Monday, 5 January 2015

First Long(ish) Solo Run

Hello blog lovers.

Training begins today!  My long(ish) run happened sooner than I expected due to change of plans! This was my longest run for simply ages.  I didn't know how I was going to handle it.  My first run of the year was a total disaster, what with the whole puking thing happening!  But I really want to start pushing out now.

So from now on this is going to be like my diary, my training diary.  Every run I do, whether it's with group 0, Thursday morning and evening runs and Parkruns, they are all part of my training.  So I shall be writing about how I think I did, or didn't do. Do I think I could have done better etc.  You know, beat myself up or console myself as I write!

Day 1 Marathon training

Eventually got out of bed, duvet was definitely keeping me hostage!  Dragged on my running gear and got all my gadgets ready, Garmin, brand new Ipod and I even put on my heart rate monitor.  Straight out the door to a quite mild January morning!

It didn't take long for the satellites to find me and then I started running.  I felt good, my back is on the mend.  Cant believe it only hurts if I sit for too long, go figure! The cold virus has also gone, thankfully!  Just left with a slight cough.

The first half mile I popped into the doctors to put in a prescription, stopped my Garmin while I waited and then started it again as soon as I left the surgery.  So continued on down Southborough Lane.  I My planned to run down the A21 towards Locksbottom, is such a demoralising run.  One road, all the way down, boring!  Even with my music blasting in my ears!  Rethink needed.

I got to the end, Crown Lane and turned right, towards Bromley.  There, now I was feeling better with my new plan in action.  It's still on the A21, but not for long.  There will be turns and hills and more turns.  I can do this.  the time that has lasped between my run last year and my first run this year is going to a distant memory!  I can do this.

 Some song come on my Ipod.  I can't remember ever hearing it, (I kind of pinched the Old Boys tunes as we both more or less love the same music) and I really got into the stride.  I started running just a little bit faster, determined to get to the traffic lights on Homesdale before the end of the song!  I did it Pleased with myself about that, and that song is going into my jogging tunes!

Homesdale road next, with that hill at the top.  Right then it was a challenge, one that I had every intent of seeing through.  I took it easier until the bottom of the hill, with some bits of walking of course, I am not superwoman....yet! You will be Old Girl, you can do it!

The hill fecking beat me, I stopped, just for a few seconds, but with a whack on the ass I was getting going again. Next time Old Girl, next time.

Going straight up though, what is the name of that road at the top, but that's where I am going.  Another steady little incline, you're gonna have to do it Old Girl. Walking, walking, telling off, feeling bloody annoyed now, and start telling myself off......out loud!  That poor chap doing his gardening, what on earth did he think as I passed by!

Now it's Blackbrook, still making descions.  Push on through to the end or go through Jubilee.  I decided to push on to the end, then I could have two options, to opportunities to either beat myself up or pat on the back!  Through the local park, which is about 3 quarters of a mile or back down Southborough which is quarter of a mile more!  It's small steps, but they are my small steps!

When I got to the end, I was looking, looking at that lovely shortcut, and I just knew, there is no way I am going that way!  Get yo ass going woman! Training remember!

Pushed on down Southborough, top Oxhawth and then the road I dare not stop!  I was running pretty bloomin well! Yup, I get the pat on the back, but with at 'you could have done better!' Next time! you wait!

Geeky stats!

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