Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Club Night Running!

Hello Blog lovers.

Group 0

I love club nights, the friends and chat and banter, just love it!  So, the heroes group.  Brilliant bunch of peoples, all working hard to get build up fitness, come back from injuries, testing to see if injuries are getting better.  You can only tell by actually going out running, and when you're in a club with people helping you along that is all you need!

There were nine members this evening.  I was a little late turning up as work didn't finish on time this evening, yet when I got there it was good to see that the ones that were there earlier than me were busy doing the warm up drills!  Brilliant!

A fairly easy route this evening, flat mostly with the incline at the beginning of the run.  I was conscious this evening of making sure I had everyone in my sights, no one was behind me.  Mind you trying to keep an eye on the front runners was going to be a challenge now, but I had no need to worry as Nicola took on the role of front Leader.  She encouraged those that wanted to do loop backs to run back and even to loop around the Daylight Inn when we had done 2 miles.

As this is a 'Getting in/back to Group 1' session, I am trying to keep all the distances at about 2.5 miles, and to get around these routes at group 1 pace.  I knew the route I had planned for tonight would only be about 2 miles, so I had to tack on another half mile somewhere.  So I decided that we would run down Woodside to Manor Way and then run up there.  That should do it!  I was thinking on my feet, which is never a good idea, I'm not very good at multi-tasking!

But I surprised myself, it worked out fine, we had about 10 minutes left when we got into the rec to do some warm downs!  Perfect timing, even if I do say so myself.  And Nicola was very good as Group 0 Front Runner, much appreciated!

Geeky stats, and you will probably notice that the beginning of this run on the map says we started in Poverest!  Well, I think my Garmin had a hissy fit, or my Garmin and the Satellites had an argument and refused to talk to each other, but we did actually start our run from the Rec!

Group 1

So now my run with group 1!   I was still feeling achy from yesterdays cross training, which now I can say I absolutely loved! Tough, yes, but wow!  I so want to do better next time! Anyway, I digress.  Illustrious Leader is leading the group today and the route is just perfect!  It is uphill, kind of, but it's disguised well with the twists and turns as we run up to Crofton Road going through Palace estates!  I like this route.  Nice quite roads as you run up to the half way point, and then the long uninterrupted road for the run back.  Something I have come to like on my long runs.  

I was sweeping again,
"Was you?" Old Girl
"Yes, I was, I always do"
"Oh really, I would never have guessed"

I though I would get that out of the way!  Yes, I was sweeping, I like it, I can sneakily get in a little walking break if I need it, after all, I had just done 2.5 miles, that is how I justify it.  I like my excuses list!  Group 1 today seemed to be even bigger than usual!  There must have been about 20 people, snaking our way out of the rec.  We are usually the last group to leave, well, we wouldn't want to get mixed up with any of the faster groups! Especially group 8, Hannah said they were doing something like 8 miles, ish, with some hills and hill reps, up and down Summer Hill a couple of times!  Can you imagine it!  All within an hour!

So, where was I?, My thoughts keep running away with me today! Just wished the legs would run as well!  So the first half of the run is going well, there are those at the front who are going really well, then we have some middlers and then there are some at the back.  DiscoRich was sweeping the middlers, it all worked out perfectly.  This route has a couple of places to do loops for those at the back to catch up but still keep the front runners warm and not stand as wait too long.

When we was at the half way point, I really started feeling it the legs, but I was determined to keep going and only walk if any one else did! There was one young lady, and for the life of me I can't remember her name! You know when you can see the persons face, know the sound of their voice, yet the name is just a blank space in your head, well that's what I am like at the moment!  Even going through the alphabet hasn't helped!

Anyway, (the brain is running away again), this Young lady was suffering with pains in her legs.  She is also doing the marathon and got her place through the ballot, so her miles have been going up in the last few weeks.  Well we ran along at the back just pacing but keeping the group with in calling distance if there was any problems at all.

We chatted and ran back all the way to the off license.  When we got there and had a catchup we could see some runners coming over the bridge.  We made a 'tunnel of people and clapped and cheered as what I think was group 5, came running through.  Illustrious Leader then continued with her chat, explaining where we were to run too, and to run as fast as we want, but not to go any other way other than the planned route.  Just there another group of runners came over the bridge.  Again we made a tunnel and clapped and cheered.....and this time it was our friendly rivals 'The Orpies' coming over the bridge!  There was just one more mile to do before we got back to the rec.  The faster ones went off with DiscoRich and then the middlers went off with Illustrious leader, me and this young lady ran along together chatting until we got to Tudor way.  We then had a walk up to Crossways.  Her legs were really sore.  Illustrious Leader wanted to know if I will be running on ahead doing my sprinting bit, but I just that wasn't going to happen, there was nothing left in my legs today.   A rest day tomorrow, yup, that is what is going to happen tomorrow!

A great run, ok so I did some walking, but we still got in to the rec within the hour, which is perfect timing!  Natalie!.....I think that's her name!

Geeky stats

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