Hello blog lovers.
Well this is going to be really short and sweet as its late. I had to come back straight from club runs, pack up my bags, check everything, and then whisk it around to my daughters, as we are going to France tomorrow. It won't be a cultural experience, sampling the french cuisine and tasting some of the marvellous wines, or even contemplate going in the Louvre to immerse ourselves in the arts, no. We shall be screaming, and yelling and hunting down mice! Mickey and Minnie Mouse to be precise, and maybe try and have tea with Buzz Lightyear!
Oh blimey, I have gone on too long already! So, first of I helped out at the beginners sessions, they are up to 2 mins walk, 10 mins jog x 3, over 2.90 miles. The now famous Jogging Hippo helped out with the beginners today, and he had the honour of taking the Speedy Gonzales Fan club, while I took up any in the middle, and then Coach Mike (formally known as Kit man Mike) took on the role of sweeper.
As it is very late, all I can say is they all ran brilliantly. Elaine, who was in the middle section, had only run up to 6 mins then walked for 2. She had missed out on a few sessions with Coach Mike, but she kept up and kept going so well. And I felt such great relief when I heard her telling herself to keep going! You see, I am not the only one who does that! Anyway a big pat on the back for her run today. Jogging Hippo's group were way ahead, luckily Mike had put the route up on the facebook page, and knew exactly were to go. They just disappeared into the night, going at q very nice pace. In fact, I believe, one of the speedy girls did park run in 27 mins!!!! (faster me......tons faster than me!)
Geeky stats for Beginners.
Then it was on to Group 1 runs. Singstar Jo was leading today, with Illustrious Leader and Sue doing sweeper roles, Singstar Jo only just made it in time as she got stuck in traffic. Our route was to be one of Kay's favourite routes, she has some sort of mantra she uses as she runs up here! We did have a little accident going along here, one of the runners tripped up, and she fell ever so elegantly to the floor. But she was fine, and could carry on running.
When we got back on Pettswood High street and the over the walking bridge we had another little regroup. Singstar Jo told us the next bit of the route. "Are you going to do the longer bit, or are you going to go the shorter way" I said to Kay and Janet. They both chose to go the longer route, which even features another little riser!
As this was virtually straight forward all the way back to the Rec, and as Illustrious leader and Sue were sweeping I decided to push out a little bit and take the lead and run a slightly faster pace back. Can you believe this is me writing this, the Old girl, ex-couchie! But it's true, you just ask any of them there today!
David (I think that's his name, I am dreadful with names, probably why everyone ends up with nick names) well, he decided to join me on this last bit of the route. We headed out in the lead and pulled away from the rest of the group, chatting away. Then just as we turned down Crossways I started my sprint "Oh, ok" said David and he kept up with me, I am sure he was being a gentleman and letting me stay out in front!
A great run today, great company, in both runs. And now I go to bed! DisneyLand Paris, here we come!
Group 1 geeky stats
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