Monday, 4 March 2013

Short Quality Run!

Hello blog lovers.

I am getting used to these quality runs! Longer running for me without stopping!  I had a running buddy with me this evening! Smarty Pants. I text her just after I finished work, and just in time, as she was getting too cosy at home and the motivation was ebbing away.  But I told her to get her self around at my house, while I finished  getting ready! I didn't want her to have any distractions or any excuses to settle down for the evening.

She was with me in about 5 minutes flat! There's the motivation!   I potted about getting all my stuff together, finding my 'no blister socks and trying to find my HRM (which I didn't find).  As soon as I was ready I ushered her out of the door, waited for the satellites to find me and then off we went. Just our usual route, "No hills" the Old Boy had said to Smarty Pants just before we closed the door. But both Smarty Pants and I disagreed with that. Well for a start the first bit of our run is a very slight incline. Ok, it is almost flat, but coming back down it after 3 miles, or 4 or more, feels so good. And then of course there is Magpiehall Lane. Back in the early days I used to look at that as my nemesis! It took me for ever to run all the way up it from Greenway.

We both warmed up quite nicely by the time we did the  first mile.  It was a bit slower than yesterday, but sometimes that's just the way it goes. "You can't be fast all the time" the Old Boy said after I had told him that. Smarty Pants was suffering a bit of a stitch. "Try taking a deep breath in and holding it for a few seconds before  breathing out again" I suggested.  This bit advice was given to me from Naggy Neighbour yesterday, after I got a stitch.  We carried on running along, both of us deep in thought.

I was feeling some aches in my shins, and I was also worrying about the big blister on my toe! The blister came after after yesterdays run.  While we are on the subject of blisters, is it wiser to leave them alone or burst them, get all the moister out.  I don't want it getting any bigger, but I don't want it popping and then start rubbing and getting sore.

I had said to Smarty Pants, that this route is quite a good psychological route to do. I know all the places where I stop for a walking section. I know that now I have to train my mind that I don't need to stop. It's obvious! I ran for 3 miles without stopping yesterday, there is no reason why I can't do it again today.  I know that Smarty Pants can do it, well, she is ten years younger than me!

The very last straight road before my road was next. This is where I stopped before, with the Old Boy. I had done the route, and just at the top of Oxhawth Crescent is where I stopped.  I wanted to get passed that now. Still keeping the pace going.  "Are you coming to my house or you going straight to yours" I asked Smarty Pants, more to take my mind of the last of my stopping points than anything thing else. "No I shall go straight to mine" she told me.

As soon as we were on Faringdon then my mind and my body we as one again. There is no stopping, there will be no slowing down of the pace that I am doing now. There is to be no whinging. There will be enjoyment, there will be happy thoughts. I am a runner!

We parted company at the second Laburnum and I carried on towards home. Determined, so pleased that I had ran the whole way, I can do it, I have done it, and I will continue to do it! I am a runner! AT LAST!

Just one last thing before I sign off from todays blog, you will notice the just giving sign, just at the top here, on the write. Technology is amazing, you just click on it, and it takes you to a page, you put in some numbers,  and voilla! You're helping to kick cancers arse! How cool is that!

So Geeky stats.

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