Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Club Run - It's Bloomin Cold!

Hello blog lovers,

What a chilly evening!  It was so lovely this morning, well, apart from a rather dark and damp spell about 2 o'clock ish, but now, this evening, it's damp and cold again.  Oh well, this is Britain, we just have to get on with it.

There has been a bus strike on today, so some of my lovely Heroes didn't make it to the rec today. Either they couldn't get there or their husbands couldn't get back home in time from work.  But there were still 6 of us ready to run up the undulating route!  We also welcomed three new heroes into the group. One coming back from injury and the other two getting their running back 'up and running' 'scuse the pun!

So we had a nice warm up first, get the muscles warmed up.  It is just so painful trying to run with cold legs and it could cause injuries too.  Even if you do a very gentle first half mile run, at a very gently pace, then that's ok, but because I want our group members to run at their best for as long as they can over the 2 miles or so, we do our warm up in the rec.

Out of the gate and turn left then left again, up and up along the undulating road. It was all going really well, everyone chatting to each other, but the hill started and then the faster runners were getting a little ahead.  Chloe, one or our newbies, was wondering if maybe she was a bit eager to join Group 0, but I assured her that in group 0 we run at the slowest person, and if the faster runners are way in front then my whistle comes out and they do loop backs to rejoin us, so that we all finish the run together.  The faster runners can stay warmed up without waiting, and the back runners don't feel they are holding up anyone.

Everyone ran all the way up to the memorial hall non stop.  I was very impressed with everyone!  We had a quick break, except Nicola, who has tons of energy and did a loop back to the walking bridge and back to us.  The nice flat bit now, only thing to concentrate on is keeping going, walk if you feel, but these Heroes today just kept on running!

We had another break at the memorial hall, and then it was running all the way back, down the undulating road.  A great run today, it's a pity that the wet stuff started up again!

Geeky stats.

Group 1

Waiting around for the group 1 to start is possible one of the toughest bits of Tuesdays, ok, I slightly exaggerated, but it is hard.  Especially when its cold and raining.  I was chatting to the girls, J. and JJ, and Wendi-moo (new nickname for ChattyWendi, as this is her nickname on the Garmin site), and I was really planning on going home.  I was just chilling down so much.  Running on cold legs, as I said earlier is bloomin tough!  

But then I head where Illustrious Leader was taking us today.  Down Southborough Lane.  Now this road is long and can be boring, but it is down hill, and it's also spread out in front of you.  You can see where you're going.  And for this evening, that really help to make my mind up to go for it.  I got to keep the miles up, and I was pleased, at the moment at least, that I decided to do it.

Going down Southborough felt good, I was still feeling it though, and even took some walking breaks.  I am pleased I have a rest day tomorrow.  Rest days are good, rest days are essential!  Yes, I am going to enjoy rest day tomorrow.  The 6.80 miles were still in my legs from yesterday (notice the excuses will be making an appearance now) so I was rather slow.  But I know that I am not going to be challenging anyone in the marathon.  My aim is to get around it, and still think it was fun, but tough!  I should be happy with that.

On a lighter note, Big Son came past us as we were about 10 minutes from the finish, and started yelling out of his car "Come on, get a move on!" he said.  I had to explain to the others at the back that he was my son!  They all thought it was rather nice actually, that he acknowledge me,  most sons would get embarrassed at their mums running along in lycra and bright luminous pink jackets!

I didn't have the energy to do the usual sprint down Crossways, I just ran along next to Illustrious Leader until we got to the rec.  A great run, I am glad that I decided to do it and no woose out of it!

Geeky stats.

Geeky stats will have to wait until tomorrow, the garmin web site is down again.!

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