Hello Blog Lovers,
Finally feel fit enough for going out running. This cold really had me over the weekend. I didn't see Sunday morning at all, and only got out of bed about ten to two in the afternoon! I was thinking then that maybe the parkrun was probably not a good idea, even though I was glad I did it!
There is no way that I am going to go up to the next group, not yet anyway. Maybe after the marathon, I will seriously think about it. Maybe share my time between the two groups, using group 2 as a fast challenge. But that's after the big 'M'.
SingstarJo was taking out group 1 today, and when she asked for sweepers, as there were no immediate show of hands, of course my hand went up! Our group had grown. Some of the runners from the beginners had joined our merry band. And also there were a few new comers and some runners that hadn't been for a while! So we were quite a sizable group.
SingstarJo said that she was going to keep it nice and gentle to gently ease the beginners into our ranks. She did, however, mention, ever so quietly under her breath, cardiac hill! I think she didn't want to terrify the newbies too much.
But she kept to her word, a nice gentle run around Pettswood. Pass the kebab shops, which was smelling sooooo good. Every one was keeping together, a very nicely paced social run today. The little hill, affectionately known as cardiac hill came and was conquered by everyone. I am sure that no one even felt that hill.....ooops, I mean upside down hole, as everyone was chatting away nicely, at least, all of us at the back was.
There was only two roads left to do before we were back onto crossways, but SingstarJo knew that wouldn't be quite the mileage that we are used to. So to tease us all, we were going to run down Crossways and then turn right into Woodrise! Yes, another little hill! S.J. did offer a 'way out' for those not wanting to do the little extra loop. "So, ladies" I had said to Kay, Janet, and JJ, "Are you going to be doing the extra bit or are you going for the rec?" "Oh no" Said Kay, quite definitely "I won't be able to do that, that's a hill" I kept asking her as we were coming out of Willet Way and crossing over Pettswood Road. "You can do this" I said encouragingly "You can do this, it's easy, just take it nice and gentle" I really thought I had lost the battle as she kept saying "no, no no". But as we were getting closer to the right turn I could feel her resolve crumbling "Look, its just up there, then its all flat"
She chose to do it! And so did Janet and JJ, and so did a newbie behind her! See, PWR's are made of great stuff! A great determination, and guts! We all headed on up towards Kingsway, which is the other half of the horseshoe road that we are running on. Our Illustrious Leader who was sweeping with me was running along with a newbie, Wenday, (recruited to the ranks by Kay and Janet,) and they decided to just run the hill and then run down again and go and open the gate of the rec. The rest of us carried on around the other half of the horseshoe road.
The nice downhill section was soon in our sight as we could see the bottom of the road, and Crossways with the entrance to the park, and the finish. We had just stated running down hill when JJ tripped up! Oh no, she had only just come back to us after staying away for a while due to injury! She stood up, brushed herself off, took a deep breath and then said, come on lets run this bit! See what I mean, PWR = Great Stuff! Well done JJ, I'm so glad that you didn't pull any muscles when you fell. And it's good to have you back! She did suffer a grazed knee, and she was looking like a true runner with the blood trickly down her leg, and he saying "Oh it's nothing!"
Thanks SingstarJo for keeping it nice and easy, I don't think my lungs would have coped with anything more strenuous today, I am sure another day off from running and I should be as right as rain!
Geeky stats. Oh, and you will notice that it says 6 miles! We didn't actually do six miles, honest! I thought I had turned off my Garmin, but I actually didn't so it was still recording! The actual time was 58.59 secs for 3.76 miles. I do remember looking at my watch and noticed those numbers! The rest of the route is me going home!
But the route is interesting, with more hills than than I thought although I just didn't notice them!
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