Friday, 23 January 2015

Two Runs Are Better than None!

Hello blog lovers.

I am a tad late writing about my run yesterday morning with the girls, but here it is!

Thursday morning, on a chilly rec, Michelle and Nicola were waiting along with DiscoRich and Marianna to go for a lovely run.  Neither DiscoRich not nor my group was aiming to go through the wood, after last Sunday's experience of Hayes Common I didn't think our woods would be any different.  Even D.R. himself said that was really very wet and horrible in there, and he loves mud more than me!

So my route was the same as last Thursday, but going the other way around, well, it's kind of different.  I know last week I really struggled to keep up with the others, and I didn't expect anything different from this run, mainly because I have silly cold virus again!......By the way, anyone out there know of how to keep cold virus attacking, whether it be more exercise, or wearing double socks or even eating raisins, I would appreciate it!

I was feeling ok, just snotty and that darn cough, but energy levels feel ok, must have been the pasta that I had for lunch!  We ran out of the gate hot on the heels of D.R. and his gang, but of course that didn't last long, their lead stretched out and out.  We were going the same way, but then I think once they got onto Shepperton they went left and we turned right.

I seemed to be keeping up with the other two quite well,  I am not sure if in fact it is easier running in the opposite direction as last Thursday but I seemed to be doing quite well.  I did get behind a couple of times and walked a bit as well.  But then we got to Blackbrook Lane and the girls just flew up to Thornet Wood lane!  I kept up as best as I could.  My excuse, is that they are younger than me!  Its a good excuse and one that comes in very handy on a Thursday morning run.

They waited till I got to them and then we went through Jubilee Park together, and then back out over the bridge and out on to Great Thrift!  It was a good run, and I was fairly pleased, considering the cold virus (can I use that excuse, I think I can!) At least we still got in with the hour and got back before DiscoRich!  I had decided after this run though that track at 8 was a no go!

Geeky Stats

Run 2

This run was today, and it was a nice solo run.  An, almost gadget free run!  I used my Ipod.  I didn't want to be 'weighed down' with getting a good time, a good pace, or anything like that.  I just wanted to go out a run.  But the thing is I was really feeling like crap!  Head aches, sniffles, coughing!  Plus I just got back from shopping and I was feeling like I just want to sit down.

But, I had a word with myself, like I do quite often, to get my fat carcass out there, even if it was just for a short 1 miler!  Turn around lamppost even.  I quite liked that idea and I dragged my ass upstairs to get changed.  

Once I had all my gear on I decided, yes, it will be a short run, but a bit longer than to TAL and back.  I was going to go up to the Harvester, then through the park and back home.  Usually about 1.75 miles in distance!  I still wasn't going to use my Garmin though, I would be to tempted to look at the pace I was going at, and feel I should go faster....or slower!

But, just for 'shits and giggles' I decided to use the Nike thingy on my Ipod. Set up the distance which I think it is and then see what happens.  What I couldn't quite grasp was how my iPod was going to track me?  My Garmin connects to satelites, my phone has the gps thingy, but my iPod, well I just didn't get it.

So you can imagine my surprise when my iPod started talking to me saying that I was halfway.  I was just coming up to the Harvester at the time.  I was running pretty well, and turned left to head towards the park.  I took a little short walk half way down there and then I started to run again.

I was feeling pretty good, strangely, I was feeling pretty strong, strangely.  I must be exercises the cold virus and they are getting stronger instead, because the cough was annoying me, and my nose was just running away with me!  My headache seemed to have gone though.

Just as I got through the park the countdown started, "400 meters to go" says Miss iPod, and so on "300 meters to go, 200 meters to go"  I seemed to have found a little bit of extra with those countdowns and I started to run just a little faster, "!00 meters to go"  I was finding myself getting quite competitive now, even though it's only me running!  And then there it was "You have reached your goal" or what ever it said, but I still had just a little further to go, I had just started to run along on my road, I ran faster as my iPod told me to push pause to stop.  But I didn't I kept it going until I got up to my house.  The actual distance recorded was 1.85 miles but I was quite impressed with the time, it was 20.08, and according to Miss Ipod I was running an average of 10.55 mi/mil!  

Yeah, not too bad for someone who is suffering from a cold!  I was pleased I went out, even though just for that short little jog!

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