Hello blog lovers.
I could quite easily have said "Cheerio" to the Old Boy as he went on his cycle ride, and then curled up under my snuggly. But as you all know, if I'm blogging, then I went jogging! Yes, it was freezing out, well it was 1 degree c, and yes, I was still very achy from my long run on Sunday. Yet still I found some energy to get out and do it. I needed to do it, I needed to know that I can just get back to jogging after doing 14 miles, or 15 miles. After all, that is only half of what I need to do next month.
I had on plenty of layers on, gloves, hat and buff, plus a determination to keep up with the group today, although I will volunteer to be sweeper because that is deffo where I would be. My legs were complaining just walking to the car! Lets see if they notice that I shall be chucking them around a chilly course this evening!
Our Illustrious Leader was leading Group 1 and she told us our route. "There is a hill involved" she said with a smile! "It will be good for me" I thought to myself as I heard the other group 1's groaning a bit. Then we heard group 2's route "You should join them Old Girl" said Janet, "At least there is no hills" Being here in Bromley and Pettswood there is just no getting away from hills, no matter which way you go, it's just the degrees of steepness that matters.
We set off and headed in the direction of the hill. First off we have to run down it. It felt good, but the longer we ran down it the more you thought "We got to run back up again soon" as the road that I.L. had chosen was parallel to this one!
The group today all kept together very well indeed. Going down hill helps in that particular incident. But also you just know that, and for want of a better word for them, the New Recruits to group 1 (I can't call them beginners anymore) are getting fitter and faster! We were all running along together as a group. Brilliant!
Then came the hill. We saw it going up. We had a little breather at the bottom, I.L. said "Just run up the hill at your own speed, don't try and race it" well, I for one won't be racing it. "And if you get to the top and want to keep warm waiting for everyone else, then just run around the little green at the top"
We all started off up the hill. Using our arms to power up the hill, and taking shorter strides, you could see and even feel everyone concentrating on geetting up the hill in one go. I didn't think I could do it. It seemed like a long run down and now we are running up again. I could see the top of the hill, the two ladies at the back with me could see the top of the hill, Janet and J.J. All of us kept focused on the top. We all did it! And we all made it virtually together, with out anyone having to run around the top to keep warm.
The run back to the rec was just perfect, with maybe one slight incline to get up. But after the elation getting up the main hill hardly anyone noticed it. We were running straight pass the top of Crossways after running down Brichwood, to go down the next road, Towncourt. This was just to get the extra half mile in to make it nearly 3 and half miles.
Coming back to Crossways I encouraged Janet and J.J. to just give a little bit extra to do a sprint finish. Just a little bit to teach our bodies that there is still a little extra to push us a little bit faster. Both of them gave it a go! Very proud of them to try that after the hilly route. Hardly any unofficial walking stops, maybe just one two of three. So well done all. And, I know we don't thank you, Illustrious Leader, for giving us hills to do, but when we do them and we do them well, we are very pleased with ourselves, so thanks go's to you.
Geeky stats.
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