While we were doing this Drill Sergeant Pinky was wandering about the circle of people telling them to "do more, do the full press ups" "She will be poking us with a stick next" I said to all my fellow exercisers. and with that she went of towards the trees and came back with the biggest stick that I ever see a little girl could pick up!
After all of that we did some relay running for about 20 minutes, with the batons and boy was that tough! But good fun, I did have a little bit of competitiveness when I was running along against my fellow no.2, all I could think was thank goodness that my team mates no.1 (there were two number ones in our group as we had extra man), as he could fly round and hand me the baton. Mind you, by the end of it I did wish that pinkshirt lady (the other no.1) had the baton, then I could have rested longer!
A great session, really enjoyed it! And I am sure I did as much as I could!
It's Thursday evening which means Core Training and Speed Training! I was looking forward to it, I like to push myself on the Thursday evenings, whether its in the rec or on the track. Jenny was in the hot seat today with her second in command Drill Sergeant Pinky, ZippySherry's little daughter!
There must have been about 18 or so of us there today all eager to do well in todays session, do all the tasks that there is going to be! I had bought my car along today as I had to get petrol on the way back but the car park was chocka block with cars! I had to park on the road, So I ran up the entrance just in time as I saw the rest of the group start out on the warm up laps!
We had the usual drills after that and then there was this little speed session, jogging for 10 seconds sprinting for ten seconds, then jogging for 15 seconds and sprinting for 15 seconds, all the way up to 45 seconds sprinting! That was tough! I was struggling a bit with the short distance between the cones that I struggled with. I found myself running along a square rather than back and forth, one cone to anther.
Then it was the games section. British Bulldog, as asked for by Drill Sergeant Pinky! I did notice, however that she didn't put herself in the bulldog position! That was down to Jenny. I remember when I was first in the bulldog position on the first run I didn't actually 'tag' anyone, so I had to do another one by myself! Where as Jenny 'tagged' someone straight away, meaning she had help for the next run!
Core training is always a great section, and we started off with those dreaded burpees straight away. I amuses me that we all moan like anything when we are doing it, but we do it with a smile on our face! It's tough, and I was trying my hardest to do the best burpees I could so that I could get maximum benefit from each one!
We had about five or six disciplines to do which we all did, and then Jenny said "Right do it all again" What!? So there we were, doing more burpees, squats an everything else! While we were doing this Drill Sergeant Pinky was wandering about the circle of people telling them to "do more, do the full press ups" "She will be poking us with a stick next" I said to all my fellow exercisers. and with that she went of towards the trees and came back with the biggest stick that I ever see a little girl could pick up!
After all of that we did some relay running for about 20 minutes, with the batons and boy was that tough! But good fun, I did have a little bit of competitiveness when I was running along against my fellow no.2, all I could think was thank goodness that my team mates no.1 (there were two number ones in our group as we had extra man), as he could fly round and hand me the baton. Mind you, by the end of it I did wish that pinkshirt lady (the other no.1) had the baton, then I could have rested longer!
A great session, really enjoyed it! And I am sure I did as much as I could!
My Own Colour Run!
Hello blog lovers.
It's Thursday and it's probably the last Thursday that I can run at 09:30 until September when the kids go back to school! I am planning on doing something with the kids, instead of my running, but mainly I will be the one with the whistle!
My colour run, and no, it's not that I left a red sock in my washing machine and turned all my whites pink, it's me getting arty farty and looking at the colours on my run today. As you can probably guess, I am running solo again. DiscoRich's group is still going strong, and again there was the invite to run along behind them....way behind them, and this time I wasn't tempted, not when D.R. mentioned a huge hill!
My run took me through my beloved woods. it wasn't a nice bright day, the sky was a non discript white/grey and I was missing the sunshine. But no matter what the weather, running is running and I just love it! I went in through Poo Ally and turned left. I thought I might as well get in a long hill as DiscoRich and his crew will be attacking a huge one somewhere! My hill was Botany Bay Lane, all the way up to the very top!
I know in the winter running through the woods, all there is to see are the bare branches of the trees, a few evergreens trying to look as bright as they can in the almost sepia colour of the woods. But now at least I have the greens to look at. And there are quite a number of different greens.
I ran along to the bridges that go over the rail lines and I stopped and smiled, now there is some colour! Some gorgeous flowers just growing there, looking their best, doing their job of attracting bees and insects. I stopped and took a photo, this is going to be my very own Colour Run. I decided that I would take pictures of anything that looked pretty and colourful.
Ok, so the sheep in this picture are not colourful, but by the way they were all tucked under the shade of the tree, did then no something, were they expecting rain or even sunshine?
Just then on the opposite side I saw two parakeets on the ground, I tried my hardest to get my phone to start working before they flew off. Just as I was about to take the picture of the pretty green parakeets a black crow flew towards them and scared them off, you can just see the bird in this picture!
I continued up the hill to the very top, and thats my hill training done! I took a picture to show off! Well, it was going to be a selfie but I didn't want to bend down! There were quite a few female solo runners about this morning, and we all were smiley, and even had some breathless good mornings! I was glad that I was actually running whenever I met up with them.
I hadn't really seen any other flowers, I was beginning to think that maybe all the colours had finished. But as I was running along the road, creeping over the garden wall was some beautiful pink flowers.
Ok, it's cheating when they have been planted, but they had to have been grown in the wild first for man to have picked up on it, right? I crossed over the road and ran into Scadbury, just the edge of it. I noticed a sign that I hadn't really taken any notice of before, Holwood House. I decided to just go and have a look. It was a house! A very nice large house that is obviously now some very nice flats or apartments, or whatever we call them these days!
I turned back and continued on my way through Scadbury. All the different colour of greens were all around, I just wished I had a good camera to try and capture all of it. I did try! Here look
Running down Orpington Road (I always thought it was Chislehurst road) I saw a tree in a garden, with red leaves! Of course I had to get that as well!
Just as I had finished taking the picture I saw Moy! The only other female solo runner that I happened to see today was a PWR and I was stopped, taking pictures! Typical! But we did have a little chat, she is back to running again which is great news!
I crossed over the road and continued on my way through Petts Wood, running down along the rail line.s I saw another lady, one of the dog walkers, but we had actually met before on a bike run, with the Panagua Ladies! Small world!
With just the little bit of road work to do after leaving Poo Ally I ran along to Crossways, turned the corner and saw some yellow flowers! Something I missed on the way into the woods, I obviously was colour blind then!
And then getting home and looking outside my patio windows there was more colour! You gotta love summer, even if the sky is not blue!
Geeky stats.
Petts Wood and Knoll Ward Running by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details
It's Thursday and it's probably the last Thursday that I can run at 09:30 until September when the kids go back to school! I am planning on doing something with the kids, instead of my running, but mainly I will be the one with the whistle!
My colour run, and no, it's not that I left a red sock in my washing machine and turned all my whites pink, it's me getting arty farty and looking at the colours on my run today. As you can probably guess, I am running solo again. DiscoRich's group is still going strong, and again there was the invite to run along behind them....way behind them, and this time I wasn't tempted, not when D.R. mentioned a huge hill!
My run took me through my beloved woods. it wasn't a nice bright day, the sky was a non discript white/grey and I was missing the sunshine. But no matter what the weather, running is running and I just love it! I went in through Poo Ally and turned left. I thought I might as well get in a long hill as DiscoRich and his crew will be attacking a huge one somewhere! My hill was Botany Bay Lane, all the way up to the very top!
I know in the winter running through the woods, all there is to see are the bare branches of the trees, a few evergreens trying to look as bright as they can in the almost sepia colour of the woods. But now at least I have the greens to look at. And there are quite a number of different greens.
I ran along to the bridges that go over the rail lines and I stopped and smiled, now there is some colour! Some gorgeous flowers just growing there, looking their best, doing their job of attracting bees and insects. I stopped and took a photo, this is going to be my very own Colour Run. I decided that I would take pictures of anything that looked pretty and colourful.
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pinks! |
Ok, so the sheep in this picture are not colourful, but by the way they were all tucked under the shade of the tree, did then no something, were they expecting rain or even sunshine?
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Hiding! |
Just then on the opposite side I saw two parakeets on the ground, I tried my hardest to get my phone to start working before they flew off. Just as I was about to take the picture of the pretty green parakeets a black crow flew towards them and scared them off, you can just see the bird in this picture!
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There he is, flying! |
I continued up the hill to the very top, and thats my hill training done! I took a picture to show off! Well, it was going to be a selfie but I didn't want to bend down! There were quite a few female solo runners about this morning, and we all were smiley, and even had some breathless good mornings! I was glad that I was actually running whenever I met up with them.
I hadn't really seen any other flowers, I was beginning to think that maybe all the colours had finished. But as I was running along the road, creeping over the garden wall was some beautiful pink flowers.
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More pinks |
Ok, it's cheating when they have been planted, but they had to have been grown in the wild first for man to have picked up on it, right? I crossed over the road and ran into Scadbury, just the edge of it. I noticed a sign that I hadn't really taken any notice of before, Holwood House. I decided to just go and have a look. It was a house! A very nice large house that is obviously now some very nice flats or apartments, or whatever we call them these days!
I turned back and continued on my way through Scadbury. All the different colour of greens were all around, I just wished I had a good camera to try and capture all of it. I did try! Here look
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Some greens. |
Running down Orpington Road (I always thought it was Chislehurst road) I saw a tree in a garden, with red leaves! Of course I had to get that as well!
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Reds! |
Just as I had finished taking the picture I saw Moy! The only other female solo runner that I happened to see today was a PWR and I was stopped, taking pictures! Typical! But we did have a little chat, she is back to running again which is great news!
I crossed over the road and continued on my way through Petts Wood, running down along the rail line.s I saw another lady, one of the dog walkers, but we had actually met before on a bike run, with the Panagua Ladies! Small world!
With just the little bit of road work to do after leaving Poo Ally I ran along to Crossways, turned the corner and saw some yellow flowers! Something I missed on the way into the woods, I obviously was colour blind then!
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Yellows |
And then getting home and looking outside my patio windows there was more colour! You gotta love summer, even if the sky is not blue!
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On my Patio |
Geeky stats.
Petts Wood and Knoll Ward Running by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
It's Time To Kick Ass!
Hello blog lovers.
I am really determined to get fitter than ever! Well, at this precise moment that is exactly what I am feeling! But when it came to do something about it this morning I began procrastinating.....again! Why do I always do that? I know that once it's all done then I will feel good, I can get showered, and continue on with my day! But no, I find something interesting to read on my news feed, I just have to reply and like and share a particular video. Say happy birthdays, do washing, pick up that bit of fluff from the floor, wander just one last time in Big Sons bedroom and wonder if he will make it out in the big wide world without me nagging him (Big Son moved out just this weekend). This empty nest syndrome is not a nice feeling!
A job well done, a tough job but one that I have been busy at for 30 years, a mum, has come to the end. So new regime, think of me, think fitter, think healthier! But oh I do miss him and my two girls and grandson!
First things first, trainers on and a warm up lap of the block. That always works for our Thursday core training sessions, so off I went. My body felt stiff and unco-operative, my legs didn't want to bend, my ankles refused to bend and my back gave me yet another little spasm type thing between my shoulders blades! But I am not going to let that put me off, at least one hour of activity, which will include warm up, core thingys and a cool down stretch with some r&r thrown in at the end!
My jog around the block took no time at all and I came back raring to go! I hadn't a clue what I was going to do or in what order I was going to do it. But I knew that I was going to concentrate on the whole body, conditioning and strengthening everything! I may even throw in a few pelvic floor exercises, but maybe that is something I should just tell my gynaecologist about!
I did a few ups and down running from my kitchen to my sitting room butt kicking, and skipping, getting my muscles all warmed up and ready for the hell that I am going to put them through. I was certainly getting warm! And now it was time for the conditioning!
Where is the first place an ex couch potato goes when they don't really want to do anything? It's the food cupboards right, and that's exactly what I did. I grabbed a couple of tins of beans and started to do my squats with arms out front, a tin of beans in each hand, legs and arms working together.
I had my iPod on and I was working out, in rhythm to some great tunes, I did some more arm exercises with the beans in my hands and the sweat was pouring from me! For a moment I had thought that the heating had come on! I was sweating like I was in a sauna. I was quite proud of the fact that I was too, it shows that I can work hard by myself, in fact I took a picture, here look!
I know not very attractive! But to me it shows me that I was working hard. Smug mode! I did some of the burpees that I just hate, and kept it going to then end of a song I was listening too. Then it was some floor exercises. Planks, press ups, leg raise/lower, and some ab twists. I felt like a professional, I can tell you. I am sure I didn't do many of each, but what I did was quality instead. Holding the positions for longer, performing each exercise slowly to maximise the movement.
My abs were screaming by the time I did that so it was back to some more all over exercises, which in this case was the whole sun salutations things. Next it was arms. I pulled up a chair and put it against the wall, I was going to do some triceps dips. Again with the music blaring in my ears I did as many as I could. Back to some leg work to finish off. And this is one that Emma showed us when it was her turn for a Thursday core training session. It was to put you back against the wall and then slide down to a sitting position, with the invisible chair underneath you! And hold! I was listen to a great tune, this is the only one that I can remember singing along to as I tried to ignore the pain in my thighs, Juke Box Hero!
I was belting out the lyrics like a boss, my thighs were screaming at me to either fall in a heap on the floor or to stand! I ignored the pain, I screamed out as my thighs began to shake and burn. I didn't want to quit until until I sang that last note! OMG! that fecking hurt!
I stood up, thighs burning, sweat dripping into my eyes and I felt pleased. My cool down stretches consisted of some lovely ham string, calves and quads stretches. Also some stretches on the floor, listening to a great piece of soothing music. I pushed the button to go back to the beginning of the soothing music and just laid out on my back, relaxing everything, from my toes to my ears and eyes! I let the music just drift over me as, each in turn I relaxed my toes, and ankles, my calves, knees and thighs. I tensed each muscle as I thought about it and then let it relax and just melt into my sofa as I thought about the next muscle.
My back, and fingers and hands, I clenched into a fist and let it go. my shoulders round up and down and then relaxed! The music was taking me into a nice peaceful gentle relaxation. I could feel my whole body just feeling relaxed.
Yup. I did it! I worked out hard and a totally relaxed afterwards. About an hours worth. I put my Garmin on with my heart rate monitor, I wanted to see how hard I had worked and how relaxed I could be after. I noticed that my heart rate touched on 57 as I was totally relaxed forjust a second! Now that's relaxed.
And just cos of sheer vanity, another picture of me after showering and everything. Just five minutes after all that exercise......yeah!! I lie of course! It was a least 10!
Geeky stats. Untitled by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details
I am really determined to get fitter than ever! Well, at this precise moment that is exactly what I am feeling! But when it came to do something about it this morning I began procrastinating.....again! Why do I always do that? I know that once it's all done then I will feel good, I can get showered, and continue on with my day! But no, I find something interesting to read on my news feed, I just have to reply and like and share a particular video. Say happy birthdays, do washing, pick up that bit of fluff from the floor, wander just one last time in Big Sons bedroom and wonder if he will make it out in the big wide world without me nagging him (Big Son moved out just this weekend). This empty nest syndrome is not a nice feeling!
A job well done, a tough job but one that I have been busy at for 30 years, a mum, has come to the end. So new regime, think of me, think fitter, think healthier! But oh I do miss him and my two girls and grandson!
First things first, trainers on and a warm up lap of the block. That always works for our Thursday core training sessions, so off I went. My body felt stiff and unco-operative, my legs didn't want to bend, my ankles refused to bend and my back gave me yet another little spasm type thing between my shoulders blades! But I am not going to let that put me off, at least one hour of activity, which will include warm up, core thingys and a cool down stretch with some r&r thrown in at the end!
My jog around the block took no time at all and I came back raring to go! I hadn't a clue what I was going to do or in what order I was going to do it. But I knew that I was going to concentrate on the whole body, conditioning and strengthening everything! I may even throw in a few pelvic floor exercises, but maybe that is something I should just tell my gynaecologist about!
I did a few ups and down running from my kitchen to my sitting room butt kicking, and skipping, getting my muscles all warmed up and ready for the hell that I am going to put them through. I was certainly getting warm! And now it was time for the conditioning!
Where is the first place an ex couch potato goes when they don't really want to do anything? It's the food cupboards right, and that's exactly what I did. I grabbed a couple of tins of beans and started to do my squats with arms out front, a tin of beans in each hand, legs and arms working together.
I had my iPod on and I was working out, in rhythm to some great tunes, I did some more arm exercises with the beans in my hands and the sweat was pouring from me! For a moment I had thought that the heating had come on! I was sweating like I was in a sauna. I was quite proud of the fact that I was too, it shows that I can work hard by myself, in fact I took a picture, here look!
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Looking rather hot.....? |
I know not very attractive! But to me it shows me that I was working hard. Smug mode! I did some of the burpees that I just hate, and kept it going to then end of a song I was listening too. Then it was some floor exercises. Planks, press ups, leg raise/lower, and some ab twists. I felt like a professional, I can tell you. I am sure I didn't do many of each, but what I did was quality instead. Holding the positions for longer, performing each exercise slowly to maximise the movement.
My abs were screaming by the time I did that so it was back to some more all over exercises, which in this case was the whole sun salutations things. Next it was arms. I pulled up a chair and put it against the wall, I was going to do some triceps dips. Again with the music blaring in my ears I did as many as I could. Back to some leg work to finish off. And this is one that Emma showed us when it was her turn for a Thursday core training session. It was to put you back against the wall and then slide down to a sitting position, with the invisible chair underneath you! And hold! I was listen to a great tune, this is the only one that I can remember singing along to as I tried to ignore the pain in my thighs, Juke Box Hero!
I was belting out the lyrics like a boss, my thighs were screaming at me to either fall in a heap on the floor or to stand! I ignored the pain, I screamed out as my thighs began to shake and burn. I didn't want to quit until until I sang that last note! OMG! that fecking hurt!
I stood up, thighs burning, sweat dripping into my eyes and I felt pleased. My cool down stretches consisted of some lovely ham string, calves and quads stretches. Also some stretches on the floor, listening to a great piece of soothing music. I pushed the button to go back to the beginning of the soothing music and just laid out on my back, relaxing everything, from my toes to my ears and eyes! I let the music just drift over me as, each in turn I relaxed my toes, and ankles, my calves, knees and thighs. I tensed each muscle as I thought about it and then let it relax and just melt into my sofa as I thought about the next muscle.
My back, and fingers and hands, I clenched into a fist and let it go. my shoulders round up and down and then relaxed! The music was taking me into a nice peaceful gentle relaxation. I could feel my whole body just feeling relaxed.
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After relaxation |
Yup. I did it! I worked out hard and a totally relaxed afterwards. About an hours worth. I put my Garmin on with my heart rate monitor, I wanted to see how hard I had worked and how relaxed I could be after. I noticed that my heart rate touched on 57 as I was totally relaxed forjust a second! Now that's relaxed.
And just cos of sheer vanity, another picture of me after showering and everything. Just five minutes after all that exercise......yeah!! I lie of course! It was a least 10!
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Five minutes after!.....Honest..... |
Geeky stats. Untitled by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details
Tuesday, 14 July 2015
Yay! Group 1
Hello blog lovers.
I'm back in group 1! And I loved it! Can't tell you how much I have missed running with the group. I turned up at the rec at 7 to see if any group 0's will be there. My regular group 0's had told me that they were not going this evening, and some had even said they are are going back to group 1, but a couple of other people were talking about coming along. So I turned up and waited.
When there was a no show I just sat in the car and had quiet time, was a great time to say some prayers and then I scrolled through FaceBook like you do! Some inspiring stories recently, and one in particular from one of our own PWR lady member, Pherenice Worsey-Buck. It wasn't a wasted hour, as I enjoyed just doing that.
It was good being among my friends again, and also there were some new people too! Illustrious Leader was our....well. illustrious leader, and our route today was through the Cinder Path. The rain had just started to fall, it was a warm evening and the rain was a welcome relief, although a little more of it would be good!
The rain fell ever so softly down, like a fine mist, it wasn't enough to 'clear the air'. We we watch as group 2 left the rec and we followed closely behind. I was behind, sweeper position of course, I didn't think I would be up there in the front ranks. And besides, some of my best running buddies were at the back, after doing a couple of weeks running in group 0.
My ankle was still a little sore from Friday nights shenanigans, it's amazing that a couple of pints of lager and a childrens play park can bring the 'child from within yourself' out into the open! For those that know me, you may have seen evidence of said 'play time' on my FaceBook page! So my ankle was complaining a little, but like any other runner world wide, I ignored the little niggle around the bony joint and just ran through it!
Although we at the back were ....at the back.....we didn't do too bad. It's always a challenge to keep up and I know I need to have that little bit of push to be able to go further again. Not necessarily faster! Once at the other end of the Cinder Path we had another little break. There is the little loop to do. No one wanted to wait behind today, but also Auriol and I decided we didn't want to run as fast as the main group, so we decided that we would go in the opposite direction and then run back with them when we meet up, which probably wouldn't be as far as they had run.
After that we headed down Crofton, yes, that's right DOWN Crofton Road. Still running at the back but I at last started to get into the run! It' took all that time but my breathing was more relaxed and even the little niggle around my ankle seemed to ok, it just felt nice and warm! I was getting a twinge, a spasm type shooting ache in my back. No idea what it was, it could be that it's been a while since I have done running, and my muscles are just getting used to moving about again.
We ran down until we got to the little bridge, just down from the Off License and had another little break. The next and the last mile is virtually all that is left to do. Once we got on to Tudor Way, Illustrious Leader said that we could go at our own pace all the way to the rec.
I didn't think I had any sprint in my legs, but there it was! Illustrious Leader had taken up the position of sweeper and then I passed a couple of my running buddies and crossed over the road. I looked towards the sign that points to the rec, fixed my gaze on the road ahead and just ran. I didn't ran particularly fast, just faster than what I had been doing in the last couple of weeks! I past a coupe of other group 1's and then saw one my in front of me.
I fixed my gaze on her. I had convinced myself not to totally go all out, just keep the pace that I was at and try and catch her up. I was getting nearer and nearer and so was the signpost! Will I have enough time to catch her up. I really wanted to go a bit faster but I just disciplined myself to just stay at the pace i was at! Just a few more feet and.........darn it "I nearly caught up with you" I said to her as we slowed down to walking pace, "If I had known I would have ran faster" she said! "Which is why I said nothing!" I replied!
I led the warm down stretches once we were all in the rec. A great run today, and so glad to be back with group 1. My shins, although a slight discomfort, nothing like it was a few weeks back! So I am back!
Geeky stats!
Petts Wood and Knoll Ward Running by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details
I'm back in group 1! And I loved it! Can't tell you how much I have missed running with the group. I turned up at the rec at 7 to see if any group 0's will be there. My regular group 0's had told me that they were not going this evening, and some had even said they are are going back to group 1, but a couple of other people were talking about coming along. So I turned up and waited.
When there was a no show I just sat in the car and had quiet time, was a great time to say some prayers and then I scrolled through FaceBook like you do! Some inspiring stories recently, and one in particular from one of our own PWR lady member, Pherenice Worsey-Buck. It wasn't a wasted hour, as I enjoyed just doing that.
It was good being among my friends again, and also there were some new people too! Illustrious Leader was our....well. illustrious leader, and our route today was through the Cinder Path. The rain had just started to fall, it was a warm evening and the rain was a welcome relief, although a little more of it would be good!
The rain fell ever so softly down, like a fine mist, it wasn't enough to 'clear the air'. We we watch as group 2 left the rec and we followed closely behind. I was behind, sweeper position of course, I didn't think I would be up there in the front ranks. And besides, some of my best running buddies were at the back, after doing a couple of weeks running in group 0.
My ankle was still a little sore from Friday nights shenanigans, it's amazing that a couple of pints of lager and a childrens play park can bring the 'child from within yourself' out into the open! For those that know me, you may have seen evidence of said 'play time' on my FaceBook page! So my ankle was complaining a little, but like any other runner world wide, I ignored the little niggle around the bony joint and just ran through it!
Although we at the back were ....at the back.....we didn't do too bad. It's always a challenge to keep up and I know I need to have that little bit of push to be able to go further again. Not necessarily faster! Once at the other end of the Cinder Path we had another little break. There is the little loop to do. No one wanted to wait behind today, but also Auriol and I decided we didn't want to run as fast as the main group, so we decided that we would go in the opposite direction and then run back with them when we meet up, which probably wouldn't be as far as they had run.
After that we headed down Crofton, yes, that's right DOWN Crofton Road. Still running at the back but I at last started to get into the run! It' took all that time but my breathing was more relaxed and even the little niggle around my ankle seemed to ok, it just felt nice and warm! I was getting a twinge, a spasm type shooting ache in my back. No idea what it was, it could be that it's been a while since I have done running, and my muscles are just getting used to moving about again.
We ran down until we got to the little bridge, just down from the Off License and had another little break. The next and the last mile is virtually all that is left to do. Once we got on to Tudor Way, Illustrious Leader said that we could go at our own pace all the way to the rec.
I didn't think I had any sprint in my legs, but there it was! Illustrious Leader had taken up the position of sweeper and then I passed a couple of my running buddies and crossed over the road. I looked towards the sign that points to the rec, fixed my gaze on the road ahead and just ran. I didn't ran particularly fast, just faster than what I had been doing in the last couple of weeks! I past a coupe of other group 1's and then saw one my in front of me.
I fixed my gaze on her. I had convinced myself not to totally go all out, just keep the pace that I was at and try and catch her up. I was getting nearer and nearer and so was the signpost! Will I have enough time to catch her up. I really wanted to go a bit faster but I just disciplined myself to just stay at the pace i was at! Just a few more feet and.........darn it "I nearly caught up with you" I said to her as we slowed down to walking pace, "If I had known I would have ran faster" she said! "Which is why I said nothing!" I replied!
I led the warm down stretches once we were all in the rec. A great run today, and so glad to be back with group 1. My shins, although a slight discomfort, nothing like it was a few weeks back! So I am back!
Geeky stats!
Petts Wood and Knoll Ward Running by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details
Thursday, 9 July 2015
Back To Serious Business!
Hello blog lovers.
After a lovely, lovely run through the woods this morning, just me and my thoughts (albeit somewhat off the scale!) it was back to serious business of getting fitter, determined, toned, focused! Core training is the order of the day....or evening!
ZippySherry was taking the lead today. I do love her turn in the hot seat, it's all about the school ground games! Who don't like the school ground games!? Well, at the time when I was at school, I hated it! All that getting changed into PE gear, running around getting fecking hot and sweaty, then having to get changed again to go do lessons! (the showers never worked, nor did they have any curtains!) But it seems now that I am........older..........I love it! Why couldn't I have loved it when I was at school! Too busy trying to fit in, smoking and going to the chip shop!
I cycled up to the rec for the 7:30pm start. We had the usual two lap warm up and the drills, which I might add, were hindered by the dog who decided that the best place to lay down and wait for all the silliness to finish was bang in the middle of the 'runway', before we had the fun and games. Today it was Cups and Saucers, or DiscoRich rich did say something else, but for the life of me I just can think what it was. But the idea of the game was you had two teams, team one was Cups, team 2 was saucers. We had little cones all spread out in a space, some were upside down and some where the right way up.
The two teams had to run around and make sure that all the cones were turned in their teams right order.! I feel sure that the team that I was in, the saucers, by the time of the whistle were more that then others! After that it was relay running. Everyone loves a relay. Three or four teams were quickly sorted and batons handed out! It's serious business.
We had 10 minutes of running in relays! I tried to claim that we needed extra runs as a couple of my team tried to hand the baton to members of the opposition! But it was all done in the spirit of fun! No one actually counted how many times they had run up to the cricket square (I've been calling it the crease, but that is just where the batting person stands, apparently!
After that it was the core training, and among the squats, lunges and planks there were those dreaded burpees! Oh do I love a burpee!!!! Twenty she demanded, twenty! We had the kids counting out every single lunge, squat, press ups and second of planks. but those burpees, I am sure the young dude was focused on the really fit guy, who was doing planks with just one arm and one leg on the floor. The young dude was counting out 4, while I was still rising up from the 1st burpee!
But it was while we were doing star jumps (only introduced after we couldn't keep up with the burpees count) my.....um........well I had a wardrobe malfunction! Not quite as bad as Judy Finnegan, (you all remember the front of the dress incident?) in front of millions of people! It was my bra strap!, It had come adrift! I was trying to do a star jump, with the young dud-ess blowing her whistle when I had stopped to have a look to see what was going on! I had to run to the loo to sort it out! I really didn't want to ask anyone to help me to secure the 'girls' back in their hammock! The hammock was pretty......well sweaty! Even I use tongs to place it in the washing machine!
After I got back from 'wardrobe' they were all ready under way with the next running section of todays session. I just slotted into a place and just went with the flow! All in a circle, and what ever was called out then we had to run around and then get back into our place! For instance, who ever was in blue, run, who ever had pink on, who ever was wearing glasses etc!
After that it was a cool down stretches and end of session! A great evenings work out! Great company and such fun! What a great running club that I belong to that we can do things like this!
Obviously no geeky stats, (mainly because I forgot)!
After a lovely, lovely run through the woods this morning, just me and my thoughts (albeit somewhat off the scale!) it was back to serious business of getting fitter, determined, toned, focused! Core training is the order of the day....or evening!
ZippySherry was taking the lead today. I do love her turn in the hot seat, it's all about the school ground games! Who don't like the school ground games!? Well, at the time when I was at school, I hated it! All that getting changed into PE gear, running around getting fecking hot and sweaty, then having to get changed again to go do lessons! (the showers never worked, nor did they have any curtains!) But it seems now that I am........older..........I love it! Why couldn't I have loved it when I was at school! Too busy trying to fit in, smoking and going to the chip shop!
I cycled up to the rec for the 7:30pm start. We had the usual two lap warm up and the drills, which I might add, were hindered by the dog who decided that the best place to lay down and wait for all the silliness to finish was bang in the middle of the 'runway', before we had the fun and games. Today it was Cups and Saucers, or DiscoRich rich did say something else, but for the life of me I just can think what it was. But the idea of the game was you had two teams, team one was Cups, team 2 was saucers. We had little cones all spread out in a space, some were upside down and some where the right way up.
The two teams had to run around and make sure that all the cones were turned in their teams right order.! I feel sure that the team that I was in, the saucers, by the time of the whistle were more that then others! After that it was relay running. Everyone loves a relay. Three or four teams were quickly sorted and batons handed out! It's serious business.
We had 10 minutes of running in relays! I tried to claim that we needed extra runs as a couple of my team tried to hand the baton to members of the opposition! But it was all done in the spirit of fun! No one actually counted how many times they had run up to the cricket square (I've been calling it the crease, but that is just where the batting person stands, apparently!
After that it was the core training, and among the squats, lunges and planks there were those dreaded burpees! Oh do I love a burpee!!!! Twenty she demanded, twenty! We had the kids counting out every single lunge, squat, press ups and second of planks. but those burpees, I am sure the young dude was focused on the really fit guy, who was doing planks with just one arm and one leg on the floor. The young dude was counting out 4, while I was still rising up from the 1st burpee!
But it was while we were doing star jumps (only introduced after we couldn't keep up with the burpees count) my.....um........well I had a wardrobe malfunction! Not quite as bad as Judy Finnegan, (you all remember the front of the dress incident?) in front of millions of people! It was my bra strap!, It had come adrift! I was trying to do a star jump, with the young dud-ess blowing her whistle when I had stopped to have a look to see what was going on! I had to run to the loo to sort it out! I really didn't want to ask anyone to help me to secure the 'girls' back in their hammock! The hammock was pretty......well sweaty! Even I use tongs to place it in the washing machine!
![]() |
Something I personally seem to worry about these days! |
After that it was a cool down stretches and end of session! A great evenings work out! Great company and such fun! What a great running club that I belong to that we can do things like this!
Obviously no geeky stats, (mainly because I forgot)!
The Failed Escape!
Hello bloggers.
Another 'in the mind of a lone runner' style blog today.
It was a perfect sunny morning, I wondered if this would be the day. If this would be the day that freedom is possible. I had planned everything carefully, making sure that no-one detected my plans. My captors had left for the day, leaving me with only the usual chores to do, 'to keep me busy'. It will soon be time!
As soon as I was completely alone I started to get things ready for my escape. Watch, to syncronise everthing, phone, for 'just in case', fast running shoes, with my running pants and tee-shirt, I wasn't planning on stopping for anyone! I grabbed my hat, I needed to be able to blend in with anyone that I may meet upon!
I grabbed the keys to the car and made the first part of my escape. I drove along to Willet rec, a place where I knew I could safely ditch the car and carry on the rest of my escape plan on foot. I tried to mingle with some other people that had managed to escape this far as well, but they had all planned to follow the leader, DiscoRich. I thought about it for a split second, could I possibly manage to run with the crowd?. There was so many of them, they would draw attention to themselves. Could I risk it? They all looked a lot fitter and faster than I me. I decided I would try it on my own.
I said good luck to them all as they went one way and I went the other, in the opposite direction. I set my watch, I have less than an hour to make my escape, any time after that and I will have to abandon my plans and go back, and try to get fit for another attempt.
I came out of the rec and immediately saw that we all had been noticed! A big yellow sign was on the lamppost warning of escapees "Runners in Road" it read, high on the lamppost. Darn it, I will just have to go through the woods. I ran to Poo Ally, I slowed down as I saw 'guards' there with the dogs. "Try to blend in, don't show you're nervous" I thought, as I walked past the guards and the dogs! "Morning" I said "Morning" they replied. I did it, they didn't suspect a thing.
There were more 'guards in the tunnel, a walked past them so as to not get the dogs excited, as soon as I was through I ran to the left and headed towards to rail station. Maybe I can get a train, to take me far away, to be able to run and be free for ever! Just then I saw a 'guard' coming from a path on the right, I picked up my speed at bit, I felt safe to do that as there was no dog around, well none that I could see.
That was close! But in my haste I had passed the bridge that would have taken me to the station. I am just going to have to continue through the woods, along by the rail lines. Oh it felt so good, the fresh air, the ever so slight breeze. The sun was just warming up the air temperature, promising a fine dry day! Why would people be crammed into concrete boxes making money for 'The Man!' One day we will all be free to do what we love to do, usually when we are around 65!
There were yet more 'guards' along the path by the rail lines. I had to walk! Two very big dogs with the guards. I was sweating a bit now, I just hoped I still blended in, that I still looked like any other worker! I felt as if I was losing my battle. I ran down the path towards the river, maybe if I dart along the path to the left I can make my way to the next train station, Chislehurst.
I ran along the river, listening to the water gently running down. I smiled to myself as ran along, oh its so perfect, so peaceful. The birds singing their song in the trees, squirrels playing and scurrying about. It just felt so good, you could almost imagine a unicorn appearing from the field to come and and be petted! This is what it's all about!
There was a guard along here with four dogs, four of them, bringing me back out of 'the zone'! How will I get by? They seemed to be taking up the whole of the path. I slowed down to a walk, said good morning to the 'guard' and gently got by two of the dogs. The other two just seemed to stand in front of me on the path, not moving.
There was a guard along here with four dogs, four of them, bringing me back out of 'the zone'! How will I get by? They seemed to be taking up the whole of the path. I slowed down to a walk, said good morning to the 'guard' and gently got by two of the dogs. The other two just seemed to stand in front of me on the path, not moving.
A particularly nasty looking pug, that you know, if he wasn't bred with a face like that, he would have earned it in his field of work! He wasn't backing down for anyone! The Guard had called him back, though, even apologising for the mutt being in my way. At least I had fooled her! But I began to feel as if my escape plan was futile!
I came to the end of the path, but the path on the left hand side had a 'guard' at the entrance, there was only one way to go, up! Up Goss hill, maybe I can still get away! The hill seemed to grow in front of me, as I looked up "I have got to do this in one go" I said to my self! Maybe that will be enough to blend in, look like the retired people! Look like one of the guards"
I took a deep breath in and started up the hill! A guard was coming down with a dog! I can't stop and walk past, I just can't. I got to go for it all the way up and hope I get away! It was tough going, my legs were burning and my breathing was going out of the window! I tried to control my breathing, I kept telling myself that I could do this! But I failed. I took at walking break, I was panting hard, I looked more like one of the dogs than the 'guards'! I gave myself a telling off and I started up the hill again. This time I didn't stop, I wasn't going to stop until I reached the top!
I felt like doing the 'Rocky' dance when I looked back down the hill, but then I remembered that I had just that one little stop! No, no 'Rocky' dance for me this time! I headed along the thin path, I hoped I wouldn't meet any 'guards' along here, it's too narrow, and by now I know that I look like an escapee! I will be detected.
Emerging from the path I ran up Botany Bay Lane, "I could get to the road, try and get a bus or hitch a lift to freedom! Just then another 'guard' appeared. "That's it, I'm doomed" I thought, I walked up to her, looking as nonchalant as I could, but the dogs could tell something was wrong, they came up to me and sniffed me, and licked my hands. The little one jumped up and put its paws on my legs. I was so surprised when the guard let me go on my way! Maybe I can do this! Maybe I am a good actor and won't get caught.
I decided to play it safe and not try to go on to the roads, stick to the woods, I think the longer I am in here the better. I turned right to run along the back of the school. I was running along enjoying the sounds of the animals and birds, but then the sounds of the kids playing in the school fields brought me back, I felt sorry for them, as they are in the 'system', they are being taught how to make money for 'The Man!" Maybe seeing me will give them hope! One day they can run free!
Run free! What a thought! I still got some way to go! I got to the Board in the middle of the woods. It was then that I started to wonder "The 'guards' and the dogs, were they herding me, is it possible that they have been in control all the time?! I shook that thought from my head, it's not possible! I was choosing which way to go, not them! I ran along the top of the woods and then took the left path, running along side the road.
The Wardens block is down here! Oh no! I think they have been in control! But how? I ran past the block, it was empty, not even the chief Warden was around, they must all be out looking for escapees. I felt hopeless, with one last attempt to escape I ran down the side of the rail lines again, just in front of me two Guards with dogs just nipped into a less used path, maybe they were planning an ambush!
I ran quickly past them, hoping they were still getting in position for them to notice me go past, the last push now, have I made it?! Is freedom just around the corner!? I came back through Poo Ally and there was the chief guard, two dogs by her side, big dogs. I can't run past these. I will try my usual tactics of letting the dogs sniff at me. The white one looked a little timid "Does he liked to be petted?" I said, he he pulled away, so I decided not to touch it, then the black one come bounding towards me, "Does this one?" I said, as the dog was pulling at its leash! It made a lunge for my hand, and nipped at it, just catching my knuckle! Caught! Life had found me again! There is just no getting away from it.......yet! I ran back towards my car which was parked in the rec, on the way I collected the yellow sign, warning of 'Runners in Road' At least thay may help on the next attempt.
I had waited to see if the others had made it. But DiscoRich and the others came back into the rec looking exhausted! We stretched out our aching limbs and chatted about the route we took. And then we made plans for our next escape!
I had waited to see if the others had made it. But DiscoRich and the others came back into the rec looking exhausted! We stretched out our aching limbs and chatted about the route we took. And then we made plans for our next escape!
Geeky stats.
Thursday, 2 July 2015
.....And There's More!
Hello (again) blog lovers.
I went back to the core training sessions as well! Well in for a penny and all that! I will just have to see how these shins of my go. Never having had shin splints before I am just not sure. Maybe I was jumping the gun and reading too much into things, or maybe it was the start of shin splints. So I decided I will just have to get on with it and see what happens. If it becomes really painful, (unlike it is now, it really is only a little niggle) then I will see more advice on it. I will continue to do the things I have been told so far though!
So, core training! CoachHels is in charge of this evenings session. And reading all about her session last week, I expect it is going to be a tough one this week! There were quite a few people there about 16-18 of us. I couldn't help but smile! It does feel good to be back to my usual routine!
I wasn't sure how I was going to get on, whether I would just jog along and do as much as I dare, or really try and push harder straight away. A case of 'just go for it'. Probably something not advised to do, but I did push a little harder than I thought I was going to, and it seemed ok. Just the little complaining muscles, which wasn't feeling any worse, and didn't get any worse!
So what did we do! We did the usual two laps of the rec before starting on the drills! Some gay abandonment was going on when we were doing the skipping along, I can tell you! then after that it was some running exercises. First off it was running between cones, just building up, holding the pace before bringing it back down again.
Next it was running around the cricket crease in a big square, One side walking, then jogging, then running and finally sprinting, before doing it all again, for 3 minutes! My legs and knees seemed to be holding out quite well. But still, I couldn't help thinking that maybe a rectangle would be good, with the shorter sides being the sprint!
The core training section next, after some glugs of water of course, with triceps dips, leg swinging and squats, planks bicycle thingys, all to help with our core conditioning. I know mine really needs conditioning. I really abused it over the holiday! Busy making another fat layer with all the delicious food and drinks!
One more running section after that, and I still can't explain what it was, but I think our team got it right....in the end.....although I wasn't in the winning team! It was great fun! A great session and a fun session. And.....it's good to be back!
I went back to the core training sessions as well! Well in for a penny and all that! I will just have to see how these shins of my go. Never having had shin splints before I am just not sure. Maybe I was jumping the gun and reading too much into things, or maybe it was the start of shin splints. So I decided I will just have to get on with it and see what happens. If it becomes really painful, (unlike it is now, it really is only a little niggle) then I will see more advice on it. I will continue to do the things I have been told so far though!
So, core training! CoachHels is in charge of this evenings session. And reading all about her session last week, I expect it is going to be a tough one this week! There were quite a few people there about 16-18 of us. I couldn't help but smile! It does feel good to be back to my usual routine!
I wasn't sure how I was going to get on, whether I would just jog along and do as much as I dare, or really try and push harder straight away. A case of 'just go for it'. Probably something not advised to do, but I did push a little harder than I thought I was going to, and it seemed ok. Just the little complaining muscles, which wasn't feeling any worse, and didn't get any worse!
So what did we do! We did the usual two laps of the rec before starting on the drills! Some gay abandonment was going on when we were doing the skipping along, I can tell you! then after that it was some running exercises. First off it was running between cones, just building up, holding the pace before bringing it back down again.
Next it was running around the cricket crease in a big square, One side walking, then jogging, then running and finally sprinting, before doing it all again, for 3 minutes! My legs and knees seemed to be holding out quite well. But still, I couldn't help thinking that maybe a rectangle would be good, with the shorter sides being the sprint!
The core training section next, after some glugs of water of course, with triceps dips, leg swinging and squats, planks bicycle thingys, all to help with our core conditioning. I know mine really needs conditioning. I really abused it over the holiday! Busy making another fat layer with all the delicious food and drinks!
One more running section after that, and I still can't explain what it was, but I think our team got it right....in the end.....although I wasn't in the winning team! It was great fun! A great session and a fun session. And.....it's good to be back!
Yay!!! I'm Back!
Hello blog lovers.
I can't believe it's been nigh on a whole month since I last jogged! But I felt it was necessary and I have come back with renewed determination to just keep going! The holiday put a few extra pounds around my waist line and I will have do do battle with that! Soon I will have everything aligned and I can really start improving! (I am saying this publicly, so if you see a big fat chocci cake in my hands feel free to remove it and eat it, bin it or feed to your pet dogs!)
My first run back was actually on Tuesday. I did group 0 with J.J., Wendimoo, Janet who I have decided to nick name J. (too long to explain why, but we do miss Kay!) and Kym. All five of us were not really 'feeling it' on Tuesday. The weather was Caribbean hot! Melting ice cream before you can eat it hot! I did ask everybody to bring water!
I was a bit apprehensive as to how I would get on, I really didn't like all those little niggles around the shin area, mainly on my right shin. But you hear such awful things about shin splints that I erred on the side of caution and stopped running. I was still thinking by this stage that I would manage to run in group 1 after as well, With having weeks off rest I thought it would be a breeze!
We set off at a very slow pace, just so that we can warm up a bit, get our breathing right. Of course we were going through the woods, I made sure I sprayed my self with jungle strength mozzie spray. I can't believe how these little critters just make a bee line for me at the first opportunity! Mind you, they plus side of the mozzie spray, it does enhance the slight tan I have!
In through Dog Poo ally and then immediately turn right to head up the hill to Chislehurst Road. It became obvious to me then that maybe I was being a little too ambitions thinking about running with group 1 after! The muscles that I had been relaxing by not running suddenly woke up and just let me know that they were not amused! The muscles that had a weeks break from riding my bike, already were aching from a ride I did on Monday, also let me know that I am 50 something year old ex couch potato, who should be learning lawn bowls!
Not to be deterred I encouraged all the others to get going, and I will lead from the back! I didn't think it would look to good to be looking a total wreck trying to keep in front! But my lovely friends wouldn't think that anyway! We all encouraged one another, All of us there on Tuesday were either post holiday chubsters, or coming back from injury or just working on getting up to group 1 spec! So I was in good.....nay great company!
We have a few walking breaks and and few stops to catch breath. I lead them (from behind) all the way to the top of the woods. I normally would have gone down the middle path and then back to the wreck, so that I could compose myself for the next run, but as I wasn't going to do that we carried along the top of the woods all the way to Botany Bay Lane. I was thinking of going down there, and then back along the rail lines to Dog Poo ally.
But the ladies weren't ready to finish yet! Which I was pleased about, Kym was willing to give it a go as well. We were not speeding along, just taking it nice and steady, chatting all the way. So the extra bit was to go along the path that comes to the top of Goss Hill, and then enjoy the run down it. Left at the bottom along by the river (mozzies eat your heart out I've got the spray on) and then right up the path to the rail lines.
It really was a brilliant run with the girls. We finished our run going along side the rail lines until we got back to the beginning and then along to the rec. By the time we got back to the rec there were throngs of PWR's, all in shorts and sleeveless tops, some were standing about, some sitting on the bench some were just laying on the grass ready to hear from the leaders.
I heard a voice from the crowd, "Hi Donna, you have a trophy.....er...it's in the loo!" The loo, by the way is the disable toilet that we have a key for that we can safely use to lock our jackets and things away while we go for a run, a lock up! But my trophy, well, its a first place trophy, 1st place in the Group 1's Grand Prix!! (just don't ask how many people were entered into last years GP) I am hoping that there will be loads of group 1's for this years GP, otherwise I might just withdraw! Here's a picture of my trophy!
When I got back from the rec, I called the Old Boy up. He had been on some epic bike ride, in that heat! In fact he was really suffering, what with doing some 'get out of here' hills on his ride, the last one proved just too much! He had to walk up it. I have never known him to get of his bike and walk up hills before, and I was a bit concerned. So I arranged to meet him on route, on my bike, I had water on me and just to make sure he was ok. But as I was going to meet him, I saw DiscoRich's group running along the path that I was taking, with his group 4 runners! They were all looking pretty warm to! I was thinking that maybe I should have bought barrel on my bike instead! The St' Bernard's dog came to mind!
Geeky stats.
<iframe width='465' height='548' frameborder='0' src='//connect.garmin.com:80/activity/embed/821297360'></iframe>
I can't believe it's been nigh on a whole month since I last jogged! But I felt it was necessary and I have come back with renewed determination to just keep going! The holiday put a few extra pounds around my waist line and I will have do do battle with that! Soon I will have everything aligned and I can really start improving! (I am saying this publicly, so if you see a big fat chocci cake in my hands feel free to remove it and eat it, bin it or feed to your pet dogs!)
My first run back was actually on Tuesday. I did group 0 with J.J., Wendimoo, Janet who I have decided to nick name J. (too long to explain why, but we do miss Kay!) and Kym. All five of us were not really 'feeling it' on Tuesday. The weather was Caribbean hot! Melting ice cream before you can eat it hot! I did ask everybody to bring water!
I was a bit apprehensive as to how I would get on, I really didn't like all those little niggles around the shin area, mainly on my right shin. But you hear such awful things about shin splints that I erred on the side of caution and stopped running. I was still thinking by this stage that I would manage to run in group 1 after as well, With having weeks off rest I thought it would be a breeze!
We set off at a very slow pace, just so that we can warm up a bit, get our breathing right. Of course we were going through the woods, I made sure I sprayed my self with jungle strength mozzie spray. I can't believe how these little critters just make a bee line for me at the first opportunity! Mind you, they plus side of the mozzie spray, it does enhance the slight tan I have!
In through Dog Poo ally and then immediately turn right to head up the hill to Chislehurst Road. It became obvious to me then that maybe I was being a little too ambitions thinking about running with group 1 after! The muscles that I had been relaxing by not running suddenly woke up and just let me know that they were not amused! The muscles that had a weeks break from riding my bike, already were aching from a ride I did on Monday, also let me know that I am 50 something year old ex couch potato, who should be learning lawn bowls!
Not to be deterred I encouraged all the others to get going, and I will lead from the back! I didn't think it would look to good to be looking a total wreck trying to keep in front! But my lovely friends wouldn't think that anyway! We all encouraged one another, All of us there on Tuesday were either post holiday chubsters, or coming back from injury or just working on getting up to group 1 spec! So I was in good.....nay great company!
We have a few walking breaks and and few stops to catch breath. I lead them (from behind) all the way to the top of the woods. I normally would have gone down the middle path and then back to the wreck, so that I could compose myself for the next run, but as I wasn't going to do that we carried along the top of the woods all the way to Botany Bay Lane. I was thinking of going down there, and then back along the rail lines to Dog Poo ally.
But the ladies weren't ready to finish yet! Which I was pleased about, Kym was willing to give it a go as well. We were not speeding along, just taking it nice and steady, chatting all the way. So the extra bit was to go along the path that comes to the top of Goss Hill, and then enjoy the run down it. Left at the bottom along by the river (mozzies eat your heart out I've got the spray on) and then right up the path to the rail lines.
It really was a brilliant run with the girls. We finished our run going along side the rail lines until we got back to the beginning and then along to the rec. By the time we got back to the rec there were throngs of PWR's, all in shorts and sleeveless tops, some were standing about, some sitting on the bench some were just laying on the grass ready to hear from the leaders.
I heard a voice from the crowd, "Hi Donna, you have a trophy.....er...it's in the loo!" The loo, by the way is the disable toilet that we have a key for that we can safely use to lock our jackets and things away while we go for a run, a lock up! But my trophy, well, its a first place trophy, 1st place in the Group 1's Grand Prix!! (just don't ask how many people were entered into last years GP) I am hoping that there will be loads of group 1's for this years GP, otherwise I might just withdraw! Here's a picture of my trophy!
When I got back from the rec, I called the Old Boy up. He had been on some epic bike ride, in that heat! In fact he was really suffering, what with doing some 'get out of here' hills on his ride, the last one proved just too much! He had to walk up it. I have never known him to get of his bike and walk up hills before, and I was a bit concerned. So I arranged to meet him on route, on my bike, I had water on me and just to make sure he was ok. But as I was going to meet him, I saw DiscoRich's group running along the path that I was taking, with his group 4 runners! They were all looking pretty warm to! I was thinking that maybe I should have bought barrel on my bike instead! The St' Bernard's dog came to mind!
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Thursday Morning
So to todays run. I turned up at the rec, the weather was a lot cooler than it was on Tuesday, quite cloudy, with the hint of rain to come. I thought it would be quite muggy going through the woods. As it happened though, there was only me for the group 1 run and about 7 or 8 in DiscoRich's group 2. I think I am going to have to make that my goal, to be able to get fitter and stronger and faster (enough) to keep up with them when I am on my own! It would be nice to see some different parts of Scadbury park! But for today, I was quite happy to plod out on the route that I did on Tuesday. A no pressure run, just to see how I get on with my solo running! See if I can discipline myself to push just a little harder at times.
We all set off at the same time, group 2 were going in through Dog Poo ally as well, I trundled on behind them, and even just that little distance between the rec and the ally they were slowly pulling away from me. But I soon caught up with them........as they ad to wait to cross the road, and then the bottle neck of the entrance to the ally!
As soon as we were through DiscoRich's group took the second turning on the right to take a diagonal type path to the Chislehurst Road while I took the path next to the rail lines. The chatter from the group died down the further along the different paths we got. All though these woods are extremely popular with dog walkers you are not inundated with mutts baking and wanting to sniff you or chase along with you. The first dog walker I saw was just along this path and I wasn't to see another one until further along my run.
I was running along all alone, past the woodmans house (I am presuming this is the woodmans house by the way!) and straight up the path. Not a soul around, just the chirping of the birds and the scampering of the squirrels. It's so peaceful, but the air is just so muggy, I was expecting to be like a magnet to the mozzies around, I had forgotten to pick up my mozzie spray when I left. I half expected to roll out of these woods looking like The Thing from the Fantastic four, although not skin like stone, but more like squidgy blobs!
I got to the centre path and carried on running along the top of the woods. I decided to go on the other path, with the little smelly pond on my right, I wanted to see if I could see the heron today, or any other wildlife, but alas not today! I got to the Botany Bay Lane and ran along the back of the school. The children were out on the fields, I am not sure if they were supposed to be doing PE, as there were some in PE kit and some in full school uniform, complete with blazer!
I started to think then about how much I hated any form of physical education! Hated hockey, hated tennis, hated net ball and hated swimming most of all! How I wished just then that I had paid more attention to my health, instead of buying cigarettes and chips during the lunch breaks! I wanted to shout over at them, "enjoy your P.E. lessons, or become a couch potato like me!" Or at least, like I used to be, because look at me now! Out running, so what if don't have anyone to run with, it doesn't matter. So what if I am a slow runner, the fact is I am a runner! Two marathons, half marathon distances, 10k's 5 ks and......and.......three 1st place trophies!
Yup, it's good to be back to running!
I finished my run following the same route as Tuesday, bumping into our canine friends and their humans who seem to favour this side of the woods, along Goss hill and the River, mind you, what canine don't like a paddle in the river!
I got back to the rec, used the loo, splashed cold water on my fact to cool down a bit and then did my stretches before the others got back from their run. Most enjoyable!
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