Hello blog lovers.
Beautiful morning and I was working! I was itching to get out and run in the sun. Smarty Pants was also keen to get out and run and as I had a couple of hours kid free we arranged to run for 7 miles. Running in the sunshine is just so much more appealing than running around a track in the cold night air that I would have been doing this evening.
I didn't want to waste a minute of running time. I picked up Smarty Pants I drove to the pre-school to drop of my grandson. Then we started our run, from the school gate. We are going to be doing the posh houses route, but because of where we started the mile markers will be different. So no psychologically waiting for the beep of the Garmin to go off where they would of, before.
We were chatting away as we ran towards the A21, a little faster than I wanted to, at under 11 minute miling, so I slowed it down again, taking it easy. I'm practising for the long haul! It wasn't as bright out as it was this morning, but at least it was dry "It was so nice this morning" said Smarty Pants, I hope the sun comes back out.
By the time we got near to the garage the sun came back out. "There's your sun shine" I said to her. We were getting closer to the hill, I was getting warmer by the minute. I had wrapped up like an onion again! So my pink jacket came off, I stuffed it into the little bag and put in on my arm. Just in time for the hill!
I really wanted to do this hill in one go. No stopping on it at all. I have done it before, and people say to me, "Oh you've done that, you can do it again" Unfortunately my body (and mind) always disagree with that statement. But today I wanted to try, I always want to try! I took a deep gulp of breath and then started up the hill. Smarty Pants was close by my side, I think we both looked up and wanted to do this hill in one go.
I concentrated on my running, I tried to ignore the little voice in me to just get to the next lamppost and the take a breather, I can do this, I have done it before, surely I can do it again? We kept up a steady pace, both of us side by side. I could see the turning to the posh estate! I think I can do this! "Maybe I will take a break up there if Smarty Pants wants one, but if not, then I will just have to carry on. But when we reached the top of the hill, and the entrance to the posh houses, Smarty Pants needed a break! But it wasn't because she was knackered, or puffed out, her calf was giving her a bit of gip! So we walked a bit through the estate looking at the lovely houses, and the cars parked outside. And then we started to run again. But we did have to stop just before we came out of the estate, so I suggested that she do some calf stretching. Maybe an hour of Reebok step had taken its toll on her calf.
Afterwards she seemed to be fine and we ran on towards Crofton. But I was going to cut off a couple of miles for her and go through the alleyway. It is so much nicer running through trees, away from traffic anyway!
We got back to her house in just over the hour after doing about 5 miles. I said goodbye to her and I continued to run. I wanted to do another couple of miles at least before I picked up the young dudes from school. Being the magnetism of my home was quite strong! I decided that I wasn't going run pass by my house, I would run along the road parallel to mine and then run through the local park and out on to Southborough and head towards my car.
That would be about 2 miles. By this time I was even warmer, the sun was out, it was like a lovely spring day, off with another layer. Now I am glad that I put a short sleeved tech top underneath! I was running up towards bottom Oxhawth, I looked at my Garmin, "I am going to have to go down top Oxhawth and the back towards my car to get in 7 miles" I thought to myself.
So that's what I did. I ran passed a friend of mine who was walking along, and headed towards my car. I could see it, I glanced at my Garmin, just .20 of a mile to go, I am going to have to run pass it to make it 7 miles! But I did it.
I ran back to my car just as my friend got to me "That's cheating" she said "Yes, but I have just done 7 miles" I told her. Done! 7 miles and feeling pleased with myself!
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